Provided by: castxml_0.1+git20160202-1.1_amd64 bug


       castxml - Create an XML representation of C++ declarations


       castxml ( <castxml-opt> | <clang-opt> | <src> )...


              Options  interpreted  by  castxml are listed below.  Remaining options are given to
              the internal Clang compiler.


       --castxml-cc-<id> <cc>

       --castxml-cc-<id> "(" <cc> <cc-opt>... ")"

              Configure the internal Clang preprocessor and target platform to match that of  the
              given  compiler  command.   The  <id>  must be "gnu", "msvc", "gnu-c", or "msvc-c".
              <cc> names a compiler (e.g. "gcc")  and  <cc-opt>...  specifies  options  that  may
              affect its target (e.g. "-m32").


              Write gccxml-format output to <src>.xml or file named by '-o'

       --castxml-start <name>[,<name>]...

              Start AST traversal at declaration(s) with the given (qualified) name(s).  Multiple
              names may be specified as a comma-separated list or by repeating the option.

       -help, --help

              Print castxml and internal Clang compiler usage information

       -o <file>

              Write output to <file>


              Print castxml and internal Clang compiler version information

       Help for the internal Clang compiler appears below.


       OVERVIEW: clang LLVM compiler

       USAGE: clang [options] <inputs>

       -###   Print (but do not run) the commands to run for this compilation

              Run the static analyzer

              Emit ARC errors even if the migrator can fix them

       -arcmt-migrate-report-output <value>
              Output path for the plist report

              Do device-side CUDA compilation only

              Do host-side CUDA compilation only

       -cxx-isystem <directory>
              Add directory to the C++ SYSTEM include search path

       -c     Only run preprocess, compile, and assemble steps

       -dD    Print macro definitions in -E mode in addition to normal output

       -dependency-dot <value> Filename to write DOT-formatted header dependencies to

       -dependency-file <value>
              Filename (or -) to write dependency output to

       -dM    Print macro definitions in -E mode instead of normal output

              Emit Clang AST files for source inputs

              Use the LLVM representation for assembler and object files

       -E     Only run the preprocessor

              Enable AltiVec vector initializer syntax

              Use ANSI escape codes for diagnostics

              Use Apple's kernel extensions ABI

              Enable Apple gcc-compatible #pragma pack handling

       -fapplication-extension Restrict code to those available for App Extensions

              Enable the 'blocks' language feature

              Accept non-standard constructs supported by the Borland compiler

              Use the last modification time of <file> as the build session timestamp

       -fbuild-session-timestamp=<time since Epoch in seconds>
              Time when the current build session started

              Use colors in diagnostics

              Treat each comma separated argument in  <arg>  as  a  documentation  comment  block

              Generate coverage mapping to enable code coverage analysis

              Enable C++ exceptions

              Place each data in its own section (ELF Only)

              Place debug types in their own section (ELF Only)

              Parse templated function definitions at the end of the translation unit

              Print fix-its in machine parseable form

              Print source range spans in numeric form

              Display include stacks for diagnostic notes

              Print option name with mappable diagnostics

              Print a template comparison tree for differing templates

              Allow '$' in identifiers

              Emit all declarations, even if unused

              Enable support for exception handling

              Enable  the *frontend*'s 'fast-math' mode. This has no effect on optimizations, but
              provides a preprocessor macro __FAST_MATH__ the same as GCC's -ffast-math flag

              Reserve the r9 register (ARM only)

              Reserve the x18 register (AArch64 only)

              Form fused FP ops (e.g. FMAs): fast (everywhere) |  on  (according  to  FP_CONTRACT
              pragma, default) | off (never fuse)

              Assert that the compilation takes place in a freestanding environment

              Place each function in its own section (ELF Only)

              Allow GNU-extension keywords regardless of language standard

              Generate output compatible with the standard GNU Objective-C runtime

              Use the gnu89 inline semantics

              Implicitly search the file system for module map files.

