Provided by: cups-daemon_1.7.2-0ubuntu1.11_amd64 

classes.conf - class configuration file for cups
The classes.conf file defines the local printer classes that are available. It is normally located in the /etc/cups directory and is generated automatically by the cupsd(8) program when printer classes are added or deleted. Each line in the file can be a configuration directive, a blank line, or a comment. Comment lines start with the # character.
<Class name> ... </Class> Defines a specific printer class. <DefaultClass name> ... </Class> Defines a default printer class. Accepting Yes Accepting No Specifies whether the printer is accepting new jobs. AllowUser [ user @group ... ] Allows specific users and groups to print to the printer. DenyUser [ user @group ... ] Prevents specific users and groups from printing to the printer. Info text Specifies human-readable text describing the printer. JobSheets banner banner Specifies the banner pages to use for the printer. KLimit number Specifies the job-k-limit value for the printer. Location text Specifies human-readable text describing the location of the printer. OpPolicy name Specifies the operation policy for the printer. PageLimit number Specifies the job-page-limit value for the printer. Printer Specifies a printer that is a member of the printer class. QuotaPeriod seconds Specifies the job-quota-period value for the printer. Shared Yes Shared No Specifies whether the printer is shared. State idle State stopped Specifies the initial state of the printer (Idle or Stopped) StateMessage text Specifies the message associated with the state. StateTime seconds Specifies the date/time associated with the state.
cupsd(8), cupsd.conf(5), mime.convs(5), mime.types(5), printers.conf(5), http://localhost:631/help
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