Provided by: slurm-llnl-slurmdbd_2.6.5-1_amd64 bug


       sacctmgr - Used to view and modify Slurm account information.


       sacctmgr [OPTIONS...] [COMMAND...]


       sacctmgr  is  used  to  view  or modify Slurm account information.  The account information is maintained
       within a database with the interface being provided by slurmdbd (Slurm Database daemon).   This  database
       can  serve  as  a  central storehouse of user and computer information for multiple computers at a single
       site.  Slurm account information is recorded based upon four parameters that form what is referred to  as
       an  association.   These  parameters  are  user, cluster, partition, and account. user is the login name.
       cluster is the name of a Slurm  managed  cluster  as  specified  by  the  ClusterName  parameter  in  the
       slurm.conf  configuration  file.  partition is the name of a Slurm partition on that cluster.  account is
       the bank account for a job.  The intended mode of operation is to initiate  the  sacctmgr  command,  add,
       delete, modify, and/or list association records then commit the changes and exit.

       Note: The content's of SLURM's database are maintained in lower case. This may
              result in some sacctmgr output differing from that of other SLURM commands.


       -h, --help
              Print a help message describing the usage of sacctmgr.  This is equivalent to the help command.

       -i, --immediate
              commit changes immediately.

       -n, --noheader
              No header will be added to the beginning of the output.

       -p, --parsable
              Output will be '|' delimited with a '|' at the end.

       -P, --parsable2
              Output will be '|' delimited without a '|' at the end.

       -Q, --quiet
              Print no messages other than error messages.  This is equivalent to the quiet command.

       -r, --readonly
              Makes it so the running sacctmgr cannot modify accounting information.  The readonly option is for
              use within interactive mode.

       -s, --associations
              Use with show or list to display  associations  with  the  entity.   This  is  equivalent  to  the
              associations command.

       -v, --verbose
              Enable detailed logging.  This is equivalent to the verbose command.

       -V , --version
              Display version number.  This is equivalent to the version command.


       add <ENTITY> <SPECS>
              Add an entity.  Identical to the create command.

              Use with show or list to display associations with the entity.

       create <ENTITY> <SPECS>
              Add an entity.  Identical to the add command.

       delete <ENTITY> where <SPECS>
              Delete the specified entities.

       dump <ENTITY> <File=FILENAME>
              Dump cluster data to the specified file.

       exit   Terminate sacctmgr interactive mode.  Identical to the quit command.

       help   Display a description of sacctmgr options and commands.

       list <ENTITY> [<SPECS>]
              Display  information  about  the specified entity.  By default, all entries are displayed, you can
              narrow results by specifying SPECS in your query.  Identical to the show command.

       load <FILENAME>
              Load cluster data to the specified file.

       modify <ENTITY> where <SPECS> set <SPECS>
              Modify an entity.

              Use with show or list to display entity problems.

       quiet  Print no messages other than error messages.

       quit   Terminate the execution of sacctmgr interactive mode.  Identical to the exit command.

       show <ENTITY> [<SPECS>]
              Display information about the specified entity.  By default, all entries are  displayed,  you  can
              narrow results by specifying SPECS in your query.  Identical to the list command.

              Enable  detailed logging.  This includes time-stamps on data structures, record counts, etc.  This
              is an independent command with no options meant for use in interactive mode.

              Display the version number of sacctmgr.

       !!     Repeat the last command.


              A bank account, typically specified at job submit time using the --account= option.  These may  be
              arranged  in a hierarchical fashion, for example accounts chemistry and physics may be children of
              the account science.  The hierarchy may have an arbitrary depth.

              The entity used to group information consisting of four parameters:  account,  cluster,  partition
              (optional), and user.  Used only with the list or show command.  Add, modify, and delete should be
              done to a user, account or cluster entity.  This will in-turn update the underlying associations.

              The ClusterName parameter in the slurm.conf configuration file,  used  to  differentiate  accounts
              from on different machines.

              Used only with the list or show command to report current system configuration.

              A special privileged user usually an account manager or such that can add users or sub accounts to
              the account they are coordinator over.  This should be a trusted  person  since  they  can  change
              limits on account and user associations inside their realm.

       event  Events like downed or draining nodes on clusters.

       job    Job - but only two specific fields of the job: Derived Exit Code and the Comment String

       qos    Quality of Service.

              List of transactions that have occurred during a given time period.

       user   The login name.

       wckeys Workload  Characterization  Key. An arbitrary  string  for  grouping orthogonal accounts.


       DefaultQOS=<default qos>
              The default QOS this association and its children should have.  This is overridden if set directly
              on a user.  To clear a previously set value use the modify command with a new value of -1.

       NOTE: When read in from the slurmctld the default qos is checked against and if the default qos isn't  in
       the  list of valid QOS for that association and the association only has access to 1 QOS that will become
       the default, otherwise, no default will be set.  This should only happen when removing a QOS  from  a  <=
       2.1 sacctmgr.

       Fairshare=<fairshare number | parent>
              Number  used  in conjunction with other accounts to determine job priority. Can also be the string
              parent, this means that the parent association is used for fairshare. To clear  a  previously  set
              value use the modify command with a new value of -1.

