Provided by: libncarg-dev_6.3.0-6build1_amd64 bug


       Conpack_params - This document briefly describes all Conpack internal parameters.


       Parameter descriptions follow, in alphabetical order. Each description begins with a line giving the
       three-character mnemonic name of the parameter, the phrase for which the mnemonic stands, the intrinsic
       type of the parameter, and an indication of whether or not it is an array.

       'AIA' - Area Identifier Above - Integer Array
              Each element of the parameter array 'AIA' is an area identifier for the area above the contour
              level specified by the corresponding element of the parameter array 'CLV'.  The corresponding
              element of the parameter array 'AIB' is an area identifier for the area below that level. If, for
              a particular contour level, both 'AIA' and 'AIB' are zero, that level is ignored by the routine
              CPCLAM; otherwise, contour lines at that level are added to the area map and the given values of
              'AIA' and 'AIB' are used as right and left area identifiers, respectively.  (Note that contour
              lines are traced with greater values to the right and lesser values to the left.)

              There are three special elements in the parameter array 'AIA', corresponding to 'PAI' values of
              -1, -2, and -3; the first specifies an area identifier for the area outside the edge of the grid,
              the second an area identifier for any area filled with special values, and the third an area
              identifier for any area in which the mapping routine CPMPXY returns the "out of range" value

              If contour levels are chosen automatically, rather than being supplied by the user, the value
              supplied for the Ith element of 'AIA' is I+1 and the value supplied for the Ith element of 'AIB'
              is I.

              The default value of element "-1" of 'AIA' is 0 and the default values of elements "-2" and "-3"
              are -1's.

       'AIB' - Area Identifier Below - Integer Array
              See the description of 'AIA', above.

       'CAF' - Cell Array Flag - Integer
              The parameter 'CAF' determines the way in which the routine CPCICA (which is called to store color
              indices in a user cell array), gets from an area identifier associated with a particular cell to a
              color index for that cell. Let IAID be the area identifier that is associated with a given cell.

              •      If 'CAF' is negative, the routine CPSCAE is called. The default version of CPSCAE behaves
                     as follows: if the value of IAID is greater than or equal to zero, it itself is stored in
                     the cell array as a color index; otherwise, the cell array is unchanged. A user version of
                     CPSCAE may be supplied to do something more complicated; since the value of 'CAF' is one of
                     the arguments of CPSCAE, its value may be used to select one of a number of color-setting
                     schemes built into the routine.

              •      If 'CAF' is positive, the value "'CAF'+IAID" is computed.  If that value is positive, it is
                     stored in the cell array as a color index; otherwise, the cell array is unchanged.  In this
                     case, 'CAF' acts as an offset, mapping the area identifiers to a unique portion of the
                     color table.

              The default value of 'CAF' is 0.

       'CFA' - Constant-Field Label Angle - Real
              The parameter 'CFA' specifies the angle (in degrees counterclockwise from a vector pointing to the
              right) at which a constant-field label is to be written.

              The default value of 'CFA' is 0.

       'CFB' - Constant-Field Label Box Flag - Integer
              If 'CFB' is zero, the constant-field label will not be boxed at all. The value 1 implies that the
              perimeter of the box is to be drawn (in the same color as the label) after the label is drawn. The
              value 2 implies that the box is to be filled (in the color specified by 'LBC') before the label is
              drawn. The value 3 implies both of the above.

              The default value of 'CFB' is 0.

       'CFC' - Constant-Field Label Color Index - Integer
              If 'CFC' is less than zero, the constant-field label and the box, if any, around it, will be drawn
              in the color specified by the current text color index; if 'CFC' is greater than or equal to zero,
              then it specifies the desired color index for the label and the box. If a box is drawn around the
              label, it is made the same color as the label itself.

              The default value of 'CFC' is -1.

       'CFF' - Constant-Field-Found Flag - Integer
              The parameter 'CFF' may not be set by the user; its retrieved value will be non-zero if and only
              if CPRECT, CPSPS1, or CPSPS2 detected a constant field.

              The default value of 'CFF' (prior to any call to CPRECT, CPSPS1, or CPSPS2) is zero.

       'CFL' - Constant-Field Label Line Width - Real
              If 'CFL' is less than or equal to zero, line width will not be set before drawing a box around the
              constant-field label. If 'CFL' is greater than zero, it specifies the desired width, as a multiple
              of the "normal" line width.

              The default value of 'CFL' is 0.

       'CFP' - Constant-Field Label Positioning Flag - Integer
              The parameter 'CFP' says how the constant-field label is to be positioned. There are nine possible
              values, each of which specifies a point of the label box which is to lie on the point defined by
              'CFX' and 'CFY': the value -4 implies the lower left-hand corner of the label box, -3 implies the
              center of the bottom of the box, -2 the lower right-hand corner of the box, -1 the center of the
              left edge of the box, 0 the center of the box, +1 the center of the right edge of the box, +2 the
              upper left-hand corner of the box, +3 the center of the top edge of the box, and +4 the upper
              right-hand corner of the box. Left, right, bottom, and top are defined from the viewpoint of
              someone viewing the label right-side up.

              The default value of 'CFP' is 0, so the constant-field label will be centered on the point whose
              coordinates are 'CFX' and 'CFY'.

       'CFS' - Constant-Field Label Size - Real
              The parameter 'CFS' specifies the nominal size (width) of a character in the constant-field label,
              as a fraction of the width of the viewport. This nominal size is multiplied by 'CWM'.

              The default value of 'CFS' is 0.012.

       'CFT' - Constant-Field Label Text String - Character
              The parameter 'CFT' specifies the text of the constant-field label, which is written when a
              constant data field is detected; it is a character string of at most 40 characters. The embedded
              string '$ZDV$' will be replaced by the numeric value of the field.

              If 'CFT' is given the value ' ' (a single blank), the constant-field label will not be written.

              The default value of 'CFT' is 'CONSTANT FIELD - VALUE IS $ZDV$'.

       'CFW' - Constant-Field Label White Space Width - Real
              The parameter 'CFW' specifies the nominal width of white space to be left around the constant-
              field label, as a fraction of the width of the viewport. This nominal width is multiplied by

              The default value of 'CFW' is 0.005.

       'CFX' - Constant-Field Label X Coordinate - Real
              The parameter 'CFX' specifies the X coordinate of the basepoint of the constant-field label. The
              given value is mapped linearly onto the viewport; 0 refers to the left edge of the viewport and 1
              to the right edge of the viewport. Values less than 0 or greater than 1 may be used.

              The default value of 'CFX' is 0.5, so the constant-field label is centered horizontally in the

       'CFY' - Constant-Field Label Y Coordinate - Real
              The parameter 'CFY' specifies the Y coordinate of the basepoint of the constant-field label. The
              given value is mapped linearly onto the viewport; 0 refers to the bottom edge of the viewport and
              1 to the top edge of the viewport.  Values less than 0 or greater than 1 may be used.

              The default value of 'CFY' is 0.5, so the constant-field label is centered vertically in the

       'CIS' - Contour Interval Specifier - Real
              See the description of 'CLS', below. When 'CLS' is greater than zero, 'CIS' is used. A value of
              'CIS' less than or equal to zero indicates that Conpack is to choose the contour interval (see the
              descriptions of the parameter arrays 'CIT' and 'LIT'). A value of 'CIS' which is greater than zero
              is the actual contour interval to be used; in this case, 'LIS' may be given a non-zero value "n"
              to specify that every "nth" contour level should be labeled.  See also the descriptions of 'CMN'
              and 'CMX', below.

              The default value of 'CIS' is 0.

       'CIT' - Contour Interval Table - Real Array
              Each non-zero element of the ten-element parameter array 'CIT' is a real number greater than or
              equal to 1 and less than 10; when Conpack picks the contour interval, it chooses a number of the
              form "c x 10**k", where "c" is one of the elements of 'CIT' and "k" is an integer. The non-zero
              elements of 'CIT' must be sorted in ascending order and appear at the beginning of the array.

              The corresponding elements of the parameter array 'LIT' specify which contours are to be labeled.
              A contour at "nc x 10**k" is labeled if "n" is a multiple of "l", where "l" is the element of
              'LIT' corresponding to the element "c" of 'CIT'. For example, if the first element of 'CIT' is
              "1." and the first element of 'LIT' is "5", then Conpack is allowed to use contour levels 1., 2.,
              3., 4., etc., with labels at 5., 10., 15., etc. (5 x 1., 5 x 2., 5 x 3., etc.).

