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Prima::MDI - top-level windows emulation classes
MDI stands for Multiple Document Interface, and is a Microsoft Windows user interface, that consists of multiple non-toplevel windows belonging to an application window. The module contains classes that provide similar functionality; sub-window widgets realize a set of operations, close to those of the real top-level windows, - iconize, maximize, cascade etc. The basic classes required to use the MDI are "Prima::MDIOwner" and "Prima::MDI", which are, correspondingly, sub-window owner class and sub-window class. "Prima::MDIWindowOwner" is exactly the same as "Prima::MDIOwner" but is a "Prima::Window" descendant: the both owner classes are different only in their first ascendants. Their second ascendant is "Prima::MDIMethods" package, that contains all the owner class functionality. Usage of "Prima::MDI" class extends beyond the multi-document paradigm. "Prima::DockManager" module uses the class as a base of a dockable toolbar window class ( see Prima::DockManager.
use Prima::MDI; my $owner = Prima::MDIWindowOwner-> create(); my $mdi = $owner-> insert( 'Prima::MDI'); $mdi-> client-> insert( 'Prima::Button' => centered => 1 );
Implements MDI window functionality. A subwindow widget consists of a titlebar, titlebar buttons, and a client widget. The latter must be used as an insertion target for all children widgets. A subwindow can be moved and resized, both by mouse and keyboard. These functions, along with maximize, minimize, and restore commands are accessible via the toolbar-anchored popup menu. The default set of commands is as follows: Close window - Ctrl+F4 Restore window - Ctrl+F5 or a double click on the titlebar Maximize window - Ctrl+F10 or a double click on the titlebar Go to next MDI window - Ctrl+Tab Go to previous MDI window - Ctrl+Shift+Tab Invoke popup menu - Ctrl+Space The class mimics API of "Prima::Window" class, and in some extent Prima::Window and this page share the same information. Properties borderIcons INTEGER Selects window decorations, which are buttons on titlebar and the titlebar itself. Can be 0 or a combination of the following "mbi::XXX" constants, which are supreset of "bi::XXX" constants ( see "borderIcons" in Prima::Window ) and are interchangeable. mbi::SystemMenu - system menu button with icon is shown mbi::Minimize - minimize button mbi::Maximize - maximize ( and eventual restore ) mbi::TitleBar - window title mbi::Close - close button mbi::All - all of the above Default value: "mbi::All" borderStyle INTEGER One of "bs::XXX" constants, selecting the window border style. The constants are: bs::None - no border bs::Single - thin border bs::Dialog - thick border bs::Sizeable - thick border with interactive resize capabilities "bs::Sizeable" is an unique mode. If selected, the user can resize the window interactively. The other border styles disallow resizing and affect the border width and design only. Default value: "bs::Sizeable" client OBJECT Selects the client widget at runtime. When changing the client, the old client children are not reparented to the new client. The property cannot be used to set the client during the MDI window creation; use "clientClass" and "clientProfile" properties instead. When setting new client object, note that is has to be named "MDIClient" and the window is automatically destroyed after the client is destroyed. clientClass STRING Assigns client widget class. Create-only property. Default value: "Prima::Widget" clientProfile HASH Assigns hash of properties, passed to the client during the creation. Create-only property. dragMode SCALAR A three-state variable, which governs the visual feedback style when the user moves or resizes a window. If 1, the window is moved or resized simultaneously with the user mouse or keyboard actions. If 0, a marquee rectangle is drawn, which is moved or resized as the user sends the commands; the window is actually positioned and / or resized after the dragging session is successfully finished. If "undef", the system-dependant dragging style is used. ( See "get_system_value" in Prima::Application ). The dragging session can be aborted by hitting Esc key or calling "sizemove_cancel" method. Default value: "undef". icon HANDLE Selects a custom image to be drawn in the left corner of the toolbar. If 0, the default image ( menu button icon ) is drawn. Default value: 0 iconMin HANDLE Selects minimized button image in normal state. iconMax HANDLE Selects maximized button image in normal state. iconClose HANDLE Selects close button image in normal state. iconRestore HANDLE Selects restore button image in normal state. iconMinPressed HANDLE Selects minimize button image in pressed state. iconMaxPressed HANDLE Selects maximize button image in pressed state. iconClosePressed HANDLE Selects close button image in pressed state. iconRestorePressed HANDLE Selects restore button image in pressed state. tileable BOOLEAN Selects whether the window is allowed to participate in cascading and tiling auto-arrangements, performed correspondingly by "cascade" and "tile" methods. If 