       GraceTime=<preemption grace time in seconds>
              Specifies,  in  units of seconds, the preemption grace time to be extended to a job which has been
              selected for preemption.  The default value is zero, no preemption grace time is allowed  on  this

       NOTE: This value is only meaningful for QOS PreemptMode=CANCEL)

       GrpCPUMins=<max cpu minutes>
              The total number of cpu minutes that can possibly be used by past, present and future jobs running
              from this association and its children.  To clear a previously set value use  the  modify  command
              with a new value of -1.

       NOTE:  This  limit  is  not  enforced if set on the root association of a cluster.  So even though it may
       appear in sacctmgr output, it will not be enforced.

       ALSO NOTE: This limit only applies when using the Priority Multifactor plugin.  The time is decayed using
       the value of PriorityDecayHalfLife or PriorityUsageResetPeriod as set in the slurm.conf.  When this limit
       is reached all associated jobs running will be killed and all future jobs submitted with associations  in
       the group will be delayed until they are able to run inside the limit.

       GrpCPURunMins=<max cpu run minutes>
              Used  to  limit  the  combined  total  number  of  CPU  minutes used by all jobs running with this
              association and its children.  This takes into  consideration  time  limit  of  running  jobs  and
              consumes it, if the limit is reached no new jobs are started until other jobs finish to allow time
              to free up.

       GrpCPUs=<max cpus>
              Maximum number of CPUs running jobs are able to be allocated in aggregate for this association and
              all  associations which are children of this association.  To clear a previously set value use the
              modify command with a new value of -1.

       NOTE: This limit only applies fully when using the Select Consumable Resource plugin.

       GrpJobs=<max jobs>
              Maximum number of running jobs in aggregate for this association and all  associations  which  are
              children  of  this association.  To clear a previously set value use the modify command with a new
              value of -1.

       GrpMemory=<max memory (MB) >
              Maximum amount of memory running jobs are able to be allocated in aggregate for  this  association
              and  all associations which are children of this association.  To clear a previously set value use
              the modify command with a new value of -1.

       NOTE: This limit only applies fully when using the Select Consumable Resource plugin.

       GrpNodes=<max nodes>
              Maximum number of nodes running jobs are able to be allocated in aggregate  for  this  association
              and  all associations which are children of this association.  To clear a previously set value use
              the modify command with a new value of -1.  Each job's node allocation is counted separately (i.e.
              if a single node has resources allocated to two jobs, this is counted as two allocated nodes).

       GrpSubmitJobs=<max jobs>
              Maximum  number  of  jobs  which can be in a pending or running state at any time in aggregate for
              this association and all associations  which  are  children  of  this  association.   To  clear  a
              previously set value use the modify command with a new value of -1.

       GrpWall=<max wall>
              Maximum  wall  clock  time running jobs are able to be allocated in aggregate for this association
              and all associations which are children of this association.  To clear a previously set value  use
              the modify command with a new value of -1.

       NOTE:  This  limit  is  not  enforced if set on the root association of a cluster.  So even though it may
       appear in sacctmgr output, it will not be enforced.

       ALSO NOTE: This limit only applies when using the Priority Multifactor plugin.  The time is decayed using
       the value of PriorityDecayHalfLife or PriorityUsageResetPeriod as set in the slurm.conf.  When this limit
       is reached all associated jobs running will be killed and all future jobs submitted with associations  in
       the group will be delayed until they are able to run inside the limit.

       MaxCPUMins=<max cpu minutes>
              Maximum  number of CPU minutes each job is able to use in this association.  This is overridden if
              set directly on a user.  Default is the cluster's limit.  To clear a previously set value use  the
              modify command with a new value of -1.

       MaxCPUs=<max cpus>
              Maximum  number  of  CPUs  each job is able to use in this association.  This is overridden if set
              directly on a user.  Default is the cluster's limit.  To clear a  previously  set  value  use  the
              modify command with a new value of -1.

       NOTE: This limit only applies fully when using the Select Consumable Resource plugin.

       MaxJobs=<max jobs>
              Maximum  number  of  jobs  each  user  is allowed to run at one time in this association.  This is
              overridden if set directly on a user.  Default is the cluster's limit.  To clear a previously  set
              value use the modify command with a new value of -1.

       MaxNodes=<max nodes>
              Maximum  number  of  nodes each job is able to use in this association.  This is overridden if set
              directly on a user.  Default is the cluster's limit.  To clear a  previously  set  value  use  the
              modify command with a new value of -1.  This is a c-node limit on BlueGene systems.

       MaxSubmitJobs=<max jobs>
              Maximum  number  of  jobs which can this association can have in a pending or running state at any
              time.  Default is the cluster's limit.  To clear a previously set value  use  the  modify  command
              with a new value of -1.

       MaxWall=<max wall>
              Maximum  wall  clock  time each job is able to use in this association.  This is overridden if set
              directly on a user.  Default is the cluster's limit.  <max wall> format is <min> or <min>:<sec> or
              <hr>:<min>:<sec> or <days>-<hr>:<min>:<sec> or <days>-<hr>.  The value is recorded in minutes with
              rounding as needed.  To clear a previously set value use the modify command with a  new  value  of

       NOTE: Changing this value will have no effect on any running or pending job.

