Provided by: libconfig-model-perl_2.082-1_all 

Config::Model::ListId - Handle list element for configuration model
version 2.082
See "SYNOPSIS" in Config::Model::AnyId
This class provides list elements for a Config::Model::Node.
ListId object should not be created directly.
List model declaration
See model declaration section from Config::Model::AnyId.
get_type Returns "list". fetch_size Returns the number of elements of the list. load(string, [ check => 'no' ] ) Store a set of values passed as a comma separated list of values. Values can be quoted strings. (i.e ""a,a",b" will yield "('a,a', 'b')" list). "check" can be yes, no or skip store_set( ... ) Store a set of values (passed as list) If tinkering with check is required, use the following way : store_set ( \@v , check => 'skip' ); move ( from_index, to_index, [ check => 'no' ) Move an element within the list. "check" can be 'yes' 'no' 'skip' push( value1, [ value2 ... ] ) push some values at the end of the list. push_x ( values => [ v1','v2', ...] , ... ) Like push with extended options. Options are: check Check value validaty. Either "yes" (default), "no", "skip" values Values to push (array_ref) value Single value to push annotation unshift( value1, [ value2 ... ] ) unshift some values at the end of the list. insert_at( idx, value1, [ value2 ... ] ) unshift some values at index idx in the list. insert_before( ( val | qr/stuff/ ) , value1, [ value2 ... ] ) unshift some values before value equal to "val" or before value matching "stuff". insort( value1, [ value2 ... ] ) Insert "zz" value on "xxx" list so that existing alphanumeric order is preserved. Will yield unpexpected results if call on an unsorted list. store Equivalent to push_x. This method is provided to help write configuration parser, so the call is the same when dealing with leaf or list values. Prefer "push_x" when practical. check "yes", "no" or "skip" annotation list ref of annotation to store with the list values Example: $elt->push_x ( values => [ 'v1','v2' ] , annotation => [ 'v1 comment', 'v2 comment' ], check => 'skip' ); sort() Sort the content of the list. Can only be called on list of leaf. swap ( "ida" , "idb" ) Swap 2 elements within the array remove ( "idx" ) Remove an element from the list. Equivalent to "splice @list,$idx,1" load_data ( data => ( ref | scalar ) [, check => ... ] [ , split_reg => $re ] ) Clear and load list from data contained in the "data" array ref. If a scalar or a hash ref is passed, the list is cleared and the data is stored in the first element of the list. If split_reg is specified, the scalar will be split to load the array. For instance $elt->load_data( data => 'foo,bar', split_reg => qr(,) ) ; will load " [ 'foo','bar']" in $elt
Dominique Dumont, (ddumont at cpan dot org)
Config::Model::Model, Config::Model::Instance, Config::Model::AnyId, Config::Model::HashId, Config::Model::Value
Dominique Dumont
This software is Copyright (c) 2005-2016 by Dominique Dumont. This is free software, licensed under: The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999