Provided by: gmt-common_5.2.1+dfsg-3build1_all bug


       mgd77sniffer - Along-track quality control of MGD77 cruises


       mgd77sniffer  NGDC-ids  [  fieldabbrev,scale,offset  ] [ maxspd ] [ d|e|E|f|l|m|s|v[r] ] [
       fieldabbrev,imggrid,scale,mode or fieldabbrev,grid ] [  ] [ fieldabbrev,rec1,recN ] [  ] [
       custom-limits-file  ]  [   ]  [ region ] [ d|s|t ] [ gap ] [ [level] ] [ c|g|o|s|t|v|x ] [
       -bo<binary> ] [ -do<nodata> ] [ -n<flags> ]

       Note: No space is allowed between the option flag and the associated arguments.


       mgd77sniffer scans old (pre-Y2K) and  new  format  ASCII  MGD77  files  for  errors  using
       point-by-point  sanity  checking,  along-track detection of excessive slopes, and optional
       comparison of cruise data with global gravity and  predicted  bathymetry  grids.  Detected
       data  problems are output by default as verbose descriptions of each detected error, often
       resulting in multiple messages per scanned record. Data  problems  are  optionally  output
       (-De  option)  using a computer-parseable format (see E77 ERROR FORMAT description below).
       Default error thresholds are  derived  from  histograms  of  all  MGD77  geophysical  data
       collected between 1952 and January, 2006. Thresholds are adjustable with the -L option.


       The mgd77sniffer links with Generic Mapping Tools 4.0 or later along with the supplemental
       GMT packages x2sys and mgd77. See for GMT details.  Grids  for
       comparison with cruise data may be downloaded via the web.


              Can be one or more of five kinds of specifiers:

              1. 8-character NGDC IDs, e.g., 01010083, JA010010etc., etc.

              2. 2-character <agency> codes which will return all cruises from each agency.

              3. 4-character  <agency><vessel>  codes,  which  will return all cruises from those

              4. =<list>, where <list> is a table with NGDC IDs, one per line.

              5. If nothing is specified we return all cruises in the data base.

              (See mgd77info -L for agency and vessel codes). The ".mgd77"  or  ".nc"  extensions
              will  automatically  be  appended, if needed (use -I to ignore certain file types).
              Cruise files will be looked for first in the current directory and  second  in  all
              directories  listed  in  $MGD77_HOME/mgd77_paths.txt  [If $MGD77_HOME is not set it
              will default to $GMT_SHAREDIR/mgd77].


              Apply scale factor and DC adjustment to specified data field. Allows adjustment  of
              cruise  data  prior  to  along-track  analysis.  CAUTION:  data  must be thoroughly
              examined before applying these  global  data  adjustments.  May  not  be  used  for
              multiple cruises.

              Set  maximum  ship  speed in m/s, or knots with -N option. Ship speeds exceeding 10
              m/s (~20 knots) are flagged as excessive by default.

              Suppress default warning output and  only  dump  cruise  data  row-by-row  such  as
              values,  gradients,  grid-cruise  differences, E77 error summaries for each record,
              re-created MGD77 records or  sniffer  limits.  Append  r  to  include  all  records
              (default omits records where navigation errors were detected).

              -Dd  output  differences  between  cruise and grid data. Requires -G option. Output
              columns include:

              lat lon dist cruiseZ gridZ diff [cruiseZ2 gridZ2 diff2 ...]

              Note: grid values are subtracted from cruise data so a positive difference  implies
              cruise  >  grid.  For multiple grid comparison, cruiseZ gridZ diff are repeated for
              each grid comparison in command line order.

              -De output E77 error classification format. Error output  is  divided  into  (1)  a
              header  containing information globally applicable to the cruise and (2) individual
              error  records  summarizing  all  errors  encountered  in   each   cruise   record.
              mgd77sniffer writes E77 directly to <ngdc_id.e77> file handle. See E77 ERROR FORMAT
              below for additional details.

              -DE Same as -De but no regression tests will be carried out.

              -Df output delta Z (change in geophysical field) column  and  delta  S  (change  in
              distance)  for  each  geophysical field. Distance between observations often differ
              for different fields depending on instrument sampling rate, so ds is  included  for
              each geophysical observation. Output columns include:

              d[twt]  ds d[depth] ds d[mtf1] ds d[mtf2] ds d[mag] ds d[diur] ds d[msd] ds d[gobs]
              ds d[eot] ds d[faa] ds

              -Dl display mgd77sniffer limits. Customize this output to create  a  custom  limits
              file  for  the  -L  option.  No  additional  arguments are required. Output columns

              fieldabbrev min max maxSlope maxArea

              -Dm output MGD77 format records in Y2K-compliant MGD77 format

              -Dn output distance to coast for each record. Requires  the  -Gnav  option.  Output
              columns include:

              lat lon dist distToCoast

              -Ds  output  calculated  gradients  for  speed  and  geophysical  fields. Gradients
              correspond to the gradient type selected in the -S option (spatial  derivatives  by
              default). Output columns include:

              speed d[twt] d[depth] d[mtf1] d[mtf2] d[mag] d[diur] d[msd] d[gobs] d[eot] d[faa]

              See MGD77 FIELD INFO below for field and abbreviations descriptions.

