Provided by: libguestfs-tools_1.24.5-1ubuntu0.1_amd64 bug


       virt-builder - Build virtual machine images quickly


        virt-builder os-version
           [-o|--output DISKIMAGE] [--size SIZE] [--format raw|qcow2]
           [--attach ISOFILE]
           [--root-password SELECTOR]
           [--hostname HOSTNAME]
           [--install PKG,[PKG...]]
           [--upload FILE:DEST]
           [--edit FILE:EXPR]
           [--delete FILE] [--scrub FILE]
           [--run SCRIPT] [--run-command 'CMD ARGS ...']
           [--firstboot SCRIPT] [--firstboot-command 'CMD ARGS ...']
           [--firstboot-install PKG,[PKG...]]

        virt-builder -l|--list [--long]

        virt-builder --notes os-version

        virt-builder --print-cache

        virt-builder --cache-all-templates

        virt-builder --delete-cache

        virt-builder --get-kernel DISKIMAGE
           [--format raw|qcow2] [--output OUTPUTDIR]


       Virt-builder is a tool for quickly building new virtual machines.  You can build a variety
       of VMs for local or cloud use, usually within a few minutes or less.  Virt-builder also
       has many ways to customize these VMs.  Everything is run from the command line and nothing
       requires root privileges, so automation and scripting is simple.

       Note that virt-builder does not install guests from scratch.  It takes cleanly prepared,
       digitally signed OS templates and customizes them.  This approach is used because it is
       much faster, but if you need to do fresh installs you may want to look at virt-install(1)
       and oz-install(1).

       The easiest way to get started is by looking at the examples in the next section.


   List the virtual machines available
        virt-builder --list

       will list out the operating systems available to install.  A selection of freely
       redistributable OSes is available as standard.  You can add your own too (see below).

       After choosing a guest from the list, you may want to see if there are any installation

        virt-builder --notes fedora-20

   Build a virtual machine
        virt-builder fedora-20

       will build a Fedora 20 image.  This will have all default configuration (minimal size, no
       user accounts, random root password, only the bare minimum installed software, etc.).

       You do not need to run this command as root.

       The first time this runs it has to download the template over the network, but this gets
       cached (see "CACHING").

       The name of the output file is derived from the template name, so above it will be
       "fedora-20.img".  You can change the output filename using the -o option:

        virt-builder fedora-20 -o mydisk.img

       You can also use the -o option to write to existing devices or logical volumes.

        virt-builder fedora-20 --format qcow2

       As above, but write the output in qcow2 format to "fedora-20.qcow2".

        virt-builder fedora-20 --size 20G

       As above, but the output size will be 20 GB.  The guest OS is resized as it is copied to
       the output (automatically, using virt-resize(1)).

   Setting the root password
        virt-builder fedora-20 --root-password file:/tmp/rootpw

       Create a Fedora 20 image.  The root password is taken from the file "/tmp/rootpw".

       Note if you don't set --root-password then the guest is given a random root password.

       You can also create user accounts.  See "USERS AND PASSWORDS" below.

   Set the hostname
        virt-builder fedora-20 --hostname

       Set the hostname to "".

   Installing software
       To install packages from the ordinary (guest) software repository (eg. yum or apt):

        virt-builder fedora-20 --install "inkscape,@Xfce Desktop"

       (In Fedora, "@" is used to install groups of packages.  On Debian you would install a
       meta-package instead.)

   Customizing the installation
       There are many options that let you customize the installation.  These include:
       --run/--run-command, which run a shell script or command while the disk image is being
       generated and lets you add or edit files that go into the disk image.
       --firstboot/--firstboot-command, which let you add scripts/commands that are run the first
       time the guest boots.  --edit to edit files.  --upload to upload files.


        cat <<'EOF' > /tmp/
        yum -y update

        virt-builder fedora-20 --firstboot /tmp/

       or simply:

        virt-builder fedora-20 --firstboot-command 'yum -y update'

       which makes the yum(8) "update" command run once the first time the guest boots.


        virt-builder fedora-20 --edit '/etc/yum.conf: s/gpgcheck=1/gpgcheck=0/'

       which edits "/etc/yum.conf" inside the disk image (during disk image creation, long before

       You can combine these options, and have multiple options of all types.