0, the window is never positioned automatically. Default value: 1 titleHeight INTEGER Selects height of the title bar in pixels. If 0, the default system value is used. Default value: 0 windowState STATE A three-state property, that governs the state of a window. STATE can be one of three "ws::XXX" constants: ws::Normal ws::Minimized ws::Maximized The property can be changed either by explicit set-mode call or by the user. In either case, a "WindowState" notification is triggered. The property has three convenience wrappers: "maximize()", "minimize()" and "restore()". Default value: "ws::Normal" See also: "WindowState" Methods arrange_icons Arranges geometrically the minimized sibling MDI windows. cascade Arranges sibling MDI windows so they form a cascade-like structure: the lowest window is expanded to the full owner window inferior rectangle, window next to the lowest occupies the inferior rectangle of the lowest window, etc. Only windows with "tileable" property set to 1 are processed. client2frame X1, Y1, X2, Y2 Returns a rectangle that the window would occupy if its client rectangle is assigned to X1, Y1, X2, Y2 rectangle. frame2client X1, Y1, X2, Y2 Returns a rectangle that the window client would occupy if the window rectangle is assigned to X1, Y1, X2, Y2 rectangle. get_client_rect [ WIDTH, HEIGHT ] Returns a rectangle in the window coordinate system that the client would occupy if the window extensions are WIDTH and HEIGHT. If WIDTH and HEIGHT are undefined, the current window size is used. keyMove Initiates window moving session, navigated by the keyboard. keySize Initiates window resizing session, navigated by the keyboard. mdis Returns array of sibling MDI windows. maximize Maximizes window. A shortcut for "windowState(ws::Maximized)". minimize Minimizes window. A shortcut for "windowState(ws::Minimized)". post_action STRING Posts an action to the windows; the action is deferred and executed in the next message loop. This is used to avoid unnecessary state checks when the action-executing code returns. The current implementation accepts following string commands: "min", "max", "restore", "close". repaint_title [ STRING = "title" ] Invalidates rectangle on the title bar, corresponding to STRING, which can be one of the following: left - redraw the menu button right - redraw minimize, maximize, and close buttons title - redraw the title restore Restores window to normal state from minimized or maximized state. A shortcut for "windowState(ws::Normal)". sizemove_cancel Cancels active window moving or resizing session and returns the window to the state before the session. tile Arranges sibling MDI windows so they form a grid-like structure, where all windows occupy equal space, if possible. Only windows with "tileable" property set to 1 are processed. xy2part X, Y Maps a point in (X,Y) coordinates into a string, corresponding to a part of the window: titlebar, button, or part of the border. The latter can be returned only if "borderStyle" is set to "bs::Sizeable". The possible return values are: border - window border; the window is not sizeable client - client widget caption - titlebar; the window is not moveable title - titlebar; the window is movable close - close button min - minimize button max - maximize button restore - restore button menu - menu button desktop - the point does not belong to the window In addition, if the window is sizeable, the following constants can be returned, indicating part of the border: SizeN - upper side SizeS - lower side SizeW - left side SizeE - right side SizeSW - lower left corner SizeNW - upper left corner SizeSE - lower right corner SizeNE - upper right corner Events Activate Triggered when the user activates a window. Activation mark is usually resides on a window that contains keyboard focus. The module does not provide the activation function; "select()" call is used instead. Deactivate Triggered when the user deactivates a window. Window is usually marked inactive, when it contains no keyboard focus. The module does not provide the de-activation function; "deselect()" call is used instead. WindowState STATE Triggered when window state is changed, either by an explicit "windowState()" call, or by the user. STATE is the new window state, one of three "ws::XXX" constants.
Methods The package contains several methods for a class that is to be used as a MDI windows owner. It is enough to add class inheritance to "Prima::MDIMethods" to use the functionality. This step, however, is not required for a widget to become a MDI windows owner; the package contains helper functions only, which mostly mirror the arrangement functions of "Prima::MDI" class. mdi_activate Repaints window title in all children MDI windows. mdis Returns array of children MDI windows. arrange_icons Same as "Prima::MDI::arrange_icons". cascade Same as "Prima::MDI::cascade". tile Same as "Prima::MDI::tile".
A predeclared descendant class of "Prima::Widget" and "Prima::MDIMethods".
A pre-declared descendant class of "Prima::Window" and "Prima::MDIMethods".
Dmitry Karasik, <>.
Prima, Prima::Widget, Prima::Window, Prima::DockManager, examples/