Provided by: seq-gen_1.3.3-1_amd64 

seq-gen - Sequence Generator
seq-gen [-m MODEL] [-l #] [-n #] [-p #] [-s # | -d #] [-k #][-c #1 #2 #3 | -a # [-g #]] [-f e | #] [-t # | -r #][-z #] [-o[p][r][n]] [-w[a][r]] [-x NAME] [-q] [-h] [treefile]
Sequence Generator - seq-gen Version 1.3.3 -l: # = sequence length [default = 1000]. -n: # = simulated datasets per tree [default = 1]. -p: # = number of partitions (and trees) per sequence [default = 1]. -s: # = branch length scaling factor [default = 1.0]. -d: # = total tree scale [default = use branch lengths]. -k: # = use sequence k as ancestral (needs alignment) [default = random]. Substitution model options: -m: MODEL = HKY, F84, GTR, JTT, WAG, PAM, BLOSUM, MTREV, GENERAL HKY, F84 & GTR are for nucleotides the rest are for amino acids -a: # = shape (alpha) for gamma rate heterogeneity [default = none]. -g: # = number of gamma rate categories [default = continuous]. -i: # = proportion of invariable sites [default = 0.0]. Nucleotid model specific options: -c: #1 #2 #3 = rates for codon position heterogeneity [default = none]. -t: # = transition-transversion ratio [default = equal rate]. -r: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6= general rate matrix [default = all 1.0]. -f: #A #C #G #T = nucleotide frequencies [default = all equal]. Amino Acid model specific options: specify using the order ARNDCQEGHILKMFPSTWYV -r: #1 .. #190 = general rate matrix [default = all 1.0]. -f: #1 .. #20 = amino acid frequencies e=equal [default = matrix freqs]. Miscellaneous options: -z: # = seed for random number generator [default = system generated]. -o: Output file format [default = PHYLIP] p PHYLIP format r relaxed PHYLIP format n NEXUS format -w: Write additional information [default = none] a Write ancestral sequences for each node r Write rate for each site -x: NAME = a text file to insert after every dataset [default = none]. -h: Give this help message -q: Quiet treefile: name of tree file [default = trees on stdin]
(c) Copyright, 1996-2004 Andrew Rambaut and Nick Grassly Department of Zoology, University of Oxford South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PS, U.K.