Provided by: libcsv-dev_3.0.3+dfsg-3_amd64 bug


       csv - CSV parser and writer library


       #include <libcsv/csv.h>

       int csv_init(struct csv_parser *p, unsigned char options);
       size_t csv_parse(struct csv_parser *p,
               const void *s,
               size_t len,
               void (*cb1)(void *, size_t, void *),
               void (*cb2)(int, void *),
               void *data);
       int csv_fini(struct csv_parser *p,
               void (*cb1)(void *, size_t, void *),
               void (*cb2)(int, void *),
               void *data);
       void csv_free(struct csv_parser *p);

       unsigned char csv_get_delim(struct csv_parser *p);
       unsigned char csv_get_quote(struct csv_parser *p);
       void csv_set_space_func(struct csv_parser *p, int (*f)(unsigned char));
       void csv_set_term_func(struct csv_parser *p, int (*f)(unsigned char));

       int csv_get_opts(struct csv_parser *p);
       int csv_set_opts(struct csv_parser *p, unsigned char options);
       int csv_error(struct csv_parser *p);
       char * csv_strerror(int error);

       size_t csv_write(void *dest, size_t dest_size, const void *src,
               size_t src_size);
       int csv_fwrite(FILE *fp, const void *src, size_t src_size);

       size_t csv_write2(void *dest, size_t dest_size, const void *src,
               size_t src_size, unsigned char quote);
       int csv_fwrite2(FILE *fp, const void *src, size_t src_size, unsigned char quote);

       void csv_set_realloc_func(struct csv_parser *p, void *(*func)(void *, size_t));
       void csv_set_free_func(struct csv_parser *p, void (*func)(void *));
       void csv_set_blk_size(struct csv_parser *p, size_t size);
       size_t csv_get_blk_size(struct csv_parser *p);
       size_t csv_get_buffer_size(struct csv_parser *p);


       The CSV library provides a flexible, intuitive interface for parsing and writing csv data.


       The  idea  behind  parsing with libcsv is straight-forward: you initialize a parser object
       with csv_init() and feed data to  the  parser  over  one  or  more  calls  to  csv_parse()
       providing  callback functions that handle end-of-field and end-of-row events.  csv_parse()
       parses the data provided calling the user-defined callback functions as  it  reads  fields
       and  rows.  When complete, csv_fini() is called to finish processing the current field and
       make a final call to the callback functions if necessary.  csv_free() is  then  called  to
       free  the  parser object.  csv_error() and csv_strerror() provide information about errors
       encountered by the functions.  csv_write() and csv_fwrite() provide a simple interface for
       converting  raw  data  into  CSV  data  and  storing  the  result  into  a  buffer or file

       CSV is a binary format allowing the storage of arbitrary binary  data,  files  opened  for
       reading or writing CSV data should be opened in binary mode.

       libcsv  provides  a  default mode in which the parser will happily process any data as CSV
       without complaint, this is useful  for  parsing  files  which  don't  adhere  to  all  the
       traditional  rules.  A strict mode is also supported which will cause any violation of the
       imposed rules to cause a parsing failure.


       csv_init() initializes a pointer to  a  csv_parser  structure.   This  structure  contains
       housekeeping information such as the current state of the parser, the buffer, current size
       and position, etc.  The csv_init() function returns 0 on success and a non-zero value upon
       failure.  csv_init() will fail if the pointer passed to it is a null pointer.  The options
       argument specifies the parser options, these may be changed later with the  csv_set_opts()


                     Enables strict mode.

                     Causes each instance of a carriage return or linefeed outside of a record to
                     be reported.

                     Causes unterminated quoted fields  encountered  in  csv_fini()  to  cause  a
                     parsing error (see below).

                     Will  cause all fields to be nul-terminated when provided to cb1, introduced
                     in 3.0.0.

                     Will cause NULL to be passed  as  the  first  argument  to  cb1  for  empty,
                     unquoted,  fields.  Empty means consisting only of either spaces and tabs or
                     the   values   defined   by   the   a   custom   function   registered   via
                     csv_set_space_func().  Added in 3.0.3.