           Показати довідкове повідомлення.

       --attach ISOFILE
           During the customization phase, the given disk is attached to the libguestfs
           appliance.  This is used to provide extra software repositories or other data for

           You probably want to ensure the volume(s) or filesystems in the attached disks are
           labelled (or use an ISO volume name) so that you can mount them by label in your run-

            mkdir /tmp/mount
            mount LABEL=EXTRA /tmp/mount

           You can have multiple --attach options, and the format can be any disk format (not
           just an ISO).

           See also: --run, "Installing packages at build time from a side repository",
           genisoimage(1), virt-make-fs(1).

       --attach-format FORMAT
           Specify the disk format for the next --attach option.  The "FORMAT" is usually "raw"
           or "qcow2".  Use "raw" for ISOs.

       --cache DIR
           --cache DIR sets the directory to use/check for cached template files.  If not set,
           defaults to either "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/virt-builder/" or "$HOME/.cache/virt-builder/".

           --no-cache disables template caching.

           Download all templates to the cache and then exit.  See "CACHING".

           Note this doesn't cache everything.  More templates might be uploaded.  Also this
           doesn't cache packages (the --install option).

           Check/don't check the digital signature of the OS template.  The default is to check
           the signature and exit if it is not correct.  Using --no-check-signature bypasses this

           See also --fingerprint.

       --curl CURL
           Specify an alternate curl(1) binary.  You can also use this to add curl parameters,
           for example to disable https certificate checks:

            virt-builder --curl "curl --insecure" [...]

       --delete FILE
       --delete DIR
           Delete a file from the guest.  Or delete a directory (and all its contents,

           See also: --upload, --scrub.

           Delete the template cache.  See "CACHING".

       --edit FILE:EXPR
           Edit "FILE" using the Perl expression "EXPR".

           Be careful to properly quote the expression to prevent it from being altered by the

           Note that this option is only available when Perl 5 is installed.

           See "NON-INTERACTIVE EDITING" in virt-edit(1).

       --fingerprint 'AAAA BBBB ...'
           Check that the index and templates are signed by the key with the given fingerprint.
           (The fingerprint is a long string, usually written as 10 groups of 4 hexadecimal

           If signature checking is enabled and the --fingerprint option is not given, then this
           checks the download was signed by F777 4FB1 AD07 4A7E 8C87 67EA 9173 8F73 E1B7 68A0
           (which is Richard W.M. Jones's key).

           You can also set the "VIRT_BUILDER_FINGERPRINT" environment variable.

       --firstboot SCRIPT
       --firstboot-command 'CMD ARGS ...'
           Install "SCRIPT" inside the guest, so that when the guest first boots up, the script
           runs (as root, late in the boot process).

           The script is automatically chmod +x after installation in the guest.

           The alternative version --firstboot-command is the same, but it conveniently wraps the
           command up in a single line script for you.

           You can have multiple --firstboot and --firstboot-command options.  They run in the
           same order that they appear on the command line.

           See also --run.

       --firstboot-install PKG[,PKG,...]
           Install the named packages (a comma-separated list).  These are installed when the
           guest first boots using the guest's package manager (eg. apt, yum, etc.) and the
           guest's network connection.

           For an overview on the different ways to install packages, see "INSTALLING PACKAGES".

       --format qcow2
       --format raw
           For ordinary builds, this selects the output format.  The default is raw.

           With --get-kernel this specifies the input format.

       --get-kernel IMAGE
           This option extracts the kernel and initramfs from a previously built disk image
           called "IMAGE" (in fact it works for any VM disk image, not just ones built using

           The kernel and initramfs are written to the current directory, unless you also specify
           the --output "outputdir" directory name.

