Provided by: padre_1.00+dfsg-1_all bug


       Padre::Wx::Main - The main window for the Padre IDE


       "Padre::Wx::Main" implements Padre's main window. It is the window containing the menus,
       the notebook with all opened tabs, the various sub-windows (outline, subs, output, errors,

       It inherits from "Wx::Frame", so check Wx documentation to see all the available methods
       that can be applied to it besides the added ones (see below).


       There's only one constructor for this class.


           my $main = Padre::Wx::Main->new($ide);

       Create and return a new Padre main window. One should pass a "Padre" object as argument,
       to get a reference to the Padre application.

       The following methods access the object attributes. They are both getters and setters,
       depending on whether you provide them with an argument. Use them wisely.

       Accessors to GUI elements:

       •   "title"

       •   "config"

       •   "aui"

       •   "menu"

       •   "notebook"

       •   "left"

       •   "right"

       •   "functions"

       •   "tasks"

       •   "outline"

       •   "directory"

       •   "bottom"

       •   "output"

       •   "syntax"

       •   "vcs"

       Accessors to operating data:

       •   "cwd"

       Accessors that may not belong to this class:


           my $panel = $main->left;

       Returns the left toolbar container panel, creating it if needed.


           my $panel = $main->right;

       Returns the right toolbar container panel, creating it if needed.


           my $panel = $main->bottom;

       Returns the bottom toolbar container panel, creating it if needed.


           my $dialog = $main->find;

       Returns the Find dialog, creating it if needed.


           my $find = $main->findfast;

       Returns the Fast Find panel, creating it if needed.

           my $dialog = $main->findinfiles;

       Returns the Find in Files dialog, creating it if needed.

           my $panel = $main->foundinfiles;

       Returns the Find in Files results panel, creating it if needed.


           my $dialog = $main->replace;

       Return current Find and Replace dialog. Create a new one if needed.


           my $dialog = $main->goto;

       Return the Goto dialog. Create a new one if needed.

   Public Methods


       Load any default files: session from command-line, explicit list on command- line, or last
       session if user has this setup, a new file, or nothing.


         my $lock = $main->lock('UPDATE', 'BUSY', 'refresh_toolbar');

       Create and return a guard object that holds resource locks of various types.

       The method takes a parameter list of the locks you wish to exist for the current scope.
       Special types of locks are provided in capitals, refresh/method locks are provided in

       The "UPDATE" lock creates a Wx repaint lock using the built in Wx::WindowUpdateLocker

       You should use an update lock during GUI construction/modification to prevent screen
       flicker. As a side effect of not updating, the GUI changes happen significantly faster as
       well. Update locks should only be held for short periods of time, as the operating system
       will begin to treat your application as "hung" if an update lock persists for more than a
       few seconds. In this situation, you may begin to see GUI corruption.

       The "BUSY" lock creates a Wx "busy" lock using the built in Wx::WindowDisabler class.

       You should use a busy lock during times when Padre has to do a long and/or complex
       operation in the foreground, or when you wish to disable use of any user interface
       elements until a background thread is finished.

       Busy locks can be held for long periods of time, however your users may start to suspect
       trouble if you do not provide any periodic feedback to them.

       Lowercase lock names are used to delay the firing of methods that will themselves generate
       GUI events you may want to delay until you are sure you want to rebuild the GUI.

       For example, opening a file will require a Padre::Wx::Main refresh call, which will itself
       generate more refresh calls on the directory browser, the function list, output window,
       menus, and so on.

       But if you open more than one file at a time, you don't want to refresh the menu for the
       first file, only to do it again on the second, third and fourth files.

       By creating refresh locks in the top level operation, you allow the lower level operation
       to make requests for parts of the GUI to be refreshed, but have the actual refresh actions
       delayed until the lock expires.

       This should make operations with a high GUI intensity both simpler and faster.

       The name of the lowercase MUST be the name of a Padre::Wx::Main method, which will be
       fired (with no parameters) when the method lock expires.