              The default contents of 'CIT' and 'LIT' are as follows:

              -----   -----   -----   --------------   --------------
                1      1.0      5     1.0 x 10 ** K    EVERY 5TH ONE
                2      2.0      5     2.0 x 10 ** K    EVERY 5TH ONE
                3      2.5      4     2.5 x 10 ** K    EVERY 4TH ONE
                4      4.0      5     4.0 x 10 ** K    EVERY 5TH ONE
                5      5.0      5     5.0 x 10 ** K    EVERY 5TH ONE
                6      0.0      0     FILLER TO END    FILLER TO END
                7      0.0      0     FILLER TO END    FILLER TO END
                8      0.0      0     FILLER TO END    FILLER TO END
                9      0.0      0     FILLER TO END    FILLER TO END
               10      0.0      0     FILLER TO END    FILLER TO END

       'CIU' - Contour Interval Used - Real
              The parameter 'CIU' is normally intended for retrieval only. When the selection of the contour
              interval is left up to Conpack, 'CIU' is given the value chosen. When contour levels are
              completely set by the user, the value of 'CIU' may need to be set as well, for two reasons: 1) to
              make the desired value appear in an informational label (in place of the embedded string '$CIU$')
              and 2) so that it may be used by the penalty scheme for positioning labels. The setting of 'CIU'
              must be done after setting the contour levels (because, as a side effect of the setting of element
              1 of 'CLV', 'CIU' is zeroed). If the user supplies contour levels, but supplies no value of 'CIU',
              and the penalty scheme is used to position labels, the required contour interval is estimated; in
              certain situations, this can lead to problems (if, for example, the same contour level appears
              twice in 'CLV', once to force lines at that level to be drawn and once to force that level to be
              used as the boundary for a shaded area).

              The default value of 'CIU' is 0.

       'CLC' - Contour Line Color Index - Integer Array
              Each element of the parameter array 'CLC', if greater than or equal to zero, is a color index for
              contour lines at the level specified by the associated element of 'CLV'. A value less than zero
              implies that the lines will be drawn in the color specified by the current polyline color index.

              There are three special elements in the parameter array 'CLC', corresponding to 'PAI' values of
              -1, -2, and -3; the first specifies a color index for the edge of the grid, the second a color
              index for the edge of any area filled with special values, and the third a color index for the
              edge of any area in which the mapping routine CPMPXY returns the "out of range" value.

              The default value of each element of 'CLC' is -1.

       'CLD' - Contour Line Dash Pattern - Character Array
              Each element of the parameter array 'CLD' is a dash pattern (as expected by the package Dashline)
              to be used (when 'DPU' is non-zero) to draw contour lines at the level specified by the associated
              element of the contour level array 'CLV'. Elements of 'CLD' may be set using a call to CPSETI,
              with a sixteen-bit integer as the second argument, or using a call to CPSETC, with a character
              string of 32 or fewer characters as the second argument. In either case, the result will be a
              character string internally; a sixteen-bit integer will be converted to a sixteen-character string
              by mapping 0-bits into apostrophes and 1-bits into dollar signs.

              There are three special elements in the parameter array 'CLD', corresponding to 'PAI' values of
              -1, -2, and -3; the first specifies a dash pattern for the edge of the grid, the second a dash
              pattern for the edge of any area filled with special values, and the third a dash pattern for the
              edge of any area in which the mapping routine CPMPXY returns the "out of range" value.

              When Conpack picks the contour levels, the default value supplied for each associated dash pattern
              is the character constant '$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'. This is also the default value for each of the three
              special elements.

       'CLL' - Contour Line Line Width - Real Array
              Each element of the parameter array 'CLL' specifies the line width used to draw contour lines at
              the level specified by the associated element of the contour level array 'CLV'. Each is expressed
              as a multiple of the "normal" line width; values less than or equal to zero imply that line width
              should not be set.

              There are three special elements in the parameter array 'CLL', corresponding to 'PAI' values of
              -1, -2, and -3; the first specifies a line width for the edge of the grid, the second a line width
              for the edge of any area filled with special values, and the third a line width for the edge of
              any area in which the mapping routine CPMPXY returns the "out of range" value.

              When Conpack picks the contour levels, the default value supplied for each associated line width
              is 0. This is also the default value for each of the three special elements.

       'CLS' - Contour Level Selection Flag - Integer
              This parameter must be set prior to the call to CPRECT, CPSPS1, or CPSPS2 which initiates the
              process of drawing a particular contour plot; it specifies how contour levels are to be selected,
              as follows:

              •      If 'CLS' has the value "0", Conpack will not pick contour levels at all; the current values
                     of the parameters 'NCL', 'CLV', and associated arrays will not be changed. They will thus
                     retain the values chosen by Conpack during a previous call or the values supplied by the

              •      If 'CLS' has a negative value of the form "-n", Conpack will generate "n" contour levels,
                     splitting the range from the minimum field value to the maximum field value into "n+1"
                     equal intervals.

              •      If 'CLS' has a positive value of the form "+n" and 'CIS' is less than or equal to zero,
                     Conpack will use values of the form "bk", where "b" is a "base" value chosen by Conpack and
                     "k" is an integer. The base value "b" will be a "nice" value (as defined by the contents of
                     the parameter array 'CIT'), chosen in such a way as to give at least "n" contour levels
                     (with the default contents of the array 'CIT', you may get as many as "2n" levels).

              •      If 'CLS' has a positive value of the form "+n" and 'CIS' is greater than zero and 'CMN' is
                     greater than 'CMX', Conpack will use values of the form "'CIS'*k", where "k" is an integer.

              •      If 'CLS' has a positive value of the form "+n" and 'CIS' is greater than zero and 'CMN' is
                     less than or equal to 'CMX', Conpack will use values of the form "'CMN'+'CIS'*k" which are
                     greater than or equal to 'CMN' and less than or equal to 'CMX', where "k" is an integer.

              The default value of 'CLS' is 16.

       'CLU' - Contour Level Use Flags - Integer Array
              Each element of the parameter array 'CLU' indicates how the associated contour level, in the
              parameter array 'CLV', is to be used. The value 0 means that no contour line is to be drawn at the
              associated level, the value 1 that the line is to be drawn without labels, the value 2 that the
              labels are to be drawn, but not the line, and the value 3 that both the line and the labels are to
              be drawn.

              There are three special elements in the parameter array 'CLU', corresponding to 'PAI' values of
              -1, -2, and -3; the first specifies a flag for the edge of the grid, the second a flag for the
              edge of any area filled with special values, and the third a flag for the edge of any area in
              which the mapping routine CPMPXY returns the "out of range" value. In each case, if the flag is
              zero, the associated edge is not drawn; otherwise, the associated edge is drawn.

              When Conpack chooses the contour levels, the associated elements of 'CLU' are given one of the two
              values 1 or 3, depending on whether the line is to be labeled or not. The default values of the
              special elements are all zeroes.

       'CLV' - Contour Level Values - Real Array
              Each of the first 'NCL' elements of the parameter array 'CLV' is a contour level for which
              something is to be done (the drawing of contour lines, the drawing of contour labels, and/or the
              addition of contour lines to an area map).

              Only elements 1 through 'NCL' may be accessed via the parameter-setting routines. Thus, code to
              set the contour levels and associated quantities must begin with a call to set 'NCL'.

              A side effect of setting the element numbered 'PAI' of 'CLV' is that the associated element number
              'PAI' in each of the parameter arrays 'AIA', 'AIB', 'CLC', 'CLD', 'CLL', 'CLU', 'LLC', and 'LLT'
              is also given a default value, as follows:

                 'AIA'       ´PAI'+1

                 'AIB'       ´PAI'

                 'CLC'       -1

                 'CLD'       ´$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'

                 'CLL'       0

                 'CLU'       1

                 'LLC'       -1

                 'LLT'       ´ ' (a single blank)

              Thus, in code to set contour levels and associated quantities, each contour level must be set
              before the quantities associated with it.

              A side effect of setting element number 1 of 'CLV' is that the parameter 'CIU', which indicates
              what contour interval was used, is zeroed. It is assumed that this will only happen when the user
              is providing all the contour levels, in which case the concept of the "contour interval" may or
              not be well defined. See the description of 'CIU' for more information.

       'CMN' - Contour Minimum - Real
              When 'CLS' is greater than zero and 'CIS' is also greater than zero, if 'CMN' is less than or
              equal to 'CMX', then the contour levels used will be of the form 'CMN', 'CMN'+'CIS',
              'CMN'+2*'CIS', ... , 'CMN'+n*'CIS', where "n" is the largest integer such that 'CMN'+n*'CIS' is
              less than or equal to 'CMX'. The labeled levels will be those for which "n" is a multiple of

              The default values of 'CMN' and 'CMX' are 1 and 0, respectively.

       'CMX' - Contour Maximum - Real
              See the description of 'CMN', above.

       'CTM' - Character Temporary - Character
              The parameter name 'CTM' refers to a temporary character buffer in Conpack; the name may be used
              in the routine CPCHCL to get the dash pattern for the current line and in the routines CPCHHL,
              CPCHIL, and CPCHLL to get the text of the label being written or to change it.