       Multiple options can be specified by OR-ing them together.

       csv_parse() is the function that does the actual parsing, it takes 6 arguments:

              p is a pointer to an initialized struct csv_parser.

              s  is  a  pointer to the data to read in, such as a dynamically allocated region of
              memory containing data read in from a call to fread().

              len is the number of bytes of data to process.

              cb1 is a pointer to the callback function that  will  be  called  from  csv_parse()
              after  an  entire  field  has  been  read. cb1 will be called with a pointer to the
              parsed data (which is NOT nul-terminated unless the CSV_APPEND_NULL option is set),
              the number of bytes in the data, and the pointer that was passed to csv_parse().

              cb2  is  a  pointer  to the callback function that will be called when the end of a
              record is encountered, it will be called with the character that caused the  record
              to  end,  cast  to an unsigned char, or -1 if called from csv_fini, and the pointer
              that was passed to csv_init().

              data is a pointer to  user-defined  data  that  will  be  passed  to  the  callback
              functions when invoked.

              cb1  and/or  cb2  may  be  NULL  in  which  case no function will be called for the
              associated actions.  data may also be NULL  but  the  callback  functions  must  be
              prepared to handle receiving a null pointer.

       By  default  cb2  is  not called when rows that do not contain any fields are encountered.
       This behavior is meant to accommodate files using only either a  linefeed  or  a  carriage
       return  as  a  record separator to be parsed properly while at the same time being able to
       parse files with rows terminated by multiple characters from resulting in blank rows after
       each  actual row of data (for example, processing a text CSV file created that was created
       on a Windows machine on a Unix machine).  The CSV_REPALL_NL option will cause  cb2  to  be
       called  once for every carraige return or linefeed encountered outside of a field.  cb2 is
       called with the character that prompted the call to the function, , cast  to  an  unsigned
       char, either CSV_CR for carriage return, CSV_LF for linefeed, or -1 for record termination
       from a call to csv_fini() (see below).  A carriage return or linefeed within a  non-quoted
       field always marks both the end of the field and the row.  Other characters can be used as
       row terminators and thus be provided as an argument to cb2 using csv_set_space_func().

       Note: The first parameter of the cb1 function is void *, not const  void  *;  the  pointer
       passed  to  the  callback  function  is  actually a pointer to the entry buffer inside the
       csv_parser struct, this data may safely be modified from the  callback  function  (or  any
       function  that  the  callback function calls) but you must not attempt to access more than
       len bytes and you should not access the data after the callback function  returns  as  the
       buffer  is  dynamically  allocated  and  its  location and size may change during calls to

       Note: Different callback functions may safely be specified during each call to csv_parse()
       but keep in mind that the callback functions may be called many times during a single call
       to csv_parse() depending on the amount of data being processed in a given call.

       csv_parse() returns the number of bytes processed, on a successful call this will be  len,
       if  it  is less than len an error has occurred.  An error can occur, for example, if there
       is insufficient memory to store the contents of the current field in the entry buffer.  An
       error can also occur if malformed data is encountered while running in strict mode.

       The csv_error() function can be used to determine what the error is and the csv_strerror()
       function can be used to provide a textual description of the error.  csv_error()  takes  a
       single argument, a pointer to a struct csv_parser, and returns one of the following values
       defined in csv.h:

              CSV_EPARSE   A parse error has occurred while in strict mode

              CSV_ENOMEM   There was not enough memory while attempting  to  increase  the  entry
              buffer for the current field

              CSV_ETOOBIG  Continuing to process the current field would require a buffer of more
              than SIZE_MAX bytes

       The value passed to csv_strerror() should be one returned from  csv_error().   The  return
       value  of  csv_strerror() is a pointer to a static string. The pointer may be used for the
       entire lifetime of the program and the contents will not change during execution  but  you
       must not attempt to modify the string it points to.

       When  you  have  finished  submitting data to csv_parse(), you need to call the csv_fini()
       function.  This function will call the cb1 function with any remaining data in  the  entry
       buffer  (if  there is any) and call the cb2 function unless we are already at the end of a
       row (the last byte processed was a newline character for example).   It  is  necessary  to
       call  this  function because the file being processed might not end with a carriage return
       or newline but the data that has been read in to this point still needs to be submitted to
       the callback routines.  If cb2 is called from within csv_fini() it will be because the row
       was not terminated with a newline sequence, in this  case  cb2  will  be  called  with  an
       argument of -1.