       QosLevel<operator><comma separated list of qos names>
              Specify  the  default  Quality of Service's that jobs are able to run at for this association.  To
              get a list of valid QOS's use 'sacctmgr list qos'.  This value will override its parents value and
              push  down  to  its children as the new default.  Setting a QosLevel to '' (two single quotes with
              nothing between them) restores its default setting.  You can also use the operator +=  and  -=  to
              add or remove certain QOS's from a QOS list.

              Valid <operator> values include:

              =    Set QosLevel to the specified value.

              +=   Add the specified <qos> value to the current QosLevel.

              -=   Remove the specified <qos> value from the current QosLevel.


              Specific cluster to add account to.  Default is all in system.

              An arbitrary string describing an account.

              The  name of a bank account.  Note the name must be unique and can not be represent different bank
              accounts at different points in the account hierarchy.

              Organization to which the account belongs.

              Parent account of this account. Default is the root account, a top level account.

              This allows an administrator to reset the raw  usage  accrued  to  an  account.   The  only  value
              currently  supported  is 0 (zero).  This is a settable specification only - it cannot be used as a
              filter to list accounts.

              Display all associations for this account.

              Display all coordinators for this account.

              Display information with previously deleted data.

       NOTE: If using the WithAssoc option you can also query against association specific information  to  view
       only  certain associations this account may have.  These extra options can be found in the SPECIFICATIONS
       FOR ASSOCIATIONS section.  You can also  use  the  general  specifications  list  above  in  the  GENERAL


              The name of a bank account.

              An arbitrary string describing an account.

              Organization to which the account belongs.

              List  of  users  that  are  a  coordinator  of  the  account.  (Only  filled  in  when  using  the
              WithCoordinator option.)

       NOTE: If using the WithAssoc option you can also view the information about the various associations  the
       account  may  have on all the clusters in the system.  The Association format fields are described in the


       Clusters=<comma separated list of cluster names>
              List the associations of the cluster(s).

       Accounts=<comma separated list of account names>
              List the associations of the account(s).

       Users=<comma separated list of user names>
              List the associations of the user(s).

       Partition=<comma separated list of partition names>
              List the associations of the partition(s).

       NOTE: You can also  use  the  general  specifications  list  above  in  the  GENERAL  SPECIFICATIONS  FOR

       Other options unique for listing associations:

              Display only associations that are default associations

       Tree   Display account names in a hierarchical fashion.

              Display information with previously deleted data.

              Display  information  with  subaccounts.  Only really valuable when used with the account= option.
              This will display all the subaccount associations along with the accounts listed in the option.

              Display  information  without  limit  information.  This  is  for  a  smaller  default  format  of

              Display  information  without  parent information. (i.e. parent id, and parent account name.) This
              option also invokes WOPLIMITS.

              Display information without hierarchical parent limits. (i.e. will only display limits where  they
              are set instead of propagating them from the parent.)


              The name of a bank account in the association.

              The name of a cluster in the association.

              The QOS the association will use by default if it as access to it in the QOS list mentioned below.

              Number  used  in conjunction with other accounts to determine job priority. Can also be the string
              parent, this means that the parent association is used for fairshare.

              The total number of cpu minutes that can possibly be used by past, present and future jobs running
              from this association and its children.

              Used  to  limit  the  combined  total  number  of  CPU  minutes used by all jobs running with this
              association and its children.  This takes into  consideration  time  limit  of  running  jobs  and
              consumes it, if the limit is reached no new jobs are started until other jobs finish to allow time
              to free up.

              Maximum number of CPUs running jobs are able to be allocated in aggregate for this association and
              all associations which are children of this association.

              Maximum  number  of  running jobs in aggregate for this association and all associations which are
              children of this association.

              Maximum number of nodes running jobs are able to be allocated in aggregate  for  this  association
              and  all  associations  which  are  children  of  this association.  Each job's node allocation is
              counted separately (i.e. if a single node has resources allocated to two jobs, this is counted  as
              two allocated nodes).

              Maximum  number  of  jobs  which can be in a pending or running state at any time in aggregate for
              this association and all associations which are children of this association.

              Maximum wall clock time running jobs are able to be allocated in aggregate  for  this  association
              and all associations which are children of this association.

       ID     The id of the association.

       LFT    Associations are kept in a hierarchy: this is the left most spot in the hierarchy.  When used with
              the RGT variable, all associations with a LFT inside this LFT and before the RGT are  children  of
              this association.

              Maximum number of CPU minutes each job is able to use.

              Maximum number of CPUs each job is able to use.

              Maximum number of jobs each user is allowed to run at one time.

              Maximum number of nodes each job is able to use.

              Maximum number of jobs pending or running state at any time.

              Maximum wall clock time each job is able to use.

       Qos    Valid QOS´ for this association.

              The association id of the parent of this association.

              The account name of the parent of this association.

              The name of a partition in the association.

       RawQOS The numeric values of valid QOS´ for this association.

       RGT    Associations  are  kept  in  a hierarchy: this is the right most spot in the hierarchy.  When used
              with the LFT variable, all associations with a LFT inside this RGT and after the LFT are  children
              of this association.

