Provided by: iqtree_1.3.11.1+dfsg-1_amd64
iqtree - efficient phylogenetic software by maximum likelihood
iqtree -s <alignment> [OPTIONS]
IQ-TREE version for Linux 64-bit built Feb 1 2016 Copyright © 2011-2015 Nguyen Lam Tung, Olga Chernomor, Arndt von Haeseler and Bui Quang Minh. GENERAL OPTIONS: -? or -h Printing this help dialog -s <alignment> Input alignment in PHYLIP/FASTA/NEXUS/CLUSTAL/MSF format -st <data_type> BIN, DNA, AA, NT2AA, CODON, MORPH (default: auto-detect) -q <partition_file> Edge-linked partition model (file in NEXUS/RAxML format) -spp <partition_file> Like -q option but allowing partition-specific rates -sp <partition_file> Edge-unlinked partition model (like -M option of RAxML) -t <start_tree_file> | BIONJ | RANDOM Starting tree (default: 100 parsimony trees and BIONJ) -te <user_tree_file> Like -t but fixing user tree (no tree search performed) -o <outgroup_taxon> Outgroup taxon name for writing .treefile -pre <PREFIX> Using <PREFIX> for output files (default: aln/partition) -seed <number> Random seed number, normally used for debugging purpose -v, -vv, -vvv Verbose mode, printing more messages to screen NEW STOCHASTIC TREE SEARCH ALGORITHM: -pll Use phylogenetic likelihood library (PLL) (default: off) -numpars <number> Number of initial parsimony trees (default: 100) -toppars <number> Number of best parsimony trees (default: 20) -sprrad <number> Radius for parsimony SPR search (default: 6) -numcand <number> Size of the candidate tree set (defaut: 5) -pers <proportion> Perturbation strength for randomized NNI (default: 0.5) -allnni Perform more thorough NNI search (default: off) -numstop <number> Number of unsuccessful iterations to stop (default: 100) -n <#iterations> Fix number of iterations to <#iterations> (default: auto) -iqp Use the IQP tree perturbation (default: randomized NNI) -iqpnni Switch back to the old IQPNNI tree search algorithm ULTRAFAST BOOTSTRAP: -bb <#replicates> Ultrafast bootstrap (>=1000) -wbt Write bootstrap trees to .ufboot file (default: none) -wbtl Like -wbt but also writing branch lengths -nm <#iterations> Maximum number of iterations (default: 1000) -nstep <#iterations> #Iterations for UFBoot stopping rule (default: 100) -bcor <min_corr> Minimum correlation coefficient (default: 0.99) -beps <epsilon> RELL epsilon to break tie (default: 0.5) STANDARD NON-PARAMETRIC BOOTSTRAP: -b <#replicates> Bootstrap + ML tree + consensus tree (>=100) -bc <#replicates> Bootstrap + consensus tree -bo <#replicates> Bootstrap only SINGLE BRANCH TEST: -alrt <#replicates> SH-like approximate likelihood ratio test (SH-aLRT) -alrt 0 Parametric aLRT test (Anisimova and Gascuel 2006) -abayes approximate Bayes test (Anisimova et al. 2011) -lbp <#replicates> Fast local bootstrap probabilities AUTOMATIC MODEL SELECTION: -m TESTONLY Standard model selection (like jModelTest, ProtTest) -m TEST Like -m TESTONLY but followed by tree reconstruction -m TESTNEWONLY New model selection including FreeRate (+R) heterogeneity -m TESTNEW Like -m TESTNEWONLY but followed by tree reconstruction -m TESTMERGEONLY Select best-fit partition scheme (like PartitionFinder) -m TESTMERGE Like -m TESTMERGEONLY but followed by tree reconstruction -m TESTNEWMERGEONLY Like -m TESTMERGEONLY but includes FreeRate heterogeneity -m TESTNEWMERGE Like -m TESTNEWMERGEONLY followed by tree reconstruction -rcluster <percent> Percentage of partition pairs (relaxed clustering alg.) -mset program Restrict search to models supported by other programs (i.e., raxml, phyml or mrbayes) -mset m1,...,mk Restrict search to models in a comma-separated list (e.g. -mset WAG,LG,JTT) -msub source Restrict search to AA models designed for specific sources (i.e., nuclear, mitochondrial, chloroplast or viral) -mfreq f1,...,fk Restrict search to using a list of state frequencies (default protein: -mfreq FU,F; codon: -mfreq ,F1x4,F3x4,F) -mrate r1,...,rk Restrict search to using a list of rate-across-sites models (e.g. -mrate E,I,G,I+G,R) -cmin <kmin> Min #categories for FreeRate model [+R] (default: 2) -cmax <kmax> Max #categories for FreeRate model [+R] (default: 10) ???merit AIC|AICc|BIC Optimality criterion to use (default: all) -mtree Performing full tree search for each model considered -mredo Ignoring model results computed earlier (default: no) -madd mx1,...,mxk List of mixture models to also consider -mdef <nexus_file> A model definition NEXUS file (see Manual) SUBSTITUTION MODEL: -m <model_name> DNA: HKY (default), JC, F81, K2P, K3P, K81uf, TN/TrN, TNef, TIM, TIMef, TVM, TVMef, SYM, GTR, or 6-digit model specification (e.g., 010010 = HKY) Protein: WAG (default), Poisson, cpREV, mtREV, Dayhoff, mtMAM, JTT, LG, mtART, mtZOA, VT, rtREV, DCMut, PMB, HIVb, HIVw, JTTDCMut, FLU, Blosum62 Protein mixture: C10,...,C60, EX2, EX3, EHO, UL2, UL3, EX_EHO, LG4M, LG4X, JTTCF4G Binary: JC2 (default), GTR2 Empirical codon: KOSI07, SCHN05 Mechanistic codon: GY (default), MG, MGK, GY0K, GY1KTS, GY1KTV, GY2K, MG1KTS, MG1KTV, MG2K Semi-empirical codon: XX_YY where XX is empirical and YY is mechanistic model Morphology/SNP: MK (default), ORDERED Otherwise: Name of file containing user-model parameters (rate parameters and state frequencies) -m <model_name>+F or +FO or +FU or +FQ (default: auto) counted, optimized, user-defined, equal state frequency -m <model_name>+F1x4 or +F3x4 Codon frequencies -m <model_name>+ASC Ascertainment bias correction for morphological/SNP data -m "MIX{m1,...mK}" Mixture model with K components -m "FMIX{f1,...fK}" Frequency mixture model with K components -mwopt Turn on optimizing mixture weights (default: none) RATE HETEROGENEITY: -m <model_name>+I or +G[n] or +I+G[n] or +R[n] Invar, Gamma, Invar+Gamma, or FreeRate model where 'n' is number of categories (default: n=4) -a <Gamma_shape> Gamma shape parameter for site rates (default: estimate) -gmedian Computing mean for Gamma rate category (default: mean) --test-alpha More thorough estimation for +I+G model parameters -i <p_invar> Proportion of invariable sites (default: estimate) -mh Computing site-specific rates to .mhrate file using Meyer & von Haeseler (2003) method TEST OF MODEL HOMOGENEITY: -m WHTEST Testing model (GTR+G) homogeneity assumption using Weiss & von Haeseler (2003) method -ns <#simulations> #Simulations to obtain null-distribution (default: 1000) CONSENSUS RECONSTRUCTION: -t <tree_file> Set of input trees for consensus reconstruction -minsup <threshold> Min split support in range [0,1]; 0.5 for majority-rule consensus (default: 0, i.e. extended consensus) -bi <burnin> Discarding <burnin> trees at beginning of <treefile> -con Computing consensus tree to .contree file -net Computing consensus network to .nex file -sup <target_tree> Assigning support values for <target_tree> to .suptree -suptag <name> Node name (or ALL) to assign tree IDs where node occurs ROBINSON-FOULDS DISTANCE: -rf_all Computing all-to-all RF distances of trees in <treefile> -rf <treefile2> Computing all RF distances between two sets of trees stored in <treefile> and <treefile2> -rf_adj Computing RF distances of adjacent trees in <treefile> TREE TOPOLOGY TEST: -z <trees_file> Evaluating a set of user trees -zb <#replicates> Performing BP,KH,SH,ELW tests for trees passed via -z -zw Also performing weighted-KH and weighted-SH tests GENERATING RANDOM TREES: -r <num_taxa> Create a random tree under Yule-Harding model. -ru <num_taxa> Create a random tree under Uniform model. -rcat <num_taxa> Create a random caterpillar tree. -rbal <num_taxa> Create a random balanced tree. -rcsg <num_taxa> Create a random circular split network. -rlen <min_len> <mean_len> <max_len> min, mean, and max branch lengths of random trees. MISCELLANEOUS: -wt Write locally optimal trees into .treels file -blfix Fix branch lengths of user tree passed via -te -blmin Min branch length for optimization (default 0.000001) -blmax Max branch length for optimization (default 100) -wsl Write site log-likelihoods to .sitelh file -wslr Write site log-likelihoods per rate category -wslm Write site log-likelihoods per mixture class -wslmr Write site log-likelihoods per mixture+rate class -fconst f1,...,fN Add constant patterns into alignment (N=#nstates)