           The format of the disk image is automatically detected unless you specify it by using
           the --format option.

           In the case where the guest contains multiple kernels, the one with the highest
           version number is chosen.  To extract arbitrary kernels from the disk image, see
           guestfish(1).  To extract the entire "/boot" directory of a guest, see

       --gpg GPG
           Specify an alternate gpg(1) (GNU Privacy Guard) binary.  You can also use this to add
           gpg parameters, for example to specify an alternate home directory:

            virt-builder --gpg "gpg --homedir /tmp" [...]

       --hostname HOSTNAME
           Set the hostname of the guest to "HOSTNAME".  You can use a dotted hostname.domainname
           (FQDN) if you want.

       --install PKG[,PKG,...]
           Install the named packages (a comma-separated list).  These are installed during the
           image build using the guest's package manager (eg. apt, yum, etc.) and the host's
           network connection.

           For an overview on the different ways to install packages, see "INSTALLING PACKAGES".

       --list --long
           List available templates.

           The alternative --list --long form shows lots more details about each operating system

           See also: --source, --notes, "CREATING YOUR OWN TEMPLATES".

           Scrub "builder.log" (log file from build commands) from the image after building is
           complete.  If you don't want to reveal precisely how the image was built, use this

           See also: "LOG FILE".

           Enable or disable network access from the guest during the installation.

           Enabled is the default.  Use --no-network to disable access.

           The network only allows outgoing connections and has other minor limitations.  See
           "NETWORK" in virt-rescue(1).

           If you use --no-network then certain other options such as --install will not work.

           This does not affect whether the guest can access the network once it has been booted,
           because that is controlled by your hypervisor or cloud environment and has nothing to
           do with virt-builder.

           Generally speaking you should not use --no-network.  But here are some reasons why you
           might want to:

           1.  Because the libguestfs backend that you are using doesn't support the network.
               (See: "BACKEND" in guestfs(3)).

           2.  Any software you need to install comes from an attached ISO, so you don't need the

           3.  You don't want untrusted guest code trying to access your host network when
               running virt-builder.  This is particularly an issue when you don't trust the
               source of the operating system templates.  (See "SECURITY" below).

           4.  You don't have a host network (eg. in secure/restricted environments).

       --notes os-version
           List any notes associated with this guest, then exit (this does not do the install).

       -o filename
       --output filename
           Write the output to "filename".  If you don't specify this option, then the output
           filename is generated by taking the "os-version" string and adding ".img" (for raw
           format) or ".qcow2" (for qcow2 format).

           Note that the output filename could be a device, partition or logical volume.

           When used with --get-kernel, this option specifies the output directory.

       --password-crypto password-crypto
           Встановити спосіб шифрування паролів: "md5", "sha256" або "sha512".

           "sha256" and "sha512" require glibc ≥ 2.7 (check crypt(3) inside the guest).

           "md5" працюватиме з відносно давніми гостьовими системами Linux (наприкладRHEL 3), але
           є незахищеним щодо новітніх способів атак.

           Типовим способом шифрування є "sha512". Він використовується, якщо libguestfs вдасться
           виявити у гостьовій системі підтримку SHA-512. Якщо такої підтримки не буде виявлено,
           використовуватиметься "md5". За допомогою цього параметра ви можете перевизначити
           автоматично визначений libguestfs спосіб шифрування.

           Print information about the template cache.  See "CACHING".

           Don't print ordinary progress messages.

       --root-password SELECTOR
           Set the root password.

           See "USERS AND PASSWORDS" below for the format of the "SELECTOR" field, and also how
           to set up user accounts.

           Note if you don't set --root-password then the guest is given a random root password.

       --run SCRIPT
       --run-command 'CMD ARGS ...'
           Run the shell script (or any program) called "SCRIPT" on the disk image.  The script
           runs virtualized inside a small appliance, chrooted into the guest filesystem.

           The script is automatically chmod +x.