       User   The name of a user in the association.


              Type of machine, current classifications are capability and capacity.

       Flags=<flag list>
              Comma separated list of Attributes for a particular cluster.  Current Flags include AIX, BGL, BGP,
              BGQ, Bluegene, CrayXT, FrontEnd, MultipleSlurmd, SunConstellation, and XCPU

              The name of a cluster.  This should be equal  to  the  ClusterName  parameter  in  the  slurm.conf
              configuration file for some Slurm-managed cluster.

       RPC=<rpc list>
              Comma separated list of numeric RPC values.

              Display  information  without  limit  information.  This  is  for  a  smaller  default  format  of

       NOTE: You can also  use  the  general  specifications  list  above  in  the  GENERAL  SPECIFICATIONS  FOR


              Type of machine, i.e. capability or capacity.

              The name of the cluster.

              When a slurmctld registers with the database the ip address of the controller is placed here.

              When  a  slurmctld  registers  with the database the port the controller is listening on is placed

              The current count of cpus on the cluster.

       Flags  Attributes possessed by the cluster.

              The current count of nodes associated with the cluster.

              The current Nodes associated with the cluster.

              The numeric value of the select plugin the cluster is using.

       RPC    When a slurmctld registers with the database the rpc version the controller is running  is  placed

       NOTE:  You  can  also  view  the information about the root association for the cluster.  The Association
       format fields are described in the LIST/SHOW ASSOCIATION FORMAT OPTIONS section.


       Account=<comma separated list of account names>
              Account name to add this user as a coordinator to.

       Names=<comma separated list of user names>
              Names of coordinators.

       NOTE: To list coordinators use the WithCoordinator options with list account or list user.


              Get information on all cluster shortcut.

              Get time period for all time shortcut.

       Clusters=<comma separated list of cluster names>
              List the events of the cluster(s).  Default is the cluster where the command was run.

              Period ending of events. Default is now.

              Valid time formats are...

              HH:MM[:SS] [AM|PM]
              MMDD[YY] or MM/DD[/YY] or MM.DD[.YY]

              Specific events to look for, valid options are Cluster or Node, default is both.

              Max number of cpus affected by an event.

              Min number of cpus affected by an event.

       Nodes=<comma separated list of node names>
              Node names affected by an event.

       Reason=<comma separated list of reasons>
              Reason an event happened.

              Period start of events.  Default is 00:00:00 of previous day, unless states  are  given  with  the
              States=  spec  events.   If this is the case the default behavior is to return events currently in
              the states specified.

              Valid time formats are...

              HH:MM[:SS] [AM|PM]
              MMDD[YY] or MM/DD[/YY] or MM.DD[.YY]

       States=<comma separated list of states>
              State of a node in a node event.  If this is set, the event type is set automatically to Node.

       User=<comma separated list of users>
              Query against users who set the event.  If this is set, the event type  is  set  automatically  to
              Node since only user slurm can perform a cluster event.


              The name of the cluster event happened on.

              The hostlist of nodes on a cluster in a cluster event.

       CPUs   Number of cpus involved with the event.

              Time period the event was around for.

       End    Period when event ended.

       Event  Name of the event.

              Numeric value of the name of the event.

              The node affected by the event.  In a cluster event, this is blank.

       Reason The reason an event happened.

       Start  Period when event started.

       State  On a node event this is the formatted state of the node during the event.

              On a node event this is the numeric value of the state of the node during the event.

       User   On a node event this is the user who caused the event to happen.


              The  derived  exit  code  can  be  modified after a job completes based on the user's judgement of
              whether the job succeeded or failed.  The user can only modify the derived exit code of their  own

              The  job's  comment  string when the AccountingStoreJobComment parameter in the slurm.conf file is
              set (or defaults) to YES.  The user can only modify the comment string of their own job.

       The DerivedExitCode and Comment fields are the only fields
              of a job record in the database that can be modified after job completion.


       The sacct command is the exclusive command to display job records from the SLURM database.


       Flags  Used by the slurmctld to override or enforce certain characteristics.
              Valid options are

                     If set jobs using this QOS will be rejected at submission time if they do  not  conform  to
                     the  QOS  'Max'  limits.   By  default  jobs that go over these limits will pend until they

                     If set, and the QOS also has a UsageThreshold, any jobs submitted with this QOS  that  fall
                     below the UsageThreshold will be held until their Fairshare Usage goes above the Threshold.

                     If  this  flag is set and backfill scheduling is used, jobs using this QOS will not reserve
                     resources in the backfill schedule's  map of resources allocated through time. This flag is
                     intended  for  use  with  a QOS that may be preempted by jobs associated with all other QOS
                     (e.g use with a "standby" QOS). If the allocated is used  with  a  QOS  which  can  not  be
                     preempted by all other QOS, it could result in starvation of larger jobs.

                     If  set  jobs  using  this  QOS will be able to override the requested partition's MaxNodes

                     If set jobs using this QOS will be able to  override  the  requested  partition's  MinNodes

                     If set jobs using this QOS will be able to override the requested partition's TimeLimit.

