Provided by: gmt-common_5.2.1+dfsg-3build1_all bug


       gravfft  -  Compute  gravitational  attraction  of  3-D  surfaces  in  the  wavenumber (or
       frequency) domain


       gravfft ingrid [ ingrid2 ] outfile [ n/wavelength/mean_depth/tbw ] [ density|rhogrid  ]  [
       n_terms    ]    [    [f[+]|g|v|n|e]    ]   [   w|b|c|t   |k   ]   [   [f|q|s|nx/ny][+a|d|h
       |l][+e|n|m][+twidth][+w[suffix]][+z[p]] [  ] [ te/rl/rm/rw[+m] ]  [  [level]  ]  [  wd]  [
       zm[zl] ] [ -fg ]

       Note: No space is allowed between the option flag and the associated arguments.


       gravfft  can be used into three main modes. Mode 1: Simply compute the geopotential due to
       the surface given in the topo.grd file.  Requires a density contrast (-D) and  possibly  a
       different  observation  level  (-W).  It will take the 2-D forward FFT of the grid and use
       the full Parker's method up to  the  chosen  terms.   Mode  2:  Compute  the  geopotential
       response  due  to  flexure of the topography file. It will take the 2-D forward FFT of the
       grid and use the  full Parker's  method  applied  to  the  chosen  isostatic  model.   The
       available models are the "loading from top", or elastic plate model, and the "loading from
       below" which accounts for the plate's response to a sub-surface load (appropriate for  hot
       spot  modeling - if you believe them). In both cases, the model parameters are set with -T
       and -Z options. Mode 3: compute the admittance or coherence between two grids. The  output
       is  the  average  in  the  radial direction.  Optionally, the model admittance may also be
       calculated. The horizontal dimensions of  the  grdfiles  are  assumed  to  be  in  meters.
       Geographical grids may be used by specifying the -fg option that scales degrees to meters.
       If you have grids with dimensions in km, you could change this to meters using grdedit  or
       scale  the  output  with  grdmath.   Given  the  number of choices this program offers, is
       difficult to state what are options and what are required arguments. It  depends  on  what
       you are doing; see the examples for further guidance.


       ingrid 2-D  binary  grid  file  to  be  operated  on.  (See GRID FILE FORMATS below).  For
              cross-spectral operations, also give the second grid file ingrd2.

              Specify the name of the output grid file or the 1-D spectrum table (see  -E).  (See
              GRID FILE FORMATS below).


              Compute  only  the  theoretical admittance curves of the selected model and exit. n
              and wavelength are used to compute (n * wavelength) the  total  profile  length  in
              meters. mean_depth is the mean water depth. Append dataflags (one or two) of tbw in
              any order. t = use "from top" model, b = use "from below" model. Optionally specify
              w to write wavelength instead of frequency.

              Sets  density  contrast  across  surface. Used, for example, to compute the gravity
              attraction of the water layer that can later be combined with the free-air  anomaly
              to  get  the  Bouguer  anomaly. In this case do not use -T. It also implicitly sets
              -N+h.  Alternatively, specify a co-registered grid  with  density  contrasts  if  a
              variable density contrast is required.

              Number of terms used in Parker expansion (limit is 10, otherwise terms depending on
              n will blow out the program) [Default = 3]

              Specify desired geopotential field: compute geoid rather than gravity
                 f = Free-air anomalies (mGal) [Default].  Append + to add in  the  slab  implied
                 when removing the mean value from the topography.  This requires zero topography
                 to mean no mass anomaly.

                 g = Geoid anomalies (m).

                 v = Vertical Gravity Gradient (VGG; 1 Eotvos = 0.1 mGal/km).

                 e = East deflections of the vertical (micro-radian).

                 n = North deflections of the vertical (micro-radian).