       This method provides the ability to check if a resource is currently locked.

   Single Instance Server
       Padre embeds a small network server to handle single instance. Here are the methods that
       allow to control this embedded server.



       Determines the location of the single instance server for this instance of Padre.



       Start the embedded server. Create it if it doesn't exist. Return true on success, die



       Stop & destroy the embedded server if it was running. Return true on success.


           my $is_running = $main->single_instance_running;

       Return true if the embedded server is currently running.



       Callback called when a client is connecting to embedded server. This is the case when user
       starts a new Padre, and preference "open all documents in single Padre instance" is


           $main->single_instance_command( $line );

       Callback called when a client has issued a command $line while connected on embedded
       server. Current supported commands are "open $file" and "focus".

   Window Geometry
       Query properties about the state and shape of the main window


           my $width = $main->window_width;

       Return the main window width.


           my $width = $main->window_height;

       Return the main window height.


           my $left = $main->window_left;

       Return the main window position from the left of the screen.


           my $top = $main->window_top;

       Return the main window position from the top of the screen.



       Saves the current main window geometry (left, top, width, height, maximized).

       Called during Maximize, Iconize, ShowFullScreen and Padre shutdown so we can restart the
       next Padre instance at the last good non-Maximize/Iconize location.

       Saves and returns true if and only the window is regular or maximized.

       Skips and returns false if the window is currently hidden, iconised, or full screen.

   Refresh Methods
       Those methods refresh parts of Padre main window. The term "refresh" and the following
       methods are reserved for fast, blocking, real-time updates to the GUI, implying rapid



       Force refresh of all elements of Padre main window. (see below for individual refresh


       Adds an object which will have its "->refresh" method called whenever the main refresh
       event is triggered. The refresh listener is stored as a weak reference so make sure that
       you keep the listener alive elsewhere.

       If your object does not have a "->refresh" method, pass in a code reference - it will be
       called instead.

       Note that this method must return really quick. If you plan to do work that takes longer,
       launch it via the Action::Queue mechanism and perform it in the background.


       Sets or updates the Window title.



       Do a refresh of document syntax checking. This is a "rapid" change, since actual syntax
       check is happening in the background.



       Do a refresh of version control checking. This is a "rapid" change, since actual version
       control check is happening in the background.



       Force a refresh of the outline panel.



       Force a refresh of all menus. It can enable / disable menu entries depending on current
       document or Padre internal state.



       Force a refresh of just the plug-in menus.


       Force a refresh of the notebook panel titles



       Force a refresh of the list of windows in the window menu


       Specifically refresh the Recent Files entries in the File dialog



       Force a refresh of Padre's toolbar.



       Force a refresh of Padre's status bar.



       Force a refresh of Padre's status bar.  The part that is driven by a template.



       Force a refresh of the position of the cursor on Padre's status bar.



       Force a refresh of the function list on the right.



       Force a refresh of the TODO list on the right.


       Force a refresh of the directory tree


       This is a refresh method wrapper around the "AUI" "Update" method so that it can be lock-
       managed by the existing locking system.



       Do a refresh of saved and current document differences. This is a "rapid" change, since
       actual calculating differences is happening in the background.



       Refresh of the Breakpoints panel if open, required as we load and switch tabs.

   Interface Rebuilding Methods
       Those methods reconfigure Padre's main window in case of drastic changes (locale, etc.)


           $main->change_locale( $locale );

       Change Padre's locale to $locale. This will update the GUI to reflect the new locale.



       The term and method "relocale" is reserved for functionality intended to run when the
       application wishes to change locale (and wishes to do so without restarting).

       Note at this point, that the new locale has already been fixed, and this method is usually
       called by "change_locale()".



       The term and method "restyle" is reserved for code that needs to be run when the
       Padre::Wx::Theme of the editor has changed and the colouring of the application needs to
       be changed without restarting.

       Note that the new style must be applied to configuration before this method is called, and
       this method is usually called by the "apply" handler for the "editor_style" configuration



       Destroy and rebuild the toolbar. This method is useful because the toolbar is not really
       flexible, and most of the time it's better to recreate it from scratch.

