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       r.sim.water  - Overland flow hydrologic simulation using path sampling method (SIMWE).


       raster, flow, hydrology


       r.sim.water help
       r.sim.water   [-t]   elevin=name   dxin=name  dyin=name   [rain=name]    [rain_val=float]    [infil=name]
       [infil_val=float]    [manin=name]    [manin_val=float]     [traps=name]     [depth=name]     [disch=name]
       [err=name]     [nwalk=integer]     [niter=integer]     [outiter=integer]    [diffc=float]    [hmax=float]
       [halpha=float]   [hbeta=float]   [--overwrite]  [--verbose]  [--quiet]

           Time-series output

           Allow output files to overwrite existing files

           Verbose module output

           Quiet module output

           Name of the elevation raster map [m]

           Name of the x-derivatives raster map [m/m]

           Name of the y-derivatives raster map [m/m]

           Name of the rainfall excess rate (rain-infilt) raster map [mm/hr]

           Rainfall excess rate unique value [mm/hr]
           Default: 50

           Name of the runoff infiltration rate raster map [mm/hr]

           Runoff infiltration rate unique value [mm/hr]
           Default: 0.0

           Name of the Mannings n raster map

           Mannings n unique value
           Default: 0.1

           Name of the flow controls raster map (permeability ratio 0-1)

           Output water depth raster map [m]

           Output water discharge raster map [m3/s]

           Output simulation error raster map [m]

           Number of walkers, default is twice the no. of cells

           Time used for iterations [minutes]
           Default: 10

           Time interval for creating output maps [minutes]
           Default: 2

           Water diffusion constant
           Default: 0.8

           Threshold water depth [m] (diffusion increases after this water depth is reached)
           Default: 0.3

           Diffusion increase constant
           Default: 4.0

           Weighting factor for water flow velocity vector
           Default: 0.5


       r.sim.water is a landscape scale simulation model  of  overland  flow  designed  for  spatially  variable
       terrain,  soil,  cover  and  rainfall  excess  conditions.  A  2D  shallow water flow is described by the
       bivariate form of Saint Venant equations. The numerical solution is  based  on  the  concept  of  duality
       between  the  field  and  particle  representation  of the modeled quantity. Green's function Monte Carlo
       method, used to solve the equation, provides robustness necessary for spatially variable  conditions  and
       high  resolutions (Mitas and Mitasova 1998). The key inputs of the model include elevation (elevin raster
       map), flow gradient vector given by first-order partial derivatives of elevation  field  (dxin  and  dyin
       raster  maps),  rainfall  excess  rate (rain raster map or rain_val single value) and a surface roughness
       coefficient given by Manning's n (manin raster map or manin_val single value). Partial derivatives raster
       maps  can  be  computed  along  with  interpolation of a DEM using the -d option in module. If
       elevation raster map is already provided,  partial  derivatives  can  be  computed  using  r.slope.aspect
       module.  Partial derivatives are used to determine the direction and magnitude of water flow velocity. To
       include a predefined direction of flow, map algebra  can  be  used  to  replace  terrain-derived  partial
       derivatives  with  pre-defined  partial  derivatives  in  selected  grid cells such as man-made channels,
       ditches or culverts. Equations (2) and (3) from this report can be used to compute partial  derivates  of
       the predefined flow using its direction given by aspect and slope.

       The   module   automatically   converts   horizontal   distances   from   feet  to  metric  system  using
       database/projection information. Rainfall excess is defined as rainfall intensity - infiltration rate and
       should  be provided in [mm/hr].  Rainfall intensities are usually available from meteorological stations.
       Infiltration rate depends on soil properties and land cover. It varies in space and time.  For  saturated
       soil  and  steady-state water flow it can be estimated using saturated hydraulic conductivity rates based
       on field measurements or using reference values which can be found in literature.  Optionally,  user  can
       provide  an overland flow infiltration rate map infil or a single value infil_val in [mm/hr] that control
       the rate of infiltration for  the  already  flowing  water,  effectively  reducing  the  flow  depth  and
       discharge.  Overland flow can be further controled by permeable check dams or similar type of structures,
       the user can provide a map of these structures and their permeability ratio in the map traps that defines
       the probability of particles to pass through the structure (the values will be 0-1).

       Output  includes a water depth raster map depth in [m], and a water discharge raster map disch in [m3/s].
       Error of the numerical solution can be analyzed using the err raster map (the resulting water depth is an
       average, and err is its RMSE).  The output vector points map outwalk can be used to analyze and visualize
       spatial distribution of walkers at different simulation times (note that the  resulting  water  depth  is
       based  on  the  density  of  these  walkers).  Number  of  the output walkers is controled by the density
       parameter, which controls how many walkers  used  in  simulation  should  be  written  into  the  output.
       Duration of simulation is controled by the niter parameter. The default value is 10 minutes, reaching the
       steady-state may require much longer time, depending on the time step, complexity of terrain, land  cover
       and  size  of  the  area.  Output water depth and discharge maps can be saved during simulation using the
       time series flag -t and outiter parameter defining the time step in minutes  for  writing  output  files.
       Files  are  saved  with  a  suffix  representing  time  since  the  start  of simulation in seconds (e.g.
       wdepth.500, wdepth.1000).

       Overland flow is routed based on partial derivatives of  elevation  field  or  other  landscape  features
       influencing  water  flow.  Simulation  equations include a diffusion term (diffc parameter) which enables
       water flow to overcome elevation depressions or obstacles when water  depth  exceeds  a  threshold  water
       depth  value  (hmax),  given  in [m]. When it is reached, diffusion term increases as given by halpha and
       advection term (direction of flow) is given as "prevailing" direction of flow computed as average of flow
       directions from the previous hbeta number of grid cells.


