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dwbem - dwb extension manager
dwbem [OPTIONS]
dwbem is a command line tool that handles extensions for dwb.
-a, --list-all List all available extensions that can be handled by dwbem, if an extension is installed it will be indicated with an i, if it is disabled it will be indicated with a d. -b, --bind When used together with -i the extension will be loaded with extensions.bind instead of extensions.load, i.e. it is possible to bind a shortcut for enabling/disabling the extension on the fly. -B extension, --setbind extension Edit configuration of extension, the extension will be loaded with extensions.bind, i.e. it is possible to bind a shortcut for enabling/disabling the extension on the fly, see also -L. -c extension, --config extension Show configuration for extension extension. -d extension, --disable extension Disable extension, the extension will still be installed and the configuration will be kept. -e extension, --enable extension Enable an extension that was previously disabled with -d. -E extension, --edit extension Edit configuration of extension with an editor, the EDITOR environment variable needs to be set for this option. -i extension, --install extension Install extension. If it is a local extension that was installed together with dwb the extension will not be downloaded, only the default configuration will be set. Note that reinstalling an already installed extension will overwrite the configuration with the default configuration. -I extension, --info extension Show information about extension. -l, --list List installed extensions handled by dwbem, if an extension is disabled it will indicated with a d. -L extension, --setload extension Edit configuration for extension. The extension will be loaded with extensions.load, see also -B. -n, --no-config Don’t use a configuration in the loader script, use $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/dwb/extensionrc instead. The extension will simply be loaded with extensions.load("extension");. This option can be combined with -i, -B or -L. If combined with -i it will be applied to all installed extensions. -N, --no-confirm Can be combined with -i, -u, -U, -L or -B. When set most questions are skipped. When combined with -i an existing configuration will be overwritten with the default configuration. When combined with -u or -U the check for changed configurations is skipped, when combined with -L or -B editing configuration is skipped. -r extension, --remove extension Remove an extension. If it is a remote extension the extension will be deleted. This option also discards the configuration. -p extension, --proxy extension HTTP-proxy to use, also overrides the environment variables https_proxy and http_proxy. -u, --upgrade Update installed extensions. -U extension, --update extension Update extension, the update will be forced. It is also useful to check if the configuration has been changed after using --upgrade in combination with --no-confirm. --archive Create, unpack or manipulate extension archives, use dwbem --archive h for detailed information.
dwbem expects the environment variables EDITOR and DIFF_VIEWER to be set, if they are unset vim and vimdiff are used respectively. EDITOR needs to be set if the configuration is edited or a new extension is installed, DIFF_VIEWER needs to be set if extensions are updated.
dwb(1) dwb-js(7) 05/25/2013 DWBEM(1)