Provided by: libfile-util-perl_4.132140-2_all bug


       File::Util::Manual - File::Util Reference


       version 4.132140


       This manual is is the complete reference to all available public methods for use in
       File::Util.  It also touches on a few other topics as set forth below.

       For a "nutshell"-type reference full of actual small example code snippets, take a look at
       the File::Util::Manual::Examples

       For examples of full Programs using File::Util, take a look at the File::Util::Cookbook.

   The layout of the Manual
       Now we'll start out with some brief notes about what File::Util is (and isn't), then we'll
       talk about the syntax used in File::Util.  After that we discuss custom error handling and
       diagnostics in File::Util.  Finally, the rest of this document will cover File::Util's
       object methods, one by one, with brief usage examples.

   What File::Util Is
       File::Util is a "Pure Perl" library that provides you with several easy-to-use tools to
       wrangle files and directories.  It has higher order methods (that's fancy talk for saying
       that you can feed subroutine references to some of File::Util's object methods and they
       will be treated like "callbacks").

       File::Util is mainly Object-Oriented Perl, but strives to be gentle and accommodating to
       those who do not know about or who do not like "OO" interfaces.  As such, many of the
       object methods available in File::Util can also be imported into your namespace and used
       like regular subroutines to make short work of simple tasks.

       For more advanced tasks and features, you will need to use File::Util's object-oriented
       interface.  Don't worry, it's easy, and there are plenty of examples here in the
       documentation to get you off to a great and productive start.  If you run into trouble,
       help is available.

       File::Util tries its best to adhere to these guiding principles:

       Be easy
           Make hard things easier and safer to do while avoiding common mistakes associated with
           file handling in Perl.  Code using File::Util will automatically be abiding by best
           practices with regard to Perl IO.

           File::Util makes the right decisions for you with regard to all the little details
           involved in the vast majority of file-related tasks.  File locking is automatically
           performed for you!  File handles are always lexically scoped.  Safe reads and writes
           are performed with hard limits on the amount of RAM you are allowed to consume in your
           process per file read.  (You can adjust the limits.)

       Be portable
           We make sure that File::Util is going to work on your computer or virtual machine.  If
           you run Windows, Mac, Linux, BSD, some flavor of Unix, etc...  File::Util should work
           right out of the box.  There are currently no platforms where Perl runs that we do not
           support.  If Perl can run on it, File::Util can run on it.  If you want unicode
           support, however, you need to at least be running Perl 5.8 or better.

       Be compatible
           File::Util has been around for a long time, and so has Perl.  We'd like to think that
           this is because they are good things!  This means there is a lot of backward-
           compatibility to account for, even within File::Util itself.

           In the last several years, there has never been a release of File::Util that
           intentionally broke code running a previous version.  We are unaware of that even
           happening.  File::Util is written to support both old and new features, syntaxes, and
           interfaces with full backward-compatibility.

       Be helpful
           If requested, File::Util outputs extremely detailed error messages when something goes
           wrong in a File::Util operation.  The diagnostic error messages not only provide
           information about what went wrong, but also hints on how to fix the problem.

           These error messages can easily be turned on and off.  See DIAGNOSTICS for the

       Be Pure
           File::Util uses no XS or C underpinnings that require you to have a compiler or make
           utility on your system in order to use it.  Simply follow standard installation
           procedures (INSTALLATION) and you're done.  No compiling required.

   What File::Util Is NOT
       File::Util offers significant performance increases over other modules for most directory-
       walking and searching, whether doing so in a single directory or in many directories
       recursively. (See also the benchmarking and profiling scripts included in the performance
       subdirectory as part of this distribution)*

       However File::Util is NOT a single-purpose file-finding/searching utility like
       File::Find::Rule which offers a handful of extra built-in search features that File::Util
       does not give you out of the box, such as searching for files by owner/group or size.  It
       is possible to accomplish the same things by taking advantage of File::Util's callbacks if
       you want to, but this isn't the "one thing" File::Util was built to do.

       *Sometimes it doesn't matter how fast you can search through a directory 1000 times.
       Performance alone isn't the best criteria for choosing a module.


       In the past, File::Util relied on an older method invocation syntax that was not robust
       enough to support the newer features that have been added since version 4.0.  In addition
       to making new features possible, the new syntax is more in keeping with what the Perl
       community has come to expect from its favorite modules, like Moose and DBIx::Class.

   OLD Syntax Example
          # this legacy syntax looks clunky and kind of smells like shell script
          $f->list_dir( '/some/dir', '--recurse', '--as-ref', '--pattern=[^\d]' );

   NEW Syntax Example (Does Much More)
          # This syntax is much more robust, and supports new features
             '/some/dir' => {
                files_match    => { or  => [ qr/bender$/, qr/^flexo/   ] },
                parent_matches => { and => [ qr/^Planet/, qr/Express$/ ] },
                callback       => \&deliver_interstellar_shipment,
                files_only     => 1,
                recurse        => 1,
                as_ref         => 1,

       If you already have code that uses the old syntax, DON'T WORRY -- it's still fully
       supported behind the scenes.  However, for new code that takes advantage of new features
       like higher order functions (callbacks), or advanced matching for directory listings,
       you'll need to use the syntax as set forth in this document.  The old syntax isn't covered
       here, because you shouldn't use it anymore.

       An Explanation Of The "Options Hashref"

       As shown in the code example above, the new syntax uses hash references to specify options
       for calls to File::Util methods.  This documentation refers to these as the "options
       hashref".  The code examples below illustrates what they are and how they are used.
       Advanced Perl programmers will recognize these right away.

       NOTE: "hashref" is short for "hash reference".  Hash references use curly brackets and
       look like this:

          my $hashref = { name => 'Larry', language => 'Perl', pet => 'Velociraptor' };

       File::Util uses these hash references as argument modifiers that allow you to enable or
       disable certain features or behaviors, so you get the output you want, like this:

          my $result = $ftl->some_method_call( arg1, arg2, { options hashref } );
                                                           # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #

       A couple of real examples would look like this:

          $ftl->write_file( '/some/file.txt', 'Hello World!', { mode => 'append' } );
                                                              # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #

          $ftl->list_dir( '/home/dangerian' => { recurse => 1, files_only => 1 } );
                                               # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #


   Feature Summary
       Managing potential errors is a big part of Perl IO.  File::Util gives you several options.
       In fact, every single call to a File::Util method which accepts an "options hashref" can
       also include an error handling directive.  File::Util has some pre-defined error handling
       behaviors that you can choose from, or you can supply your own error handler routine.
       This is accomplished via the "onfail" option.

       As an added convenience, when you use this option with the File::Util constructor method,
       it sets the default error handling policy for all failures; in other words, you can set up
       one error handler for everything and never have to worry about it after that.

          # Set every error to cause a warning instead of dying by default
          my $ftl = File::Util->new( { onfail => 'warn' } );

          $ftl->write_file( 'C:\\' => 'woof!' ); # now this call will warn and not die

       The predefined "onfail" behaviors and their syntaxes are covered below.

       keyword: "die"
           This is what File::Util already does: it calls "CORE::die()" with an error message
           when it encounters a fatal error, and your program terminates.


              my $ftl = File::Util->new( ... { onfail => 'die' } );

       keyword: "zero"
           When you use the predefined "zero" behavior as the "onfail" handler, File::Util will
           return a zero value (the integer 0) if it encounters a fatal error, instead of dying.
           File::Util won't warn about the error or abort execution.  You will just get a zero
           back instead of what you would have gotten otherwise, and execution will continue as
           if no error happened.


              my $content = File::Util->load_file( ... { onfail => 'zero' } );

       keyword: "undefined"
           When you use the predefined "undefined" behavior as the "onfail" handler, if
           File::Util runs into a fatal error it will return "undef".  Execution will not be
           aborted, and no warnings will be issued.  A value of undef will just get sent back to
           the caller instead of what you would have gotten otherwise.  Execution will then
           continue on as if no error happened.

