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       t.vect.observe.strds   - Observes specific locations in a space time raster dataset over a
       period of time using vector points.


       temporal, sampling, vector, time


       t.vect.observe.strds --help
       t.vect.observe.strds  input=name  strds=name[,name,...]   output=name   vector_output=name
       columns=string[,string,...]    [where=sql_query]     [t_where=sql_query]     [--overwrite]
       [--help]  [--verbose]  [--quiet]  [--ui]

           Allow output files to overwrite existing files

           Print usage summary

           Verbose module output

           Quiet module output

           Force launching GUI dialog

       input=name [required]
           Name of input vector map
           Or data source for direct OGR access

       strds=name[,name,...] [required]
           Name of the input space time raster datasets

       output=name [required]
           Name of the output space time vector dataset

       vector_output=name [required]
           Name of the new created vector map that stores the sampled values in different layers

       columns=string[,string,...] [required]
           Names of the vector columns to be created and to store sampled raster values, one name
           for each STRDS

           WHERE conditions of SQL statement without ’where’ keyword
           Example: income < 1000 and inhab >= 10000

           WHERE  conditions  of  SQL  statement without ’where’ keyword used in the temporal GIS
           Example: start_time > ’2001-01-01 12:30:00’


       The module t.vect.observe.strds is used to observe specific  locations  in  a  space  time
       raster dataset over a period of time using vector points.  The first input is a vector map
       layer with vector points. The second input is one or several space  time  raster  datasets
       (STRDS)  that  should  be  sampled over time at the vector point positions. The space time
       raster dataset will be sampled over its whole temporal extent (from  start  to  end).  The
       range  can  be  adjusted using the temporal where condition t_where. A column name must be
       specified for each input space time raster dataset.

       As results  a new space time vector dataset is generated  that  contains  a  single  (new)
       vector  map  that  links  to as many time stamped attribute tables as raster map layer are
       present in the input space time raster dataset. Hence, for each time  step  in  the  space
       time  raster  dataset  a  new attribute table is created. The GRASS GIS Temporal Framework
       allows to time stamp attribute tables that can be linked to a single vector map layer.

       The module v.what.rast is used internally for sampling the time stamped raster map layers.
       All  sampled  values of a single time stamped raster map layer are written into a new time
       stamped attribute table.

       Use to print attribute values of the space time vector dataset to stdout.


       The example show how to create a space time vector dataset and  a  vector  layer  starting
       from a point vector and a space time raster dataset:
       t.vect.observe.strds input=precip_30ynormals_3d strds=tempmean_monthly \
                            output=precip_stations vect=precip_stations_monthly \
                            columns=month precip_stations type=stvds
        +-------------------- Space Time Vector Dataset -----------------------------+
        |                                                                            |
        +-------------------- Basic information -------------------------------------+
        | Id: ........................ precip_stations@climate_2009_2012
        | Name: ...................... precip_stations
        | Mapset: .................... climate_2009_2012
        | Creator: ................... lucadelu
        | Temporal type: ............. absolute
        | Creation time: ............. 2014-12-02 00:42:39.187615
        | Modification time:.......... 2014-12-02 00:42:55.215169
        | Semantic type:.............. mean
        +-------------------- Absolute time -----------------------------------------+
        | Start time:................. 2009-01-01 00:00:00
        | End time:................... 2013-01-01 00:00:00
        | Granularity:................ 1 month
        | Temporal type of maps:...... interval
        +-------------------- Spatial extent ----------------------------------------+
        | North:...................... 306221.830194
        | South:...................... 27606.895351
        | East:.. .................... 917004.829165
        | West:....................... 151768.568246
        | Top:........................ 1615.44
        | Bottom:..................... 2.4384
        +-------------------- Metadata information ----------------------------------+
        | Vector register table:...... vector_map_register_be074525097c4088997c9a1979f17065
        | Number of points ........... 6664
        | Number of lines ............ 0
        | Number of boundaries ....... 0
        | Number of centroids ........ 0
        | Number of faces ............ 0
        | Number of kernels .......... 0
        | Number of primitives ....... 6664
        | Number of nodes ............ 0
        | Number of areas ............ 0
        | Number of islands .......... 0
        | Number of holes ............ 0
        | Number of volumes .......... 0
        | Number of registered maps:.. 49
        | Title:
        | Observaion of space time raster dataset(s) tempmean_monthly
        | Description:
        | Observation of space time raster dataset(s) tempmean_monthly with vector map precip_30ynormals_3d
        | Command history:
        | # 2014-12-02 00:42:39
        | t.vect.observe.strds input="precip_30ynormals_3d"
        |     strds="tempmean_monthly" output="precip_stations"
        |     vect="precip_stations_monthly" columns="month"
        +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ precip_stations_monthly
        | Name:            precip_stations_monthly                                   |
        | Mapset:          climate_2009_2012                                         |
        | Location:        nc_spm_temporal_workshop                                  |
        | Database:        /grassdata                                                |
        | Title:           North Carolina 30 year precipitation normals (3D)         |
        | Map scale:       1:1                                                       |
        | Name of creator: neteler                                                   |
        | Organization:                                                              |
        | Source date:     Wed May  9 14:32:39 2007                                  |
        | Timestamp (first layer): none                                              |
        | Map format:      native                                                    |
        |   Type of map: vector (level: 2)                                           |
        |                                                                            |
        |   Number of points:       136             Number of centroids:  0          |
        |   Number of lines:        0               Number of boundaries: 0          |
        |   Number of areas:        0               Number of islands:    0          |
        |   Number of faces:        0               Number of kernels:    0          |
        |   Number of volumes:      0               Number of holes:      0          |
        |                                                                            |
        |   Map is 3D:              Yes                                              |
        |   Number of dblinks:      49                                               |
        |                                                                            |
        |   Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic                                      |
        |                                                                            |
        |               N:     306221.830194    S:      27606.895351                 |
        |               E:     917004.829165    W:     151768.568246                 |
        |               B:            2.4384    T:           1615.44                 |
        |                                                                            |
        |   Digitization threshold: 0                                                |
        |   Comment:                                                                 |
        |                                                                            |


        t.create,,, t.vect.what.strds


       Sören Gebbert, Thünen Institute of Climate-Smart Agriculture

       Last changed: $Date: 2015-09-22 10:12:20 +0200 (Tue, 22 Sep 2015) $

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