   Tools and Dialogs
       Those methods deal with the various panels that Padre provides, and allow to show or hide


           my $name = $main->find_view('Padre::Wx::FunctionList');

       The "find_view" method locates the name of the panel in which a tool is currently being
       shown. We assume each tool is only being shown once.

       Returns the name of the panel in string form (such as 'left') or false if the view is not
       currently being shown.


           $main->show_view( functions => 1 );

       The "show_view" methods displays or hides a named view of the main window.


           $main->show_functions( $visible );

       Show the functions panel on the right if $visible is true. Hide it otherwise. If $visible
       is not provided, the method defaults to show the panel.


           $main->show_tasks( $visible );

       Show the to do panel on the right if $visible is true. Hide it otherwise. If $visible is
       not provided, the method defaults to show the panel.


           $main->show_outline( $visible );

       Show the outline panel on the right if $visible is true. Hide it otherwise. If $visible is
       not provided, the method defaults to show the panel.




           $main->show_directory( $visible );

       Show the directory panel on the right if $visible is true. Hide it otherwise. If $visible
       is not provided, the method defaults to show the panel.


           $main->show_output( $visible );

       Show the output panel at the bottom if $visible is true. Hide it otherwise. If $visible is
       not provided, the method defaults to show the panel.


           $main->show_findfast( $visible );

       Show the Fast Find panel at the bottom of the editor area if $visible is true. Hide it
       otherwise. If $visible is not provided, the method defaults to show the panel.


           $main->show_foundinfiles( $visible );

       Show the Find in Files panel at the bottom if $visible is true.  Hide it otherwise. If
       $visible is not provided, the method defaults to show the panel.


           $main->show_replaceinfiles( $visible );

       Show the Replace in Files panel at the bottom if $visible is true.  Hide it otherwise. If
       $visible is not provided, the method defaults to show the panel.


           $main->show_command( $visible );

       Show the command panel at the bottom if $visible is true. Hide it otherwise. If $visible
       is not provided, the method defaults to show the panel.


           $main->show_syntax( $visible );

       Show the syntax panel at the bottom if $visible is true. Hide it otherwise. If $visible is
       not provided, the method defaults to show the panel.


           $main->show_vcs( $visible );

       Show the version control panel at the bottom if $visible is true. Hide it otherwise. If
       $visible is not provided, the method defaults to show the panel.


           $main->show_cpan( $visible );

       Show the CPAN explorer panel at the bottom if $visible is true. Hide it otherwise. If
       $visible is not provided, the method defaults to show the panel.


           $main->show_breakpoints( $visible );

       Show the version control panel at the left if $visible is true. Hide it otherwise. If
       $visible is not provided, the method defaults to show the panel.


           $main->show_debugoutput( $visible );

       Show the version control panel at the left if $visible is true. Hide it otherwise. If
       $visible is not provided, the method defaults to show the panel.


           $main->show_debugger( $visible );

       Show the version control panel at the left if $visible is true. Hide it otherwise. If
       $visible is not provided, the method defaults to show the panel.

       The following methods allow to poke into Padre's internals.


           my $current = $main->current;

       Creates a Padre::Current object for the main window, giving you quick and caching access
       to the current various object members.

       See Padre::Current for more information.


           my @ids = $main->pageids;

       Return a list of all current tab ids (integers) within the notebook.


           my @editors = $main->editors;

       Return a list of all current editors. Those are the real objects, not the ids (see
       "pageids()" above).

       Note: for now, this has the same meaning as "pages()" (see above), but this will change
       once we get project tabs or something else.


           my @document = $main->documents;

       Return a list of all current documents, in the specific order they are open in the


       Returns a list of all modified documents, in the specific order they are open in the

   Process Execution
       The following methods run an external command, for example to evaluate current document.



       Prompt the user for a command to run, then run it with "run_command()" (see below).

       Note: it probably needs to be combined with "run_command()" itself.



