Provided by: libconfig-model-lcdproc-perl_2.046-1_all
Config::Model::models::LCDd::SureElec - Configuration class LCDd::SureElec
Configuration classes used by Config::Model generated from LCDd.conf
Brightness Set the initial brightness Optional. Type integer. upstream_default: '480'. Contrast Set the initial contrast Optional. Type integer. upstream_default: '480'. Device Port the device is connected to (by default first USB serial port)Optional. Type uniline. default: '/dev/ttyUSB0'. Edition Edition level of the device (can be 1, 2 or 3) Optional. Type uniline. upstream_default: '2'. OffBrightness Set the initial off-brightness This value is used when the display is normally switched off in case LCDd is inactive. Optional. Type integer. upstream_default: '100'. Size set display size Note: The size can be obtained directly from device for edition 2 & 3.Optional. Type uniline. upstream_default: '16x2'.
• cme