           If libguestfs supports it then a limited network connection is available but it only
           allows outgoing network connections.  You can also attach data disks (eg. ISO files)
           as another way to provide data (eg. software packages) to the script without needing a
           network connection (--attach).  You can also upload data files (--upload).

           The alternative version --run-command is the same, but it conveniently wraps the
           command up in a single line script for you.

           You can have multiple --run and --run-command options.  They run in the same order
           that they appear on the command line.

           See also: --firstboot, --attach, --upload.

       --scrub FILE
           Scrub a file from the guest.  This is like --delete except that:

           •   It scrubs the data so a guest could not recover it.

           •   It cannot delete directories, only regular files.

       --size SIZE
           Select the size of the output disk, where the size can be specified using common names
           such as "32G" (32 gigabytes) etc.

           Virt-builder will resize filesystems inside the disk image automatically.

           If the size is not specified, then one of two things happens.  If the output is a
           file, then the size is the same as the template.  If the output is a device,
           partition, etc then the size of that device is used.

           To specify size in bytes, the number must be followed by the lowercase letter b, eg:
           "--size 10737418240b".

       --source URL
           Set the source URL to look for templates.  If not specified it defaults to

           See also "CREATING YOUR OWN TEMPLATES" below.

           You can also set the "VIRT_BUILDER_SOURCE" environment variable.

           Note that you should not point --source to sources that you don't trust (unless the
           source is signed by someone you do trust).  See also the --no-network option.

       --upload FILE:DEST
           Upload local file "FILE" to destination "DEST" in the disk image.  File owner and
           permissions from the original are preserved, so you should set them to what you want
           them to be in the disk image.

           "DEST" could be the final filename.  This can be used to rename the file on upload.

           If "DEST" is a directory name (which must already exist in the guest)  then the file
           is uploaded into that directory, and it keeps the same name as on the local

           See also: --mkdir, --delete, --scrub.

           Enable debug messages and/or produce verbose output.

           When reporting bugs, use this option and attach the complete output to your bug

           Показати дані щодо версії і завершити роботу.


       There are several approaches to installing packages or applications in the guest which
       have different trade-offs.

       Installing packages at build time

       If the guest OS you are installing is similar to the host OS (eg.  both are Linux), and if
       libguestfs supports network connections, then you can use --install to install packages
       like this:

        virt-builder fedora-20 --install inkscape

       This uses the guest's package manager and the host's network connection.

       Installing packages at first boot

       Another option is to install the packages when the guest first boots:

        virt-builder fedora-20 --firstboot-install inkscape

       This uses the guest's package manager and the guest's network connection.

       The downsides are that it will take the guest a lot longer to boot first time, and there's
       nothing much you can do if package installation fails (eg. if a network problem means the
       guest can't reach the package repositories).

       Installing packages at build time from a side repository

       If the software you want to install is not available in the main package repository of the
       guest, then you can add a side repository.  Usually this is presented as an ISO (CD disk
       image) file containing extra packages.

       You can create the disk image using either genisoimage(1) or virt-make-fs(1).  For
       genisoimage, use a command like this:

        genisoimage -o extra-packages.iso -R -J -V EXTRA cdcontents/

       Create a script that mounts the ISO and sets up the repository.  For yum, create
       /tmp/ containing:

        mkdir /tmp/mount
        mount LABEL=EXTRA /tmp/mount

        cat <<'EOF' > /etc/yum.repos.d/extra.repo

        yum -y install famousdatabase

       For apt, create /tmp/ containing:

        mkdir /tmp/mount
        mount LABEL=EXTRA /tmp/mount

        apt-cdrom -d=/tmp/mount add
        apt-get -y install famousdatabase

       Use the --attach option to attach the CD / disk image and the --run option to run the

        virt-builder fedora-20 \
          --attach extra-packages.iso \
          --run /tmp/

       The --root-password option is used to change the root password (otherwise a random
       password is used).  This option takes a password "SELECTOR" in one of the following

       --root-password file:FILENAME
           Read the root password from "FILENAME".  The whole first line of this file is the
           replacement password.  Any other lines are ignored.  You should create the file with
           mode 0600 to ensure no one else can read it.