              Generate calls to instrument function entry and exit

              Enable the integrated assembler

              Require math functions to indicate errors by setting errno

              Specify the maximum alignment to enforce on pointers lacking an explicit alignment

              Load this precompiled module file

              Load this module map file

       -fmodule-name= <name>
              Specify the name of the module to build

              Specify the module cache path

              Require declaration of modules used within a module

              Ignore the definition of the given macro when building and loading modules

              Specify  the  interval  (in  seconds)  after which a module file will be considered

              Specify the interval (in seconds) between attempts to prune the module cache

              Search even non-imported modules to resolve references

              Like -fmodules-decluse but requires all headers to be in modules

       -fmodules-user-build-path <directory>
              Specify the module user build path

              Don't verify input files for the  modules  if  the  module  has  been  successfully
              validated or loaded during this build session

              Validate the system headers that a module depends on when loading the module

              Enable the 'modules' language feature

              Dot-separated value representing the Microsoft compiler version number to report in
              _MSC_VER (0 = don't define it (default))

              Enable full Microsoft Visual C++ compatibility

              Accept some non-standard constructs supported by the Microsoft compiler

              Microsoft compiler version number to report  in  _MSC_VER  (0  =  don't  define  it

              Disable C++ access control

              Don't assume that C++'s global operator new can't alias any pointer

              Disable generation of linker directives for automatic library linking

              Disable implicit builtin knowledge of a specific function

              Disable implicit builtin knowledge of functions

              Compile common globals like normal definitions

       -fno-constant-cfstrings Disable creation of CodeFoundation-type constant strings

              Do not include fixit information in diagnostics

              Disallow '$' in identifiers

       -fno-elide-constructors Disable C++ copy constructor elision

              Do not elide types when printing diagnostics

              Disable GNU style inline asm

              Disable the integrated assembler

              Disallow  implicit  conversions between vectors with a different number of elements
              or different element types

              Disable implicit builtin knowledge of math functions

              Disallow merging of constants

              do not infer Objective-C related result type based on method family

              Do not treat C++ operator name keywords as synonyms for operators

              Turn off loop reroller

              Disable generation of rtti information

       -fno-sanitize-blacklist Don't use blacklist file for sanitizers

              Disable specified features of coverage instrumentation for Sanitizers

              Disable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer

              Disable recovery for specified sanitizers

              Disable trapping for specified sanitizers

              Force wchar_t to be an unsigned int

              Do not include column number on diagnostics

              Do not include source location information with diagnostics

              Char is unsigned

              Allow optimizations that ignore the sign of floating point zeros

              Disable spell-checking

              Disable the use of stack protectors

              Limit debug information produced to reduce size of debug binary

       -fno-threadsafe-statics Do not emit code to make initialization of  local  statics  thread

              Do not process trigraph sequences

              Turn off loop unroller

              Don't use __cxa_atexit for calling destructors

              Don't use .init_array instead of .ctors

              Use EH-safe code when synthesizing retains and releases in -fobjc-arc

              Synthesize retain and release calls for Objective-C pointers

              Enable Objective-C exceptions

              Use GC exclusively for Objective-C related memory management

              Enable Objective-C garbage collection

              Specify the target Objective-C runtime kind and version

              Specify the default maximum struct packing alignment

              Recognize and construct Pascal-style string literals

              Override the default ABI to return all structs on the stack

              Generate     instrumented     code     to    collect    execution    counts    into
              <directory>/default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)

              Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into <file>  (overridden  by
              LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)

              Generate  instrumented  code  to collect execution counts into default.profraw file
              (overriden by '=' form of option or LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)

              Use instrumentation data for profile-guided optimization

              Enable sample-based profile guided optimizations

              Use  instrumentation  data  for  profile-guided  optimization.  If  pathname  is  a
              directory, it reads from <pathname>/default.profdata. Otherwise, it reads from file

              Allow division operations to be reassociated

              Override the default ABI to return small structs in registers

              Turn on loop reroller

              Level of field padding for AddressSanitizer

              Path to blacklist file for sanitizers

              Specify the type of coverage instrumentation for Sanitizers

              Enable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer

              Enable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer

              Enable use-after-destroy detection in MemorySanitizer

              Enable recovery for specified sanitizers

       -fsanitize-trap=<value> Enable trapping for specified sanitizers

              Turn on runtime checks for various forms of undefined or suspicious  behavior.  See
              user manual for available checks

              Allocate  to  an enum type only as many bytes as it needs for the declared range of
              possible values

              Force wchar_t to be a short unsigned int

              Which overload  candidates  to  show  when  overload  resolution  fails:  best|all;
              defaults to all