           Note: This option usually makes more practical sense than "onfail => 'zero'"


              my $handle = File::Util->open_handle( ... { onfail => 'undefined' } );

       keyword: "warn"
           When you use the predefined "warn" behavior as the "onfail" handler, File::Util will
           return "undef"  if it encounters a fatal error, instead of dying.  Then File::Util
           will emit a warning with details about the error, but will not abort execution.  You
           will just get a warning message sent to STDERR and "undef" gets sent back to the
           caller instead of what you would have gotten otherwise.  Other than the warning,
           execution will continue as if no error ever happened.


              my $write_ok = File::Util->write_file( ... { onfail => 'warn' } );

       keyword: "message"
           When you use the predefined "message" behavior as the "onfail" handler, if File::Util
           runs into a fatal error it will return an error message in the form of a string
           containing details about the problem.  Execution will not be aborted, and no warnings
           will be issued.  You will just get an error message sent back to the caller instead of
           what you would have gotten otherwise.  Execution will then continue on as if no error


              my @files = File::Util->list_dir( ... { onfail => 'message' } );

       "subroutine reference"
           If you supply a code reference to the "onfail" option in a File::Util method call, it
           will execute that code if it encounters a fatal error.  You must supply a true code
           reference, as shown in the examples below, either to a named or anonymous subroutine.

           The subroutine you specify will receive two arguments as its input in "@_".  The first
           will be the text of the error message, and the second will be a stack trace in text
           format.  You can send them to a logger, to your sysadmin in an email alert, or
           whatever you like-- because it is *your* error handler.

           WARNING!  If you do not call "die" or "exit" at the end of your error handler,
           File::Util will NOT exit, but continue to execute.  When you opt to use this feature,
           you are fully responsible for your process' error handling and post-error execution.

           Examples using the constructor:

              # step 1) define your custom error handler
              sub politician_error_handler {

                 my ( $err, $stack ) = @_;

                 # do stuff like ...

                 $logger->debug( $stack );

                 die 'We neither confirm nor deny that an IO error has happened.';

              # step 2) apply your error handler
              my $ftl = File::Util->new( { onfail => \&politician_error_handler } );

              # Define and apply your error handler in one step:

              my $ftl = File::Util->new(
                    onfail => sub {
                       my ( $err, $stack ) = @_;

                       # do stuff ...

           Examples in individual method calls:

              $ftl->write_file( 'greedo' => 'try bargain' => { onfail => \&shoot_first } );

              my $file_handle = $ftl->open_handle(
                 '/this/might/not/work' => {
                    onfail => sub {
                       warn "Couldn't open first choice, trying a backup plan...";
                       return $ftl->open_handle( '/this/one/should/work' );


       When things go wrong, sometimes it's nice to get as much information as possible about the
       error.  In "File::Util", you incur no performance penalties by enabling more verbose error
       messages.  In fact, you're encouraged to do so.

       You can globally enable diagnostic messages (for every "File::Util" object you create), or
       on a per-object basis, or even on a per-call basis when you just want to diagnose a
       problem with a single method invocation.  Here's how:

       Enable Diagnostics Globally
                  use File::Util qw( :diag );

       Enable Diagnostics Per-Object
                  my $ftl = File::Util->new( diag => 1 );

       Enable Diagnostics Temporarily
                  $ftl->diagnostic( 1 ); # turn diagnostic mode on

                  # ... do some troubleshooting ...

                  $ftl->diagnostic( 0 ); # turn diagnostic mode off

       Enable Diagnostics per-call
                  $ftl->load_file( 'abc.txt' => { diag => 1 } );


       Note: In the past, some of the methods listed would state that they were autoloaded
       methods.  This mechanism has been changed in favor of more modern practices, in step with
       the evolution of computing over the last decade since File::Util was first released.

       Methods listed in alphabetical order.

       Syntax: "atomize_path( [/file/path or file_name] )"
           This method is used internally by File::Util to handle absolute filenames on different
           platforms in a portable manner, but it can be a useful tool for you as well.

           This method takes a single string as its argument.  The string is expected to be a
           fully-qualified (absolute) or relative path to a file or directory.  It carefully
           splits the string into three parts: The root of the path, the rest of the path, and
           the final file/directory named in the string.

           Depending on the input, the root and/or path may be empty strings.  The following
           table can serve as a guide in what to expect from "atomize_path()"

              |  INPUT                  |   ROOT   |   PATH-COMPONENT   |   FILE/DIR     |
              |  C:\foo\bar\baz.txt     |   C:\    |   foo\bar          |   baz.txt      |
              |  /foo/bar/baz.txt       |   /      |   foo/bar          |   baz.txt      |
              |  ./a/b/c/d/e/f/g.txt    |          |   ./a/b/c/d/e/f    |   g.txt        |
              |  :a:b:c:d:e:f:g.txt     |   :      |   a:b:c:d:e:f      |   g.txt        |
              |  ../wibble/wombat.ini   |          |   ../wibble        |   wombat.ini   |
              |  ..\woot\noot.doc       |          |   ..\woot          |   noot.doc     |
              |  ../../zoot.conf        |          |   ../..            |   zoot.conf    |
              |  /root                  |   /      |                    |   root         |
              |  /etc/sudoers           |   /      |   etc              |   sudoers      |
              |  /                      |   /      |                    |                |
              |  D:\                    |   D:\    |                    |                |
              |  D:\autorun.inf         |   D:\    |                    |   autorun.inf  |

       Syntax: "bitmask( [file name] )"
           Gets the bitmask of the named file, provided the file exists. If the file exists and
           is accessible, the bitmask of the named file is returned in four digit octal notation
           e.g.- 0644.  Otherwise, returns "undef" if the file does not exist or could not be

       Syntax: "can_flock"
           Returns 1 if the current system claims to support "flock()" and if the Perl process
           can successfully call it.  (see "flock" in perlfunc.)  Unless both of these conditions
           are true, a zero value (0) is returned.  This is a constant method.  It accepts no
           arguments and will always return the same value for the system on which it is

           Note: Perl tries to support or emulate flock whenever it can via available system
           calls, namely "flock"; "lockf"; or with "fcntl".

       Syntax: "created( [file name] )"
           Returns the time of creation for the named file in non-leap seconds since whatever
           your system considers to be the epoch.  Suitable for feeding to Perl's built-in
           functions "gmtime" and "localtime".  (see "time" in perlfunc.)

       Syntax: "diagnostic( [true / false value] )"
           When called without any arguments, this method returns a true or false value to
           reflect the current setting for the use of diagnostic (verbose) error messages when a
           File::Util object encounters errors.

           When called with a true or false value as its single argument, this tells the
           File::Util object whether or not it should enable diagnostic error messages in the
           event of a failure.  A true value indicates that the File::Util object will enable
           diagnostic mode, and a false value indicates that it will not.  The default setting
           for "diagnostic()" is 0 (NOT enabled.)

           see also DIAGNOSTICS

       Syntax: "ebcdic"
           Returns 1 if the machine on which the code is running uses EBCDIC, or returns 0 if
           not.  (see perlebcdic.)  This is a constant method.  It accepts no arguments and will
           always return the same value for the system on which it is executed.

       Syntax: "escape_filename( [string], [escape char] )"
           Returns it's argument in an escaped form that is suitable for use as a filename.
           Illegal characters (i.e.- any type of newline character, tab, vtab, and the following
           "/ | * " ? < : > \"), are replaced with [escape char] or "_" if no [escape char] is
           specified.  Returns an empty string if no arguments are provided.

       Syntax: "existent( [file name] )"
           Returns 1 if the named file (or directory) exists.  Otherwise a value of undef is

           This works the same as Perl's built-in "-e" file test operator, (see "-X" in
           perlfunc), it's just easier for some people to remember.