              -Dv  display  values  for the twelve position and geophysical fields for each MGD77
              data record (in this order):

              lat lon twt depth mtf1 mtf2 mag diur msens gobs eot faa

              See below for MGD77 FIELD INFO.

              Compare  cruise  data  to  GMT  or  IMG  grids.  Use  one  of  the  formats  below.
              -Gfieldabbrev,imggrid,scale,mode  Compare  cruise  data  to  the  specified grid in
              Sandwell/Smith Mercator format. Requires a  valid  MGD77  field  abbreviation  (see
              MGD77 FIELD INFO below) followed by a comma, the path (if not in current directory)
              and grid filename, a scale to multiply the data (1 or 0.1), and  mode  which  stand
              for  the  following:  (0)  Img  files  with no constraint code, returns data at all
              points, (1) Img file with constraints coded, return data at  all  points,  (2)  Img
              file  with  constraints  coded,  return  data  only  at  constrained points and NaN
              elsewhere, and (3) Img file with constraints coded, return 1 at constraints  and  0
              elsewhere.   -Gfieldabbrev,grid Compare cruise data to the specified grid. Requires
              a valid MGD77 field abbreviation (see MGD77 FIELD INFO below) followed by a  comma,
              then  the  path  (if  not  in  current  directory) and grid filename. Multiple grid
              comparison is supported by using separate -G calls for each  grid.  See  GRID  FILE
              INFO below.

              Grid  comparison  activates  several additional error checks. (1) Re-weighted Least
              Squares Regression of ship versus grid data determines slope and  DC  shift,  which
              when differing from expected 1 and 0, respectively, may indicate incorrectly scaled
              ship data, including incorrect units or  instrument  drift  as  well  as  erroneous
              gravity  tie-in.  (2)  Accumulated  ship  grid offsets are computed along-track and
              excessive offsets are flagged according to maxArea  threshold  (use  -L  option  to
              adjust maxArea). Warning: predicted bathymetry grids are constrained by cruise data
              so grids  and  cruise  data  are  not  always  independent.  Comparison  of  cruise
              bathymetry  with  predicted  bathymetry grids also activates a "navigation crossing
              over land" check.

       -H     (with -G|g only) disable (or force) decimation during  RLS  analysis  of  ship  and
              gridded  data.  By  default  mgd77sniffer analyses both the full and decimated data
              sets then reports RLS statistics for the higher correlation regression.

              -Hb analyze both (default), report better of two.

              -Hd to disable data decimation (equivalent to -H with no argument).

              -Hf to force data decimation.

              Append a field abbreviation and the first and last record in  a  range  of  records
              that  should  be  flagged  as bad (and set to NaN prior to the analysis). Repeat as
              many times as needed. May not be used for multiple cruises.

       -K     Reverse navigation quality flags (good to bad and vice  versa).  May  be  necessary
              when  a  majority of navigation fixes are erroneously flagged bad, which can happen
              when a cruise's first navigation fix is extremely  erroneous.  Caution!  This  will
              affect  sniffer output and should only be attempted after careful manual navigation

              Override mgd77sniffer default error detection limits. Supply path and  filename  to
              the  custom  limits  file. Rows not beginning with a valid MGD77 field abbreviation
              are ignored. Field abbreviations are listed below in exact form under  MGD77  FIELD
              INFO.  Multiple  field limits may be modified using one default file, one field per
              line.  Field min, max, max slope and max area may be changed for  each  field.  Max
              slope  pertains to the gradient type selected using the -S option. Max area is used
              by the -G option as the threshold for flagging excessive offsets from the specified
              grid.   Dump  defaults  -Dl  to view syntax or to quickly create an editable custom
              limits file.

              Example custom default file contents (see below for units):

                                │# abbrev │ min  │ max   │ maxSlope │ maxArea │
                                │twt      │ 0    │ 15    │ 1        │ 0       │
                                │depth    │ 0    │ 11000 │ 500      │ 5000    │
                                │mag      │ -800 │ 800   │ --       │ --      │
                                │faa      │ -300 │ 300   │ 100      │ 2500    │

              Use a dash '-' to retain a default limit. Hint: to test your  custom  limits,  try:
              mgd77sniffer -Dl -L<yourlimitsfile>

       -N     Use nautical units.

