Provided by: libspreadsheet-read-perl_0.63-1_all bug


        Spreadsheet::Read - Read the data from a spreadsheet


        use Spreadsheet::Read;
        my $book  = ReadData ("test.csv", sep => ";");
        my $book  = ReadData ("test.sxc");
        my $book  = ReadData ("test.ods");
        my $book  = ReadData ("test.xls");
        my $book  = ReadData ("test.xlsx");
        my $book  = ReadData ($fh, parser => "xls");

        my $sheet = $book->[1];             # first datasheet
        my $cell  = $book->[1]{A3};         # content of field A3 of sheet 1
        my $cell  = $book->[1]{cell}[1][3]; # same, unformatted


       Spreadsheet::Read tries to transparently read *any* spreadsheet and return its content in
       a universal manner independent of the parsing module that does the actual spreadsheet

       For OpenOffice and/or LibreOffice this module uses Spreadsheet::ReadSXC

       For Microsoft Excel this module uses Spreadsheet::ParseExcel
       <>, Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX
       <>, or Spreadsheet::XLSX
       <> (discouraged).

       For CSV this module uses Text::CSV_XS <> or
       Text::CSV_PP <>.

       For SquirrelCalc there is a very simplistic built-in parser

   Data structure
       The data is returned as an array reference:

         $book = [
             # Entry 0 is the overall control hash
             { sheets  => 2,
               sheet   => {
                 "Sheet 1"  => 1,
                 "Sheet 2"  => 2,
               type    => "xls",
               parser  => "Spreadsheet::ParseExcel",
               version => 0.59,
               error   => undef,
             # Entry 1 is the first sheet
             { label   => "Sheet 1",
               maxrow  => 2,
               maxcol  => 4,
               cell    => [ undef,
                 [ undef, 1 ],
                 [ undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, "Nugget" ],
               attr    => [],
               merged  => [],
               A1      => 1,
               B5      => "Nugget",
             # Entry 2 is the second sheet
             { label   => "Sheet 2",

       To keep as close contact to spreadsheet users, row and column 1 have index 1 too in the
       "cell" element of the sheet hash, so cell "A1" is the same as "cell" [1, 1] (column
       first). To switch between the two, there are two helper functions available: "cell2cr ()"
       and "cr2cell ()".

       The "cell" hash entry contains unformatted data, while the hash entries with the
       traditional labels contain the formatted values (if applicable).

       The control hash (the first entry in the returned array ref), contains some spreadsheet
       meta-data. The entry "sheet" is there to be able to find the sheets when accessing them by

         my %sheet2 = %{$book->[$book->[0]{sheet}{"Sheet 2"}]};


        my $book = ReadData ($source [, option => value [, ... ]]);

        my $book = ReadData ("file.csv", sep => ',', quote => '"');

        my $book = ReadData ("file.xls", dtfmt => "yyyy-mm-dd");

        my $book = ReadData ("file.ods");

        my $book = ReadData ("file.sxc");

        my $book = ReadData ("content.xml");

        my $book = ReadData ($content);

        my $book = ReadData ($fh, parser => "xls");

       Tries to convert the given file, string, or stream to the data structure described above.

       Processing Excel data from a stream or content is supported through a File::Temp
       <> temporary file or IO::Scalar
       <> when available.

       Spreadsheet::ReadSXC <> does preserve
       sheet order as of version 0.20.

       Currently supported options are:

         Force the data to be parsed by a specific format. Possible values are "csv", "prl" (or
         "perl"), "sc" (or "squirelcalc"), "sxc" (or "oo", "ods", "openoffice", "libreoffice")
         "xls" (or "excel"), and "xlsx" (or "excel2007").

         When parsing streams, instead of files, it is highly recommended to pass this option.

         Spreadsheet::Read supports several underlying parsers per spreadsheet type. It will try
         those from most favored to least favored. When you have a good reason to prefer a
         different parser, you can set that in environment variables. The other options then will
         not be tested for:

          env SPREADSHEET_READ_CSV=Text::CSV_PP ...

         Control the generation of named cells (""A1"" etc). Default is true.