       Syntax: "file_type( [file name] )"
           Returns a list of keywords corresponding to each of Perl's built in file tests (those
           specific to file types) for which the named file returns true.  (see "-X" in

           The keywords and their definitions appear below; the order of keywords returned is the
           same as the order in which the are listed here:

           "PLAIN             File is a plain file."
           "TEXT              File is a text file."
           "BINARY            File is a binary file."
           "DIRECTORY         File is a directory."
           "SYMLINK           File is a symbolic link."
           "PIPE              File is a named pipe (FIFO)."
           "SOCKET            File is a socket."
           "BLOCK             File is a block special file."
           "CHARACTER         File is a character special file."

       Syntax: "flock_rules( [keyword list] )"
           Sets I/O race condition policy, or tells File::Util how it should handle race
           conditions created when a file can't be locked because it is already locked somewhere
           else (usually by another process).

           An empty call to this method returns a list of keywords representing the rules that
           are currently in effect for the object.

           Otherwise, a call should include a list containing your chosen directive keywords in
           order of precedence.  The rules will be applied in cascading order when a File::Util
           object attempts to lock a file, so if the actions specified by the first rule don't
           result in success, the second rule is applied, and so on.

           This setting can be dynamically changed at any point in your code by calling this
           method as desired.

           The default behavior of File::Util is to try and obtain an exclusive lock on all file
           opens (if supported by your operating system).  If a lock cannot be obtained,
           File::Util will throw an exception and exit.

           If you want to change that behavior, this method is the way to do it.  One common
           situation is for someone to want their code to first try for a lock, and failing that,
           to wait until one can be obtained.  If that's what you want, see the examples after
           the keywords list below.

           Recognized keywords:

               tries to get an exclusive lock on the file without blocking (waiting)

               tries to get a shared lock on the file without blocking

               waits to get an exclusive lock

               waits to get a shared lock

               dies with stack trace

               warn()s about the error and returns undef

               ignores the failure to get an exclusive lock

               returns undef

               returns 0


           ex- "flock_rules( qw( NOBLOCKEX FAIL ) );"
               This is the default policy.  When in effect, the File::Util object will first
               attempt to get a non-blocking exclusive lock on the file.  If that attempt fails
               the File::Util object will call die() with an error.

           ex- "flock_rules( qw( NOBLOCKEX BLOCKEX FAIL ) );"
               The File::Util object will first attempt to get a non-blocking exclusive lock on
               the file.  If that attempt fails it falls back to the second policy rule "BLOCKEX"
               and tries again to get an exclusive lock on the file, but this time by blocking
               (waiting for its turn).  If that second attempt fails, the File::Util object will
               fail with an error.

           ex- "flock_rules( qw( BLOCKEX IGNORE ) );"
               The File::Util object will first attempt to get a file non-blocking lock on the
               file.  If that attempt fails it will ignore the error, and go on to open the file
               anyway and no failures or warnings will occur.

       Syntax: "is_bin( [file name] )"
           Returns 1 if the named file (or directory) exists.  Otherwise a value of undef is
           returned, indicating that the named file either does not exist or is of another file

           This works the same as Perl's built-in "-B" file test operator, (see "-X" in
           perlfunc), it's just easier for some people to remember.

       Syntax: "is_readable( [file name] )"
           Returns 1 if the named file (or directory) is readable by your program according to
           the applied permissions of the file system on which the file resides.  Otherwise a
           value of undef is returned.

           This works the same as Perl's built-in "-r" file test operator, (see "-X" in
           perlfunc), it's just easier for some people to remember.

       Syntax: "is_writable( [file name] )"
           Returns 1 if the named file (or directory) is writable by your program according to
           the applied permissions of the file system on which the file resides.  Otherwise a
           value of undef is returned.

           This works the same as Perl's built-in "-w" file test operator, (see "-X" in
           perlfunc), it's just easier for some people to remember.

       Syntax: "last_access( [file name] )"
           Returns the last accessed time for the named file in non-leap seconds since whatever
           your system considers to be the epoch.  Suitable for feeding to Perl's built-in
           functions "gmtime" and "localtime".  (see "time" in perlfunc.)

       Syntax: "last_changed( [file name] )"
           Returns the inode change time for the named file in non-leap seconds since whatever
           your system considers to be the epoch.  Suitable for feeding to Perl's built-in
           functions "gmtime" and "localtime".  (see "time" in perlfunc.)

       Syntax: "last_modified( [file name] )"
           Returns the last modified time for the named file in non-leap seconds since whatever
           your system considers to be the epoch.  Suitable for feeding to Perl's built-in
           functions "gmtime" and "localtime".  (see "time" in perlfunc.)

       Syntax: "line_count( [file name] )"
           Returns the number of lines in the named file.  Fails with an error if the named file
           does not exist.

       Syntax: "list_dir( [directory name] => { option => value, ... } )"
           Returns all file names in the specified directory, sorted in alphabetical order.
           Fails with an error if no such directory is found, or if the directory is

           Note that this is one of File::Util's most robust methods, and can be very useful.  It
           can be used as a higher order function (accepting callback subrefs), and can be used
           for advanced pattern matching against files.  It can also return a hierarchical data
           structure of the file tree you ask it to walk.

           See the File::Util::Manual::Examples for several useful ways to use "list_dir()".

           Syntax example to recursively return a list of subdirectories in directory "dir_name":

              my @dirs = $f->list_dir( 'dir_name' => { dirs_only => 1, recurse => 1 } );

           Options accepted by "list_dir()"
               "callback => subroutine reference"
                   "list_dir()" can accept references to subroutines of your own.  If you pass it
                   a code reference using this option, File::Util will execute your code every
                   time list_dir() enters a directory.  This is particularly useful when combined
                   with the "recurse" option which is explained below.

                   When you create a callback function, the File::Util will pass it four
                   arguments in this order: The name of the current directory, a reference to a
                   list of subdirectories in the current directory, a reference to a list of
                   files in the current directory, and the depth (positive integer) relative to
                   the directory you provided as your first argument to "list_dir()".  This means
                   if you pass in a path such as "/var/tmp", that "/var/tmp" is at a depth of 0,
                   "/var/tmp/foo" is 1 deep, and so on down through the "/var/tmp" directory.

                   Remember that the code in your callback gets executed in real time, as
                   list_dir() is walking the directory tree.  Consider this example:

                      # Define a subroutine to print the byte size and depth of all files in a
                      # directory, designed to be used as a callback function to list_dir()

                      sub filesize {
                         my ( $selfdir, $subdirs, $files, $depth ) = @_;

                         print( "$_ | " . ( -s $_ ) . " | $depth levels deep\n" for @$files;

                      # Now list directory recursively, invoking the callback on every recursion

                      $f->list_dir( './droids' => { recurse => 1, callback => \&filesize } );

                      # Output would look something like
                      #   ./droids/by-owner/luke/R2.spec | 1024 | 3 deep
                      #   ./droids/by-owner/luke/C2P0.spec | 2048 | 3 deep
                      #   ./droids/by-boss/dooku/Grievous.spec | 4096 | 3 deep
                      #   ./droids/by-series/imperial/sentries/R5.spec | 1024 | 4 deep
                      # Depth breakdown
                      #    level 0 => ./droids/
                      #    level 1 => ./droids/by-owner/
                      #    level 1 => ./droids/by-boss/
                      #    level 1 => ./droids/by-series/
                      #    level 2 => ./droids/by-owner/luke/
                      #    level 2 => ./droids/by-boss/dooku/
                      #    level 2 => ./droids/by-series/imperial/
                      #    level 3 => ./droids/by-series/imperial/sentries/

                   Another way to use callbacks is in combination with closures, to "close
                   around" a variable or variables defined in the same scope as the callback.  A
                   demonstration of this technique is shown below:

                         my $size_total;
                         my $dir = 'C:\Users\superman\projects\scripts_and_binaries';

                         # how many total bytes are in all of the executable files in $dir

                            $dir => {
                               callback => sub {
                                  my ( $selfdir, $subdirs, $files, $depth ) = @_;

                                  $size_total += -s $_ for grep { -B $_ } @$files;

                         print "There's $size_total bytes of binary files in my projects dir.";

               "d_callback => subroutine reference"
                   A "d_callback" is just like a "callback", except it is only executed on
                   directories encountered in the file tree, not files, and its input is slightly
                   different.  @_ is comprised of (in order) the name of the current directory, a
                   reference to a list of all subdirectories in that directory, and the depth
                   (positive integer) relative to the top level directory in the path you
                   provided as your first argument to "list_dir".