       Callback method, to build and then call on_run_tests



       Callback method, to run the project tests and harness them.



       Callback method, to run the currently open test through prove.


           $main->on_open_in_file_browser( $filename );

       Opens the current $filename using the operating system's file browser


           $main->run_command( $command );

       Run $command and display the result in the output panel.


           $main->run_document( $debug )

       Run current document. If $debug is true, document will be run with diagnostics and various
       debug options.

       Note: this should really be somewhere else, but can stay here for now.

   Session Support
       Those methods deal with Padre sessions. A session is a set of files / tabs opened, with
       the position within the files saved, as well as the document that has the focus.


           my @session = $main->capture_session;

       Capture list of opened files, with information. Return a list of "Padre::DB::SessionFile"


           $main->open_session( $session );

       Try to close all files, then open all files referenced in the given $session (a
       "Padre::DB::Session" object). No return value.


           $main->save_session( $session, @session );

       Try to save @session files ("Padre::DB::SessionFile" objects, such as what is returned by
       "capture_session()" - see above) to database, associated to $session. Note that $session
       should already exist.

   User Interaction
       Various methods to help send information to user.

       Some methods are inherited from Padre::Wx::Role::Dialog.



       Temporarily change the status bar leftmost block only to some message.

       This is a super-quick method intended for transient messages as short as a few tens of
       milliseconds (for example printing all directories read during a recursive file scan).



       Print a message on the status bar or within a dialog box depending on the users
       preferences setting.

       The dialog has only a OK button and there is no return value.


           my $value = $main->prompt( $title, $subtitle, $key );

       Prompt user with a dialog box about the value that $key should have.  Return this value,
       or "undef" if user clicked "cancel".


           my $value = $main->simple_prompt( $title, $subtitle, $default_text );

       Prompt user with a dialog box about the value that $key should have.  Return this value,
       or "undef" if user clicked "cancel".

   Search and Replace
       These methods provide the highest level abstraction for entry into the various search and
       replace functions and dialogs.

       However, they still represent abstract logic and should NOT be tied directly to keystroke
       or menu events.



       Show the find dialog, escalating from the fast find if needed


         # Next match for a new explicit search
         $main->search_next( $search );

         # Next match on current search

       Find the next match for the current search.

       If no files are open, silently do nothing (don't even remember the new search)


         # Previous match for a new search
         $main->search_previous( $search );

         # Previous match on current search (or show Find dialog if none)

       Find the previous match for the current search, or spawn the Find dialog.

       If no files are open, do nothing.


         # Next replace for a new search
         $main->replace_next( $search );

         # Next replace on current search (or show Find dialog if none)

       Replace the next match for the current search, or spawn the Replace dialog.

       If no files are open, do nothing.


         # Replace all for a new search
         $main->replace_all( $search );

         # Replace all for the current search (or show Replace dialog if none)

       Replace all matches for the current search, or spawn the Replace dialog.

       If no files are open, do nothing.

   General Events
       Those methods are the various callbacks registered in the menus or whatever widgets Padre



       Jump to brace matching current the one at current position.



       Try to auto complete current word being typed, depending on document type.


       The "on_activate" method is called when Padre has been in the background for some period
       of time, and has just returned to the foreground.

       It calls a subset of refresh methods where something may have been changed by the user
       while they were using some other program that wasn't Padre.


       The "on_deactivate" method is called when the user has switched away from Padre to some
       other application.

       Currently all this does is hide away from short-lived tools like Fast Find if they are
       open, so that when the user returns it is not to a stale UI context.


       Callback when window is about to be closed. This is our last chance to veto the $event
       close, e.g. when some files are not yet saved.

       If close is confirmed, save configuration to disk. Also, capture current session to be
       able to restore it next time if user set Padre to open last session on start-up. Clean up
       all Task Manager's tasks.


           $main->setup_editors( @files );

       Setup (new) tabs for @files, and update the GUI. If @files is "undef", open an empty



       Create a new empty tab. No return value.