              The parameter 'CTM' has no meaningful default value.

       'CWM' - Character Width Multiplier - Real
              All character size parameters are multiplied by 'CWM'; this makes it easy to scale the sizes up or
              down simultaneously.  Parameters affected by this are 'CFS', 'CFW', 'DPS', 'DPV', 'HLS', 'HLW',
              'ILS', 'ILW', 'LLS', and 'LLW'.

              The default value of 'CWM' is 1.

       'DPS' - Dash Pattern Size - Real
              The parameter 'DPS' specifies the nominal size (width) of a character in a dash pattern, as a
              fraction of the width of the viewport. This nominal size is multiplied by 'CWM'.

              The default value of 'DPS' is 0.010.

       'DPU' - Dash Pattern Use Flag - Integer
              If 'DPU' is less than or equal to zero, it means that no dash patterns are to be used and that
              contour lines are to be drawn using calls to CURVE. If 'DPU' is non-zero, it means that dash
              patterns are to be used and that contour lines are to be drawn using calls to CURVED. When the
              label positioning flag ABS('LLP') = 1, contour lines are caused to be labeled by using a dash
              pattern formed by concatenating "n" repetitions of the appropriate element of 'CLD' (the nominal
              dash pattern for the line) and the appropriate element of 'LLT' (the numeric label for the line);
              in this case, 'DPU' specifies the value of "n".

              The default value of 'DPU' is 3.

       'DPV' - Dash Pattern Vector Length - Real
              The parameter 'DPV' specifies the nominal length of the solid vector generated by a dollar sign,
              or the gap vector generated by an apostrophe, in a dash pattern, as a fraction of the width of the
              viewport. This nominal length is multiplied by 'CWM'.

              The default value of 'DPV' is .005.

       'GIC' - Group Identifier for Contour Lines - Integer
              The parameter 'GIC' specifies the group identifier for contour lines added to an area map by the
              routine CPCLAM.

              The default value of 'GIC' is 3.

       'GIL' - Group Identifier for Label Boxes - Integer
              The parameter 'GIL' specifies the group identifier for label boxes added to an area map by the
              routine CPLBAM.

              The default value of 'GIL' is 3.

       'GIS' - Group Identifier for Strips - Integer
              The parameter 'GIS' specifies the group identifier for a group of edges added to an area map by
              the routine CPCLAM to create a set of vertical strips. This is done only if the parameter 'NVS'
              (which is described later in this section) is non-zero.

              The default value of 'GIS' is 4.

       'HCL' - Hachure Length - Real
              The parameter 'HCL' specifies the hachure length, stated as a fraction of the width of the
              viewport. A positive value implies the use of hachures on the downslope side of the contour. A
              negative value implies the use of hachures on the upslope side of the contour.

              The default value of 'HCL' is .004.

       'HCS' - Hachure Spacing - Real
              The parameter 'HCS' specifies the hachure spacing, stated as a fraction of the width of the
              viewport. This is the distance between one hachure and the next along a contour line.

              The default value of 'HCS' is .01.

       'HCF' - Hachuring Flag - Integer
              The parameter 'HCF' is the hachuring flag, with one of the following values:

              •      If 'HCF' = 0, hachuring is turned off (the default).

              •      If 'HCF' = 1, all contours will be hachured.

              •      If 'HCF' = 2, closed contours will be hachured only if the interior of the contour is
                     "downhill". Open contours will be unconditionally hachured.

              •      If 'HCF' = 3, closed contours will be hachured only if the interior of the contour is
                     "downhill". Open contours will be unconditionally unhachured.

              •      If 'HCF' = 4, closed contours will be hachured only if the interior of the contour is
                     "downhill". Open contours will be hachured only if the "interior" of the contour is
                     "downhill", where "interior" is defined by computing the total change in direction along
                     the contour. If that total is positive, the "interior" is to the left; if it is negative,
                     the "interior" is to the right.

              Negative values of 'HCF' may also be used. Each has the same effect as the corresponding positive
              value, except that the word "downhill" in the definition above is replaced by the word "uphill".

              The default value of 'HCF' is 0.

              The user will be expected to increase the value of the internal parameter 'RWC' ("Real Workspace
              for Contours") from its default 100 to a value large enough to accommodate any contour that can
              arise from his/her data field; this may require increasing the size of the real workspace array.
              (This is so that the hachuring routine is assured of seeing all of each contour line. Otherwise,
              it can't tell which way the "inside" and the "outside" of the closed contours are.)

              Closed contours that are broken into pieces that appear to be open contours (either because
              portions of the closed contour disappear as a result of the mapping implied by non-zero values of
              the parameter 'MAP' and the out-of-range value 'ORV', or because they run through special-value
              areas, as defined by the internal parameter 'SPV', or because the user has forgotten to increase
              the value of 'RWC', as described in the previous paragraph), will be hachured. The rationale for
              this is that no real confusion can arise from hachuring a contour line which shouldn't be, only
              from not hachuring one that should be.

       'HIC' - High Label Color Index - Integer
              The parameter 'HIC' is used in determining the color index for high labels. See the description of
              'HLC', below.

       'HIT' - High Label Text String - Character
              The parameter 'HIT' specifies the text string to be used in labeling a high. See the description
              of 'HLT', below.

       'HLA' - High/Low Label Angle - Real
              The parameter 'HLA' specifies the angle (in degrees counterclockwise from a vector pointing to the
              right) at which high and low labels are to be written.

              The default value of 'HLA' is 0.

       'HLB' - High/Low Label Box Flag - Integer
              If 'HLB' is zero, high and low labels will not be boxed at all. The value 1 implies that the
              perimeter of the box is to be drawn (in the same color as the label) after the label is drawn. The
              value 2 implies that the box is to be filled (in the color specified by 'LBC') before the label is
              drawn. The value 3 implies both of the above.

              The default value of 'HLB' is 0.

       'HLC' - High/Low Label Color Index - Integer
              The parameter 'HLC' is used in determining the color index for high and low labels.

              The color index for high labels is determined in this manner: If 'HIC' is greater than or equal to
              zero, 'HIC' is used as the color index. If 'HIC' is less than zero, but 'HLC' is greater than or
              equal to zero, 'HLC' is used as the color index. If both 'HIC' and 'HLC' are less than zero, the
              current text color index is used. If a box is drawn around the label, it is made the same color as
              the label itself.

              The color index for low labels is determined similarly: If 'LOC' is greater than or equal to zero,
              'LOC' is used as the color index. If 'LOC' is less than zero, but 'HLC' is greater than or equal
              to zero, 'HLC' is used as the color index. If both 'LOC' and 'HLC' are less than zero, the current
              text color index is used. If a box is drawn around the label, it is made the same color as the
              label itself.

              To set the color index of all high and low labels, simply supply the desired value for 'HLC'. To
              have highs and low labels which are colored differently, set 'HIC' and 'LOC'.

              The default values of 'HLC', 'HIC', and 'LOC' are all -1's.

       'HLE' - High/Low Equal-Value Search - Integer
              If 'HLE' has the value zero, only the "normal" search for highs and lows, as described in the
              programmer document for CONPACK (in the section "Searching for Highs and Lows") is performed.

              If 'HLE' has the value one, and if the "normal" search for highs and lows sees evidence that an
              additional search should be performed, then the additional search is performed.  See the section
              "Extended High/Low Search Algorithm", in the programmer document for CONPACK.

              If 'HLE' has the value two or greater, and if the "normal" search for highs and lows sees evidence
              that an additional search should be performed, then the additional search is performed, but the
              candidate regions considered are limited to those containing no more than 'HLE' grid points.

              Whenever 'HLE' is given a non-zero value, care should be taken to provide enough space in the
              integer work array to hold an additional M*N elements, where M and N are the dimensions of the
              array being contoured.  This space will be needed during a call to CPHLLB.

              The default value of 'HLE' is zero.

       'HLL' - High/Low Line Width - Real
              If 'HLL' has a value less than or equal to zero, line width will not be set before drawing boxes
              around high and low labels. If 'HLL' has a value greater than zero, it specifies the desired
              width, as a multiple of the "normal" line width.

              The default value of 'HLL' is 0.

       'HLO' - High/Low Label Overlap Flag - Integer
              The value of 'HLO' says what is to be done about the problem of high and low labels overlapping
              other objects.  The value 0 implies that the problem will be ignored; high and low labels will not
              be checked for overlap with anything else. Adding 1 to the value of 'HLO' implies the omission of
              high and low labels which overlap the informational label. Adding 2 implies the omission of high
              and low labels which overlap other high and low labels found before it. Adding 4 implies the
              omission of high and low labels which overlap the edges of the viewport, while adding 8 implies
              that high and low labels which overlap the edges of the viewport should be moved inward by just
              enough to take care of the problem. If you add both 4 and 8, the effect will be as if you had
              added 4 alone.