               "f_callback => subroutine reference"
                   Similarly an "f_callback" is just like a "callback", except it is only
                   concerned with files encountered in the file tree, not directories.  It's
                   input is also slightly different.  @_ is comprised of (in order) the name of
                   the current directory, a reference to a list of all files present in that
                   directory, and the depth (positive integer) relative to the top level
                   directory in the path you provided as your first argument to "list_dir".

               "dirs_only => boolean"
                   return only directory contents which are also directories

               "files_only => boolean"
                   return only directory contents which are files

               "max_depth => positive integer"
                   Works just like the "-maxdepth" flag in the GNU find command.  This option
                   tells "list_dir()" to limit results to directories at no more than the maximum
                   depth you specify.  This only works in tandem with the "recurse" option (or
                   the "recurse_fast" option which is similar).

                   For compatibility reasons, you can use ""maxdepth"" without the underscore
                   instead, and get the same functionality.

               "no_fsdots => boolean"
                   do not include "." and ".." in the list of directory contents returned

               "abort_depth => positive integer"
                   Override the global limit on abort_depth recursions for directory listings, on
                   a per-listing basis with this option.  Just like the main "abort_depth()"
                   object method, this option takes a positive integer.  The default is 1000.
                   Sometimes it is useful to increase this number by quite a lot when walking
                   directories with callbacks.

               "with_paths => boolean"
                   Return results with the preceding file paths intact, relative to the directory
                   named in the call.

               "recurse => boolean"
                   Recurse into subdirectories.  In other words, open up subdirectories and
                   continue to descend into the directory tree either as far as it goes, or until
                   the "abort_depth" limit is reached. See abort_depth()

               "recurse_fast => boolean"
                   Recurse into subdirectories, without checking for filesystem loops.  This
                   works exactly like the "recurse" option, except it turns off internal checking
                   for duplicate inodes while descending through a file tree.

                   You get a performance boost at the sacrifice of a little "safety checking".

                   The bigger your file tree, the more performance gains you see.

                   This option has no effect on Windows. (see perldoc -f stat)

               "dirs_as_ref => boolean"
                   When returning directory listing, include first a reference to the list of
                   subdirectories found, followed by anything else returned by the call.

               "files_as_ref => boolean"
                   When returning directory listing, include last a reference to the list of
                   files found, preceded by a list of subdirectories found (or preceded by a list
                   reference to subdirectories found if "dirs_as_ref" was also used).

               "as_ref => boolean"
                   Return a pair list references: the first is a reference to any subdirectories
                   found by the call, the second is a reference to any files found by the call.

               "sl_after_dirs => boolean"
                   Append a directory separator ("/, "\", or ":" depending on your system) to all
                   directories found by the call.  Useful in visual displays for quick
                   differentiation between subdirectories and files.

               "ignore_case => boolean"
                   Return items in a case-insensitive alphabetic sort order, as opposed to the

                   **By default, items returned by the call to this method are alphabetically
                   sorted in a case-insensitive manner, such that "Zoo.txt" comes before
                   "alligator.txt".  This is also the way files are listed at the system level on
                   most operating systems.

                   However, if you'd like the directory contents returned by this method to be
                   sorted without regard to case, use this option.  That way, "alligator.txt"
                   will come before "Zoo.txt".

               "count_only => boolean"
                   Returns a single value: an integer reflecting the number of items found in the
                   directory after applying any filter criteria that may also have been specified
                   by other options (i.e.- "dirs_only", "recurse", etc.)

               "as_tree => boolean"
                   Returns a hierarchical data structure (hashref) of the file tree in the
                   directory you specify as the first argument to "list_dir()".  Use in
                   combination with other options to get the exact results you want in the data

                   *Note: When using this option, the "files_only" and "dirs_only" options are
                   ignored, but you can still specify things like a "max_depth" argument,
                   however.  Note also that you need to specifically call this with the "recurse"
                   or "recurse_fast" option or you will only get a single-level tree structure.

                   One quick example:

                      my $tree = $ftl->list_dir(
                         '/tmp' => {
                            as_tree  => 1,
                            recurse  => 1,

                      # output would look something like this if you Data::Dumper'd it
                        '/' => {
                                 '_DIR_PARENT_' => undef,
                                 '_DIR_SELF_' => '/',
                                 'tmp' => {
                                            '_DIR_PARENT_' => '/',
                                            '_DIR_SELF_' => '/tmp',
                                            'hJMOsoGuEb' => {
                                                              '_DIR_PARENT_' => '/tmp',
                                                              '_DIR_SELF_' => '/tmp/hJMOsoGuEb',
                                                              'a.txt' => '/tmp/hJMOsoGuEb/a.txt',
                                                              'b.log' => '/tmp/hJMOsoGuEb/b.log',
                                                              'c.ini' => '/tmp/hJMOsoGuEb/c.ini',
                                                              'd.bat' => '/tmp/hJMOsoGuEb/d.bat',
                                                              '' => '/tmp/hJMOsoGuEb/',
                                                              'f.conf' => '/tmp/hJMOsoGuEb/f.conf',
                                                              'g.bin' => '/tmp/hJMOsoGuEb/g.bin',
                                                              'h.rc' => '/tmp/hJMOsoGuEb/h.rc',

                   When using this option, the hashref you get back will have certain metadata
                   entries at each level of the hierarchy, namely there will be two special keys:
                   "_DIR_SELF", and "_DIR_PARENT_".  Their values will be the name of the
                   directory itself, and the name of its parent, respectively.

                   That metadata can be extremely helpful when iterating over and parsing the
                   hashref later on, but if you don't want the metadata, include the "dirmeta"
                   option and set it to a zero (false) value as shown below:

                      my $tree = $ftl->list_dir(
                         '/some/dir' => {
                            as_tree  => 1,
                            recurse  => 1,
                            dirmeta  => 0,

                   **Remember: the "as_tree" doesn't recurse into subdirectories unless you tell
                   it to with "recurse => 1"

           Filtering and Matching with "list_dir()"
               "list_dir()" can use Perl Regular Expressions to match against and thereby filter
               the results it returns.  It can match based on file name, directory name, the path
               preceding results, and the parent directory of results.  The matching arguments
               you use must be real regular expression references as shown (i.e.- NOT strings).

               Regular expressions can be provided as a single argument value, or a specifically
               crafted hashref designating a list of patterns to match against in either an "or"
               manner, or an "and"ed cumulative manner.

               Some short examples of proper syntax will be provided after the list of matching
               options below.

               **If you experience a big slowdown in directory listings while using regular
               expressions, check to make sure your regular expressions are properly written and
               optimized.  In general, directory listings should not be slow or resource-
               intensive.  Badly-written regular expressions will result in considerable
               slowdowns and bottlenecks in any application.

               "files_match => qr/regexp/"
               OR: "files_match => { and/or => [ qr/listref of/, qr/regexps/ ] }"
                   Return only file names matching the regex(es).  Preceding directories are
                   included in the results; for technical reasons they are not excluded (if they
                   were excluded, "list_dir()" would not be able to "cascade" or recurse into
                   subdirectories in search of matching files.