                     If set jobs using this QOS must designate a reservation when submitting a job.  This option
                     can be useful in restricting usage of a QOS that may have greater preemptive capability  or
                     additional resources to be allowed only within a reservation.

              Preemption grace time to be extended to a job which has been selected for preemption.

              The total number of cpu minutes that can possibly be used by past, present and future jobs running
              from this QOS.

       GrpCPURunMins Used to limit the combined total number of CPU
              minutes used by all jobs running with this QOS.  This  takes  into  consideration  time  limit  of
              running  jobs  and  consumes  it, if the limit is reached no new jobs are started until other jobs
              finish to allow time to free up.

              Maximum number of CPUs running jobs are able to be allocated in aggregate for this QOS.

              Maximum number of running jobs in aggregate for this QOS.

              Maximum number of nodes running jobs are able to be allocated in aggregate  for  this  QOS.   Each
              job's  node allocation is counted separately (i.e. if a single node has resources allocated to two
              jobs, this is counted as two allocated nodes).

              Maximum number of jobs which can be in a pending or running state at any  time  in  aggregate  for
              this QOS.

              Maximum  wall  clock time running jobs are able to be allocated in aggregate for this QOS. If this
              limit is reached submission requests will be denied and the running jobs will be killed.

       ID     The id of the QOS.

              Maximum number of CPU minutes each job is able to use.

              Maximum number of CPUs each job is able to use.

              Maximum number of CPUs each user is able to use.

              Maximum number of jobs each user is allowed to run at one time.

              Maximum number of nodes each job is able to use.

              Maximum number of nodes each user is able to use.

              Maximum number of jobs pending or running state at any time per user.

              Maximum wall clock time each job is able to use.

       Name   Name of the QOS.

              Other QOS´ this QOS can preempt.

              Mechanism used to preempt  jobs  of  this  QOS  if  the  clusters  PreemptType  is  configured  to
              preempt/qos.   The  default  preemption  mechanism  is  specified  by the cluster-wide PreemptMode
              configuration parameter.  Possible values are "Cluster" (meaning use cluster  default),  "Cancel",
              "Checkpoint"   and   "Requeue".    This   option   is   not  compatible  with  PreemptMode=OFF  or
              PreemptMode=SUSPEND (i.e. preempted jobs must be removed from the resources).

              What priority will be added to a job´s priority when using this QOS.

              Usage factor when running with this QOS

              A float representing the lowest fairshare of an  association  allowable  to  run  a  job.   If  an
              association falls below this threshold and has pending jobs or submits new jobs those jobs will be
              held until the usage goes back above the threshold.  Use sshare  to  see  current  shares  on  the

              Display information with previously deleted data.


              An arbitrary string describing a QOS.

              Preemption grace time to be extended to a job which has been selected for preemption in the format
              of hh:mm:ss.  The default value is zero, no preemption grace time is allowed  on  this  partition.
              NOTE: This value is only meaningful for QOS PreemptMode=CANCEL.

              The total number of cpu minutes that can possibly be used by past, present and future jobs running
              from this QOS.  To clear a previously set value use the modify command with a  new  value  of  -1.
              NOTE:  This  limit  only  applies when using the Priority Multifactor plugin.  The time is decayed
              using the value of PriorityDecayHalfLife or PriorityUsageResetPeriod as  set  in  the  slurm.conf.
              When  this  limit  is  reached  all  associated  jobs  running  will be killed and all future jobs
              submitted with this QOS will be delayed until they are able to run inside the limit.

              Maximum number of CPUs running jobs are able to be allocated in aggregate for this QOS.  To  clear
              a  previously  set  value use the modify command with a new value of -1.  (NOTE: This limit is not
              currently enforced in SLURM.  You can still set this, but have to  wait  for  future  versions  of
              SLURM before it is enforced.)

              Maximum number of running jobs in aggregate for this QOS.  To clear a previously set value use the
              modify command with a new value of -1.

              Maximum number of nodes running jobs are able to be allocated in aggregate for this QOS.  To clear
              a  previously set value use the modify command with a new value of -1.  Each job's node allocation
              is counted separately (i.e. if a single node has resources allocated to two jobs, this is  counted
              as two allocated nodes).

              Maximum  number  of  jobs  which can be in a pending or running state at any time in aggregate for
              this QOS.  To clear a previously set value use the modify command with a new value of -1.

              Maximum wall clock time running jobs are able to be allocated in aggregate for this QOS.  To clear
              a  previously  set  value  use  the  modify command with a new value of -1.  NOTE: This limit only
              applies when using the Priority Multifactor plugin.  The  time  is  decayed  using  the  value  of
              PriorityDecayHalfLife  or  PriorityUsageResetPeriod  as set in the slurm.conf.  When this limit is
              reached all associated jobs running will be killed and all future jobs  submitted  with  this  QOS
              will be delayed until they are able to run inside the limit.

              Maximum  number  of  CPU minutes each job is able to use.  To clear a previously set value use the
              modify command with a new value of -1.

              Maximum number of CPUs each job is able to use.  To clear a previously set value  use  the  modify
              command  with  a  new value of -1.  (NOTE: This limit is not currently enforced in SLURM.  You can
              still set this, but have to wait for future versions of SLURM before it is enforced.)