           $main->setup_editor( $file );

       Setup a new tab / buffer and open $file, then update the GUI. Recycle current buffer if
       there's only one empty tab currently opened. If $file is already opened, focus on the tab
       displaying it. Finally, if $file does not exist, create an empty file before opening it.


           my $tab = $main->create_tab;

       Create a new tab in the notebook, and return its id (an integer).


       Show what perl thinks about your code using B::Deparse



       Try to open current selection in a new tab. Different combinations are tried in order: as
       full path, as path relative to "cwd" (where the editor was started), as path to relative
       to where the current file is, if we are in a Perl file or Perl environment also try if the
       thing might be a name of a module and try to open it locally or from @INC.

       No return value.



       Try to open all recent files within Padre. No return value.



       Prompt user for a command to filter the selection/document.



       Prompt user for URL to open and open it as a new tab.

       Should be merged with ->on_open or at least a browsing function should be added.



       Prompt user for file(s) to open, and open them as new tabs. No return value.



       Opens $filename in the default system editor



       Opens a command line/shell using the working directory of $filename



       Opens the examples file dialog



       Opens the last closed file in similar fashion to Chrome and Firefox.



       Try to reload a file from disk. Display an error if something went wrong.

       Returns 1 on success and 0 in case of and error.


           my $success = $main->reload_editors(@editors);

       Reloads a series of editors.

       Returns true upon success, false otherwise.


           my $success = $main->reload_all;

       Reload all open files from disk.


       Displays the "Reload Files" dialog, asking the user which files should be reloaded and
       reloading them as specified.


           my $success = $main->on_save;

       Try to save current document. Prompt user for a file name if document was new (see
       "on_save_as()" above). Return true if document has been saved, false otherwise.


           my $was_saved = $main->on_save_as;

       Prompt user for a new file name to save current document, and save it.  Returns true if
       saved, false if cancelled.


           my $success = $main->on_save_intuition;

       Try to automatically determine an appropriate file name and save it, based entirely on the
       content of the file.

       Only do this for new documents, otherwise behave like a regular save.


           my $success = $main->on_save_all;

       Try to save all opened documents. Return true if all documents were saved, false


           my $success = $main->_save_buffer($id);

       Try to save buffer in tab $id. This is the method used underneath by all "on_save_*()"
       methods. It will check if document has been updated out of Padre before saving, and report
       an error if something went wrong.  Return true if buffer was saved, false otherwise.


           $main->on_close( $event );

       Handler when there is a close $event. Veto it if it's from the "AUI" notebook, since Wx
       will try to close the tab no matter what. Otherwise, close current tab. No return value.


           my $success = $main->close( $id );

       Request to close document in tab $id, or current one if no $id provided. Return true if
       closed, false otherwise.


           my $success = $main->close_all( $skip );

       Try to close all documents. If $skip is specified (an integer), don't close the tab with
       this id. Return true upon success, false otherwise.


           my $success = $main->close_some(@pages_to_close);

       Try to close all documents. Return true upon success, false otherwise.


           # Close all files in current project
           my $project = Padre::Current->document->project_dir;
           my $success = $main->close_where( sub {
               $_[0]->project_dir eq $project
           } );

       The "close_where" method is for closing multiple document windows.  It takes a subroutine
       as a parameter and calls that subroutine for each currently open document, passing the
       document as the first parameter.

       Any documents that return true will be closed.



       Close the current tab and remove the associated file from disk.  No return value.


           my $success = $main->delete( $id );

       Request to close document in tab $id, or current one if no $id provided and DELETE THE
       FILE FROM DISK. Return true if closed, false otherwise.


           $main->on_nth_pane( $id );

       Put focus on tab $id in the notebook. Return true upon success, false otherwise.



       Put focus on tab next to current document. Currently, only left to right order is
       supported, but later on it can be extended to follow a last seen order.

       No return value.



       Put focus on tab previous to current document. Currently, only right to left order is
       supported, but later on it can be extended to follow a reverse last seen order.