                   Use the "files_only" option in combination with this matching parameter to
                   exclude the preceding directory names.

               "dirs_match => qr/regexp/"
               OR: "dirs_match => { and/or => [ qr/listref of/, qr/regexps/ ] }"
                   Return only files and subdirectory names in directories that match the
                   regex(es) you specify.  BE CAREFUL with this one!!  It doesn't "cascade" the
                   way you might expect; for technical reasons, it won't descend into directories
                   that don't match the regex(es) you provide.  For example, if you want to match
                   a directory name that is three levels deep against a given pattern, but don't
                   know (or don't care about) the names of the intermediate directories-- THIS IS
                   NOT THE OPTION YOU ARE LOOKING FOR.  Use the "path_matches" option instead.

                   *NOTE: Bear in mind that just because you tell "list_dir()" to match each
                   directory against the regex(es) you specify here, that doesn't mean you are
                   telling it to only show directories in its results.  You will get file names
                   in matching directories included in the results as well, unless you combine
                   this with the "dirs_only" option.

               "path_matches => qr/regexp/"
               OR: "path_matches => { and/or => [ qr/listref of/, qr/regexps/ ] }"
                   Return only files and subdirectory names with preceding paths that match the
                   regex(es) you specify.

               "parent_matches => qr/regexp reference/"
               OR: "parent_matches => { and/or => [ qr/listref of/, qr/regexps/ ] }"
                   Return only files and subdirectory names whose parent directory matches the
                   regex(es) you specify.

           Examples of matching and filtering results in "listdir()"
               Single-argument matching examples

                  my @files = $f->list_dir(
                     '../notes' => { files_match => qr/\.txt$/i, files_only => 1 }

                  my @dirs = $f->list_dir(
                     '/var' => {
                        dirs_match => qr/log|spool/i,
                        recurse => 1,
                        dirs_only => 1,

                  my @dirs = $f->list_dir(
                     '/home' => {
                        path_matches => qr/Desktop/,
                        recurse => 1,
                        dirs_only => 1,

                  my @files = $f->list_dir(
                     '/home/tommy/projects' => {
                        parent_matches => qr/^\.git$/,
                        recurse => 1,

               A multiple-argument matching examples with OR

                  my @files = $f->list_dir(
                     'C:\Users\Billy G' => {
                        parent_matches => { or => [ qr/Desktop/, qr/Pictures/ ] }
                        recurse => 1,

                  # ... same concepts apply to "files_match", "dirs_match",
                  #     and "parent_matches" filtering

               Multiple-argument matching examples with AND

                  my @files = $f->list_dir(
                     '/home/leia' => {
                        parent_matches => { and => [ qr/Anakin/, qr/Amidala/ ] }
                        recurse => 1,

                  my @files = $f->list_dir(
                     '/home/mace' => {
                        path_matches => { and => [ qr/^(?!.*dark.side)/i, qr/[Ff]orce/ ] }
                        recurse => 1,

                  # ... same concepts apply to "files_match" and "dirs_match" filtering

               **When you specify regexes for more than one filter type parameter, the patterns
               are AND'ed together, as you'd expect, and all matching criteria must be satisfied
               for a successful overall match.

                  my @files = $f->list_dir(
                     '/var' => {
                        dirs_match     => { or => [ qr/^log$/,   qr/^lib$/    ] },
                        files_match    => { or => [ qr/^syslog/, qr/\.isam$/i ] },
                        parent_matches => qr/[[:alpha:]]+/
                        path_matches   => qr/^(?!.*home)/,
                        recurse     => 1,
                        files_only  => 1,

               Negative matches (when you want to NOT match something) - use Perl!

               As shown in the File::Util::Manual::Examples, Perl already provides support for
               negated matching in the form of "zero-width negative assertions".  (See perlre for
               details on how they work).  Use syntax like the regular expressions below to match
               anything that is NOT part of the subpattern.

                  # match all files with names that do NOT contain "apple" (case sensitive)
                  my @no_apples = $f->list_dir(
                     'Pictures/fruit' => { files_match => qr/^(?!.*apple)/ }

                  # match all files that that do NOT end in *.mp3 (case INsensitive)
                  # also, don't match files that end in *.wav either
                  my @no_music = $f->list_dir(
                     '/opt/music' => {
                        files_match => { and => [ qr/^(?!.*mp3$)/i, qr/^(?!.*wav$)/i ]

       Syntax: "load_dir( [directory name] => { options } )"
           Returns a data structure containing the contents of each file present in the named

           The type of data structure returned is determined by the optional data-type option
           parameter.  Only one option at a time may be used for a given call to this method.
           Recognized options are listed below.

              my $files_hash_ref = $f->load_dir( $dirname ); # default (hashref)

              my $files_list_ref = $f->load_dir( $dirname => { as_listref => 1 } );

              my @files = $f->load_dir( $dirname => { as_list => 1 } );

           Options accepted by "load_dir()"
               "as_hashref => boolean" *(default)
                   Implicit.  If no option is passed in, the default behavior is to return a
                   reference to an anonymous hash whose keys are the names of each file in the
                   specified directory; the hash values for contain the contents of the file
                   represented by its corresponding key.

               "as_list => boolean"
                   Causes the method to return a list comprised of the contents loaded from each
                   file (in case-sensitive order) located in the named directory.

                   This is useful in situations where you don't care what the filenames were and
                   you just want a list of file contents.

               "as_listref => boolean"
                   Same as above, except an array reference to the list of items is returned
                   rather than the list itself.  This is more efficient than the above,
                   particularly when dealing with large lists.

               "load_dir()" does not recurse or accept matching parameters, etc.  It's an
               effective tool for loading up things like a directory of template files on a web
               server, or to store binary data streams in memory.  Use it however you like.

               However, if you do want to load files into a hashref/listref or array while using
               the advanced features of "list_dir()", just use list_dir to return the files and
               map the contents into your variable:

                  my $hash_ref = {};

                  %$hash_ref = map { $_ => $ftl->load_file( $_ ) }
                               $ftl->list_dir( $dir_name => { advanced options... } );

           Note: This method does not distinguish between plain files and other file types such
           as binaries, FIFOs, sockets, etc.

           Restrictions imposed by the current "read limit" (see the read_limit()) entry below
           will be applied to the individual files opened by this method as well.  Adjust the
           read limit as necessary.

           Example usage:

              my $templates = $f->load_dir( 'templates/stock-ticker' );

           The above code creates an anonymous hash reference that is stored in the variable
           named "$files".  The keys and values of the hash referenced by "$files" would resemble
           those of the following code snippet (given that the files in the named directory were
           the files 'a.txt', 'b.html', 'c.dat', and 'd.conf')

              my $files =
                    'a.txt'  => 'the contents of file a.txt',
                    'b.html' => 'the contents of file b.html',
                    'c.dat'  => 'the contents of file c.dat',
                    'd.conf' => 'the contents of file d.conf',

       Syntax: "load_file( [file name] => { options } )"
       OR: "load_file( file_handle => [file handle reference] => { options } )"
           If [file name] is passed, returns the contents of [file name] in a string.  If a [file
           handle reference] is passed instead, the filehandle will be "CORE::read()" and the
           data obtained by the read will be returned in a string.

           If you desire the contents of the file (or file handle data) in a list of lines
           instead of a single string, this can be accomplished through the use of the "as_lines"
           option (see below).

           Options accepted by "load_file()"
               "as_lines => boolean"
                   If this option is enabled then your call to "load_file" will return a list of
                   strings, each one of which is a line as it was read from the file [file name].
                   The lines are returned in the order they are read, from the beginning of the
                   file to the end.