       -P     Flag  regression statistics that are outside the specified confidence level. (i.e.,
              -P5 flags coefficients m, b, rms, and r that fall outside 95%.)

              west, east, south, and north specify the region of interest, and  you  may  specify
              them in decimal degrees or in [+-]dd:mm[][W|E|S|N] format. Append r if lower
              left and upper right  map  coordinates  are  given  instead  of  w/e/s/n.  The  two
              shorthands  -Rg  and  -Rd stand for global domain (0/360 and -180/+180 in longitude
              respectively, with -90/+90 in latitude).  Alternatively  for  grid  creation,  give
              Rcodelon/lat/nx/ny,  where  code is a 2-character combination of L, C, R (for left,
              center, or right) and T, M, B for top, middle, or bottom. e.g., BL for lower  left.
              This  indicates  which  point on a rectangular region the lon/lat coordinate refers
              to, and the grid dimensions nx and ny with grid spacings via -I is used  to  create
              the corresponding region.  Alternatively, specify the name of an existing grid file
              and the -R settings (and grid spacing, if applicable) are  copied  from  the  grid.
              Using  -Runit  expects  projected (Cartesian) coordinates compatible with chosen -J
              and we inversely project to determine actual rectangular  geographic  region.   For
              perspective  view  (-p), optionally append /zmin/zmax.  In case of perspective view
              (-p), a z-range (zmin, zmax) can be appended to indicate the third dimension.  This
              needs to be done only when using the -Jz option, not when using only the -p option.
              In the latter case a perspective view of  the  plane  is  plotted,  with  no  third

              Specify  gradient  type  for  along-track  excessive slope checking.  -Sd Calculate
              change in z values along track (dz). Output is given in  geophysical  units,  e.g.,
              mGal.   -Ss  Calculate  spatial  gradients  (dz/ds). Output is given in geophysical
              units per km along the survey track, e.g., mGal/km.  -St Calculate  time  gradients
              (dz/dt) [default]. Output is given in geophysical units per second along the survey
              track, e.g., mGal/sec.

       -Tgap  Adjusts mgd77sniffer gap handling. By default, data gaps  greater  than  5  km  are
              skipped. Set to zero to de-activate gap skipping.

              Print out only certain warning types for verbose error messages.  Comma delimit any
              combination of c|g|o|s|t|v|x: where (c)  type  code  warnings,  (g)radient  out  of
              range,  (o)ffsets from grid (requires -G|g), (s)peed out of range, (t)ime warnings,
              (v)alue out of range, (x) warning summaries. By default ALL  warning  messages  are
              printed.Not compatible with any -D options.

       -V[level] (more ...)
              Select verbosity level [c].

       -bo[ncols][type] (more ...)
              Select native binary output. Output binary data for -Dd|f|s|v option.

       -donodata (more ...)
              Replace output columns that equal NaN with nodata.

       -n[b|c|l|n][+a][+bBC][+c][+tthreshold] (more ...)
              Select interpolation mode for grids.

       -^ or just -
              Print a short message about the syntax of the command, then exits (NOTE: on Windows
              use just -).

       -+ or just +
              Print  an  extensive  usage  (help)  message,  including  the  explanation  of  any
              module-specific option (but not the GMT common options), then exits.

       -? or no arguments
              Print  a  complete usage (help) message, including the explanation of options, then

              Print GMT version and exit.

              Print full path to GMT share directory and exit.


       Resample or sampling of grids will use various  algorithms  (see  -n)  that  may  lead  to
       possible  distortions  or unexpected results in the resampled values.  One expected effect
       of resampling with splines is the tendency for the new resampled values to slightly exceed
       the  global  min/max limits of the original grid.  If this is unacceptable, you can impose
       clipping of the resampled values values so they do not exceed the input min/max values  by
       adding +c to your -n option.


                                 │FieldAbbreviationUnits     │
                                 │Two-way   │ Travel       │ Time      │
                                 │Corrected │ Depth        │ depth     │
                                 │Mag       │ Total        │ Field1    │
                                 │Mag       │ Total        │ Field2    │
                                 │Residual  │ Magnetic     │ mag       │
                                 │Diurnal   │ Correction   │ diur      │
                                 │Mag       │ Sensor       │ Depth/Alt │
                                 │Observed  │ Gravity      │ gobs      │
                                 │Eotvos    │ Correction   │ eot       │
                                 │Free      │ Air          │ Anomaly   │


       For  the grids must eitehr be in the format used by Sandwell & Smith, which is a spherical
       Mercator 2-byte grid with no header, or any grid type supported by GMT and therefore  must
       contain  a  GMT  header.  A  correctly  formatted  *.i2  grid  file can be generated using
       grdraster as shown below.


