Provided by: alliance_5.1.1-1.1_amd64 bug


       abl - Prefixed representation for boolean functions


       libablmmm.a is a library that enables to represent a boolean function in a LISP-like form.
       An ABL is a prefixed internal  representation  for  a  boolean  function  having  standard
       operators as OR,NOR,NAND,XOR,NOT and AND. An ABL is only made up of doublets. A doublet is
       composed of two fields wich are accessible by the  functionnal  #define  CAR  and  CDR.  A
       doublet is implemented with a MBK chain_list.
       Expression is the generic term for a boolean function represented by an ABL. An expression
       can be an atomic expression or an operator expression. The function f = a  is  represented
       by  an atomic expression whereas f = (or a b) is represented by an operator expression. An
       atomic expression is made up of a single doublet having the NEXT pointer equal to NULL and
       DATA  pointer  equal  to the identifier pointer. A constant atomic expression is an atomic
       expression having the string  "'0'" or "'1'" as identifier.
       An operator expression is more complicated than an  atomic  expression.  It's  a  list  of
       items,  the  first item is the head operator of the expression and the following items are
       the arguments of the expression. It's possible to go trough the arguments by  calling  the
       functionnal  #define CDR. Then each argument is accessible by the functionnal #define CAR.
       An argument can be recursively an atomic or  an  operator  expression.  The  arity  of  an
       operator expression is the number of arguments of the first level.
       Functions  are  divided  into two groups, the low level functions are written with #define
       and are used to manage the ABL internal form, the high level functions are used to  manage
       the  boolean  expressions.  All  functions are defined in the file "prefbib.c" (#define in

       Functionnal #define

       ATOM                - checks the kind of an expression (atomic or operator expression).

       CAR                 - returns the DATA pointer of a doublet.

       CADR                - returns the DATA pointer of the NEXT pointer of a doublet.

       CDR                 - returns the NEXT pointer of a doublet.

       OPER                - returns the operator number of an operator expression.

       VALUE_ATOM          - returns the associated char * of an atomic expression.

       Functions and procedures

       addHExpr            - adds a new arguments at the head of an operator expression.

       addQExpr            - adds a new arguments at the queue of an operator expression.

       anyExpr             - returns the value of a logical OR applied  on  the  results  of  the
                           application of a function on the arguments of an operator expression.

       changeOperExpr      - changes the operator of the head of an expression.

       charToOper          - converts an operator string into an operator number.

       copyExpr            - copies an expression.

       createAtom          - creates an atomic expression.

       createBinExpr       - creates a binary operator expression with an eventual merging of the

       createExpr          - creates the head of an operator expression.

       deleteNumExpr       - removes the i-th argument in an operator expression.

       devXor2Expr         - converts XOR 2 to OR-AND.

       devXorExpr          - removes XOR in an expression.

       displayExpr         - displays an expression in a prefixed notation.

       displayInfExpr      - displays an expression in infixed notation.

       equalExpr           - checks that two expressions are strictly equal.

       equalVarExpr        - checks that two expressions are syntactically equal.

       everyExpr           - returns the value of a logical AND applied on  the  results  of  the
                           application of a function on the arguments of an operator expression.

       exprToChar          - converts an expression into a string.

       charToExpr          - converts a string into an expression.

       flatArityExpr       - flattens the operators of an expression.

       flatPolarityExpr    -  translates  the  inverters  of an expression to the level of atomic

       freeExpr            - frees an expression.

       identExpr           - gives an identifier from an operator expression.

       lengthExpr          - returns the number of arguments in an expression.

       mapCarExpr          - creates a new expression by applying a function to all arguments  of
                           an operator expression.

       mapExpr             - applies a procedure to all the arguments of an operator expression.

       maxExpr             - returns the highest argument of an operator expression.

       minExpr             - returns the lowest argument of an operator expression.

       normExpr            - normalizes an expression.

       notExpr             - complements an expression and eventually does a simplification.

       numberAtomExpr      - returns the number of atoms in an expression.

       numberOccExpr       - returns the number of time an atom appears in an expression.

       numberOperBinExpr   - returns the number of equivalent binary operators in an expression.

       operToChar          - converts an operator number into an operator string.

       profExpr            - returns the depth of an expression.

       profAOExpr          - returns the depth of an expression without taking the inverters into

       searchExpr          - searches for a specific atom in an expression.

       searchNumExpr       - fetches the i-th argument in an operator expression.

       searchOperExpr      - searches for an operator in an expression.

       simplif10Expr       - makes simplifications on an  expression  including  constant  atomic

       simplifNotExpr      - makes simplifications on an expression including inverters.

       sortExpr            - sorts an expression.

       substExpr           - copies an expression by substituting a given atom by an expression.

       substPhyExpr        -  substitutes  an  atomic  expression  by  an  expression  within  an

                           - returns the support of an expression in a chain_list.

                           - returns the support of an expression in a ptype_list.

       wPMExpr             -  returns  1  if  the  pattern  matching  is  possible  between   two


       log(1),  mbk(1),  addHExpr(3),  addQExpr(3), anyExpr(3), changeOperExpr(3), charToExpr(3),
       charToOper(3),    copyExpr(3),     createAtom(3),     createBinExpr(3),     createExpr(3),
       deleteNumExpr(3),   devXor2Expr(3),   devXorExpr(3),   displayExpr(3),  displayInfExpr(3),
       equalExpr(3),    equalVarExpr(3),    everyExpr(3),    exprToChar(3),     flatArityExpr(3),
       flatPolarityExpr(3),  freeExpr(3), identExpr(3), lengthExpr(3), mapCarExpr(3), mapExpr(3),
       maxExpr(3),  minExpr(3),  notExpr(3),  normExpr(3),  numberAtomExpr(3),  numberOccExpr(3),
       numberOperBinExpr(3),    operToChar(3),    profExpr(3),    profAOExpr(3),   searchExpr(3),
       searchNumExpr(3),  searchOperExpr(3),  simplif10Expr(3),  simplifNotExpr(3),  sortExpr(3),
       substExpr(3),    substPhyExpr(3),    supportChain_listExpr(3),   supportPtype_listExpr(3).