                   This is not the default behavior.  The default behavior is for "load_file" to
                   return a single string containing the entire contents of the file.

               "no_lock => boolean"
                   By default this method will attempt to get a lock on the file while it is
                   being read, following whatever rules are in place for the flock policy
                   established either by default (implicitly) or changed by you in a call to
                   File::Util::flock_rules() (see the flock_rules()) entry below.

                   This method will not try to get a lock on the file if the File::Util object
                   was created with the option "no_lock" or if the method was called with the
                   option "no_lock".

                   This method will automatically call binmode() on binary files for you.  If you
                   pass in a filehandle instead of a file name you do not get this automatic
                   check performed for you.  In such a case, you'll have to call binmode() on the
                   filehandle yourself.  Once you pass a filehandle to this method it has no way
                   of telling if the file opened to that filehandle is binary or not.

               "binmode => [ boolean or 'utf8' ]"
                   Tell File::Util to read the file in binmode (if set to a true boolean: 1), or
                   to read the file as UTF-8 encoded data, specify a value of "utf8" to this
                   option.  (see "binmode" in perlfunc).

                   You need Perl 5.8 or better to use 'utf8' or your program will fail with an
                   error message.

                   Example Usage:

                      my $encoded_data = $ftl->load_file( 'encoded.txt' => { binmode => 'utf8' } );

               "read_limit => positive integer"
                   Override the global read limit setting for the File::Util object you are
                   working with, on a one time basis.  By specifying a this option with a
                   positive integer value (representing the maximum number of bytes to allow for
                   your "load_file()" call), you are telling "load_file()" to ignore the
                   global/default setting for just that call, and to apply your one-time limit of
                   [ positive integer ] bytes on the file while it is read into memory.

                   Notes: This method does not distinguish between plain files and other file
                   types such as binaries, FIFOs, sockets, etc.

                   Restrictions imposed by the current "read limit" (see the read_limit()) entry
                   below will be applied to the files opened by this method.  Adjust the read
                   limit as necessary either by overriding (using the 'read_limit' option above),
                   or by adjusting the global value for your File::Util object with the provided
                   read_limit() object method.

       Syntax: "make_dir( [new directory name], [bitmask] => { options } )"
           Attempts to create (recursively) a directory as [new directory name] with the
           [bitmask] provided.  The bitmask is an optional argument and defaults to oct 777,
           combined with the current user's umask.  If specified, the bitmask must be supplied in
           the form required by the native perl umask function (as an octal number).  see "umask"
           in perlfunc for more information about the format of the bitmask argument.

           As mentioned above, the recursive creation of directories is transparently handled for
           you.  This means that if the name of the directory you pass in contains a parent
           directory that does not exist, the parent directory(ies) will be created for you
           automatically and silently in order to create the final directory in the [new
           directory name].

           Simply put, if [new directory] is "/path/to/directory" and the directory "/path/to"
           does not exist, the directory "/path/to" will be created and the "/path/to/directory"
           directory will be created thereafter.  All directories created will be created with
           the [bitmask] you specify, or with the default of oct 777, combined with the current
           user's umask.

           Upon successful creation of the [new directory name], the [new directory name] is
           returned to the caller.

           Options accepted by "make_dir()"
               "if_not_exists => boolean"

                      $f->make_dir( '/home/jspice' => oct 755 => { if_not_exists => 1 } );

                   If this option is enabled then make_dir will not attempt to create the
                   directory if it already exists.  Rather it will return the name of the
                   directory as it normally would if the directory did not exist previous to
                   calling this method.

                   If a call to this method is made without the "if_not_exists" option and the
                   directory specified as [new directory name] does in fact exist, an error will
                   result as it is impossible to create a directory that already exists.

       Syntax: "abort_depth( [positive integer] )"
           When called without any arguments, this method returns an integer reflecting the
           current number of times the File::Util object will dive into the subdirectories it
           discovers when recursively listing directory contents from a call to
           "File::Util::list_dir()".  The default is 1000.  If the number is exceeded, the
           File::Util object will fail with an error.

           When called with an argument, it sets the maximum number of times a File::Util object
           will recurse into subdirectories before failing with an error message.

           This method can only be called with a numeric integer value.  Passing a bad argument
           to this method will cause it to fail with an error.

           (see also: list_dir)

       Syntax: "needs_binmode"
           Returns 1 if the machine on which the code is running requires that "binmode()" (a
           built-in function) be called on open file handles, or returns 0 if not.  (see
           "binmode" in perlfunc.)  This is a constant method.  It accepts no arguments and will
           always return the same value for the system on which it is executed.

       Syntax: "new( { options } )"
           This is the File::Util constructor method.  It returns a new File::Util object
           reference when you call it.  It recognizes various options that govern the behavior of
           the new File::Util object.

           Parameters accepted by "new()"
               "use_flock => boolean"
                   Optionally specify this option to the "File::Util::new" method to instruct the
                   new object that it should never attempt to use "flock()" in it's I/O
                   operations.  The default is to use "flock()" if available on your system.
                   Specify this option with a true or false value ( 1 or 0 ), true to use
                   "flock()", false to not use it.

               "read_limit => positive integer"
                   Optionally specify this option to the File::Util::new method to instruct the
                   new object that it should never attempt to open and read in a file greater
                   than the number of bytes you specify.  This argument can only be a numeric
                   integer value, otherwise it will be silently ignored.  The default read limit
                   for File::Util objects is 52428800 bytes (50 megabytes).

               "abort_depth => positive integer"
                   Optionally specify this option to the File::Util::new method to instruct the
                   new object to set the maximum number of times it will recurse into
                   subdirectories while performing directory listing operations before failing
                   with an error message.  This argument can only be a numeric integer value,
                   otherwise it will be silently ignored.

                   (see also: abort_depth())

               "onfail => designated handler"
                   Set the default policy for how the new File::Util object handles fatal errors.
                   This option takes any one of a list of predefined keywords, or a reference to
                   a named or anonymous error handling subroutine of your own.

                   You can supply an "onfail" handler to nearly any function in File::Util, but
                   when you do so for the "new()" constructor, you are setting the default.

                   Acceptable values are all covered in the ERROR HANDLING section (above), along
                   with proper syntax and example usage.

       Syntax: "onfail( [keyword or code reference] )"
           Dynamically set/change the default error handling policy for an object.

           This works exactly the same as it does when you specify an "onfail" handler to the
           constructor method (see also "new").

           The syntax and keywords available to use for this method are already discussed above
           in the ERROR HANDLING section, so refer to that for in-depth details.

           Here are some examples:

              $ftl->onfail( 'die' );

              $ftl->onfail( 'zero' );

              $ftl->onfail( 'undefined' );

              $ftl->onfail( 'message' );

              $ftl->onfail( \&subroutine_reference );

              $ftl->onfail( sub { my ( $error, $stack_trace ) = @_; ... } );

       Syntax: "open_handle( [file name] => [mode] => { options } )"
       OR: "open_handle( file => [file name] => mode => [mode] => { options } )"
           Attempts to get a lexically scoped open file handle on [file name] in [mode] mode.
           Returns the file handle if successful or generates a fatal error with a diagnostic
           message if the operation fails.

           You will need to remember to call "close()" on the filehandle yourself, at your own
           discretion.  Leaving filehandles open is not a good practice, and is not recommended.
           see "close" in perlfunc).

           Once you have the file handle you would use it as you would use any file handle.
           Remember that unless you specifically turn file locking off when the "File::Util"
           object is created (see new) or by using the "no_lock" option when calling
           "open_handle", that file locking is going to automagically be handled for you behind
           the scenes, so long as your OS supports file locking of any kind at all.  Great!  It's
           very convenient for you to not have to worry about portability in taking care of file
           locking between one application and the next; by using "File::Util" in all of them,
           you know that you're covered.