       Create/edit .gmt_io file to include the following rows:

       # GMT I/O shorthand file

       # suffix  format_id  scale  offset  NaN

       grd 0  -  -  -  -

       i2  2  -  -  32767

              gmt grdraster 1 -R0/359:55/-90/90 -Getopo5_hdr.i2

       The new grid, etopo5_hdr.i2 in this example, contains a GMT header and can be used in  the
       -G option to compare cruise depth with grid values.


       Header Information  pertaining  to  an  entire cruise, such as NGDC and survey institution
              identification codes,  cruise  examination  time,  two-way  travel  time  corrector
              information,  data  precision warnings, as well as systematic scales, DC shifts and
              correlation coefficients from global grid comparisons are reported  as  E77  header


              # Cruise 08010039 ID 74010908 MGD77 FILE VERSION: 19801230 N_RECS: 3066

              # Examined: Wed Oct 3 16:30:13 2007 by mtchandl

              # Arguments: -De -Gdepth,/data/GRIDS/etopo5_hdr.i2

              N Errata table verification status

              # mgd77manage applies corrections if the errata table is verified (toggle 'N' above
              to 'Y' after review)

              #     For     instructions     on     E77      format      and      usage,      see

              # Verified by:

              # Comments:

              # Errata: Header

              Y-E-08010039-H13-02: Invalid Magnetics Sampling Rate: (99) [ ]

              Y-W-08010039-H13-10:  Survey year (1975) outside magnetic reference field IGRF 1965
              time range (1965-1970)

              Y-I-08010039-depth-00: RLS m: 1.00053 b: 0 rms: 127.851 r: 0.973422 significant:  1
              decimation: 0

              Y-W-08010039-twt-09: More recent bathymetry correction table available

              Y-W-08010039-mtf1-10: Integer precision

              Y-W-08010039-mag-10: Integer precision

       Error Record
              Individual  error records have strict format. Included is a time or distance column
              followed by record number, a formatted error code string,  and  finally  a  verbose
              description  of errors detected in the record. Three error classes are encoded into
              the error code string with  different  alphabetic  characters  representing  unique
              error types. See below for error code format description.

              Format <time/distance> <record number> <error code string> <description>


              # Errata: Data

              Y  08010039  1975-05-10T22:16:05.88  74  C-0-0 NAV: excessive speed

       Error Code Description
              Each  of  the  three  error  classes  is  separated  by a dash - and described by a
              combination of alphabetic characters or 0 signifying no detected problems.

              Error classes: NAV-VAL-GRAD

              Error Class Descriptions

              NAV (navigation):

              0 - fine

              A - time out of range

              B - time decreasing

              C - excessive speed

              D - above sea level

              E - lat undefined

              F - lon undefined

              VAL (value):

              0 - fine

              K - twt invalid

              L - depth invalid

              O - mtf1 invalid


              GRAD (gradient):

              0 - fine

              K - d[twt] excessive

              L - d[depth] excessive

              O - d[mtf1] excessive

              The NAV error class has unique cases while VAL and GRAD classes  are  described  by
              alphabetic characters for each of the 24 numeric fields in MGD77 format order.

              MGD77 bit-pattern w/ E77 alpha characters


              | X W V U T S R Q P O N M L K J I H G F E D C B A | E77 Code |

              | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - -|

              | n f e g m d m m m m b b d t p l l m h d m y t d | F I |

              | q a o o s i s a t t t c e w t o a i o a o e z r | i D |

              | c a t b d u e g f f c c p t c n t n u y n a t | e |

              | s r n 2 1 t r t r | l |

              | s h h | d |

              | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - -|

              | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | Bit place|

              | - G C G C C - G G G - - G G - - - T T T T T - - | Bit type |


              Bit types: (G)eophysical, (C)orrection, (T)ime


       To scan for excessive values or gradients, try

              gmt mgd77sniffer 08010001

       To dump cruise gradients, try

              gmt mgd77sniffer 08010001 -Ds

       To  compare  cruise  depth  with  ETOPO5  bathymetry and gravity with Sandwell/Smith 2 min
       gravity version 11, try

              mgd77sniffer 08010001 -Gdepth,/data/GRIDS/etopo5_hdr.i2 \


       mgd77list, mgd77track x2sys_init


       The     Marine     Geophysical     Data     Exchange     Format     -      MGD77,      see


       2015, P. Wessel, W. H. F. Smith, R. Scharroo, J. Luis, and F. Wobbe