Provided by: libur-perl_0.410-1_all bug


       ur test run - Run the test suite against the source tree.


       This document describes ur test run version 0.29.


       ur test run [--color] [--junit] [--list] [--lsf] [--recurse] [--callcount] [--cover=?]
       [--cover-cvs-changes] [--cover-svk-changes] [--cover-svn-changes] [--coverage] [--inc=?[,?]] [--jobs=?]
       [--long] [--lsf-params=?] [--noisy] [--perl-opts=?] [--run-as-lsf-helper=?] [--script-opts=?] [--time=?]

       cd MyNamespace ur test run --recurse                   # run all tests in the namespace ur test run
       # runs all tests in the t/ directory under pwd ur test run t/mytest1.t My/Class.t      # run specific
       tests ur test run -v -t --cover-svk-changes   # run tests to cover latest svk updates ur test run -I
       ../some/path/            # Adds ../some/path to perl's @INC through -I ur test run --junit
       # writes test output in junit's xml format (consumable by Hudson integration system)


       color  Boolean
           Use TAP::Harness::Color to generate color output

           Default value 'false' (--nocolor) if not specified

       nocolor  Boolean
           Make color 'false'

       junit  Boolean
           Run all tests with junit style XML output. (requires TAP::Formatter::JUnit)

       nojunit  Boolean
           Make junit 'false'

       list  Boolean
           List the tests, but do not actually run them.

       nolist  Boolean
           Make list 'false'

       lsf  Boolean
           If true, tests will be submitted as jobs via bsub

       nolsf  Boolean
           Make lsf 'false'

       recurse  Boolean
           Run all .t files in the current directory, and in recursive subdirectories.

       norecurse  Boolean
           Make recurse 'false'


       callcount  Boolean
           Count the number of calls to each subroutine/method

       nocallcount  Boolean
           Make callcount 'false'

       cover  List
           Cover only this(these) modules

       cover-cvs-changes  Boolean
           Cover modules modified in cvs status

       nocover-cvs-changes  Boolean
           Make cover-cvs-changes 'false'

       cover-svk-changes  Boolean
           Cover modules modified in svk status

       nocover-svk-changes  Boolean
           Make cover-svk-changes 'false'

       cover-svn-changes  Boolean
           Cover modules modified in svn status

       nocover-svn-changes  Boolean
           Make cover-svn-changes 'false'

       coverage  Boolean
           Invoke Devel::Cover

       nocoverage  Boolean
           Make coverage 'false'

       inc  String
           Additional paths for @INC, alias for -I

       jobs  Number
           How many tests to run in parallel

           Default value '1' if not specified

       long  Boolean
           Run tests including those flagged as long

       nolong  Boolean
           Make long 'false'

       lsf-params  String
           Params passed to bsub while submitting jobs to lsf

           Default value '-q short -R select[type==LINUX64]' if not specified

       noisy  Boolean
           doesn't redirect stdout

       nonoisy  Boolean
           Make noisy 'false'

       perl-opts  String
           Override options to the Perl interpreter when running the tests (-d:Profile, etc.)

           Default value '' if not specified

       run-as-lsf-helper  String
           Used internally by the test harness

       script-opts  String
           Override options to the test case when running the tests (--dump-sql --no-commit)

           Default value '' if not specified

       time  String
           Write timelog sum to specified file



         This command is like "prove" or "make test", running the test suite for the current namespace.