           A slight inconvenience for the price of a larger set of features (compare write_file
           to this method) you will have to release the file lock on the open handle yourself.
           "File::Util" can't manage it for you anymore once it turns the handle over to you.  At
           that point, it's all yours.  In order to release the file lock on your file handle,
           call unlock_open_handle() on it.  Otherwise the lock will remain for the life of your
           process.  If you don't want to use the free portable file locking, remember the
           "no_lock" option, which will turn off file locking for your open handle.  Seldom,
           however, should you ever opt to not use file locking unless you really know what you
           are doing.  The only obvious exception would be if you are working with files on a
           network-mounted filesystem like NFS or SMB (CIFS), in which case locking can be buggy.

           If the file does not yet exist it will be created, and it will be created with a
           bitmask of [bitmask] if you specify a file creation bitmask using the 'bitmask'
           option, otherwise the file will be created with the default bitmask of oct 777.  The
           bitmask is combined with the current user's umask, whether you specify a value or not.
           This is a function of Perl, not File::Util.

           If specified, the bitmask must be supplied in the form of an octal number as required
           by the native perl umask function.  See "umask" in perlfunc for more information about
           the format of the bitmask argument.  If the file [file name] already exists then the
           bitmask argument has no effect and is silently ignored.

           Any non-existent directories in the path preceding the actual file name will be
           automatically (and silently - no warnings) created for you and any new directories
           will be created with a bitmask of [dbitmask], provided you specify a directory
           creation bitmask with the 'dbitmask' option.

           If specified, the directory creation bitmask [dbitmask] must be supplied in the form
           required by the native perl umask function.

           If there is an error while trying to create any preceding directories, the failure
           results in a fatal error with an error.  If all directories preceding the name of the
           file already exist, the dbitmask argument has no effect and is silently ignored.

       Native Perl open modes
           The default behavior of "open_handle()" is to open file handles using Perl's native
           "open()" (see "open" in perlfunc).  Unless you use the "use_sysopen" option, only then
           are the following modes valid:

           "mode => 'read'" (this is the default mode)
               [file name] is opened in read-only mode.  If the file does not yet exist then a
               fatal error will occur.

           "mode => 'write'"
               [file name] is created if it does not yet exist.  If [file name] already exists
               then its contents are overwritten with the new content provided.

           "mode => 'append'"
               [file name] is created if it does not yet exist.  If [file name] already exists
               its contents will be preserved and the new content you provide will be appended to
               the end of the file.

       System level open modes ("open a la C")
           Optionally you can ask "File::Util" to open your handle using "CORE::sysopen" instead
           of using the native Perl "CORE::open()".  This is accomplished by enabling the
           "use_sysopen" option.  Using this feature opens up more possibilities as far as the
           open modes you can choose from, but also carries with it a few caveats so you have to
           be careful, just as you'd have to be a little more careful when using "sysopen()"

           Specifically you need to remember that when using this feature you must NOT mix
           different types of I/O when working with the file handle.  You can't go opening file
           handles with "sysopen()" and print to them as you normally would print to a file
           handle.  You have to use "syswrite()" instead.  The same applies here.  If you get a
           "sysopen()"'d filehandle from "open_handle()" it is imperative that you use
           "syswrite()" on it.  You'll also need to use "sysseek()" and other type of "sys"*
           commands on the filehandle instead of their native Perl equivalents.

           (see "sysopen" in perlfunc, "syswrite" in perlfunc, "sysseek" in perlfunc, "sysread"
           in perlfunc)

           That said, here are the different modes you can choose from to get a file handle when
           using the "use_sysopen" option.  Remember that these won't work unless you use that
           option, and will generate an error if you try using them without it.  The standard
           'read', 'write', and 'append' modes are already available to you by default.  These
           are the extended modes:

           "mode => 'rwcreate'"
               [file name] is opened in read-write mode, and will be created for you if it does
               not already exist.

           "mode => 'rwupdate'"
               [file name] is opened for you in read-write mode, but must already exist.  If it
               does not exist, a fatal error will result.

           "mode => 'rwclobber'"
               [file name] is opened for you in read-write mode.  If the file already exists it's
               contents will be "clobbered" or wiped out.  The file will then be empty and you
               will be working with the then-truncated file.  This can not be undone.  Once you
               call "open_handle()" using this option, your file WILL be wiped out.  If the file
               does not exist yet, it will be created for you.

           "mode => 'rwappend'"
               [file name] will be opened for you in read-write mode ready for appending.  The
               file's contents will not be wiped out; they will be preserved and you will be
               working in append fashion.  If the file does not exist, it will be created for

           Remember to use "sysread()" and not plain "read()" when reading those "sysopen()"'d

       Options accepted by "open_handle()"
           "binmode => [ boolean or 'utf8' ]"
               Tell File::Util to open the file in binmode (if set to a true boolean: 1), or to
               open the file with UTF-8 encoding, specify a value of "utf8" to this option.  (see
               "binmode" in perlfunc).

               You need Perl 5.8 or better to use "utf8" or your program will fail with an error

               Example Usage:

                  $ftl->open_handle( 'encoded.txt' => { binmode => 'utf8' } );

           "no_lock => boolean"
               By default this method will attempt to get a lock on the file while it is being
               read, following whatever rules are in place for the flock policy established
               either by default (implicitly) or changed by you in a call to
               File::Util::flock_rules() (see flock_rules()).

               This method will not try to get a lock on the file if the File::Util object was
               created with the option "no_lock" or if this method is called with the option

           "use_sysopen => boolean"
               Instead of opening the file using Perl's native "open()" command, "File::Util"
               will open the file with the "sysopen()" command.  You will have to remember that
               your filehandle is a "sysopen()"'d one, and that you will not be able to use
               native Perl I/O functions on it.  You will have to use the "sys"* equivalents.
               See perlopentut for a more in-depth explanation of why you can't mix native Perl
               I/O with system I/O.

       Syntax: "read_limit( [positive integer] )"
           By default, the largest size file that File::Util will read into memory and return via
           the load_file is 52428800 bytes (50 megabytes).

           This value can be modified by calling this method with an integer value reflecting the
           new limit you want to impose, in bytes.  For example, if you want to set the limit to
           10 megabytes, call the method with an argument of 10485760.

           If this method is called without an argument, the read limit currently in force for
           the File::Util object will be returned.

       Syntax: "return_path( [string] )"
           Takes the file path from the file name provided and returns it such that
           "/who/you/callin/scruffy.txt" is returned as "/who/you/callin".

       Syntax: "size( [file name] )"
           Returns the file size of [file name] in bytes.  Returns 0 if the file is empty.
           Returns "undef" if the file does not exist.

       Syntax: "split_path( [string] )"
           Takes a path/filename, fully-qualified or relative (it doesn't matter), and it returns
           a list comprising the root of the path (if any), each directory in the path, and the
           final part of the path (be it a file, a directory, or otherwise)

           This method doesn't divine or detect any information about the path, it simply
           manipulates the string value.  It doesn't map it to any real filesystem object.  It
           doesn't matter whether or not the file/path named in the input string exists or not.

       Syntax: "strip_path( [string] )"
           Strips the file path from the file name provided and returns the file name only.

           Given "/kessel/run/12/parsecs", it returns "parsecs"

           Given "C:\you\scoundrel", it returns "scoundrel"

       Syntax: "touch( [file name] )"
           Behaves like the *nix "touch" command; Updates the access and modification times of
           the specified file to the current time.  If the file does not exist, "File::Util"
           tries to create it empty.  This method will fail with a fatal error if system
           permissions deny alterations to or creation of the file.

           Returns 1 if successful.  If unsuccessful, fails with an error.

       Syntax: "trunc( [file name] )"
           Truncates [file name] (i.e.- wipes out, or "clobbers" the contents of the specified
           file.)  Returns 1 if successful.  If unsuccessful, fails with a descriptive error
           message about what went wrong.

