Provided by: libbobcat-dev_4.01.03-2ubuntu1_amd64 bug


       FBB::CSV - Converter for comma separated values


       #include <bobcat/csv>

       Linking option: -lbobcat


       Objects  of  the  class CSV can be used to convert series of comma separated values to the
       individual separated values. These values may be converted (individually or as a group) to
       standard  integral  types  int,  size_t,  long long, etc., to floating point types (float,
       double, long double), or they can be accessed as std::string values.


       All constructors, members, operators and manipulators, mentioned  in  this  man-page,  are
       defined in the namespace FBB.




       The enum Mode specifies how a CSV is extracted from std::istream objects:

       o      TRAILINGCOMMA   a  series of comma-separated values ends at a final comma, which is
              removed from the istream by the CSV extraction operator.

       o      LINE after extracting  a  CSV  object  any  remaining  characters  on  the  current
              std::istream  line  are  ignored (i.e., the extraction operator reads full lines of
              input).  These enumeration values may be combined using the bit-or operator.

       The enum InsertType specifies how a CSV is inserted into std::ostream objects:

       o      LENGTH   indicates   that   all   specifications   (i.e.,   the   length   of   the
              type-specifications,   see   the  member  length  below),  are  inserted  into  the
              std::ostream as a series of comma-separated values.

       o      SIZE indicates that all (not ignored) comma-separated fields (i.e., the size of the
              fields  vector, see the member size below), are inserted into the std::ostream as a
              series of comma-separated values.

       o      COUNT indicates that all valid (i.e., the count of the valid fields, see the member
              count  below),  are  inserted  into the std::ostream as a series of comma-separated

       The class CSV defines the nested classes const_iterator and  const_reverse_iterator  which
       are  InputIterators,  which  can  be  used to iterate over the sequence of comma-separated


       o      CSV(std::string const &specification, Mode mode = LINE, InsertType = LENGTH):
              The  specification  in  specification  defines  the  subsequent   fields   of   the
              comma-separated value. Specifications are

              o      S: the field is left as-is, and can be retrieved as a std::string.

              o      I: the field represents an int value;

              o      D: the field represents a double value;

              o      X  or -: the field is ignored and is not stored inside the CSV object. E.g.,
                     with the specification SXS two fields will actually be stored inside the CSV
                     object:  field  0  contains the first field extracted from the input stream,
                     field 1 contains the third field extracted from the input stream.
       Specifications may be separated by space or tab characters, which are ignored. The  number
       of  specification  characters  determines  the  number  of fields that are stored in a CSV
       object. The final field may or may not be followed by a comma.

              Each specification may also be followed by a positive  integral  value,  indicating
              that  the input at that point contains that number of comma-separated fields of the
              specified type.

              By default the CSV extraction operator extracts complete lines from the stream from
              which a CSV object is extracted.

              When  inserting  a  CSV  object  into  a  std::ostream  object  all fields that are
              specified by `specification’ will be inserted. Ignored fields will be  inserted  as
              single blanks.  The default, copy, and move constructors are available.


       o      std::string const &operator[](size_t index) const:
              The contents of the indicated field is returned as a std::string.

       o      std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &out, CSV const &csv):
              The  data  fields  stored  within  csv  are  inserted  into  out  as  a  series  of
              comma-separated values. The fields are inserted according to the latest  InsertType

              o      For  LENGTH  all  fields  are  inserted  according  to  their  original type
                     specification, where ’X’ and ’-’ fields are inserted  as  fields  of  single
                     blank spaces;

              o      For SIZE all fields that are stored inside csv are inserted `as-is’;

              o      For COUNT all valid fields are inserted.
       If  csv’s Mode specification contains TRAILINGCOMMA then a comma is expected and extracted
       beyond the last field; if it contains LINE then any information that is found on the  line
       beyond  the  last  field  (including  its  terminating  comma,  if  applicable) is ignored
       (including the ’\n’ line terminator).

       o      std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, CSV const &csv):
              The  data  fields  stored  within  csv  are  inserted  into  out  as  a  series  of
              comma-separated  values. The fields are inserted according to the latest InsertType

              o      For LENGTH  all  fields  are  inserted  according  to  their  original  type
                     specification,  where  ’X’  and  ’-’ fields are inserted as fields of single
                     blank spaces;

              o      For SIZE all fields that are stored inside csv are inserted `as-is’;

              o      For COUNT all valid fields are inserted.
       If csv’s Mode specification contains TRAILINGCOMMA then a comma  is  inserted  beyond  the
       last field.