         Control the generation of the {cell}[c][r] entries. Default is true.

         Control the generation of the {attr}[c][r] entries. Default is false.  See "Cell
         Attributes" below.

         If set, "ReadData" will remove all trailing rows and columns per sheet that have no
         visual data. If a sheet has no data at all, the sheet will be skipped entirely when this
         attribute is true.

         This option is only valid if "cells" is true. The default value is true if "cells" is
         true, and false otherwise.

         If set, "ReadData" will remove trailing- and/or leading-whitespace from every field.

           strip  leading  strailing
           -----  -------  ---------
             0      n/a      n/a
             1     strip     n/a
             2      n/a     strip
             3     strip    strip

         Set separator for CSV. Default is comma ",".

         Set quote character for CSV. Default is """.

         Set the format for MS-Excel date fields that are set to use the default date format. The
         default format in Excel is ""m-d-yy"", which is both not year 2000 safe, nor very
         useful. The default is now ""yyyy-mm-dd"", which is more ISO-like.

         Note that date formatting in MS-Excel is not reliable at all, as it will
         store/replace/change the date field separator in already stored formats if you change
         your locale settings. So the above mentioned default can be either ""m-d-yy"" OR
         ""m/d/yy"" depending on what that specific character happened to be at the time the user
         saved the file.

         Enable some diagnostic messages to STDERR.

         The value determines how much diagnostics are dumped (using Data::Peek
         <>).  A value of 9 and higher will dump the entire
         structure from the back-end parser.

       All other attributes/options will be passed to the underlying parser if that parser
       supports attributes.


        my $cell = cr2cell (col, row)

       "cr2cell ()" converts a "(column, row)" pair (1 based) to the traditional cell notation:

         my $cell = cr2cell ( 4, 14); # $cell now "D14"
         my $cell = cr2cell (28,  4); # $cell now "AB4"


        my ($col, $row) = cell2cr ($cell)

       "cell2cr ()" converts traditional cell notation to a "(column, row)" pair (1 based):

         my ($col, $row) = cell2cr ("D14"); # returns ( 4, 14)
         my ($col, $row) = cell2cr ("AB4"); # returns (28,  4)


        my @row = row ($sheet, $row)

        my @row = Spreadsheet::Read::row ($book->[1], 3)

       Get full row of formatted values (like "$sheet->{A3} .. $sheet->{G3}")

       Note that the indexes in the returned list are 0-based.

       "row ()" is not imported by default, so either specify it in the use argument list, or
       call it fully qualified.


        my @row = cellrow ($sheet, $row)

        my @row = Spreadsheet::Read::cellrow ($book->[1], 3)

       Get full row of unformatted values (like "$sheet->{cell}[1][3] .. $sheet->{cell}[7][3]")

       Note that the indexes in the returned list are 0-based.

       "cellrow ()" is not imported by default, so either specify it in the use argument list, or
       call it fully qualified.


        my @rows = rows ($sheet)

        my @rows = Spreadsheet::Read::rows ($book->[1])

       Convert "{cell}"'s "[column][row]" to a "[row][column]" list.

       Note that the indexes in the returned list are 0-based, where the index in the "{cell}"
       entry is 1-based.

       "rows ()" is not imported by default, so either specify it in the use argument list, or
       call it fully qualified.


        parses ($format)

        Spreadsheet::Read::parses ("CSV")

       "parses ()" returns Spreadsheet::Read's capability to parse the required format.
       "ReadData" will pick its preferred parser for that format unless overruled. See "parser".

       "parses ()" is not imported by default, so either specify it in the use argument list, or
       call it fully qualified.


        my $v = Version ()

        my $v = Spreadsheet::Read::Version ()

        my $v = Spreadsheet::Read->VERSION;

       Returns the current version of Spreadsheet::Read.

       "Version ()" is not imported by default, so either specify it in the use argument list, or
       call it fully qualified.

       This function returns exactly the same as "Spreadsheet::Read->VERSION" returns and is only
       kept for backward compatibility reasons.