              The default value of 'HLO' is 3 (1 + 2).

       'HLS' - High/Low Label Size - Real
              The parameter 'HLS' specifies the nominal size (width) of a character in a high or low label, as a
              fraction of the width of the viewport. This nominal size is multiplied by 'CWM'.

              The default value of 'HLS' is .012.

       'HLT' - High/Low Label Text Strings - Character
              The character strings used to label highs and lows may be specified individually, by setting 'HIT'
              and 'LOT', or together, by setting 'HLT'. If 'HLT' is set, and there are no apostrophes in the
              given character string, both 'HIT' and 'LOT' will be set equal to it and it will therefore be used
              as the label for both highs and lows. If there are apostrophes in the string, what precedes the
              first one will be used as the value of 'HIT' (the label for a high) and what follows it will be
              used as the value of 'LOT' (the label for a low).

              Remember that, in FORTRAN, an apostrophe in a string which is delimited by apostrophes is
              represented by two apostrophes.

              The substring $ZDV$ may be used to represent the numeric value of the high or the low, divided by
              the current scale factor; the substring $ZDVU$ may be used to represent the unscaled value.

              Some examples:

                     FORTRAN STRING           HIGH LABEL       LOW LABEL
              ------------------------       -------------   -------------
              'H''L'                         H               L

              'HI''LO'                       HI              LO

              '$ZDV$'                        1.362           0.764

              'H($ZDV$)''L($ZDV$)'           H(1.362)        L(0.764)

              'H:B:$ZDV$:E:''L:B:$ZDV$:E:'   H               L
                                              1.362           0.764

              Note that, in the final example, the subscripting capability of the utility Plotchar is used. The
              terminating function code "E" ensures that the "H" or the "L" will be centered on the high or low;
              to center the whole thing, either remove the 'E's or change them to 'N's.

              Neither of the character strings 'HIT' and 'LOT' may contain more than 20 characters.

              If 'HIT' is blank, highs will not be labeled. If 'LOT' is blank, lows will not be labeled.

              The default value for 'HIT' is 'H:B:$ZDV$:E:' and the default value of 'LOT' is 'H:B:$ZDV$:E:', as
              shown in the final example above.

       'HLW' - High/Low Label White Space Width - Real
              The parameter 'HLW' specifies the nominal width of white space to be left around a high or low
              label, as a fraction of the width of the viewport. This nominal width is multiplied by 'CWM'.

              The default value of 'HLW' is 0.005.

       'HLX' - High/Low Search Radius in X - Integer
              If 'HLX' is greater than zero, it specifies the half-width of the index-value neighborhood used in
              searching the contour field for highs and lows. If 'HLX' is less than or equal to zero, Conpack
              picks a reasonable value to use (approximately 1/8 of 'ZDM', but not less than 2 nor greater than

              As an example, if 'HLX' = 3 and 'HLY' = 4, then the values in ZDAT examined to determine if (I,J)
              is a high or a low are those having indices (K,L), where either K is not equal to I or L is not
              equal to J, K is between MAX(1,I-3) and MIN('ZDM',I+3), inclusive, and L is between MAX(1,J-4) and
              MIN('ZDN',J+4), inclusive.

              The default value of 'HLX' is 0.

       'HLY' - High/Low Search Radius in Y - Integer
              If 'HLY' is greater than zero, it specifies the half-height of the index-value neighborhood used
              in searching the contour field for highs and lows. If 'HLY' is less than or equal to zero, Conpack
              picks a reasonable value to use (approximately 1/8 of 'ZDN', but not less than 2 nor greater than

              For an example, see the description of 'HLX', above.

              The default value of 'HLY' is 0.

       'ILA' - Informational Label Angle - Real
              The parameter 'ILA' specifies the angle (in degrees counterclockwise from a vector pointing to the
              right) at which the informational label is to be written.

              The default value of 'ILA' is 0.

       'ILB' - Informational Label Box Flag - Integer
              If 'ILB' is zero, the informational label will not be boxed at all. The value 1 implies that the
              perimeter of the box is to be drawn (in the same color as the label) after the label is drawn. The
              value 2 implies that the box is to be filled (in the color specified by 'LBC') before the label is
              drawn. The value 3 implies both of the above.

              The default value of 'ILB' is 0.

       'ILC' - Informational Label Color Index - Integer

              If 'ILC' is less than zero, the informational label and the box, if any, around it, will be drawn
              in the color specified by the current text color index; if 'ILC' is greater than or equal to zero,
              then it specifies the desired color index for the label and the box. If a box is drawn around the
              label, it is made the same color as the label itself.

              The default value of 'ILC' is -1.

       'ILL' - Informational Label Line Width - Real
              If 'ILL' has a value less than or equal to zero, line width will not be set before drawing a box
              around the informational label. If 'ILL' has a value greater than zero, it specifies the desired
              width, as a multiple of the "normal" line width.

              The default value of 'ILL' is 0.

       'ILP' - Informational Label Positioning Flag - Integer
              The parameter 'ILP' says how the informational label is to be positioned. There are nine possible
              values, each of which specifies a point of the label box which is to lie on the point defined by
              'ILX' and 'ILY': the value -4 implies the lower left-hand corner of the label box, -3 implies the
              center of the bottom of the box, -2 the lower right-hand corner of the box, -1 the center of the
              left edge of the box, 0 the center of the box, +1 the center of the right edge of the box, +2 the
              upper left-hand corner of the box, +3 the center of the top edge of the box, and +4 the upper
              right-hand corner of the box. Left, right, bottom, and top are defined from the viewpoint of
              someone reading the label right-side up.

              The default value of 'ILP' is 4, so the upper right-hand corner of the box will be placed on the
              point ('ILX','ILY').

       'ILS' - Informational Label Size - Real
              The parameter 'ILS' specifies the nominal size (width) of a character in the informational label,
              as a fraction of the width of the viewport. This nominal size is multiplied by 'CWM'.

              The default value of 'ILS' is 0.012.

       'ILT' - Informational Label Text String - Character
              The parameter 'ILT' is a string of 100 or fewer characters, specifying the text of the
              informational label. The following substrings will be replaced by a numeric value:

                 $CIU$ - THE CONTOUR INTERVAL USED.
                 $CMN$ - THE MINIMUM CONTOUR LEVEL.
                 $CMX$ - THE MAXIMUM CONTOUR LEVEL.
                 $SFU$ - THE CURRENT SCALE FACTOR.

              In each case except $SFU$, the given value will have been divided by the current scale factor. A
              "U" may be inserted just before the final "$" (as in '$CIUU$', '$CMNU$', etc.)  to request the use
              of an unscaled value.

              The value with which $CIU$ is replaced will only be correct if Conpack itself has chosen the
              contour levels; otherwise, it may be necessary for the user to set the value of 'CIU' (which see,

              If 'ILT' is given the value '  ' (a single blank), there will be no informational label.

              The default value of 'ILT' is 'CONTOUR FROM $CMN$ TO $CMX$ BY $CIU$'.

       'ILW' - Informational Label White Space Width - Real
              The parameter 'ILW' specifies the nominal width of white space to be left around the informational
              label, as a fraction of the width of the viewport. This nominal width is multiplied by 'CWM'.

              The default value of 'ILW' is 0.005.

       'ILX' - Informational Label X Coordinate - Real
              The parameter 'ILX' specifies the X coordinate of the basepoint of the informational label. The
              given value is mapped linearly onto the viewport; 0 refers to the left edge of the viewport and 1
              to the right edge of the viewport. Values less than 0 or greater than 1 may be used.

              The default value of 'ILX' is 0.98.

       'ILY' - Informational Label Y Coordinate - Real
              The parameter 'ILY' specifies the Y coordinate of the basepoint of the informational label. The
              given value is mapped linearly onto the viewport; 0 refers to the bottom edge of the viewport and
              1 to the top edge of the viewport.  Values less than 0 or greater than 1 may be used.

              The default value of 'ILY' is -.02.

       'IWM' - Integer Workspace for Masking - Integer
              The parameter 'IWM' specifies the amount of integer workspace to be allotted for use by CPCLDM,
              which draws contour lines masked by an area map, in calls to the routine ARDRLN, in the package
              Areas. Assume a parameter value "n"; the space used will be "2n" ("n" for the array IAI and "n"
              for the array IAG, in calls to ARDRLN). The value "n" must be greater than or equal to the number
              of group identifiers used in generating the area map.

              The default value of 'IWM' is 10.

       'IWU' - Integer Workspace Usage - Integer
              The parameter 'IWU' is intended for retrieval only. It is zeroed by the call to CPRECT, CPSPS1, or
              CPSPS2. Therefore, by retrieving its value after an entire plot has been constructed, one may find
              out how large an integer workspace was actually required.