       --root-password password:PASSWORD
           Set the root password to the literal string "PASSWORD".

           Note: this is not secure since any user on the same machine can see the cleartext
           password using ps(1).

       Creating user accounts

       To create user accounts, use the useradd(8) command with --firstboot-command like this:

        virt-builder --firstboot-command \
           'useradd -m -p "" rjones ; chage -d 0 rjones'

       The above command will create an "rjones" account with no password, and force the user to
       set a password when they first log in.  There are other ways to manage passwords, see
       useradd(8) for details.

       Scripts and package installation that runs at build time (--run, --run-command, --install,
       but not firstboot) is logged in one of the following locations:

           On Linux, BSD and other guests.

           On Windows, DOS guests.

           If "/tmp" or "C:\Temp" is missing.

       If you don't want the log file to appear in the final image, then use the --no-logfile
       command line option.

       When you invoke virt-builder, installation proceeds as follows:

       •   The template image is downloaded.

           If the template image is present in the cache, the cached version is used instead.
           (See "CACHING").

       •   The template signature is checked.

       •   The template is uncompressed to a tmp file.

       •   The template image is resized into the destination, using virt-resize(1).

       •   Extra disks are attached (--attach).

       •   A new random seed is generated for the guest.

       •   The hostname is set (--hostname).

       •   The root password is changed (--root-password).

       •   Packages are installed (--install).

       •   Files are uploaded (--upload).

       •   Files are edited (--edit).

       •   Files are deleted (--delete, --scrub).

       •   Firstboot scripts are installed (--firstboot, --firstboot-command,

           Note that although firstboot scripts are installed at this step, they do not run until
           the guest is booted first time.  Firstboot scripts will run in the order they appear
           on the command line.

       •   Scripts are run (--run, --run-command).

           Scripts run in the order they appear on the command line.

       Importing into libvirt

       Import the disk image into libvirt using virt-install(1) --import option.

        virt-install --import \
          --name guest --ram 2048 --disk path=disk.img,format=raw


       1.  You must specify the correct format.  The format is "raw" unless you used virt-
           builder's --format option.

       2.  You can run virt-install as root or non-root.  Each works slightly differently because
           libvirt manages a different set of virtual machines for each user.  In particular
           virt-manager normally shows the root-owned VMs, whereas Boxes shows the user-owned
           VMs, and other tools probably work differently as well.

       Importing into OpenStack

       Import the image into Glance (the OpenStack image store) by doing:

        glance image-create --name fedora-20-image --file fedora-20.img \
          --disk-format raw --container-format bare \
          --is-public True

       The --file parameter is the virt-builder-generated disk image.  It should match virt-
       builder's --output option.  The --disk-format parameter should match virt-builder's
       --format option (or "raw" if you didn't use that option).  The --container-format should
       always be "bare" since virt-builder doesn't put images into containers.

       You can use the "glance image-show fedora-20-image" command to display the properties of
       the image.

       To boot up an instance of your image on a Nova compute node, do:

        nova boot fedora-20-server --image fedora-20-image \
          --flavor m1.medium

       Use "nova flavor-list" to list possible machine flavors.  Use "nova list" to list running

       If virt-builder fails with an error, then enable debugging (-v) and report a bug (see
       "BUGS" below).

       If virt-builder is successful but the image doesn't work, here are some things to try:

       Use virt-rescue
           Run virt-rescue(1) on the disk image:

            virt-rescue -a disk.img

           This gives you a rescue shell.  You can mount the filesystems from the disk image on
           "/sysroot" and examine them using ordinary Linux commands.  You can also chroot into
           the guest to reinstall the bootloader.  The virt-rescue man page has a lot more
           information and examples.