   Using CSV
       In case of CSV parsing, "ReadData" will use the first line of the file to auto-detect the
       separation character if the first argument is a file and both "sep" and "quote" are not
       passed as attributes.  Text::CSV_XS <> (or
       Text::CSV_PP <>) is able to automatically detect
       and use "\r" line endings.

       CSV can parse streams too, but be sure to pass "sep" and/or "quote" if these do not match
       the default "," and """.

       When an error is found in the CSV, it is automatically reported (to STDERR).  The
       structure will store the error in "$ss->[0]{error}" as anonymous list returned by
       "$csv->error_diag" <>.  See Text::CSV_XS
       <> for documentation.

        my $ss = ReadData ("bad.csv");
        $ss->[0]{error} and say $ss->[0]{error}[1];

   Cell Attributes
       If the constructor was called with "attr" having a true value, effort is made to analyze
       and store field attributes like this:

           { label  => "Sheet 1",
             maxrow => 5,
             maxcol => 2,
             cell   => [ undef,
               [ undef, 1 ],
               [ undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, "Nugget" ],
             attr   => [ undef,
               [ undef, {
                 type    => "numeric",
                 fgcolor => "#ff0000",
                 bgcolor => undef,
                 font    => "Arial",
                 size    => undef,
                 format  => "## ##0.00",
                 halign  => "right",
                 valign  => "top",
                 uline   => 0,
                 bold    => 0,
                 italic  => 0,
                 wrap    => 0,
                 merged  => 0,
                 hidden  => 0,
                 locked  => 0,
                 enc     => "utf-8",
                 }, ]
               [ undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, {
                 type    => "text",
                 fgcolor => "#e2e2e2",
                 bgcolor => undef,
                 font    => "Letter Gothic",
                 size    => 15,
                 format  => undef,
                 halign  => "left",
                 valign  => "top",
                 uline   => 0,
                 bold    => 0,
                 italic  => 0,
                 wrap    => 0,
                 merged  => 0,
                 hidden  => 0,
                 locked  => 0,
                 enc     => "iso8859-1",
                 }, ]
             merged => [],
             A1     => 1,
             B5     => "Nugget",

       This has now been partially implemented, mainly for Excel, as the other parsers do not
       (yet) support all of that. YMMV.

       Merged cells

       Note that only Spreadsheet::ReadSXC <>
       documents the use of merged cells, and not in a way useful for the spreadsheet consumer.

       CSV does not support merged cells (though future implementations of CSV for the web

       The documentation of merged areas in Spreadsheet::ParseExcel
       <> and Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX
       <> can be found in
       Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Worksheet <
       Worksheet> and Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Cell <

       None of basic Spreadsheet::XLSX <>,
       Spreadsheet::ParseExcel <>, and
       Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX <> manual pages
       mention merged cells at all.

       This module just tries to return the information in a generic way.

       Given this spreadsheet as an example


            A     B     C
        1|     | foo       |
         +-----+           +
        2| bar |           |
         |     +-----+-----+
        3|     | urg | orc |

       the information extracted from that undocumented information is returned in the "merged"
       entry of the sheet's hash as a list of top-left, bottom-right coordinate pars (col, row,
       col, row). For given example, that would be:

        $ss->{merged} = [
           [ 1, 2, 1, 3 ], # A2-A3
           [ 2, 1, 3, 2 ], # B1-C2

       When the attributes are also enabled, there is some merge information copied directly from
       the cell information, but again, that stems from code analysis and not from documentation:

        my $ss = ReadData ("merged.xlsx", attr => 1)->[1];
        foreach my $row (1 .. $ss->{maxrow}) {
            foreach my $col (1 .. $ss->{maxcol}) {
                my $cell = cr2cell ($col, $row);
                printf "%s %-3s %d  ", $cell, $ss->{$cell},
            print "\n";

        A1     0  B1 foo 1  C1     1
        A2 bar 1  B2     1  C2     1
        A3     1  B3 urg 0  C3 orc 0

       In this example, there is no way to see if "B2" is merged to "A2" or to "B1" without
       analyzing all surrounding cells. This could as well mean "A2:A3", "B1:C1", "B2:C2", as
       "A2:A3", "B1:B2", "C1:C2", as "A2:A3", "B1:C2".  Use the "merged" entry described above to
       find out what fields are merged to what other fields.