       Note:  A  call  to  csv_fini implicitly ends the field current field and row.  If the last
       field processed is a quoted field that ends before a  closing  quote  is  encountered,  no
       error  will  be reported by default, even if CSV_STRICT is specified.  To cause csv_fini()
       to report an error in such a case, set the CSV_STRICT_FINI option (new in  version  1.0.1)
       in addition to the CSV_STRICT option.

       csv_fini()  also reinitializes the parser state so that it is ready to be used on the next
       file or set of data.  csv_fini() does not alter the current buffer size. If the  last  set
       of  data that was being parsed contained a very large field that increased the size of the
       buffer, and you need to free that memory before continuing, you must call csv_free(),  you
       do  not  need  to  call  csv_init()  again after csv_free().  Like csv_parse, the callback
       functions provided to csv_fini() may be NULL.  csv_fini() returns 0 on success and a  non-
       zero value if you pass it a null pointer.

       After  calling  csv_fini()  you  may  continue  to  use the same struct csv_parser pointer
       without reinitializing it (in fact you  must  not  call  csv_init()  with  an  initialized
       csv_parser object or the memory allocated for the original structure will be lost).

       When  you  are finished using the csv_parser object you can free any dynamically allocated
       memory associated with it by calling csv_free().  You may call csv_free() at any time,  it
       need  not  be  preceded  by  a  call  to  csv_fini().   You must only call csv_free() on a
       csv_parser object that has been initialized with a successful call to csv_init().

       libcsv provides two  functions  to  transform  raw  data  into  CSV  formatted  data:  the
       csv_write()  function  which  writes the result to a provided buffer, and the csv_fwrite()
       function which writes the result to a  file.   The  functionality  of  both  functions  is
       straight-forward,  they  write out a single field including the opening and closing quotes
       and escape each encountered quote with another quote.

       The csv_write() function takes a pointer to a source buffer (src) and  processes  at  most
       src_size characters from src.  csv_write() will write at most dest_size characters to dest
       and returns the number of characters that would  have  been  written  if  dest  was  large
       enough.  This can be used to determine if all the characters were written and, if not, how
       large dest needs to be to write out all of the data.  csv_write() may  be  called  with  a
       null  pointer for the dest argument in which case no data is written but the size required
       to write out the data will be returned.  The space needed to write out  the  data  is  the
       size  of the data + number of quotes appearing in data (each one will be escaped) + 2 (the
       leading and terminating quotes).  csv_write() and csv_fwrite() always surround the  output
       data  with  quotes.  If src_size is very large (SIZE_MAX/2 or greater) it is possible that
       the number of bytes needed to represent the data, after inserting escaping quotes, will be
       greater  than  SIZE_MAX.   In  such a case, csv_write will return SIZE_MAX which should be
       interpreted as meaning the data is too large to write to a single field.  The csv_fwrite()
       function is not similiarly limited.

       csv_fwrite()  takes  a  FILE  pointer  (which  should have been opened in binary mode) and
       converts and writes the data pointed to by src of size src_size.  It returns 0 on  success
       and  EOF  if  there  was  an  error writing to the file.  csv_fwrite() doesn't provide the
       number of characters processed or written.  If this functionality  is  required,  use  the
       csv_write() function combined with fwrite().

       csv_write2()  and csv_fwrite2() work similiarly but take an additional argument, the quote
       character to use when composing the field.