       Use guestfish
           Run guestfish(1) on the disk image:

            guestfish -a disk.img -i

           Use guestfish commands like "ll /directory" and "cat /file" to examine directories and

       Use guestmount
           Mount the disk image safely on the host using FUSE and guestmount(1):

            mkdir /tmp/mp
            guestmount -a disk.img -i /tmp/mp
            cd /tmp/mp

           To unmount the disk image do:

            fusermount -u /tmp/mp

       Add a serial console
           If the guest hangs during boot, it can be helpful to add a serial console to the
           guest, and direct kernel messages to the serial console.  Adding the serial console
           will involve looking at the documentation for your hypervisor.  To direct kernel
           messages to the serial console, add the following on the kernel command line:

            console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200

       For serious virt-builder use, you may want to create your own repository of templates. repository

       Out of the box, virt-builder downloads the file which is an index of available templates
       plus some information about each one, wrapped up in a digital signature.  The command
       "virt-builder --list" lists out the information in this index file.

       The templates hosted on were created using shell scripts, kickstart files
       and preseed files which can be found in the libguestfs source tree, in "builder/website".

       Setting up the repository

       You can set up your own site containing an index file and some templates, and then point
       virt-builder at the site by using the --source option:

        virt-builder --source \
           --fingerprint 'AAAA BBBB ...' \

       (Note setting the environment variables "VIRT_BUILDER_SOURCE" and
       "VIRT_BUILDER_FINGERPRINT" may be easier to type!)

       You can host this on any web or FTP server, or a local or network filesystem.

       Setting up a GPG key

       If you don't have a GnuPG key, you will need to set one up.  (Strictly speaking this is
       optional, but if your index and template files are not signed then virt-builder users will
       have to use the --no-check-signature flag every time they use virt-builder.)

       To create a key, see the GPG manual

       Export your GPG public key and add it to the keyring of all virt-builder users:

        gpg --export -a "" > pubkey

        # For each virt-builder user:
        gpg --import pubkey

       Also find the fingerprint of your key:

        gpg --list-keys --fingerprint

       Create the templates

       There are many ways to create the templates.  For example you could clone existing guests
       (see virt-sysprep(1)), or you could install a guest by hand (virt-install(1)).  To see how
       the templates were created for virt-builder, look at the scripts in "builder/website"

       For best results when compressing the templates, use the following xz options (see
       nbdkit-xz-plugin(1) for further explanation):

        xz --best --block-size=16777216 disk

       Creating and signing the index file

       The index file has a simple text format (shown here without the digital signature):

        name=Fedora® 18

        name=Fedora® 19

       The part in square brackets is the "os-version", which is the same string that is used on
       the virt-builder command line to build that OS.

       After preparing the "index" file in the correct format, clearsign it using the following

        gpg --clearsign --armor index

       This will create the final file called "index.asc" which can be uploaded to the server
       (and is the --source URL).  As noted above, signing the index file is optional, but

       The following fields can appear:

           The user-friendly name of this template.  This is displayed in the --list output but
           is otherwise not significant.

           This optional field maps the operating system to the associated libosinfo ID.  Virt-
           builder does not use it (yet).

           The path (relative to the index) of the xz-compressed template.

           Note that absolute paths or URIs are not permitted here.  This is because virt-builder
           has a "same origin" policy for templates so they cannot come from other servers.

           This option is deprecated.  Use the checksum field instead.

           The path (relative to the index) of the GPG detached signature of the xz file.

           Note that absolute paths or URIs are not permitted here.  This is because virt-builder
           has a "same origin" policy for templates so they cannot come from other servers.

           The file can be created as follows:

            gpg --detach-sign --armor -o disk.xz.sig disk.xz

           The SHA-512 checksum of the compressed file is checked after it is downloaded.  To
           work out the signature, do:

            sha512sum disk.xz

           Note if you use this, you don't need to sign the file, ie. don't use "sig".  This
           option overrides "sig".

           "checksum" is an alias for "checksum[sha512]".

           If you need to interoperate with virt-builder = 1.24.0 then you have to use "checksum"
           because that version would give a parse error with square brackets and numbers in the
           key of a field.  This is fixed in virt-builder ≥ 1.24.1.