              Enable C++14 sized global deallocation functions

              Enable the BB vectorization passes

              Enable the superword-level parallelism vectorization passes

              Force the usage of stack protectors for all functions

              Use a strong heuristic to apply stack protectors to functions

              Enable stack protectors for functions potentially vulnerable to stack smashing

              Emit full debug info for all types used by the program

              Enable optimizations based on the strict definition of an enum's value range

       -ftrap-function=<value> Issue call to specified function rather than a trap instruction

       -ftrapv-handler=<function name>
              Specify the function to be called on overflow

              Trap on integer overflow

              Process trigraph sequences

              Use unique names for text and data sections (ELF Only)

              Turn on loop unroller

              Use .init_array instead of .ctors

              Use the given vector functions library

              Enable the loop vectorization passes

              Give inline C++ member functions default visibility by default

              Give  global types 'default' visibility and global functions and variables 'hidden'
              visibility by default

              Set the default symbol visibility for all global declarations

              Treat signed integer overflow as two's complement

              Store string literals as writable data

              Enable System z vector language extension

       -F <value>
              Add directory to framework include search path

       --gcc-toolchain=<value> Use the gcc toolchain at the given directory

              Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 2

              Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 3

              Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 4

              Emit debug line number tables only

       -g     Generate source-level debug information

       -help  Display available options

       -H     Show header includes and nesting depth

       -idirafter <value>
              Add directory to AFTER include search path

       -iframework <value>
              Add directory to SYSTEM framework search path

       -imacros <file>
              Include macros from file before parsing

       -include-pch <file>
              Include precompiled header file

       -include <file>
              Include file before parsing

              Make the next included directory (-I or -F) an indexer header map

       -iprefix <dir>
              Set the -iwithprefix/-iwithprefixbefore prefix

       -iquote <directory>
              Add directory to QUOTE include search path

       -isysroot <dir>
              Set the system root directory (usually /)

       -isystem <directory>
              Add directory to SYSTEM include search path

       -ivfsoverlay <value>
              Overlay the virtual filesystem described by file over the real file system

       -iwithprefixbefore <dir>
              Set directory to include search path with prefix

       -iwithprefix <dir>
              Set directory to SYSTEM include search path with prefix

       -iwithsysroot <directory>
              Add directory to SYSTEM  include  search  path,  absolute  paths  are  relative  to

       -I <value>
              Add directory to include search path

              Enable SVR4-style position-independent code (Mips only)

       -mcrc  Allow use of CRC instructions (ARM only)

       -MD    Write a depfile containing user and system headers

       -mfix-cortex-a53-835769 Workaround Cortex-A53 erratum 835769 (AArch64 only)

              Use 32-bit floating point registers (MIPS only)

       -mfp64 Use 64-bit floating point registers (MIPS only)

       -MF <file>
              Write depfile output from -MMD, -MD, -MM, or -M to <file>

              Generate code which only uses the general purpose registers (AArch64 only)

              Enable merging of globals

       -MG    Add missing headers to depfile

              Run the migrator

              Set iOS deployment target

       -mllvm <value>
              Additional arguments to forward to LLVM's option processing

              Generate an indirect jump to enable jumps further than 64M

              Set Mac OS X deployment target

       -MMD   Write a depfile containing user headers

              Set  the  default  structure  layout  to  be compatible with the Microsoft compiler

       -mmsa  Enable MSA ASE (MIPS only)

       -MM    Like -MMD, but also implies -E and writes to stdout by default

              Disable SVR4-style position-independent code (Mips only)

              Don't workaround Cortex-A53 erratum 835769 (AArch64 only)

              Disable merging of globals

              Don't generate implicit floating point instructions

              Restore the default behaviour of not generating long calls

              Disable MSA ASE (MIPS only)

              Allow generation of deprecated IT blocks for ARMv8. It is off by default for  ARMv8
              Thumb mode

              Force all memory accesses to be aligned (AArch32/AArch64 only)

              Disallow use of CRC instructions (ARM only)

       -module-dependency-dir <value>
              Directory to dump module dependencies to

              Omit frame pointer setup for leaf functions

       -MP    Create phony target for each dependency (other than main file)

              Enable hexagon-qdsp6 backward compatibility

       -MQ <value>
              Specify name of main file output to quote in depfile

              (integrated-as) Relax all machine instructions

              Disallow  generation  of  deprecated  IT  blocks for ARMv8. It is on by default for
              ARMv8 Thumb mode.