       This modules comes with a few tools that perform tasks from the FAQ, like "How do I select
       only column D through F from sheet 2 into a CSV file?"

       If the module was installed without the tools, you can find them here:

       Show (parts of) a spreadsheet in plain text, CSV, or HTML

        usage: xlscat   [-s <sep>] [-L] [-n] [-A] [-u] [Selection] file.xls
                        [-c | -m]                 [-u] [Selection] file.xls
                         -i                            [-S sheets] file.xls
           Generic options:
              -v[#]       Set verbose level (xlscat/xlsgrep)
              -d[#]       Set debug   level (Spreadsheet::Read)
              -u          Use unformatted values
              --noclip    Do not strip empty sheets and
                          trailing empty rows and columns
              -e <enc>    Set encoding for input and output
              -b <enc>    Set encoding for input
              -a <enc>    Set encoding for output
           Input CSV:
              --in-sep=c  Set input sep_char for CSV
           Input XLS:
              --dtfmt=fmt Specify the default date format to replace 'm-d-yy'
                          the default replacement is 'yyyy-mm-dd'
           Output Text (default):
              -s <sep>    Use separator <sep>. Default '|', \n allowed
              -L          Line up the columns
              -n [skip]   Number lines (prefix with column number)
                          optionally skip <skip> (header) lines
              -A          Show field attributes in ANSI escapes
              -h[#]       Show # header lines
           Output Index only:
              -i          Show sheet names and size only
           Output CSV:
              -c          Output CSV, separator = ','
              -m          Output CSV, separator = ';'
           Output HTML:
              -H          Output HTML
              -S <sheets> Only print sheets <sheets>. 'all' is a valid set
                          Default only prints the first sheet
              -R <rows>   Only print rows    <rows>. Default is 'all'
              -C <cols>   Only print columns <cols>. Default is 'all'
              -F <flds>   Only fields <flds> e.g. -FA3,B16
           Ordering (column numbers in result set *after* selection):
              --sort=spec Sort output (e.g. --sort=3,2r,5n,1rn+2)
                          +#   - first # lines do not sort (header)
                          #    - order on column # lexical ascending
                          #n   - order on column # numeric ascending
                          #r   - order on column # lexical descending
                          #rn  - order on column # numeric descending

       Show (parts of) a spreadsheet that match a pattern in plain text, CSV, or HTML

        usage: xlsgrep  [-s <sep>] [-L] [-n] [-A] [-u] [Selection] pattern file.xls
                        [-c | -m]                 [-u] [Selection] pattern file.xls
                         -i                            [-S sheets] pattern file.xls
           Generic options:
              -v[#]       Set verbose level (xlscat/xlsgrep)
              -d[#]       Set debug   level (Spreadsheet::Read)
              -u          Use unformatted values
              --noclip    Do not strip empty sheets and
                          trailing empty rows and columns
              -e <enc>    Set encoding for input and output
              -b <enc>    Set encoding for input
              -a <enc>    Set encoding for output
           Input CSV:
              --in-sep=c  Set input sep_char for CSV
           Input XLS:
              --dtfmt=fmt Specify the default date format to replace 'm-d-yy'
                          the default replacement is 'yyyy-mm-dd'
           Output Text (default):
              -s <sep>    Use separator <sep>. Default '|', \n allowed
              -L          Line up the columns
              -n [skip]   Number lines (prefix with column number)
                          optionally skip <skip> (header) lines
              -A          Show field attributes in ANSI escapes
              -h[#]       Show # header lines
           Grep options:
              -i          Ignore case
              -w          Match whole words only
           Output CSV:
              -c          Output CSV, separator = ','
              -m          Output CSV, separator = ';'
           Output HTML:
              -H          Output HTML
              -S <sheets> Only print sheets <sheets>. 'all' is a valid set
                          Default only prints the first sheet
              -R <rows>   Only print rows    <rows>. Default is 'all'
              -C <cols>   Only print columns <cols>. Default is 'all'
              -F <flds>   Only fields <flds> e.g. -FA3,B16
           Ordering (column numbers in result set *after* selection):
              --sort=spec Sort output (e.g. --sort=3,2r,5n,1rn+2)
                          +#   - first # lines do not sort (header)
                          #    - order on column # lexical ascending
                          #n   - order on column # numeric ascending
                          #r   - order on column # lexical descending
                          #rn  - order on column # numeric descending