       -Iw|b|c|t |k
              Use  ingrd2  and  ingrd1  (a   grid   with   topography/bathymetry)   to   estimate
              admittance|coherence  and  write it to stdout (-G ignored if set). This grid should
              contain  gravity  or  geoid  for  the  same  region  of  ingrd1.  Default  computes
              admittance.  Output  contains  3  or  4 columns. Frequency (wavelength), admittance
              (coherence) one sigma error bar and, optionally, a theoretical  admittance.  Append
              dataflags  (one to three) from w|b|c|t.  w writes wavelength instead of wavenumber,
              k selects km for wavelength unit [m], c computes coherence instead of admittance, b
              writes  a  fourth  column  with  "loading from below" theoretical admittance, and t
              writes a fourth column with "elastic plate" theoretical admittance.

              Choose or  inquire  about  suitable  grid  dimensions  for  FFT  and  set  optional
              parameters. Control the FFT dimension:
                 -Nf will force the FFT to use the actual dimensions of the data.

                 -Nq will inQuire about more suitable dimensions, report those, then continue.

                 -Ns will present a list of optional dimensions, then exit.

                 -Nnx/ny  will  do  FFT  on array size nx/ny (must be >= grid file size). Default
                 chooses dimensions >= data which optimize speed and  accuracy  of  FFT.  If  FFT
                 dimensions > grid file dimensions, data are extended and tapered to zero.

              Control detrending of data: Append modifiers for removing a linear trend:
                 +d: Detrend data, i.e. remove best-fitting linear trend [Default].

                 +a: Only remove mean value.

                 +h: Only remove mid value, i.e. 0.5 * (max + min).

                 +l: Leave data alone.

              Control  extension and tapering of data: Use modifiers to control how the extension
              and tapering are to be performed:
                 +e extends the grid by imposing edge-point symmetry [Default],

                 +m extends the grid by imposing edge mirror symmetry

                 +n turns off data extension.

                 Tapering is performed from the data edge to the FFT grid  edge  [100%].   Change
                 this  percentage  via  +twidth.  When  +n  is in effect, the tapering is applied
                 instead to the data margins as no extension is available [0%].

              Control writing of temporary results: For detailed investigation you can write  the
              intermediate  grid  being  passed  to  the forward FFT; this is likely to have been
              detrended,  extended  by  point-symmetry  along  all  edges,  and  tapered.  Append
              +w[suffix] from which output file name(s) will be created (i.e., ingrid_prefix.ext)
              [tapered], where ext is your file extension. Finally, you may save the complex grid
              produced  by  the  forward  FFT  by  appending +z. By default we write the real and
              imaginary components to ingrid_real.ext  and  ingrid_imag.ext.  Append  p  to  save
              instead  the  polar  form  of  magnitude  and  phase  to  files  ingrid_mag.ext and

       -Q     Writes out a grid with the flexural topography (with z positive up)  whose  average
              was  set  by  -Zzm  and  model  parameters  by  -T  (and output by -G). That is the
              "gravimetric Moho". -Q implicitly sets -N+h

       -S     Computes predicted gravity or geoid grid due to a subplate  load  produced  by  the
              current  bathymetry  and  the  theoretical  model. The necessary parameters are set
              within -T and -Z options. The number of powers in Parker expansion is restricted to
              1.  See an example further down.

              Compute the isostatic compensation from the topography load (input grid file) on an
              elastic plate of thickness te. Also append densities for load, mantle, and water in
              SI  units.  Give average mantle depth via -Z. If the elastic thickness is > 1e10 it
              will be interpreted as the flexural rigidity (by default it is computed from te and
              Young  modulus). Optionally, append +m to write a grid with the Moho's geopotential
              effect (see -F) from model selected by -T.  If te = 0 then  the  Airy  response  is
              returned. -T+m implicitly sets -N+h

       -Wwd   Set  water  depth  (or observation height) relative to topography [0].  Append k to
              indicate km.

              Moho [and swell] average compensation depths. For the "load  from  top"  model  you
              only have to provide zm, but for the "loading from below" don't forget zl.

       -V[level] (more ...)
              Select verbosity level [c].

       -fg    Geographic  grids  (dimensions  of longitude, latitude) will be converted to meters
              via a "Flat Earth" approximation using the current ellipsoid parameters.