       'LBC' - Label Box Color Index - Integer
              If label boxes (of whatever type) are filled, the filling is done using the color index specified
              by 'LBC'. If 'LBC' is less than zero, the current fill area color index is used.

              The default value of 'LBC' is 0, which specifies the background color.

       'LBX' - Label Box X Coordinate - Real
              Not to be set by the user. The value may be retrieved in one of the routines CPCHCF, CPCHHL,
              CPCHIL, or CPCHLL. It specifies the X coordinate (in the current user coordinate system) of the
              center of the box surrounding the label that has caused the routine to be called.

              The default value of 'LBX' is 0.

       'LBY' - Label Box Y Coordinate - Real
              Not to be set by the user. The value may be retrieved in one of the routines CPCHCF, CPCHHL,
              CPCHIL, or CPCHLL. It specifies the Y coordinate (in the current user coordinate system) of the
              center of the box surrounding the label that has caused the routine to be called.

              The default value of 'LBY' is 0.

       'LIS' - Label Interval Specifier - Integer
              When 'CLS' is given a positive value, indicating that Conpack is to choose contour levels at
              intervals of the form "bk", where "b" is a base value and "k" is an integer, and 'CIS' is given a
              positive value, indicating that it is the desired value of "b", then 'LIS' must be set to specify
              the interval between labeled contour levels.

              See the descriptions of the parameters 'CLS' and 'CIS'.

              As an example, one might specify 'CLS'=1, 'CIS'=1/3 and 'LIS'=3 in order to get contours at values
              like 1/3, 2/3, 3/ 3, 4/3, etc., with labels at values like 1, 2, 3, etc.

              The default value of 'LIS' is 5.

       'LIT' - Label Interval Table - Integer Array
              See the description of the parameter 'CIT'.

       'LIU' - Label Interval Used - Integer
              The parameter 'LIU' is for retrieval only. When Conpack chooses the contour interval and decides
              that every "nth" one should be labeled, it sets 'LIU' to "n".

       'LLA' - Line Label Angle - Real
              The parameter 'LLA' specifies the angle (in degrees counterclockwise from a vector pointing to the
              right) at which contour line labels are to be written when ABS('LLP') is greater than or equal to
              2 and 'LLO' is 0.

              The default value of 'LLA' is 0.

       'LLB' - Line Label Box Flag - Integer
              If 'LLB' is zero, contour line labels drawn by CPLBDR will not be boxed at all. The value 1
              implies that the perimeter of the box is to be drawn (in the same color as the label) after the
              label is drawn. The value 2 implies that the box is to be filled (in the color specified by 'LBC')
              before the label is drawn. The value 3 implies both of the above.

              The default value of 'LLB' is 0.

       'LLC' - Line Label Color Index - Integer Array
              Each element of the parameter array 'LLC', if greater than or equal to zero, is the color index
              for labels on contour lines at the level specified by the associated element of 'CLV'. A value
              less than zero implies that the current text color index is to be used.

              This parameter only affects line labels when ABS('LLP') = 2 or 3 and the labels are therefore
              drawn by CPLBDR. It does not affect line labels when ABS('LLP') = 1 and the line labels are
              therefore drawn by the dash package, as called by CPCLDM or CPCLDR.

              The default values of the elements of 'LLC' are all -1's.

       'LLL' - Line Label Line Width - Real
              If 'LLL' has a value less than or equal to zero, line width will not be set before drawing boxes
              around contour line labels. If 'LLL' has a value greater than zero, it specifies the desired
              width, as a multiple of the "normal" line width.

              The default value of 'LLL' is 0.

       'LLO' - Line Label Orientation - Integer
              The parameter 'LLO' only has effect when ABS('LLP') is greater than or equal to 2, specifying use
              of either the regular scheme or the penalty scheme for positioning labels on contour lines. If
              'LLO' is zero, the labels are written at the angle specified by 'LLA'. If 'LLO' is non-zero, the
              labels are written in the local direction of the contour line.

              The default value of 'LLO' is 0.

       'LLP' - Line Label Positioning - Integer
              The parameter 'LLP' says whether or not labels should be produced and, if so, how, as follows:

              •      If 'LLP' is 0, it says that no line labels should be produced.

              •      If ABS('LLP') is 1, it says that labels should be positioned along contour lines by using
                     the old Conrec_family scheme of setting up a character dash pattern including the label and
                     using the software dash package to draw the labels (which requires having 'DPU' set non-
                     zero). This scheme has the disadvantages that one cannot control the orientation and one
                     cannot shield the labels from having contour lines drawn through them.

              •      If ABS('LLP') is 2, it says that labels should be positioned at regular intervals along the
                     line. See the descriptions of the parameters 'RC1', 'RC2', and 'RC3'.

              •      If ABS('LLP') is 3, it says that labels should be positioned using a penalty scheme, which
                     gives much better results than either of the others.

              When 'LLP' is 2 or 3, the 2D smoothing, if any, implied by the value of 'T2D' is suspended during
              label positioning, so that fewer label positions will be considered; this is quite a bit faster
              and the results are nearly as good as if the smoothing were done. To force smoothing, use 'LLP' =
              -2 or -3.

              The default value of 'LLP' is 1.

       'LLS' - Line Label Size - Real
              The parameter 'LLS' specifies the nominal size (width) of a character in a contour line label, as
              a fraction of the width of the viewport. This nominal size is multiplied by 'CWM'.

              The default value of 'LLS' is 0.010.

       'LLT' - Line Label Text String - Character
              For each I from 1 to 'NCL', element I of the parameter array 'LLT' is a string of twenty or fewer
              characters, to be used as a label for the contour level specified by the Ith element of 'CLV'.
              Since the character string will be plotted using the routine PLCHHQ, in the package Plotchar, it
              may contain colon-enclosed "function codes" to do things like create superscripts.

              If the elements of this array are not supplied by the user, they will be filled in by Conpack

       'LLW' - Line Label White Space - Real
              The parameter 'LLW' specifies the nominal width of white space to be left around a contour line
              label, as a fraction of the width of the viewport. This nominal width is multiplied by 'CWM'.

              The default value of 'LLW' is 0.005.

       'LOC' - Low Label Color Index - Integer
              The parameter 'LOC' is used in determining the color index for low labels. See the description of
              'HLC', above.

       'LOT' - Low Label Text String - Character
              The parameter 'LOT' specifies the text string to be used in labeling a low. See 'HLT', above.

       'MAP' - Mapping Flag - Integer
              If 'MAP' is zero, it says that the x and y coordinates used to create the contour map are not to
              be transformed by the user-replaceable subroutine CPMPXY. If 'MAP' is non-zero, it says that x and
              y coordinates are to be so transformed.  The default version of CPMPXY provides two useful

              If the first subscript of the data array is a linear function of the longitude and the second is a
              linear function of the latitude, then one can transform all graphics output onto a map background
              created by calls to routines in the utility package Ezmap just by setting 'MAP' = 1, 'XC1' =
              minimum longitude, 'XCM' = maximum longitude, 'YC1' = minimum latitude, and 'YCN' = maximum
              latitude.  Also, the parameter 'SET' must be given the value 0 in order to prevent Conpack from
              calling SET and thereby overriding the call done by Ezmap.

              If the first subscript of the data array is a linear function of rho and the second is a linear
              function of theta, where rho and theta are polar coordinates, then to map all graphics output
              properly, one may set 'MAP' = 2, 'XC1' = minimum rho, 'XCM' = maximum rho, 'YC1' = minimum theta,
              and 'YCN' = maximum theta. In this case, one must either use 'SET' = 0 and do an appropriate SET
              call or use 'SET' = 1 and give the parameters 'WDB', 'WDL', 'WDR', and 'WDT' values consistent
              with the mapped values of X and Y, which will all be of the form "rho*cos(theta)" and
              "rho*sin(theta)", respectively.

              Using any other non-zero value of 'MAP' will result in the identity mapping.

              Of course, one can replace the routine CPMPXY and build as many different mappings into it as
              desired. See the description of CPMPXY.

       'NCL' - Number of Contour Levels - Integer
              If Conpack is to pick contour levels (see the description of the parameter 'CLS') then the initial
              call to CPRECT, CPSPS1, or CPSPS2 causes 'NCL' to be zeroed. Subsequently, during the first call
              to a Conpack routine requiring contour levels to have been chosen, 'NCL' will be set as part of
              the process of choosing them. If the user elects to choose the contour levels, the first parameter
              which must be set to do this is 'NCL'.

              The parameter 'NCL' has no meaningful default value.

       'NEL' - Numeric Exponent Length - Integer
              Giving 'NEL' a value less than or equal to zero says that exponents in numeric labels should be
              written in the shortest possible form; plus signs are omitted and the exponent magnitude is
              written with no leading zeroes. A value "n" which is greater than zero indicates that all
              exponents should be written with a sign (+ or -) and that the exponent magnitude should be padded
              with leading zeroes to a length of n characters.