       -mrtd  Make StdCall calling convention the default

              Use software floating point

              Set the stack alignment

              Set the stack probe size

              Force realign the stack at entry to every function

       -mthread-model <value>
              The thread model to use, e.g. posix, single (posix by default)

       -MT <value>
              Specify name of main file output in depfile

              Allow memory accesses to be unaligned (AArch32/AArch64 only)

       -MV    Use NMake/Jom format for the depfile

       -M     Like -MD, but also implies -E and writes to stdout by default

              Treat all #include paths starting with <prefix> as not including a system header.

              Disable builtin #include directories

              Disable standard #include directories for the C++ standard library

              Treat source input files as Objective-C++ inputs

       -objcmt-atomic-property Make migration to 'atomic' properties

              Enable migration to modern ObjC

              Enable migration to property and method annotations

              Enable migration to infer NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER for initializer methods

              Enable migration to infer instancetype for method result type

              Enable migration to modern ObjC literals

              Enable migration to NS_ENUM/NS_OPTIONS macros

              Enable migration of setter/getter messages to property-dot syntax

              Enable migration to modern ObjC property

              Enable migration to add protocol conformance on classes

              Enable migration to modern ObjC readonly property

              Enable migration to modern ObjC readwrite property

              Enable migration to modern ObjC subscripting

              Enable migration to use NS_NONATOMIC_IOSONLY macro for setting property's  'atomic'

              Enable migration to annotate property with NS_RETURNS_INNER_POINTER

              Only modify files with a filename contained in the provided directory path

       -ObjC  Treat source input files as Objective-C inputs

       -o <file>
              Write output to <file>

       -pg    Enable mcount instrumentation

       -pipe  Use pipes between commands, when possible

       -print-file-name=<file> Print the full library path of <file>

              Enable Objective-C Ivar layout bitmap print trace

       -print-libgcc-file-name Print the library path for "libgcc.a"

       -print-prog-name=<name> Print the full program path of <name>

              Print the paths used for finding libraries and programs

              Support POSIX threads in generated code

       -P     Disable linemarker output in -E mode

              Don't emit warning for unused driver arguments

              Whether to build a relocatable precompiled header

              Rewrite Legacy Objective-C source to C++

              Rewrite Objective-C source to C++

       -Rpass-analysis=<value> Report transformation analysis from optimization passes whose name
              matches the given POSIX regular expression

              Report missed transformations by optimization passes whose name matches  the  given
              POSIX regular expression

              Report  transformations  performed  by  optimization  passes whose name matches the
              given POSIX regular expression

              Enable the specified remark

              Save intermediate compilation results.

              Save intermediate compilation results

       -serialize-diagnostics <value>
              Serialize compiler diagnostics to a file

              Language standard to compile for

              C++ standard library to use

              Treat all #include paths starting with <prefix> as including a system header.

       -S     Only run preprocess and compilation steps

              Generate code for the given target

       -time  Time individual commands

              Enable some traditional CPP emulation

              Process trigraph sequences

       -undef undef all system defines

              Verify the binary representation of debug output

              Load and verify that a pre-compiled header file is not stale

       -v     Show commands to run and use verbose output

              Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the assembler

              Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the linker

       -working-directory <value>
              Resolve file paths relative to the specified directory

              Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the preprocessor

              Enable the specified warning

       -w     Suppress all warnings

       -Xanalyzer <arg>
              Pass <arg> to the static analyzer

       -Xassembler <arg>
              Pass <arg> to the assembler

       -Xclang <arg>
              Pass <arg> to the clang compiler

       -Xlinker <arg>
              Pass <arg> to the linker

       -Xpreprocessor <arg>
              Pass <arg> to the preprocessor

       -x <language>
              Treat subsequent input files as having type <language>

       -z <arg>
              Pass -z <arg> to the linker

       CastXML project maintained and supported by Kitware (

       Ubuntu clang version 3.7.1-1ubuntu4 (tags/RELEASE_371/final) (based on LLVM 3.7.1) Target:
       x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Thread model: posix