       -^ or just -
              Print a short message about the syntax of the command, then exits (NOTE: on Windows
              use just -).

       -+ or just +
              Print  an  extensive  usage  (help)  message,  including  the  explanation  of  any
              module-specific option (but not the GMT common options), then exits.

       -? or no arguments
              Print a complete usage (help) message, including the explanation of  options,  then

              Print GMT version and exit.

              Print full path to GMT share directory and exit.


       By  default  GMT  writes  out grid as single precision floats in a COARDS-complaint netCDF
       file format. However, GMT is able to produce grid files in many other commonly  used  grid
       file formats and also facilitates so called "packing" of grids, writing out floating point
       data as 1- or 2-byte integers. To specify the precision, scale and offset, the user should
       add  the  suffix =id[/scale/offset[/nan]], where id is a two-letter identifier of the grid
       type and precision, and scale and offset are  optional  scale  factor  and  offset  to  be
       applied  to  all  grid values, and nan is the value used to indicate missing data. In case
       the two characters id is not provided, as in  =/scale  than  a  id=nf  is  assumed.   When
       reading  grids,  the format is generally automatically recognized. If not, the same suffix
       can be added to input grid file names. See grdconvert and Section grid-file-format of  the
       GMT Technical Reference and Cookbook for more information.

       When  reading  a  netCDF file that contains multiple grids, GMT will read, by default, the
       first 2-dimensional grid that can find in that file. To  coax  GMT  into  reading  another
       multi-dimensional  variable  in  the  grid  file,  append ?varname to the file name, where
       varname is the name of the variable. Note that you may need to escape the special  meaning
       of  ?  in  your  shell  program  by  putting a backslash in front of it, or by placing the
       filename and suffix between quotes or double quotes. The ?varname suffix can also be  used
       for  output  grids  to  specify  a  variable  name  different  from  the default: "z". See
       grdconvert and  Sections  modifiers-for-CF  and  grid-file-format  of  the  GMT  Technical
       Reference  and  Cookbook  for more information, particularly on how to read splices of 3-,
       4-, or 5-dimensional grids.


       If the grid does not have meter as the horizontal unit, append +uunit to  the  input  file
       name  to  convert  from  the specified unit to meter.  If your grid is geographic, convert
       distances to meters by supplying -fg instead.


       netCDF COARDS grids will automatically  be  recognized  as  geographic.  For  other  grids
       geographical  grids  were you want to convert degrees into meters, select -fg. If the data
       are close to either pole, you should consider projecting the grid file onto a  rectangular
       coordinate system using grdproject.


       The  FFT  solution  to elastic plate flexure requires the infill density to equal the load
       density.  This is typically only true directly beneath  the  load;  beyond  the  load  the
       infill tends to be lower-density sediments or even water (or air).  Wessel [2001] proposed
       an approximation that allows for the specification of an infill density different from the
       load  density  while  still  allowing for an FFT solution. Basically, the plate flexure is
       solved for using the infill density as the effective load density but the  amplitudes  are
       adjusted  by  a factor A = sqrt ((rm - ri)/(rm - rl)), which is the theoretical difference
       in  amplitude  due  to  a  point  load  using  the  two  different  load  densities.   The
       approximation  is  very  good  but  breaks  down  for  large loads on weak plates, a fairy
       uncommon situation.


       To compute the effect of the water layer above the bat.grd bathymetry using 2700 and  1035
       for  the  densities of crust and water and writing the result on water_g.grd (computing up
       to the fourth power of bathymetry in Parker expansion):

              gmt gravfft bat.grd -D1665 -Gwater_g.grd -E4

       Now subtract it to your free-air anomaly faa.grd and you will get the Bouguer anomaly. You
       may  wonder why we are subtracting and not adding.  After all the Bouguer anomaly pretends
       to correct the mass deficiency presented by the water layer,  so  we  should  add  because
       water is less dense than the rocks below. The answer relies on the way gravity effects are
       computed by the Parker's method and practical aspects of using the FFT.