       No return value.



       Join current line with next one (X la vi with "Ctrl+J"). No return value.

   Preferences and toggle methods
       Those methods allow to change Padre's preferences.


           $main->zoom( $factor );

       Apply zoom $factor to Padre's documents. Factor can be either positive or negative.



       Open Padre's regular expression editor. No return value.



       Open Padre's filter-through-perl. No return value.



       Set visibility of line numbers on the left of the document.

       No return value.



       Enabled or disables code folding.

       No return value.



       Enable or disable background highlighting of the current line.

       No return value.



       Enable or disable display of the right margin.

       No return value.



       Enable or disable visibility of the indentation guides.

       No return value.



       Show or hide end of line carriage return characters.

       No return value.



       Show/hide spaces and tabs (with dots and arrows respectively). No return value.


       Return focus to the current editor, if one exists. This method is provided as a
       convenience for dialog writers who wish to return focus.



       Toggle word wrapping for current document. No return value.



       Toggle toolbar visibility. No return value.



       Toggle status bar visibility. No return value.



       Toggle possibility for user to change Padre's external aspect. No return value.



       Prompt user for a file to be inserted at current position in current document. No return


           $main->convert_to( $eol_style );

       Convert document to $eol_style line endings (can be one of "WIN", "UNIX", or "MAC"). No
       return value.


           my $editor = $main->editor_of_file( $file );

       Return the editor (a "Padre::Wx::Editor" object) containing the wanted $file, or "undef"
       if file is not opened currently.


           my $id = $main->editor_id( $editor );

       Given $editor, return the tab id holding it, or "undef" if it was not found.

       Note: can this really work? What happens when we split a window?



       Evaluate current document within Padre. It means it can access all of Padre's internals,
       and wreak havoc. Display an error message if the evaluation went wrong, dump the result in
       the output panel otherwise.

       No return value.

   "STC" related methods
       Those methods are needed to have a smooth "STC" experience.


           $main->on_stc_style_needed( $event );

       Handler of "EVT_STC_STYLENEEDED" $event. Used to work around some edge cases in scintilla.
       No return value.



       Handler called on every movement of the cursor. No return value.



       Handler of the "EVT_STC_CHANGE" event. Doesn't do anything. No return value.



       This handler is called when a character is added. No return value. See

       TO DO: maybe we need to check this more carefully.


           $main->on_aui_pane_close( $event );

       Handler called upon "EVT_AUI_PANE_CLOSE" $event. Doesn't do anything by now.


           $main->on_tab_and_space( $style );

       Convert current document from spaces to tabs (or vice-versa) depending on $style (can be
       either of "Space_to_Tab" or "Tab_to_Space").  Prompts the user for how many spaces are to
       be used to replace tabs (whatever the replacement direction). No return value.



       Trim all ending spaces in current selection, or document if no text is selected. No return



       Trim all leading spaces in current selection. No return value.



       Called every n seconds to check if file has been overwritten outside of Padre. If that's
       the case, prompts the user whether s/he wants to reload the document. No return value.



       Create a new document and copy the contents of the current file.  No return value.

   Code Starter Methods
       These methods provide skeleton generators for a variety of file types, with the
       preferences of the user applied already.



       Create a new blank Perl 6 script, applying the user's style preferences if possible.

   Auxiliary Methods
       Various methods that did not fit exactly in above categories...



       Single execution of a named action.



       Setup the various bindings needed to handle output pane correctly.

       Note: I'm not sure those are really needed...


           $main->key_up( $event );

       Callback for when a key up $event happens in Padre. This handles the various "Ctrl"+key
       combinations used within Padre.


           $main->new_document_from_string( $string, $mimetype, $encoding );

       Create a new document in Padre with the string value.

       Pass in an optional mime type to have Padre colorize the text correctly.

       Pass in an optional encoding name that will be used when saving the file.

       Note: this method may not belong here...


       Copyright 2008-2013 The Padre development team as listed in

       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
       terms as Perl itself.

       The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.