              The default value of 'NEL' is 0.

       'NET' - Numeric Exponent Type - Integer
              The parameter 'NET' says what characters are to be used between the mantissa of a numeric label
              and the exponent.  The value 0 implies the use of an E, as in FORTRAN "E format", the value 1
              implies the use of function codes, as expected by the utility Plotchar, to generate "x 10**n",
              where n is a superscript exponent, and the value 2 implies the use of "x10**".

              The default value of 'NET' is 1.

       'NEU' - Numeric Exponent Use Flag - Integer
              Giving 'NEU' a value less than or equal to zero forces the use of the exponential form in all
              numeric labels. A positive value "n" indicates that the form without an exponent should be used as
              long as it requires no more than n characters; otherwise the form requiring the fewest characters
              should be used.

              The default value of 'NEU' is 5.

       'NLS' - Numeric Leftmost Significant Digit Flag - Integer
              Giving 'NLS' the value zero says that the leftmost non-zero digit of a number represented by a
              numeric label is to be considered its first significant digit. A non-zero value says that the
              digit in the same digit position as the leftmost non-zero digit of the largest number (in absolute
              value) in the data field being contoured is to be considered the leftmost significant digit. This
              tends to make the numeric labels more nearly consistent with one another. Consider the following
              example, using three significant digits:

                 USING 'NLS'=0: .500 1.00 1.50 ... 9.50 10.5 ...
                 USING 'NLS'=1: .5   1.0  1.5  ... 9.5  10.5 ...

              The default value of 'NLS' is 1.

       'NLZ' - Numeric Leading Zero Flag - Integer
              Giving 'NLZ' a non-zero value says that a zero is to placed before any numeric label which would
              otherwise begin with a decimal point (use "0.345", rather than ".345").

              The default value of 'NLZ' is 0.

       'NOF' - Numeric Omission Flags - Integer
              The parameter 'NOF' says what parts of a numeric label may be omitted. The value 0 says that no
              part may be omitted.  Add a 4 to indicate that a leading "1" or "1." which is unnecessary (as in
              "1 x 10**13") may be omitted, a 2 to indicate that a trailing decimal point (as in "13.") may be
              omitted, and a 1 to indicate that trailing zeroes (as in "46.200") may be omitted.

              Contour line labels generated by Conpack and values in the informational label which are known to
              have been rounded to "nice" values (like '$CIU$', '$CMN$', and '$CMX$') will have trailing zeroes
              trimmed in any case, no matter what the value of 'NOF' is.

              The default value of 'NOF' is 6 (4 + 2).

       'NSD' - Number of Significant Digits - Integer
              The parameter 'NSD' specifies the maximum number of significant digits to be used in numeric
              labels representing contour field values. A negative value "-n" indicates that n significant
              digits should be used. A positive value "n" indicates that "m+n" digits should be used, where "m"
              is the number of digits that are the same for all values in the contour field. (For example, if
              the minimum value is "1123.6" and the maximum value is "1125.9", then the value of "m" is 3.)

              The default value of 'NSD' is 4.

       'NVS' - Number of Vertical Strips - Integer
              When the parameter 'NVS' is non-zero, an extra group of edges, with group identifier 'GIS', is
              added to the area map by the routine CPCLAM. These edges include the boundary of the viewport and
              enough vertical lines to break the area occupied by the viewport up into 'NVS' vertical strips.
              The object of this is to break up the contour bands which are to be filled into smaller and
              simpler pieces; this may be necessary if the graphics device in use limits the number of points
              which may be used to define a polygon to be filled. The area identifier for the outside of the
              viewport is -1; all other area identifiers used are 0's.

              The default value of 'NVS' is 1.

       'ORV' - Out-of-Range Value - Real
              If 'ORV' is non-zero, it specifies an out-of-range value, to be used as the value of X and Y
              coordinates returned by the mapping routine CPMPXY to say that a point is out-of-range (invisible)
              under the current mapping.

              The default value of 'ORV' is 0.

       'PAI' - Parameter Array Index - Integer
              The value of 'PAI' must be set before calling CPGETC, CPGETI, CPGETR, CPSETC, CPSETI, or CPSETR to
              access any parameter which is an array; it indicates which element of the array is meant. For
              example, to set the 10th contour level to zero, use code like this:

                 CALL CPSETR ('CLV - CONTOUR LEVEL',0.)

              The default value of 'PAI' is 0.

       'PC1' - Penalty Scheme Constant 1 - Real
              The parameter 'PC1' is one of the constants used in the penalty scheme for positioning labels. The
              largest gradient allowed at the position of a label will be GRAV + 'PC1' * GRSD, where GRAV is the
              average gradient and GRSD is the standard deviation of the gradients.

              The default value of 'PC1' is 1.

       'PC2' - Penalty Scheme Constant 2 - Real
              The parameter 'PC2' is one of the constants used in the penalty scheme for positioning labels. It
              specifies the maximum (estimated) number of contour bands allowed to cross a label.

              The default value of 'PC2' is 5.

       'PC3' - Penalty Scheme Constant 3 - Real
              The parameter 'PC3' is one of the constants used in the penalty scheme for positioning labels. It
              specifies, in degrees, the maximum cumulative change in direction to be allowed along that portion
              of the contour line covered by a circle centered on a label and having a radius equal to half the
              width of the label.

              The default value of 'PC3' is 60.

       'PC4' - Penalty Scheme Constant 4 - Real
              The parameter 'PC4' is one of the constants used in the penalty scheme for positioning labels. It
              specifies the "optimal distance" in the term in the penalty function which attempts to force
              labels to be at an optimal distance from each other.

              The default value of 'PC4' is 0.05.

       'PC5' - Penalty Scheme Constant 5 - Real
              The parameter 'PC5' is one of the constants used in the penalty scheme for positioning labels. It
              specifies the "folding distance" in the term in the penalty function which attempts to force
              labels to be at an optimal distance from each other.

              The default value of 'PC5' is 0.15.

       'PC6' - Penalty Scheme Constant 6 - Real
              The parameter 'PC6' is one of the constants used in the penalty scheme for positioning labels. It
              specifies the minimum distance to be allowed between any two labels on the same contour line, as a
              fraction of the width of the viewport.

              The default value of 'PC6' is 0.30.

       'PIC' - Point Interpolation Flag for Contours - Integer
              The parameter 'PIC' specifies the number of points to interpolate between each pair of points
              defining a segment of a contour line, prior to any mapping implied by the parameter 'MAP'. It is
              intended that a non-zero value should normally be used only if 'MAP' is non-zero, which turns
              mapping on, and 'T2D' is zero, which turns the 2D smoother off; the intent is to map straight-line
              segments of contour lines more nearly correctly into curved-line segments on a background (one
              drawn by Ezmap, for example).  If the 2D smoother is turned on, the additional points will be used
              and the smoothed curve will be constrained to pass through them; this may be useful.

              A negative value of 'PIC' causes ABS('PIC') points to be interpolated, but the interpolated points
              are not, in general, used to draw the line segment; the object, in this case, is simply to do a
              finer search for changes in visibility (out-of-range state, as defined by values of 'ORV' returned
              by the routine CPMPXY) along the segment.

              The default value of 'PIC' is 0.

       'PIE' - Point Interpolation Flag for Edges - Integer
              The parameter 'PIE' specifies the number of points to interpolate between each pair of points
              defining a segment of an "edge" (the edge of the grid, the edge of a special-value area, or the
              edge of an out-of-range area). It is intended that a non-zero value should normally be used only
              if 'MAP' is non-zero, which turns mapping on; the intent is to map straight-line segments of edge
              lines more nearly correctly into curved-line segments on a background (one drawn by Ezmap, for

              A negative value of 'PIE' causes ABS('PIE') points to be interpolated, but the interpolated points
              are not, in general, used to draw the line segment; the object, in this case, is simply to do a
              finer search for changes in out-of-range state (visibility) along the segment. (The edges of out-
              of-range areas, however, are drawn using all such interpolated points.)

              Using too large an (absolute) value of 'PIE' will cause the tracing of the edges of out-of-range
              areas to be very time-consuming, because the number of points to be examined is 'ZDM' x 'ZDN' x
              'PIE' x 'PIE'.

              The default value of 'PIE' is 0.

       'PW1' - Penalty Scheme Weight 1 - Real
              The parameter 'PW1' specifies the weight for the gradient term in the penalty function.

              The default value of 'PW1' is 2.

       'PW2' - Penalty Scheme Weight 2 - Real
              The parameter 'PW2' specifies the weight for the number-of-contours term in the penalty function.

              The default value of 'PW2' is 0.