           The revision is an integer which is used to control the template cache.  Increasing
           the revision number causes clients to download the template again even if they have a
           copy in the cache.

           The revision number is optional.  If omitted it defaults to 1.

           Specify the format of the disk image (before it was compressed).  If not given, the
           format is autodetected, but generally it is better to be explicit about the intended

           Note this is the source format, which is different from the --format option (requested
           output format).  Virt-builder does on-the-fly conversion from the source format to the
           requested output format.

           The virtual size of the image in bytes.  This is the size of the image when
           uncompressed.  If using a non-raw format such as qcow2 then it means the virtual disk
           size, not the size of the qcow2 file.

           This field is required.

           Virt-builder also uses this as the minimum size that users can request via the --size
           option, or as the default size if there is no --size option.

           The compressed size of the disk image in bytes.  This is just used for information
           (when using --list --long).

           When expanding the image to its final size, instruct virt-resize(1) to expand the
           named partition in the guest image to fill up all available space.  This works like
           the virt-resize --expand option.

           You should usually put the device name of the guest's root filesystem here.

           It's a good idea to use this, but not required.  If the field is omitted then virt-
           resize will create an extra partition at the end of the disk to cover the free space,
           which is much less user-friendly.

           When expanding the image to its final size, instruct virt-resize(1) to expand the
           named logical volume in the guest image to fill up all available space.  This works
           like the virt-resize --lv-expand option.

           If the guest uses LVM2 you should usually put the LV of the guest's root filesystem
           here.  If the guest does not use LVM2 or its root filesystem is not on an LV, don't
           use this option.

           Any notes that go with this image, especially notes describing what packages are in
           the image, how the image was prepared, and licensing information.

           This information is shown in the --notes and --list --long modes.

           You can use multi-line notes here by indenting each new line with at least one
           character of whitespace (even on blank lines):

            notes=This image was prepared using
             the following kickstart script:
                                           <-- one space at beginning of line
             part /boot --fstype ext3

           Using the hidden flag prevents the template from being listed by the --list option
           (but it is still installable).  This is used for test images.

       Running virt-builder against the alternate repository

       Ensure each virt-builder user has imported your public key into their gpg keyring (see

       Each virt-builder user should export these environment variables:

       •   "VIRT_BUILDER_SOURCE" to point to the URL of the "index.asc" file.

       •   "VIRT_BUILDER_FINGERPRINT" to contain the fingerprint (long hex string) of the user
           who signed the index file and the templates.

       Now run virt-builder commands as normal, eg:

        virt-builder --list --long

        virt-builder os-version

       To debug problems, add the "-v" option to these commands.

       Licensing of templates

       You should be aware of the licensing of images that you distribute.  For open source
       guests, provide a link to the source code in the "notes" field and comply with other
       requirements (eg. around trademarks).

       Since the templates are usually very large, downloaded templates are cached in the user's
       home directory.

       The location of the cache is "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/virt-builder/" or

       You can print out information about the cache directory, including which guests are
       currently cached, by doing:

        virt-builder --print-cache

       The cache can be deleted if you want to save space by doing:

        virt-builder --delete-cache

       You can download all (current) templates to the local cache by doing:

        virt-builder --cache-all-templates

       To disable the template cache, use --no-cache.

       Only templates are cached.  The index and detached digital signatures are not cached.

       Virt-builder uses curl(1) to download files and it also uses the current "http_proxy"
       (etc) settings when installing packages (--install).  You may therefore want to set those
       environment variables in order to maximize the amount of local caching that happens.  See
       "ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES" and curl(1).

       Virt-builder uses GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG or gpg) to verify that the index and templates
       have not been tampered with.

       The source points to an index file, which is optionally signed.

       Virt-builder downloads the index and checks that the signature is valid and the signer's
       fingerprint matches the specified fingerprint (ie. --fingerprint,
       "VIRT_BUILDER_FINGERPRINT", or a built-in fingerprint, in that order).