              Maximum number of CPUs each user is able to use.  To clear a previously set value use  the  modify
              command with a new value of -1.

              Maximum  number  of jobs each user is allowed to run at one time.  To clear a previously set value
              use the modify command with a new value of -1.

              Maximum number of nodes each job is able to use.  To clear a previously set value use  the  modify
              command with a new value of -1.

              Maximum  number of nodes each user is able to use.  To clear a previously set value use the modify
              command with a new value of -1.

              Maximum number of jobs pending or running state at any time per user.  To clear a  previously  set
              value use the modify command with a new value of -1.

              Maximum  wall  clock  time  each job is able to use.  <max wall> format is <min> or <min>:<sec> or
              <hr>:<min>:<sec> or <days>-<hr>:<min>:<sec> or <days>-<hr>.  The value is recorded in minutes with
              rounding  as  needed.   To clear a previously set value use the modify command with a new value of

       Name   Name of the QOS.  Needed for creation.

              Other QOS´ this QOS can preempt.  Setting a Preempt to '' (two single quotes with nothing  between
              them)  restores  its  default  setting.   You can also use the operator += and -= to add or remove
              certain QOS's from a QOS list.

              Mechanism used to preempt  jobs  of  this  QOS  if  the  clusters  PreemptType  is  configured  to
              preempt/qos.   The  default  preemption  mechanism  is  specified  by the cluster-wide PreemptMode
              configuration parameter.  Possible values are "Cluster" (meaning use cluster  default),  "Cancel",
              "Checkpoint"   and   "Requeue".    This   option   is   not  compatible  with  PreemptMode=OFF  or
              PreemptMode=SUSPEND (i.e. preempted jobs must be removed from the resources).

              What priority will be added to a job´s priority when using this QOS.  To clear  a  previously  set
              value use the modify command with a new value of -1.

              Usage  factor  when  running  with  this  QOS.   This is a float that is factored into the time of
              running jobs.  e.g. if the usagefactor of a QOS was 2 for every cpu second  a  job  ran  it  would
              count  for  2.   Also  if  the usagefactor was .5 every second would only could for half the time.
              Setting this value to 0 will make it so any  job  running  will  not  add  time  to  fairshare  or
              association/qos  limits.   To clear a previously set value use the modify command with a new value
              of -1.


       Accounts=<comma separated list of account names>
              Only print out the transactions affecting specified accounts.

       Action=<Specific action the list will display>

       Actor=<Specific name the list will display>
              Only display transactions done by a certain person.

       Clusters=<comma separated list of cluster names>
              Only print out the transactions affecting specified clusters.

       End=<Date and time of last transaction to return>
              Return all transactions before this Date and time.  Default is now.

       Start=<Date and time of first transaction to return>
              Return all transactions after this Date and time.  Default is epoch.

              Valid time formats for End and Start are...

              HH:MM[:SS] [AM|PM]
              MMDD[YY] or MM/DD[/YY] or MM.DD[.YY]

       Users=<comma separated list of user names>
              Only print out the transactions affecting specified users.

              Get information about which associations were affected by the transactions.







       NOTE: If using the WithAssoc option you can also view the information about the various associations  the
       transaction  affected.   The  Association format fields are described in the LIST/SHOW ASSOCIATION FORMAT
       OPTIONS section.


              Account name to add this user to.

              Admin level of user.  Valid levels are None, Operator, and Admin.

              Specific cluster to add user to the account on.  Default is all in system.

              Identify the default bank account name to be used for a job if none  is  specified  at  submission

              Identify the default Workload Characterization Key.

              Name of user.

              Partition name.

              This  allows  an administrator to reset the raw usage accrued to a user.  The only value currently
              supported is 0 (zero).  This is a settable specification only - it cannot be used as a  filter  to
              list users.

              Workload Characterization Key values.

              Display all associations for this user.

              Display all accounts a user is coordinator for.

              Display information with previously deleted data.

       NOTE:  If  using the WithAssoc option you can also query against association specific information to view
       only certain associations this account may have.  These extra options can be found in the  SPECIFICATIONS
       FOR  ASSOCIATIONS  section.   You  can  also  use  the  general  specifications list above in the GENERAL


              Admin level of user.

              The user's default account.

              List  of  users  that  are  a  coordinator  of  the  account.  (Only  filled  in  when  using  the
              WithCoordinator option.)

       User   The name of a user.

       NOTE:  If using the WithAssoc option you can also view the information about the various associations the
       user may have on all the clusters in the system.  The Association format  fields  are  described  in  the


       WCKey  Workload Characterization Key.

              Specific cluster for the WCKey.

       User   The name of a user for the WCKey.

       NOTE:  If using the WithAssoc option you can also view the information about the various associations the
       user may have on all the clusters in the system.  The Association format  fields  are  described  in  the


       When  using  the format option for listing various fields you can put a %NUMBER afterwards to specify how
       many characters should be printed.

       e.g. format=name%30 will print 30 characters of  field  name  right  justified.   A  -30  will  print  30
       characters left justified.


       sacctmgr  has the capability to load and dump SLURM association data to and from a file.  This method can
       easily add a new cluster or copy an existing clusters  associations  into  a  new  cluster  with  similar
       accounts.  Each  file contains SLURM association data for a single cluster.  Comments can be put into the
       file with the # character.  Each line of information must begin with one of  the  four  titles;  Cluster,
       Parent,  Account or User. Following the title is a space, dash, space, entity value, then specifications.
       Specifications are colon separated.  If any variable such as Organization has a space in it, surround the
       name with single or double quotes.