       'PW3' - Penalty Scheme Weight 3 - Real
              The parameter 'PW3' specifies the weight for the change-in-direction term in the penalty function.

              The default value of 'PW3' is 1.

       'PW4' - Penalty Scheme Weight 4 - Real
              The parameter 'PW4' specifies the weight for the optimum-distance term in the penalty function.

              The default value of 'PW4' is 1.

       'RC1' - Regular Scheme Constant 1 - Real
              The parameter 'RC1' specifies the desired distance from the beginning of a contour line to the
              first label on that line when they are positioned using the "regular" scheme. The nth label on
              each labeled contour line will be at a distance 'RC1' + 'RC2' x (n-1) + 'RC3' x Rn units (in the
              fractional coordinate system) from the beginning of the line, where "Rn" is a random number
              between -1 and 1.

              The default value of 'RC1' is 0.25.

       'RC2' - Regular Scheme Constant 2 - Real
              The parameter 'RC2' specifies the desired nominal distance between labels when they are positioned
              using the "regular" scheme. See the description of 'RC1', above.

              The default value of 'RC2' is 0.25.

       'RC3' - Regular Scheme Constant 3 - Real
              The parameter 'RC3' specifies the desired maximum variation in the distance between labels when
              they are positioned using the regular scheme. See the description of 'RC1', above.

              The default value of 'RC3' is 0.05.

       'RWC' - Real Workspace for Contours - Integer
              The parameter 'RWC' specifies the amount of real workspace to be allotted to hold X coordinates of
              points defining contour lines. Assume a parameter value "n". If no 2D smoothing is requested, the
              total space used will be "2n" ("n" for X coordinates and another "n" for Y coordinates).  If 2D
              smoothing is requested, the total space used will be "7n" ("n" for X coordinates, "n" for Y
              coordinates, and "5n" for scratch arrays).

              Normally, the value of 'RWC' is of no particular interest to the user, since the same contour
              lines are produced with a small value as would be produced with a larger value.  There are two
              situations in which it becomes of more interest: 1) When the penalty scheme is used to position
              labels, the length of the portion of the contour line over which the penalty function is evaluated
              is limited by the value of 'RWC'. If 'RWC' is set too small, too many labels may be put on a given
              contour line and some of them may be too close to each other. 2) When hachuring has been activated
              (by setting the value of 'HCF' non-zero), it is important that the internal routine that does the
              hachuring see entire contours at once, so that it may properly decide whether a contour is open or
              closed and, in the latter case, where the interior of the closed contour is. In both of these
              cases, the solution is to increase the value of 'RWC'.

              The default value of 'RWC' is 100.

       'RWG' - Real Workspace for Gradients - Integer
              The parameter 'RWG' specifies the amount of real workspace to be allotted to hold gradients which
              are to be computed and used in positioning labels using the penalty scheme.  Using a larger value
              provides for a more accurate representation of the gradient field, up to the point at which it
              exceeds 'ZDM' x 'ZDN'.

              The default value of 'RWG' is 1000.

       'RWM' - Real Workspace for Masking - Integer
              The parameter 'RWM' specifies the amount of real workspace to be allotted for use by CPCLDM, which
              draws contour lines masked by an area map, in calls to the routine ARDRLN, in the package Areas.
              Assume a parameter value "n"; the space used will be "2n" ("n" for the X-coordinate array XCS and
              "n" for the Y-coordinate array YCS, in calls to ARDRLN).  Any value of "n" greater than or equal
              to 2 will work; smaller values will cause the generation of more calls to the user routine RTPL
              (one of the arguments of CPCLDM).

              The default value of 'RWM' is 100.

       'RWU' - Real Workspace Usage - Integer
              The parameter 'RWU' is intended for retrieval only. It is zeroed by the call to CPRECT, CPSPS1, or
              CPSPS2.  Thereafter, as Conpack routines are called, the value of 'RWU' is updated to reflect the
              largest number of words of real workspace needed at any one time. Therefore, by retrieving its
              value after an entire plot has been constructed, one may find out how large a real workspace was
              actually required.

       'SET' - Do-SET-Call Flag - Integer
              Giving 'SET' the value 0 says that no SET call is to be done by Conpack; the value 1 says that it
              is to be done. In the latter case, the call is done by CPRECT, CPSPS1, or CPSPS2.

              Arguments 5-8 of a SET call done by the user must be consistent with the ranges of the X and Y
              coordinates being used by Conpack, as specified by the values of the parameters 'XC1', 'XCM',
              'YC1', 'YCN', and 'MAP'. See the descriptions of those parameters.

              The default value of 'SET' is 1.

       'SFS' - Scale Factor Selector - Real
              The scale factor is that value (usually, but not necessarily, a power of 10) by which the actual
              values of contour field values are to be divided to get the value of a numeric label. If 'SFS' is
              given a value greater than zero, that value is the scale factor to be used. If 'SFS' is given a
              value less than or equal to zero, it is truncated to form an integer directing Conpack to select a
              scale factor, as follows:

              0      Implies that the scale factor should be selected in such a way as to reduce the ZDAT
                     element having the largest absolute value to the range from 0.1 to 0.999...

              -1     Implies that the scale factor should be selected in such a way as to reduce the ZDAT
                     element having the largest absolute value to the range from 1. to 9.999...

              -2     Implies that the scale factor should be selected in such a way as to place the decimal
                     point in the ZDAT element having the largest absolute value after the rightmost significant
                     digit of that value (as defined by the values of 'NSD' and 'NLS').

              -3     Implies that the scale factor should be selected in such a way as to remove extra zeroes
                     from the ends of the ZDAT element having the largest absolute value. For example, if that
                     element were 0.000136, the scale factor would be 10 to the power -3; if that element were
                     136000 (assuming three significant digits are desired), the scale factor would be 10 to the
                     power 3. If there are no extra zeroes on either end of the ZDAT element having the largest
                     absolute value, the scale factor will be 1.

              -4 or less
                     Implies that the scale factor should be selected in such a way as to reduce all contour
                     labels to integers.

                     The default value of 'SFS' is 1.

              'SFU' - Scale Factor Used - Real
                     The parameter 'SFU' is intended for retrieval only; it gives the value of the scale factor
                     selected for use by Conpack.

              'SPV' - Special Value - Real
                     If 'SPV' is non-zero, it specifies a "special value", which may be used in data fields to
                     signal missing data. No contour lines will be drawn within any grid cell with a special
                     value at one or more of its four corners.

                     The default value of 'SPV' is 0.

              'SSL' - Smoothed Segment Length - Real
                     The parameter 'SSL' specifies the distance between points used to draw the curves generated
                     by 2D smoothing; it is expressed as a fraction of the width of the window in the coordinate
                     system in which the smoothing is being done.

                     The default value of 'SSL' is 0.01.

              'T2D' - Tension on 2-Dimensional Splines - Real
                     A non-zero value of 'T2D' says that 2D smoothing (using cubic splines under tension) should
                     be done; the absolute value of 'T2D' is the desired tension. If 'T2D' is negative,
                     smoothing will be done before the mapping, if any, requested by the flag 'MAP'; if 'T2D' is
                     positive, smoothing will be done after the mapping.

                     The default value of 'T2D' is 0.

              'T3D' - Tension on 3-Dimensional Splines - Real
                     The parameter 'T3D' specifies the tension on the 3D (bicubic) splines used by CPSPS1 or
                     CPSPS2 to smooth the data being contoured.

                     The default value of 'T3D' is 1.

              'VPB' - Viewport Bottom - Real
                     The parameter 'VPB' is only used when 'SET' is non-zero, saying that Conpack should do the
                     call to SET; it specifies the position of the bottom edge of the area in which the viewport
                     is to be placed, expressed as a fraction between 0 (the bottom edge of the plotter frame)
                     and 1 (the top edge of the plotter frame). See also the description of 'VPS'.

                     The default value of 'VPB' is 0.05.

              'VPL' - Viewport Left - Real
                     The parameter 'VPL' is only used when 'SET' is non-zero, saying that Conpack should do the
                     call to SET; it specifies the position of the left edge of the area in which the viewport
                     is to be placed, expressed as a fraction between 0 (the left edge of the plotter frame) and
                     1 (the right edge of the plotter frame). See also the description of 'VPS'.

                     The default value of 'VPL' is 0.05.

              'VPR' - Viewport Right - Real
                     The parameter 'VPR' is only used when 'SET' is non-zero, saying that Conpack should do the
                     call to SET; it specifies the position of the right edge of the area in which the viewport
                     is to be placed, expressed as a fraction between 0 (the left edge of the plotter frame) and
                     1 (the right edge of the plotter frame). See also the description of 'VPS'.

                     The default value of 'VPR' is 0.95.