       For checking against the built-in public key/fingerprint, this requires importing the
       public key into the user's local gpg keyring (that's just the way that gpg works).

       When a template is downloaded, its signature is checked in the same way.

       Although the signatures are optional, if you don't have them then virt-builder users will
       have to use --no-check-signature on the command line.  This prevents an attacker from
       replacing the signed index file with an unsigned index file and having virt-builder
       silently work without checking the signature.  In any case it is highly recommended that
       you always create signed index and templates.

       Virt-builder can build a guest for any architecture no matter what the host architecture
       is.  For example an x86-64 guest on an ARM host.

       However certain options may not work correctly, specifically options that require running
       commands in the guest during the build process: --install, --run, --run-command.  You may
       need to replace these with their firstboot-equivalents.

       An x86-64 host building 32 bit i686 guests should work without any special steps.

       Virt-builder does not need to run as root (in fact, should not be run as root), and
       doesn't use setuid, "sudo" or any similar mechanism.

       --install, --run and --run-command are implemented using an appliance (a small virtual
       machine) so these commands do not run on the host.  If you are using the libguestfs
       libvirt backend and have SELinux enabled then the virtual machine is additionally
       encapsulated in an SELinux container (sVirt).

       However these options will have access to the host's network and since the template may
       contain untrusted code, the code might try to access host network resources which it
       should not.  You can use --no-network to prevent this.

       Firstboot commands run in the context of the guest when it is booted, and so the security
       of your hypervisor / cloud should be considered.

       Virt-builder injects a random seed into every guest which it builds.  This helps to ensure
       that TCP sequence numbers, UUIDs, ssh host keys etc are truly random when the guest boots.

       You should check digital signatures and not ignore any signing errors.

       You can use virt-builder with the User-Mode Linux (UML) backend.  This may be faster when
       running virt-builder inside a virtual machine (eg. in the cloud).

       To enable the UML backend, read the instructions in "USER-MODE LINUX BACKEND" in

       Currently you have to use the --no-network option.  This should be fixed in a future

       The qcow2 output format is not supported by UML.  You can only create raw-format guests.

       Guests which use SELinux (such as Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux) require that each
       file has a correct SELinux label.

       Since virt-builder does not know how to give new files a correct label, it touches
       "/.autorelabel" in the guest and relies on the guest to relabel itself at first boot.

       This usually means that these guests will reboot themselves once the first time you use
       them.  This is normal, and harmless.


       For other environment variables which affect all libguestfs programs, see "ENVIRONMENT
       VARIABLES" in guestfs(3).

           Set the proxy for downloads.  These environment variables (and more)  are actually
           interpreted by curl(1), not virt-builder.

           Used to determine the location of the template cache.  See "CACHING".

           The size (in megabytes) of the appliance.  The default can be found using the command
           "guestfish get-memsize".  Increase this if you find that --run scripts are running out
           of memory.

           Set the default value for the GPG signature fingerprint (see --fingerprint option).

           Set the default value for the source URL for the template repository (see --source

           Used to determine the location of the template cache.  See "CACHING".


       Ця програма повертає значення 0 у разі успішного завершення і ненульове значення, якщо
       сталася помилка.


       guestfs(3), guestfish(1), guestmount(1), virt-copy-out(1), virt-install(1),
       virt-rescue(1), virt-resize(1), virt-sysprep(1), oz-install(1), gpg(1), curl(1),
       virt-make-fs(1), genisoimage(1),


       Richard W.M. Jones


       © Red Hat Inc., 2013



       To get a list of bugs against libguestfs, use this link:

       To report a new bug against libguestfs, use this link:

       When reporting a bug, please supply:

       •   The version of libguestfs.

       •   Where you got libguestfs (eg. which Linux distro, compiled from source, etc)

       •   Describe the bug accurately and give a way to reproduce it.

       •   Run libguestfs-test-tool(1) and paste the complete, unedited output into the bug