       To create a file of associations one can run

       > sacctmgr dump tux file=tux.cfg
       (file=tux.cfg is optional)

       To load a previously created file you can run

       > sacctmgr load file=tux.cfg

       Other options for load are -

       clean - delete what was already there and start from scratch with this information.
       Cluster= - specify a different name for the cluster than that which is in the file.

       Quick explanation how the file works.

       Since  the  associations  in  the system follow a hierarchy, so does the file.  Anything that is a parent
       needs to be defined before any children.  The only exception is the understood 'root' account.   This  is
       always a default for any cluster and does not need to be defined.

       To edit/create a file start with a cluster line for the new cluster

       Cluster - cluster_name:MaxNodesPerJob=15

       Anything  included on this line will be the defaults for all associations on this cluster.  These options
       are as follows...

              The total number of cpu minutes that can possibly be used by past, present and future jobs running
              from this association and its children.

              Used  to  limit  the  combined  total  number  of  CPU  minutes used by all jobs running with this
              association and its children.  This takes into  consideration  time  limit  of  running  jobs  and
              consumes it, if the limit is reached no new jobs are started until other jobs finish to allow time
              to free up.

              Maximum number of CPUs running jobs are able to be allocated in aggregate for this association and
              all associations which are children of this association.

              Maximum  number  of  running jobs in aggregate for this association and all associations which are
              children of this association.

              Maximum number of nodes running jobs are able to be allocated in aggregate  for  this  association
              and  all  associations  which  are  children  of  this association.  Each job's node allocation is
              counted separately (i.e. if a single node has resources allocated to two jobs, this is counted  as
              two allocated nodes).

              Maximum  number  of  jobs  which can be in a pending or running state at any time in aggregate for
              this association and all associations which are children of this association.

              Maximum wall clock time running jobs are able to be allocated in aggregate  for  this  association
              and all associations which are children of this association.

              Number used in conjunction with other associations to determine job priority.

              Maximum number of jobs the children of this association can run.

              Maximum number of nodes per job the children of this association can run.

              Maximum cpu seconds children of this accounts jobs can run.

              Maximum time (not related to job size) children of this accounts jobs can run.

       QOS=   Comma separated list of Quality of Service names (Defined in sacctmgr).

       Followed by Accounts you want in this fashion...

              Parent - root (Defined by default)
              Account - cs:MaxNodesPerJob=5:MaxJobs=4:MaxProcSecondsPerJob=20:FairShare=399:MaxWallDurationPerJob=40:Description='Computer
              Parent - cs
              Account - test:MaxNodesPerJob=1:MaxJobs=1:MaxProcSecondsPerJob=1:FairShare=1:MaxWallDurationPerJob=1:Description='Test

       Any of the options after a ':' can be left out and they can be in any order.
              If  you want to add any sub accounts just list the Parent THAT HAS ALREADY BEEN CREATED before the
              account line in this fashion...

       All account options are

              A brief description of the account.

              Maximum number of CPU hours  running  jobs  are  able  to  be  allocated  in  aggregate  for  this
              association  and  all associations which are children of this association.  GrpCPURunMins= Used to
              limit the combined total number of CPU minutes used by all jobs running with this association  and
              its  children.   This  takes into consideration time limit of running jobs and consumes it, if the
              limit is reached no new jobs are started until other jobs finish to allow time to free up.

              Maximum number of CPUs running jobs are able to be allocated in aggregate for this association and
              all associations which are children of this association.

              Maximum  number  of  running jobs in aggregate for this association and all associations which are
              children of this association.

              Maximum number of nodes running jobs are able to be allocated in aggregate  for  this  association
              and  all  associations  which  are  children  of  this association.  Each job's node allocation is
              counted separately (i.e. if a single node has resources allocated to two jobs, this is counted  as
              two allocated nodes).

              Maximum  number  of  jobs  which can be in a pending or running state at any time in aggregate for
              this association and all associations which are children of this association.

              Maximum wall clock time running jobs are able to be allocated in aggregate  for  this  association
              and all associations which are children of this association.

              Number used in conjunction with other associations to determine job priority.

              Maximum number of jobs the children of this association can run.

              Maximum number of nodes per job the children of this association can run.

              Maximum cpu seconds children of this accounts jobs can run.

              Maximum time (not related to job size) children of this accounts jobs can run.

              Name of organization that owns this account.

              Comma separated list of Quality of Service names (Defined in sacctmgr).

       To add users to a account add a line like this after a Parent - line
              Parent - test
              User - adam:MaxNodesPerJob=2:MaxJobs=3:MaxProcSecondsPerJob=4:FairShare=1:MaxWallDurationPerJob=1:AdminLevel=Operator:Coordinator='test'

       All user options are

              Type of admin this user is (Administrator, Operator)
              Must be defined on the first occurrence of the user.