       Convert a spreadsheet to CSV. This is just a small wrapper over "xlscat".

        usage: xls2csv [ -o file.csv ] file.xls

       Show a spreadsheet in a perl/Tk spreadsheet widget

        usage: ss2tk [-w <width>] [X11 options] file.xls [<pattern>]
               -w <width> use <width> as default column width (4)

       Show the differences between two spreadsheets.

        usage: examples/ssdiff [--verbose[=1]] file.xls file.xlsx


           Module Options
             New Spreadsheet::Read options are bound to happen. I'm thinking of an option that
             disables the reading of the data entirely to speed up an index request (how many
             sheets/fields/columns). See "xlscat -i".

           Parser options
             Try to transparently support as many options as the encapsulated modules support
             regarding (un)formatted values, (date) formats, hidden columns rows or fields etc.
             These could be implemented like "attr" above but names "meta", or just be new values
             in the "attr" hashes.

       Other spreadsheet formats
           I consider adding any spreadsheet interface that offers a usable API.

       Alternative parsers for existing formats
           As long as the alternative has a good reason for its existence, and the API of that
           parser reasonable fits in my approach, I will consider to implement the glue layer, or
           apply patches to do so as long as these match what describes.

       Add an OO interface
           Consider making the ref an object, though I currently don't see the big advantage
           (yet). Maybe I'll make it so that it is a hybrid functional / OO interface.


       Text::CSV_XS, Text::CSV_PP
         See Text::CSV_XS <> , Text::CSV_PP
         <> , and Text::CSV
         <> documentation.

         Text::CSV <> is a wrapper over Text::CSV_XS (the
         fast XS version) and/or Text::CSV_PP <> (the pure
         perl version).

         Spreadsheet::ParseExcel <> is the best
         parser for old-style Microsoft Excel (.xls) files.

         Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX <> is like
         Spreadsheet::ParseExcel <>, but for
         new Microsoft Excel 2007+ files (.xlsx). They have the same API.

         This module uses XML::Twig <> to parse the internal

         Spreadsheet::XLSX::Reader::LibXML <
         LibXML> is an alternative Microsoft 2007+ parser that uses XML::LibXML
         <> to parse the internal XML.

         Work in progress. Much is relying on undocumented internals. The author gave up on
         making this work, so it is not enabled by default. Feel free submit patches to make it

         See Spreadsheet::XLSX <> documentation.

         This module is dead and deprecated. It is buggy and unmaintained.  Please use
         Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX <> instead.

         Spreadsheet::ReadSXC <> is a parser for
         OpenOffice/LibreOffice (.sxc and .ods) spreadsheet files.

         See Spreadsheet::BasicRead <> for
         xlscat-like functionality (Excel only)

         See Spreadsheet::ConvertAA <> for an
         alternative set of "cell2cr"/"cr2cell" pair.

         Spreadsheet::Perl <> offers a Pure Perl
         implementation of a spreadsheet engine.  Users that want this format to be supported in
         Spreadsheet::Read are hereby motivated to offer patches. It is not high on my TODO-list.

         Spreadsheet::CSV <> offers the interesting
         approach of seeing all supported spreadsheet formats as if it were CSV, mimicking the
         Text::CSV_XS <> interface.

         xls2csv <> offers an alternative for my "xlscat -c",
         in the xls2csv tool, but this tool focuses on character encoding transparency, and
         requires some other modules.


       H.Merijn Brand, <>


       Copyright (C) 2005-2015 H.Merijn Brand

       This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
       terms as Perl itself.