       The csv_set_delim() and csv_set_quote() functions provide a means to change the characters
       that  the  parser  will  consider  the delimiter and quote characters respetively, cast to
       unsigned char.  csv_get_delim()  and csv_get_delim()  return  the  current  delimiter  and
       quote  characters  respectively.   When  csv_init()  is  called  the  delimiter  is set to
       CSV_COMMA and the quote to CSV_QUOTE.  Note that the rest of  the  CSV  conventions  still
       apply  when  these  functions  are  used  to change the delimiter and/or quote characters,
       fields containing the new quote character or delimiter must be quoted and quote characters
       must   be   escaped  with  an  immediately  preceding  instance  of  the  same  character.
       Additionally,  the  csv_set_space_func()  and  csv_set_term_func()  allow  a  user-defined
       function  to  be  provided which will be used determine what constitutes a space character
       and what constitutes a record terminator character.  The space characters determine  which
       characters  are removed from the beginning and end of non-quoted fields and the terminator
       characters govern when a record ends.  When csv_init() is called,  the  effect  is  as  if
       these  functions were each called with a NULL argument in which case no function is called
       and CSV_SPACE and CSV_TAB are used for space characters, and CSV_CR and  CSV_LF  are  used
       for terminator characters.

       csv_set_realloc_func()  can  be  used to set the function that is called when the internal
       buffer needs to be resized, only realloc, not malloc, is used internally; the  default  is
       to  use  the  standard realloc function.  Likewise, csv_set_free_func() is used to set the
       function called to free the internal buffer, the default is the standard free function.

       csv_get_blk_size() and csv_set_blk_size() can be used to get and set the block size of the
       parser  respectively.   The  block size if the amount of extra memory allocated every time
       the internal buffer needs to be increased, the default is 128.  csv_get_buffer_size() will
       return the current number of bytes allocated for the internal buffer.


       Although  quite  prevelant  there is no standard for the CSV format.  There are however, a
       set of traditional conventions used by many applications.  libcsv follows the  conventions
       described  at  which seem to reflect
       the most common usage of the format, namely:

              Fields are separated with commas.

              Rows are delimited by newline sequences (see below).

              Fields may be surrounded with quotes.

              Fields that contain comma, quote, or newline characters MUST be quoted.

              Each instance of a quote character must be escaped with  an  immediately  preceding
              quote character.

              Leading and trailing spaces and tabs are removed from non-quoted fields.

              The final line need not contain a newline sequence.

       In strict mode, any detectable violation of these rules results in an error.

       RFC  4180  is  an informational memo which attempts to document the CSV format, especially
       with regards to its use as a MIME type.  There are a  several  parts  of  the  description
       documented  in this memo which either do not accurately reflect widely used conventions or
       artificially limit the usefulness of the format.  The  differences  between  the  RFC  and
       libcsv are:

              "Each line should contain the same number of fields throughout the file"
                     libcsv  doesn't  care if every record contains a different number of fields,
                     such a restriction could easily be enforced by  the  application  itself  if

              "Spaces are considered part of a field and should not be ignored"
                     Leading  and  trailing spaces that are part of non-quoted fields are ignored
                     as  this  is  by  far  the  most  common  behavior  and  expected  by   many

                     abc ,  def

                     is considered equivalent to:

                     "abc", "def"

              "The last field in the record must not be followed by a comma"
                     The  meaning  of  this statement is not clear but if the last character of a
                     record is a comma, libcsv will interpret that as a final empty field, i.e.:

                     "abc", "def",

                     will be interpreted as 3 fields, equivalent to:

                     "abc", "def", ""

              RFC 4180 limits the  allowable  characters  in  a  CSV  field,  libcsv  allows  any
              character to be present in a field provided it adheres to the conventions mentioned
              above.  This makes it possible to store binary data in  CSV  format,  an  attribute
              that many application rely on.

              RFC 4180 states that a Carriage Return plus Linefeed combination is used to delimit
              records, libcsv allows any combination of Carriage Returns and Linefeeds to signify
              the  end  of  a  record.   This  is  to increase portability among systems that use
              different combinations to denote a newline sequence.


       libcsv should correctly parse any CSV data that conforms to the rules discussed above.  By
       default,  however,  libcsv  will  also  attempt  to  parse malformed CSV data such as data
       containing unescaped quotes or quotes within non-quoted fields.  For example:

       a"c, "d"f"

       would be parsed equivalently to the correct form:

       "a""c", "d""f"

       This is often desirable as  there  are  some  applications  that  do  not  adhere  to  the
       specifications  previously  discussed.   However,  there are instances where malformed CSV
       data is ambiguous, namely when  a  comma  or  newline  is  the  next  non-space  character
       following a quote such as:

       "Sally said "Hello", Wally said "Goodbye""

       This could either be parsed as a single field containing the data:

       Sally said "Hello", Wally said "Goodbye"

       or as 2 separate fields:

       Sally said "Hello and Wally said "Goodbye""

       Since  the  data  is  malformed,  there is no way to know if the quote before the comma is
       meant to be a literal quote or if it signifies the end of the field.  This  is  of  course
       not  an  issue  for properly formed data as all quotes must be escaped.  libcsv will parse
       this example as 2 separate fields.

       libcsv provides a strict mode that will return with a parse  error  if  a  quote  is  seen
       inside a non-quoted field or if a non-escaped quote is seen whose next non-space character
       isn't a comma or newline sequence.


       A field is considered quoted if the first non-space character for a new field is a quote.

       If a quote is encountered in a quoted field and the next non-space character is  a  comma,
       the  field  ends  at  the  closed  quote and the field data is submitted when the comma is
       encountered.  If the next non-space character after a quote is a  newline  character,  the
       row  has  ended  and  the field data is submitted and the end of row is signalled (via the
       appropriate callback function).  If two quotes are immediately adjacent, the first one  is
       interpreted  as  escaping the second one and one quote is written to the field buffer.  If
       the next non-space character following a quote is anything else, the quote is  interpreted
       as  a  non-escaped  literal quote and it and what follows are written to the field buffer,
       this would cause a parse error in strict mode.

       Example 1
       Parses as: abc"
       The first quote marks the field as quoted, the second quote escapes  the  following  quote
       and the last quote ends the field.  This is valid in both strict and non-strict modes.

       Example 2
       Parses as: ab"c
       The  first  qute  marks  the field as quoted, the second quote is taken as a literal quote
       since the next non-space character is not a  comma,  or  newline  and  the  quote  is  not
       escaped.  The last quote ends the field (assuming there is a newline character following).
       A parse error would result upon seeing the character c in strict mode.

       Example 3
       "abc" "
       Parses as: abc"
       In this case, since the next non-space character following the second quote is not a comma
       or newline character, a literal quote is written, the space character after is part of the
       field, and the last quote terminated the field.  This demonstrates the fact that  a  quote
       must  immediately  precede  another  quote  to  escape  it.   This  would be a strict-mode
       violation as all quotes are required to be escaped.

       If the field is not quoted, any quote character is taken as part of the  field  data,  any
       comma terminated the field, and any newline character terminated the field and the record.

       Example 4
       Parses as: ab""c
       Quotes  are  not  considered  special  in  non-quoted fields.  This would be a strict mode
       violation since quotes may not exist in non-quoted fields in strict mode.


       The following example prints the number  of  fields  and  rows  in  a  file.   This  is  a
       simplified  version  of  the  csvinfo  program  provided in the examples directory.  Error
       checking not related to libcsv has been removed for  clarity,  the  csvinfo  program  also
       provides an option for enabling strict mode and handles multiple files.

              #include <stdio.h>
              #include <string.h>
              #include <errno.h>
              #include <stdlib.h>
              #include "libcsv/csv.h"

              struct counts {
                long unsigned fields;
                long unsigned rows;

              void cb1 (void *s, size_t len, void *data) {
                ((struct counts *)data)->fields++; }
              void cb2 (int c, void *data) {
                ((struct counts *)data)->rows++; }

              int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
                FILE *fp;
                struct csv_parser p;
                char buf[1024];
                size_t bytes_read;
                struct counts c = {0, 0};

                if (csv_init(&p, 0) != 0) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
                fp = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
                if (!fp) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);

                while ((bytes_read=fread(buf, 1, 1024, fp)) > 0)
                  if (csv_parse(&p, buf, bytes_read, cb1, cb2, &c) != bytes_read) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "Error while parsing file: %s\n",
                    csv_strerror(csv_error(&p)) );

                csv_fini(&p, cb1, cb2, &c);

                printf("%lu fields, %lu rows\n", c.fields, c.rows);


       See the examples directory for several complete example programs.


       Written by Robert Gamble.


       Please send questions, comments, bugs, etc. to:


                                          9 January 2013                                   CSV(3)