              'VPS' - Viewport Shape - Real
                     The parameter 'VPS' is only used when 'SET' is non-zero, saying that Conpack should do the
                     call to SET; it specifies the desired viewport shape, as follows:

                     •      A negative value specifies the exact shape of the viewport; the absolute value is
                            the ratio of the width of the viewport to its height.

                     •      The value 0 specifies a viewport completely filling the area specified by 'VPL',
                            'VPR', 'VPB', and 'VPT'.

                     •      A value "s" between 0 and 1 specifies a plot of the shape determined by the values
                            of 'XC1', 'XCM', 'YC1', and 'YCN', reverting to the shape specified by 'VPL', 'VPR',
                            'VPB', and 'VPT' if the ratio of the shorter side to the longer side would be less
                            than "s".

                     •      A value "s" greater than or equal to 1 specifies a plot of the shape determined by
                            the values of 'XC1', 'XCM', YC1', and 'YCN', reverting to a square if the ratio of
                            the longer side to the shorter side would be greater than "s".

                     The viewport, whatever its final shape, is centered in, and made as large as possible in,
                     the area specified by the parameters 'VPB', 'VPL', 'VPR', and 'VPT'.

                     The default value of 'VPS' is 0.25.

              'VPT' - Viewport Top - Real
                     The parameter 'VPT' is only used when 'SET' is non-zero, saying that Conpack should do the
                     call to SET; it specifies the position of the top edge of the area in which the viewport is
                     to be placed, expressed as a fraction between 0 (the bottom edge of the plotter frame) and
                     1 (the top edge of the plotter frame). See also the description of 'VPS'.

                     The default value of 'VPT' is 0.95.

              'WDB' - Window Bottom - Real
                     When Conpack does the call to 'SET', the parameter 'WDB' is used to determine argument
                     number 7, the user Y coordinate at the bottom of the window. If 'WDB' is not equal to
                     'WDT', 'WDB' is used. If 'WDB' is equal to 'WDT', but 'YC1' is not equal to 'YCN', then
                     'YC1' is used. Otherwise, the value 1 is used.

                     The default value of 'WDB' is 0.

              'WDL' - Window Left - Real
                     When Conpack does the call to 'SET', the parameter 'WDL' is used to determine argument
                     number 5, the user X coordinate at the left edge of the window. If 'WDL' is not equal to
                     'WDR', 'WDL' is used. If 'WDL' is equal to 'WDR', but 'XC1' is not equal to 'XCM', then
                     'XC1' is used. Otherwise, the value 1 is used.

                     The default value of 'WDL' is 0.

              'WDR' - Window Right - Real
                     When Conpack does the call to 'SET', the parameter 'WDR' is used to determine argument
                     number 6, the user X coordinate at the right edge of the window. If 'WDR' is not equal to
                     'WDL', 'WDR' is used. If 'WDR' is equal to 'WDL', but 'XCM' is not equal to 'XC1', then
                     'XCM' is used. Otherwise, the value REAL('ZDM') is used.

                     The default value of 'WDR' is 0.

              'WDT' - Window Top - Real
                     When Conpack does the call to 'SET', the parameter 'WDB' is used to determine argument
                     number 8, the user Y coordinate at the top of the window. If 'WDT' is not equal to 'WDB',
                     'WDT' is used. If 'WDT' is equal to 'WDB', but 'YCN' is not equal to 'YC1', then 'YCN' is
                     used. Otherwise, the value REAL('ZDN') is used.

                     The default value of 'WDT' is 0.

              'WSO' - Workspace Overflow Flag - Integer
                     The parameter 'WSO' says what to do when a real or integer workspace overflow occurs, as

                     •      The value 0 indicates that execution will terminate with a fatal-error call to

                     •      The value 1 indicates that an error message will be written to the error file, after
                            which execution will continue.

                     •      The value 2 indicates that no error message will be written, and that execution will

                     When execution continues, the resulting plot will be incomplete. The values of 'IWU' and
                     'RWU' may be retrieved to find out how much workspace would have been used if the call on
                     which the workspace overflow occurred had succeeded; note that, if these amounts are
                     provided on a subsequent run, one is not assured that the workspace overflow will be

                     The default value of 'WSO' is 1.

              'XC1' - X Coordinate at Index 1 - Real
                     The parameter 'XC1' specifies the X coordinate value which corresponds to a value of 1 for
                     the first subscript of the data array, prior to any mapping implied by a non-zero value of
                     'MAP'. If 'XC1' is equal to 'XCM', 1 will be used.

                     The default value of 'XC1' is 0.

              'XCM' - X Coordinate at Index M - Real
                     The parameter 'XCM' specifies the X coordinate value which corresponds to a value of 'ZDM'
                     for the first subscript of the data array, prior to any mapping implied by a non-zero value
                     of 'MAP'. If 'XC1' is equal to 'XCM', REAL('ZDM') will be used.

                     The default value of 'XCM' is 0.

              'YC1' - Y Coordinate at Index 1 - Real
                     The parameter 'YC1' specifies the Y coordinate value which corresponds to a value of 1 for
                     the second subscript of the data array, prior to any mapping implied by a non-zero value of
                     'MAP'. If 'YC1' is equal to 'YCM', 1 will be used.

                     The default value of 'YC1' is 0.

              'YCN' - Y Coordinate at Index N - Real
                     The parameter 'YCN' specifies the Y coordinate value which corresponds to a value of 'ZDN'
                     for the second subscript of the data array, prior to any mapping implied by a non-zero
                     value of 'MAP'. If 'YC1' is equal to 'YCN', REAL('ZDN') will be used.

                     The default value of 'YCN' is 0.

              'ZD1' - ZDAT 1st Dimension - Integer
                     The parameter 'ZD1' specifies the first dimension of the array ZDAT, which contains the
                     data to be contoured. If CPRECT is called, it sets 'ZD1' (the argument KZDT is the desired
                     value). If CPSPS1 or CPSPS2 is called, it either picks a value of 'ZD1' (if 'ZDS' is non-
                     zero) or expects the user to have done so (if 'ZDS' is zero).

                     The default value of 'ZD1' is 1.

              'ZDM' - Z Data Array Dimension M - Integer
                     The parameter 'ZDM' specifies the first dimension of the array of data to be contoured. Its
                     value will be less than or equal to the value of 'ZD1'. If CPRECT is called, it sets 'ZDM'
                     (the argument MZDT is the desired value). If CPSPS1 or CPSPS2 is called, it either picks a
                     value of 'ZDM' (if 'ZDS' is non-zero) or expects the user to have done so (if 'ZDS' is

                     The default value of 'ZDM' is 1.

              'ZDN' - Z Data Array Dimension N - Integer
                     The parameter 'ZDN' specifies the second dimension of the array of data to be contoured. If
                     CPRECT is called, it sets 'ZDN' (the argument NZDT is the desired value). If CPSPS1 or
                     CPSPS2 is called, it either picks a value of 'ZDN' (if 'ZDS' is non-zero) or expects the
                     user to have done so (if 'ZDS' is zero).

                     The default value of 'ZDN' is 1.

              'ZDS' - ZDAT Dimension Selector - Integer
                     If 'ZDS' is non-zero, CPSPS1 or CPSPS2 will select values for 'ZD1', 'ZDM', and 'ZDN';
                     otherwise, they will be expected to have been set by the user. Note that, if the size of
                     the dense array is not a product of the size of the sparse array and some perfect square,
                     the aspect ratio of the dense grid may be slightly different from that of the sparse grid.

                     The default value of 'ZDS' is 1.

              'ZDU' - Z Data Value, Unscaled - Real
                     The parameter 'ZDU' is just like 'ZDV' (which see, below), but the value is unscaled.

              'ZDV' - Z Data Value - Real
                     The parameter 'ZDV' is mostly for output. Its value may be retrieved in a user version of
                     CPCHHL to retrieve the value of the high or low which is being labeled. If a character
                     string representing the value is desired, CPGETC may be used to obtain it (as modified by
                     the current scale factor); thus, to obtain the character representation of an arbitrary
                     value in a form consistent with the other values on a contour plot, set 'ZDV' with a call
                     to CPSETR and retrieve the value of 'ZDV' with a call to CPGETC; if an unscaled value is
                     desired, use the parameter name 'ZDU' in the call to CPGETC.

              'ZMN' - Z Minimum Value - Real
                     The minimum value in the field, as found by CPRECT, CPSPS1, or CPSPS2. For output only.

              'ZMX' - Z Maximum Value - Real
                     The maximum value in the field, as found by CPRECT, CPSPS1, or CPSPS2. For output only.


       Online: cpgetc, cpgeti, cpgetr, cprset, cpsetc, cpseti, cpsetr

       Hardcopy: NCAR Graphics Contouring and Mapping Tutorial


       Copyright (C) 1987-2009
       University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
       The use of this Software is governed by a License Agreement.