       The copy and move assignment operators are available.


       o      CSV &append(char spec, std::string const &value = ""):
              A  field  spec,  with textual representation value is added to the object’s current
              set of fiels. A  specification  ’X’  or  ’-’  is  added  to  the  object’s  set  of
              specifications, but does not add value to the currently stored set of values.

       o      std::vector<bool> const &available() const:
              A  vector  of  bool  values  indicating which of the matching data fields are valid
              (i.e., could be converted to its specification as defined at construction  time  or
              by setSpec) is returned.

       o      CSV::const_iterator<Type> begin<Type == std::string>() const:
              This  is  a  template  member returning a CSV::const_iterator to the object’s first
              field. When dereferencing a const_iterator the value it refers to is  converted  to
              the indicated Type. If the conversion fails, the Type’s default value is returned.

       o      size_t count() const:
              The  number  of fields that could actually be converted to their indicated types is
              returned. E.g., an empty field or a supposedly numeric field whose contents  cannot
              be converted to the indicated numeric value won’t be counted here.

       o      std::vector<std::string> const &data() const:
              The vector of fields stored inside the CSV object is returned.

       o      CSV::const_iterator<Type> end<Type == std::string>() const:
              This  is a template member returning a CSV::const_iterator pointing just beyond the
              CSV object’s last field.

       o      Type field<Type = std::string>(size_t idx) const:
              This is a template member returning the contents of field idx as a  value  of  type
              Type.  When Type equals std::string a std::string const & is returned. For Type all
              integral and floating types as well as std::sting are accepted. If field idx cannot
              be converted to Type a std::exception is thrown.

       o      Type get<Type = std::string>(size_t idx):
              This  is  a  template member returning the contents of field idx as a value of type
              Type.  When Type equals std::string a std::string const & is returned. For Type all
              integral and floating types as well as std::sting are accepted. If field idx cannot
              be converted to Type, the Type’s default value is returned.

       o      InsertType insertType() const:
              The object’s current InsertType is returned.

       o      size_t length() const:
              The number of specifications (defined  at  construction  time  or  by  the  setSpec
              member) is returned. This count includes the number of X and - specifications.

       o      CSV::Mode mode() const:
              The object’s current Mode value is returned.

       o      std::string const &spec() const:
              The object’s current field-type specifications are returned.

       o      CSV::const_reverse_iterator<Type> rbegin<Type == std::string>() const:
              This  is  a template member returning a CSV::const_reverse_iterator to the object’s
              last field. When dereferencing a const_reverse_iterator the value it refers  to  is
              converted  to the indicated Type. If the conversion fails, the Type’s default value
              is returned.

       o      CSV::const_iterator<Type> rend<Type == std::string>() const:
              This is a template member returning  a  CSV::const_reverse_iterator  pointing  just
              before the CSV object’s first field.

       o      void setInsertType(InsertType insertType):
              The  objects InsertType is changed to insertType. This has no immediate effect, but
              is only interpreted with the insertion operator.

       o      void setMode(Mode mode):
              The object’s current Mode value is changed to mode. This has no  immediate  effect,
              but is only interpreted with the insertion and extraction operators.

       o      void setSpec(std::string const &spec):
              The   information   stored   inside   the   CSV   object   is  erased,  and  a  new
              field-specification is defined from spec.

       o      size_t size() const:
              The number of fields is returned (the returned value equals the value  returned  by
              length not counting the X and - fields).


       #include <iostream>
       #include <bobcat/csv>

       using namespace std;
       using namespace FBB;

       int main()
           CSV csv("I5 X2 S2 D3");

           cin >> csv;

           cout <<
               "Nr. of field specs: " << csv.length() << "\n"
               "Nr. of fields: " << csv.size() << "\n"
               "Nr. of available fields: " << csv.count() << "\n"
               "Field 2 as int via get: " << csv.get<int>(2) << "\n"
               "Field 2 as int via available: " << csv.field<int>(2) << "\n"
               "Field 3 via operator[]: " << csv[3] << "\n"
               "Field 6 as string via get: " << csv.get<string>(6) << "\n"
               "Field 6 as string via available: " << csv.field<string>(6) << "\n"

           cout << "First element as string: " << *csv.begin() << "\n";

           cout << "All elements as strings:\n";
           copy(csv.begin(), csv.end(), ostream_iterator<string>(cout, " "));
           cout << ’\n’;

           cout << "All elements as ints:\n";
           copy(csv.begin<int>(), csv.end<int>(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, " "));
           cout << ’\n’;

           cout << "All elements as strings, backward:\n";
           copy(csv.rbegin(), csv.rend(), ostream_iterator<string>(cout, " "));
           cout << ’\n’;

           cout << "All elements as ints, backward:\n";
           copy(csv.rbegin<int>(), csv.rend<int>(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, " "));
           cout << ’\n’;

           cout << "Insert LENGTH (default):\n" <<
                   csv << ’\n’;


           cout << "Insert SIZE:\n" <<
                   csv << ’\n’;


           cout << "Insert COUNT:\n" <<
                   csv << ’\n’;


       bobcat/csv - defines the class interface




       None Reported.


       o      bobcat_4.01.03-x.dsc: detached signature;

       o      bobcat_4.01.03-x.tar.gz: source archive;

       o      bobcat_4.01.03-x_i386.changes: change log;

       o      libbobcat1_4.01.03-x_*.deb: debian package holding the libraries;

       o      libbobcat1-dev_4.01.03-x_*.deb:  debian  package holding the libraries, headers and
              manual pages;

       o public archive location;


       Bobcat is an acronym of `Brokken’s Own Base Classes And Templates’.


       This is free software, distributed under the terms  of  the  GNU  General  Public  License


       Frank B. Brokken (