       A  2D  shallow  water  flow is described by the bivariate form of Saint Venant equations (e.g., Julien et
       al., 1995). The continuity of water flow relation is coupled with the momentum conservation equation  and
       for  a  shallow  water  overland flow, the hydraulic radius is approximated by the normal flow depth. The
       system of equations is closed using the Manning's relation. Model assumes that the flow is close  to  the
       kinematic wave approximation, but we include a diffusion-like term to incorporate the impact of diffusive
       wave effects. Such an incorporation of diffusion in the water flow simulation is not new  and  a  similar
       term  has  been  obtained  in  derivations  of  diffusion-advection equations for overland flow, e.g., by
       Lettenmeier and Wood, (1992). In our reformulation, we simplify the diffusion coefficient to  a  constant
       and  we  use  a  modified  diffusion  term.   The  diffusion  constant which we have used is rather small
       (approximately one order of magnitude smaller than the reciprocal Manning's  coefficient)  and  therefore
       the  resulting  flow is close to the kinematic regime. However, the diffusion term improves the kinematic
       solution, by overcoming small shallow pits common in digital elevation models (DEM) and by smoothing  out
       the  flow  over slope discontinuities or abrupt changes in Manning's coefficient (e.g., due to a road, or
       other anthropogenic changes in elevations or cover).

       Green's function stochastic method of solution.
       The Saint Venant equations are solved by a stochastic method called Monte Carlo (very  similar  to  Monte
       Carlo  methods  in  computational  fluid  dynamics  or  to quantum Monte Carlo approaches for solving the
       Schrodinger equation (Schmidt and Ceperley, 1992, Hammond et al., 1994; Mitas, 1996)). It is assumed that
       these equations are a representation of stochastic processes with diffusion and drift components (Fokker-
       Planck equations).

       The Monte Carlo technique has several unique advantages which are becoming even more important due to new
       developments  in  computer  technology.   Perhaps  one  of the most significant Monte Carlo properties is
       robustness which enables us to solve the equations for complex cases,  such  as  discontinuities  in  the
       coefficients  of  differential  operators  (in our case, abrupt slope or cover changes, etc). Also, rough
       solutions can be estimated rather quickly, which allows us to carry out preliminary quantitative  studies
       or  to  rapidly  extract  qualitative  trends by parameter scans. In addition, the stochastic methods are
       tailored to the new generation of computers as they provide scalability  from  a  single  workstation  to
       large  parallel  machines  due  to the independence of sampling points. Therefore, the methods are useful
       both for everyday exploratory work using a desktop computer  and  for  large,  cutting-edge  applications
       using high performance computing.


       Spearfish region:
       g.region rast=elevation.10m -p
       r.slope.aspect elevation=elevation.10m dx=elev_dx dy=elev_dy
       # synthetic maps
       r.mapcalc "rain    = if(elevation.10m, 5.0, null())"
       r.mapcalc "manning = if(elevation.10m, 0.05, null())"
       r.mapcalc "infilt  = if(elevation.10m, 0.0, null())"
       # simulate
       r.sim.water elevin=elevation.10m dxin=elev_dx dyin=elev_dy \
                   rain=rain manin=manning infil=infilt \
                   nwalk=5000000 depth=depth
       # visualize
       r.shaded.relief elevation.10m
       d.mon x0
       d.font Vera
       d.rast.leg depth pos=85
       d.his i=elevation.10m.shade h=depth
       d.barscale at=4,92 bcolor=none tcolor=black -t

       Water depth map in the Spearfish (SD) area


       If the module fails with
       ERROR: nwalk (7000001) > maxw (7000000)!
        then a lower nwalk parameter value has to be selected.

SEE ALSO, r.slope.aspect, r.sim.sediment


       Helena Mitasova, Lubos Mitas
       North Carolina State University

       Jaroslav Hofierka
       GeoModel, s.r.o. Bratislava, Slovakia

       Chris Thaxton
       North Carolina State University


                      Mitasova,  H.,  Thaxton, C., Hofierka, J., McLaughlin, R., Moore, A., Mitas L., 2004, Path
                     sampling method for modeling overland water flow, sediment transport and short term terrain
                     evolution in Open Source GIS.  In: C.T. Miller, M.W. Farthing, V.G. Gray, G.F. Pinder eds.,
                     Proceedings of  the  XVth  International  Conference  on  Computational  Methods  in  Water
                     Resources (CMWR XV), June 13-17 2004, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, Elsevier, pp. 1479-1490.

                      Mitasova H, Mitas, L., 2000, Modeling spatial processes in multiscale framework: exploring
                     duality between particles and fields, plenary talk at GIScience2000  conference,  Savannah,

                      Mitas,  L.,  and  Mitasova,  H.,  1998,  Distributed soil erosion simulation for effective
                     erosion prevention. Water Resources Research, 34(3), 505-516.

                      Mitasova,  H.,  Mitas,  L.,  2001,  Multiscale  soil  erosion  simulations  for  land  use
                     management,  In:  Landscape  erosion and landscape evolution modeling, Harmon R. and Doe W.
                     eds., Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, pp. 321-347.

                      Neteler, M. and Mitasova, H., 2008, Open Source GIS: A GRASS GIS Approach. Third  Edition.
                     The International Series in Engineering and Computer Science: Volume 773. Springer New York
                     Inc, p. 406.

       Last changed: $Date: 2010-11-28 14:18:09 -0800 (Sun, 28 Nov 2010) $

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