       Syntax: "unlock_open_handle([file handle])"
           Release the flock on a file handle you opened with open_handle.

           Returns true on success, false on failure.  Will not raise a fatal error if the unlock
           operation fails.  You can capture the return value from your call to this method and
           "die()" if you so desire.  Failure is not ever very likely, or "File::Util" wouldn't
           have been able to get a portable lock on the file in the first place.

           If "File::Util" wasn't able to ever lock the file due to limitations of your operating
           system, a call to this method will return a true value.

           If file locking has been disabled on the file handle via the "no_lock" option at the
           time open_handle was called, or if file locking was disabled using the use_flock
           method, or if file locking was disabled on the entire "File::Util" object at the time
           of its creation (see new()), calling this method will have no effect and a true value
           will be returned.

       Syntax: "use_flock( [true / false value] )"
           When called without any arguments, this method returns a true or false value to
           reflect the current use of "flock()" within the File::Util object.

           When called with a true or false value as its single argument, this method will tell
           the File::Util object whether or not it should attempt to use "flock()" in its I/O
           operations.  A true value indicates that the File::Util object will use "flock()" if
           available, a false value indicates that it will not.  The default is to use "flock()"
           when available on your system.

               If you are working with files on an NFS mount, or a Windows file share, it is
               quite likely that using flock will be buggy and cause unexpected failures in your
               program.  You should not use flock in such situations.

               File locking has known issues on SOLARIS.  Solaris claims to offer a native
               "flock()" implementation, but after obtaining a lock on a file, Solaris will very
               often just silently refuse to unlock it again until your process has completely
               exited.  This is not an issue with File::Util or even with Perl itself.  Other
               programming languages encounter the same problems; it is a system-level issue.  So
               please be aware of this if you are a Solaris user and want to use file locking on
               your OS.

               You may have to explicitly disable file locking completely.

       Syntax: "write_file( [file name] => [string] => { other_options } )"
       OR: "write_file( { file => [file name], content => [string], mode => [mode], other_options
       } )"
           Syntax Examples:

              # get some content (a string returned from a function call, perhaps)
              my $answer = ask_commissioner( 'Can he be trusted?' );

              $ftl->write_file( 'Harvey_Dent.txt' => $answer );

              # get some binary content, maybe a picture...
              my $binary_data = get_mugshot( alias => 'twoface' );

              $ftl->write_file( 'suspect.png' => $binary_data => { binmode => 1 } );

              # write a file with UTF-8 encoding (unicode character support)
              $ftl->write_file( 'encoded.txt' => $encoded_data => { binmode => 'utf8' } );

                    file    => '/gotham/city/ballots/Bruce_Wayne.txt',
                    content => 'Vote for Harvey!',
                    bitmask => oct 600, # <- secret ballot file permissions

           Attempts to write [string] to [file name] in mode [mode].  If the file does not yet
           exist it will be created, and it will be created with a bitmask of [bitmask] if you
           specify a file creation bitmask using the 'bitmask' option, otherwise the file will be
           created with the default bitmask of oct 777.  The bitmask is combined with the current
           user's umask, whether you specify a value or not.  This is a function of Perl, not

           [string] should be a string or a scalar variable containing a string.  The string can
           be any type of data, such as a binary stream, or ascii text with line breaks, etc.  Be
           sure to enable the "binmode => 1" option for binary streams, and be sure to specify a
           value of "binmode => 'utf8'" for UTF-8 encoded data.

           NOTE: that you will need Perl version 5.8 or better to use the 'utf8' feature, or your
           program will fail with an error.

           If specified, the bitmask must be supplied in the form of an octal number, as required
           by the native perl umask function.  see "umask" in perlfunc for more information about
           the format of the bitmask argument.  If the file [file name] already exists then the
           bitmask argument has no effect and is silently ignored.

           Returns 1 if successful or fails with an error if not successful.

           Any non-existent directories in the path preceding the actual file name will be
           automatically (and silently - no warnings) created for you and new directories will be
           created with a bitmask of [dbitmask], provided you specify a directory creation
           bitmask with the 'dbitmask' option.

           If specified, the directory creation bitmask [dbitmask] must be supplied in the form
           required by the native perl umask function.

           If there is a problem while trying to create any preceding directories, the failure
           results in a fatal error.  If all directories preceding the name of the file already
           exist, the dbitmask argument has no effect and is silently ignored.

           "mode => 'write'" (this is the default mode)
               [file name] is created if it does not yet exist.  If [file name] already exists
               then its contents are overwritten with the new content provided.

           "mode => 'append'"
               [file name] is created if it does not yet exist.  If [file name] already exists
               its contents will be preserved and the new content you provide will be appended to
               the end of the file.

           Options accepted by "write_file()"
               "binmode => [ boolean or 'utf8' ]"
                   Tell File::Util to write the file in binmode (if set to a true boolean: 1), or
                   to write the file with UTF-8 encoding, specify a value of "utf8" to this
                   option.  (see "binmode" in perlfunc).

                   You need Perl 5.8 or better to use "utf8" or your program will fail with an
                   error message.

                   Example Usage:

                      $ftl->write_file( 'encoded.txt' => $encoded_data => { binmode => 'utf8' } );

               "empty_writes_OK => boolean"
                   Allows you to call this method without providing a content argument (it lets
                   you create an empty file without warning you or failing.  Be advised that if
                   you enable this option, it will have the same effect as truncating a file that
                   already has content in it (i.e.- it will "clobber" non-empty files)

               "no_lock => boolean"
                   By default this method will attempt to get a lock on the file while it is
                   being read, following whatever rules are in place for the flock policy
                   established either by default (implicitly) or changed by you in a call to
                   File::Util::flock_rules() (see flock_rules()).

                   This method will not try to get a lock on the file if the File::Util object
                   was created with the option "no_lock" or if this method is called with the
                   option "no_lock" enabled.

       Syntax: "valid_filename( [string] )"
           For the given string, returns 1 if the string is a legal file name for the system on
           which the program is running, or returns undef if it is not.  This method does not
           test for the validity of file paths!  It tests for the validity of file names only.
           (It is used internally to check beforehand if a file name is usable when creating new
           files, but is also a public method available for external use.)


       Syntax: "NL"
           Short for "New Line".  Returns the correct new line character (or character sequence)
           for the system on which your program runs.

       Syntax: "SL"
           Short for "Slash". Returns the correct directory path separator for the system on
           which your program runs.

       Syntax: "OS"
           Returns the File::Util keyword for the operating system FAMILY it detected.  The
           keyword for the detected operating system will be one of the following, derived from
           the contents of $^O, or if $^O can not be found, from the contents of
           $Config::Config{osname} (see native Config library), or if that doesn't contain a
           recognizable value, finally falls back to "UNIX".

           Generally speaking, Linux operating systems are going to be detected as "UNIX".  This
           isn't a bug.  The OS FAMILY to which it belongs uses "UNIX" style filesystem
           conventions and line endings, which are the relevant things to file handling

               Specifics: OS name =~ /^(?:darwin|bsdos)/i

               Specifics: OS name =~ /^cygwin/i

               Specifics: OS name =~ /^MSWin/i

           VMS Specifics: OS name =~ /^vms/i

           DOS Specifics: OS name =~ /^dos/i

               Specifics: OS name =~ /^MacOS/i

               Specifics: OS name =~ /^epoc/i

           OS2 Specifics: OS name =~ /^os2/i


       Tommy Butler <>


       Copyright(C) 2001-2013, Tommy Butler.  All rights reserved.


       This library is free software, you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
       terms as Perl itself. For more details, see the full text of the LICENSE file that is
       included in this distribution.


       This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty;
       without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.


       File::Util::Cookbook, File::Util::Manual::Examples, File::Util