              Comma separated list of accounts this user is coordinator over
              Must be defined on the first occurrence of the user.

              system wide default account name
              Must be defined on the first occurrence of the user.

              Number used in conjunction with other associations to determine job priority.

              Maximum number of jobs this user can run.

              Maximum number of nodes per job this user can run.

              Maximum cpu seconds this user can run per job.

              Maximum time (not related to job size) this user can run.

              Comma separated list of Quality of Service names (Defined in sacctmgr).


       Sacctmgr has the capability to archive to a flatfile  and  or  load  that  data  if  needed  later.   The
       archiving is usually done by the slurmdbd and it is highly recommended you only do it through sacctmgr if
       you completely understand what you  are  doing.   For  slurmdbd  options  see  "man  slurmdbd"  for  more
       information.   Loading  data  into  the  database can be done from these files to either view old data or
       regenerate rolled up data.

       These are the options for both dump and load of archive information.

       archive dump

              Directory to store the archive data.

       Events Archive Events.  If not specified and PurgeEventAfter is set all event data removed will  be  lost

       Jobs   Archive  Jobs.   If  not  specified  and  PurgeJobAfter  is  set all job data removed will be lost

              Purge cluster event records older than time stated in months.  If you want to purge on  a  shorter
              time  period  you  can  include hours, or days behind the numeric value to get those more frequent
              purges. (e.g. a value of '12hours' would purge everything older than 12 hours.)

              Purge job records older than time stated in months.  If you want to purge on a shorter time period
              you can include hours, or days behind the numeric value to get those more frequent purges. (e.g. a
              value of '12hours' would purge everything older than 12 hours.)

              Purge step records older than time stated in months.  If you want  to  purge  on  a  shorter  time
              period  you can include hours, or days behind the numeric value to get those more frequent purges.
              (e.g. a value of '12hours' would purge everything older than 12 hours.)

              Purge job suspend records older than time stated in months.  If you want to  purge  on  a  shorter
              time  period  you  can  include hours, or days behind the numeric value to get those more frequent
              purges. (e.g. a value of '12hours' would purge everything older than 12 hours.)

              Run this script instead of the generic form of archive to flat files.

       Steps  Archive Steps.  If not specified and PurgeStepAfter is set all step  data  removed  will  be  lost

              Archive Suspend Data.  If not specified and PurgeSuspendAfter is set all suspend data removed will
              be lost permanently.

       archive load

       File=  File to load into database.

              SQL to insert directly into the database.  This should be  used  very  cautiously  since  this  is
              writing your sql into the database.


       > sacctmgr create cluster tux
       > sacctmgr create account name=science fairshare=50
       > sacctmgr create account name=chemistry parent=science fairshare=30
       > sacctmgr create account name=physics parent=science fairshare=20
       > sacctmgr create user name=adam cluster=tux account=physics fairshare=10
       > sacctmgr delete user name=adam cluster=tux account=physics
       > sacctmgr delete account name=physics cluster=tux
       > sacctmgr modify user where name=adam cluster=tux account=physics set
         maxjobs=2 maxwall=30:00
       > sacctmgr list associations cluster=tux format=Account,Cluster,User,Fairshare tree withd
       > sacctmgr list transactions StartTime=11/03\-10:30:00 format=Timestamp,Action,Actor
       > sacctmgr dump cluster=tux file=tux_data_file
       > sacctmgr load tux_data_file

       When  modifying  an  object  placing  the key words 'set' and the optional 'where' is critical to perform
       correctly below are examples to produce correct results.  As a rule of thumb anything you put in front of
       the  set  will  be  used  as  a quantifier.  If you want to put a quantifier after the key word 'set' you
       should use the key word 'where'.

       wrong> sacctmgr modify user name=adam set fairshare=10 cluster=tux

       This will produce an error as the above line reads modify user adam set fairshare=10 and cluster=tux.

       right> sacctmgr modify user name=adam cluster=tux set fairshare=10
       right> sacctmgr modify user name=adam set fairshare=10 where cluster=tux

       When changing qos for something only use the '=' operator when wanting  to  explicitly  set  the  qos  to
       something.  In most cases you will want to use the '+=' or '\-=' operator to either add to or remove from
       the existing qos already in place.

       If a user already has qos of normal,standby for a  parent  or  it  was  explicitly  set  you  should  use
       qos+=expedite to add this to the list in this fashion.

       > sacctmgr modify user name=adam set qos+=expedite

       If  you are looking to only add the qos expedite to only a certain account and or cluster you can do that
       by specifying them in the sacctmgr line.

       > sacctmgr modify user name=adam acct=this cluster=tux set qos+=expedite


       Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Lawrence Livermore National Security.  Produced at  Lawrence  Livermore  National
       Laboratory (cf, DISCLAIMER).
       Copyright (C) 2010-2013 SchedMD LLC.

       This file is part of SLURM, a resource management program.  For details, see <>.

       SLURM  is  free  software;  you  can  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
       Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
       option) any later version.

       SLURM  is  distributed  in  the  hope  that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
       implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.   See  the  GNU  General  Public
       License for more details.


       slurm.conf(5), slurmdbd(8)