              gmt grdmath faa.grd water_g.grd SUB = bouguer.grd

       Want an MBA anomaly? Well compute  the  crust  mantle  contribution  and  add  it  to  the
       sea-bottom  anomaly.  Assuming  a  6 km thick crust of density 2700 and a mantle with 3300
       density we could repeat the command used to compute the water  layer  anomaly,  using  600
       (3300  -  2700) as the density contrast. But we now have a problem because we need to know
       the mean Moho depth. That is when the scale/offset that can be appended to the grid's name
       comes  in  hand. Notice that we didn't need to do that before because mean water depth was
       computed directly from data (notice also the negative sign of the offset due to  the  fact
       that z is positive up):

              gmt gravfft bat.grd=nf/1/-6000 -D600 -Gmoho_g.grd

       Now, subtract it to the sea-bottom anomaly to obtain the MBA anomaly. That is:

              gmt grdmath water_g.grd moho_g.grd SUB = mba.grd

       To  compute the Moho gravity effect of an elastic plate bat.grd with Te = 7 km, density of
       2700, over a mantle of density 3300, at an average depth of 9 km

              gmt gravfft bat.grd -Gelastic.grd -T7000/2700/3300/1035+m -Z9000

       If you add now the sea-bottom and Moho's effects, you will get the full  gravity  response
       of your isostatic model. We will use here only the first term in Parker expansion.

              gmt gravfft bat.grd -D1665 -Gwater_g.grd -E1
              gmt gravfft bat.grd -Gelastic.grd -T7000/2700/3300/1035+m -Z9000 -E1
              gmt grdmath water_g.grd elastic.grd ADD = model.grd

       The  same  result  can be obtained directly by the next command. However, PAY ATTENTION to
       the following. I don't yet know if it's because of a bug or due to  some  limitation,  but
       the  fact is that the following and the previous commands only give the same result if -E1
       is used.  For higher powers of bathymetry in Parker  expansion,  only  the  above  example
       seams to give the correct result.

              gmt gravfft bat.grd -Gmodel.grd -T7000/2700/3300/1035 -Z9000 -E1

       And  what would be the geoid anomaly produced by a load at 50 km depth, below the a region
       whose bathymetry is given by bat.grd, a Moho at 9 km  depth  and  the  same  densities  as

              gmt gravfft topo.grd -Gswell_geoid.grd -T7000/2700/3300/1035 -Fg -Z9000/50000 -S -E1

       To  compute  the  admittance  between the topo.grd bathymetry and faa.grd free-air anomaly
       grid using the elastic plate model of a crust of 6 km mean thickness with 10 km  effective
       elastic thickness in a region of 3 km mean water depth:

              gmt gravfft topo.grd faa.grd -It -T10000/2700/3300/1035 -Z9000

       To  compute  the  admittance between the topo.grd bathymetry and geoid.grd geoid grid with
       the "loading from below" (LFB) model with the same as above and sub-surface load at 40 km,
       but assuming now the grids are in geographic and we want wavelengths instead of frequency:

              gmt gravfft topo.grd geoid.grd -Ibw -T10000/2700/3300/1035 -Z9000/40000 -fg

       To  compute the gravity theoretical admittance of a LFB along a 2000 km long profile using
       the same parameters as above

              gmt gravfft -C400/5000/3000/b -T10000/2700/3300/1035 -Z9000/40000


       Luis, J.F. and M.C. Neves. 2006, The isostatic compensation of the Azores  Plateau:  a  3D
       admittance  and coherence analysis. J. Geothermal Volc. Res. Volume 156, Issues 1-2, Pages
       10-22, Parker, R. L., 1972,  The  rapid
       calculation  of  potential  anomalies, Geophys. J., 31, 447-455.  Wessel. P., 2001, Global
       distribution of seamounts inferred from gridded Geosat/ERS-1 altimetry, J. Geophys.  Res.,
       106(B9), 19,431-19,441,


       gmt, grdfft, grdmath, grdproject


       2015, P. Wessel, W. H. F. Smith, R. Scharroo, J. Luis, and F. Wobbe