Provided by: libbobcat-dev_4.01.03-2ubuntu1_amd64 bug


       FBB::DecryptBuf - Decrypts information using various methods into a std::ostream


       #include <bobcat/decryptbuf>
       Linking option:  -lbobcat


       FBB::DecryptBuf  objects  are  std::streambuf objects that can be used to initialize std::ostream objects

       All information inserted into such a std::ostream is decrypted and written into a  std::ostream  that  is
       given as argument to DecryptBuf’s constructor.

       All  encryption  methods  defined  by  the  OpenSSL  library  that can be selected by name may be used in
       combination with DecryptBuf objects. Most likely the  information  will  have  been  encrypted  using  an
       EncryptBuf  object,  selecting a particular encryption method. The encryption method used when encrypting
       information should also be specified when constructing a DecryptBuf  object.  Likewise,  the  constructor
       expects  a  key  and  initialization  vector.  The  key  and initialization vector that was passed to the
       EncryptBuf object must be passed to DecryptBuf’s constructor as well.

       Block ciphers use one of the following four encryption modes:

       o      CBC (Cipher Block Chaining):
              The first block is XOR-ed by the initialization vector and  then  encrypted  using  the  specified
              method.  Subsequent  blocks are XOR-ed by the encrypted version of the preceding block. Due to the
              initialization vector dictionary attacks are infeasible, as long as the initialization  vector  is
              truly random.

       o      ECB (Electronic Code Book):
              Each   block  is  encrypted  by  itself,  using  the  specified  encryption  method.  Although  an
              initialization vector may be specified, it is not used. This method is susceptible  to  dictionary
              attacks and should therefore be avoided, unless you know what you’re doing.

       o      CFB (Cipher Feednack):
              This method allows a block cipher to be used as a stream cipher. It uses an initialization vector,
              which should be unique and random for each new stream of data that is encrypted using the  method.
              Encryption can only start after the first data block has been received.

       o      OFB (Output Feednack):
              This  is  an  alternative  way  to  use  a  block  cipher  as a stream cipher. It is somewhat more
              susceptible to traditional data manipulation attacks, which can usually be thwarted when a message
              authentication  code  is  added  to  the  information  as well. Like CFB it uses an initialization
              vector, which should again be unique and random for each new stream of data that is encrypted.

       The following table presents an overview of methods that are currently available. Methods for  which  the
       block size is specified as N.A. are stream ciphers; other methods are block ciphers:

       method      keysize    blocksize    mode    identifier
                   (bytes)    (bytes)
       AES         16         8            CBC     "aes-128-cbc"
                                           EBC     "aes-128-ecb"
                                           CFB     "aes-128-cfb"
                                           OFB     "aes-128-ofb"
                   24         24           CBC     "aes-192-cbc"
                                           EBC     "aes-192-ecb"
                                           CFB     "aes-192-cfb"
                                           OFB     "aes-192-ofb"

                   32         32           CBC     "aes-256-cbc"
                                           EBC     "aes-256-ecb"
                                           CFB     "aes-256-cfb"
                                           OFB     "aes-256-ofb"
       BLOWFISH    16         8            CBC     "bf-cbc"
                                           EBC     "bf-ecb"
                                           CFB     "bf-cfb"
                                           OFB     "bf-ofb"
       max key length is 56 bytes, 16 generally used
       CAMELLIA    16         16           CBC     "camellia-128-cbc"
                                           EBC     "camellia-128-ecb"
                                           CFB     "camellia-128-cfb"
                                           OFB     "camellia-128-ofb"
                   24                      CBC     "camellia-192-cbc"
                                           EBC     "camellia-192-ecb"
                                           CFB     "camellia-192-cfb"
                                           OFB     "camellia-192-ofb"
                   32                      CBC     "camellia-256-cbc"
                                           EBC     "camellia-256-ecb"
                                           CFB     "camellia-256-cfb"
                                           OFB     "camellia-256-ofb"
       CAST        16         8            CBC     "cast-cbc"
                                           EBC     "cast-ecb"
                                           CFB     "cast-cfb"
                                           OFB     "cast-ofb"
       min key length is 5 bytes, max is shown
       DES         8          8            CBC     "des-cbc"
                                           EBC     "des-ebc"
                                           CFB     "des-cfb"
                                           OFB     "des-ofb"
       DESX        8          8            CBC     "desx-cbc"
       3DES        16         8            CBC     "des-ede-cbc"
                                           EBC     "des-ede"
                                           CFB     "des-ede-cfb"
                                           OFB     "des-ede-ofb"
       3DES        24         8            CBC     "des-ede3-cbc"
                                           EBC     "des-ede3"
                                           CFB     "des-ede3-cfb"
                                           OFB     "des-ede3-ofb"
       Key bytes 9-16 define the 2nd key, bytes 17-24
       define the 3rd key
       RC2         16         8            CBC     "rc2-cbc"
                                           EBC     "rc2-ecb"
                                           CFB     "rc2-cfb"
                                           OFB     "rc2-ofb"
       Key length variable, max. 128 bytes, default length is shown
       RC2-40      5          8                    "rc2-40-cbc"
       obsolete: avoid
       RC2-64      8          8                    "rc2-64-cbc"
       obsolete: avoid
       RC4         16         N.A.                 "rc4"
       Key length is variable, max. 256 bytes. default length is shown
       Encrypt again to decrypt. Don’t use DecryptBuf

       RC4-40      5          N.A.                 "rc4-40"
       obsolete: avoid
       RC5         16         8            CBC     "rc5-cbc"
                                           EBC     "rc5-ecb"
                                           CFB     "rc5-cfb"
                                           OFB     "rc5-ofb"
       Key length variable, max. 256 bytes, rounds 8, 12 or 16,
       default # rounds is 12

       The      RC4      stream      cipher      is      subject     to     a     well-known     attack     (cf. unless the initial 256 bytes produced  by
       the cipher are discarded.


       All  constructors,  members,  operators  and manipulators, mentioned in this man-page, are defined in the
       namespace FBB.




       o      DecryptBuf(std::ostream &outStream, char const *type, std::string const  &key,  std::string  const
              &iv, size_t bufsize = 1024):
              This  constructor initializes the DecryptBuf object preparing it for the message decrypt algorithm
              specified with type. The decryption algorithms that can be used are listed in the table  found  in
              the  EncryptBuf(3bobcat)  manual  page.  As  an example: to use the AES method on 192 bit keys and
              blocks in CBC mode specify "aes-192-cbc". The key parameter refers to the key to be used,  the  iv
              parameter  refers  to the initialization vector to use. The iv’s length cannot be zero. When using
              ECB modes no initialization vector is used. In those cases any non-empty initialization vector may
              be provided.

              The constructor throws an FBB::Exception exception if an unknown encryption method was specified.

              The constructor’s first parameter refers to the std::ostream to receive the decrypted information.

              The  bufsize  argument  specifies  the  size in bytes of the internal buffer used by DecryptBuf to
              store incoming characters temporarily. The provided default argument should be OK  in  all  normal

       o      ~DecryptBuf():
              The  destructor  calls the done() member (see below), prevending any exception that function might
              throw from leaving the destructor. In this case only a non thread-safe way  to  determine  whether
              the decryption was successfully completed is available through the static member function lastOK()
              (see below).  There is no copy  constructor,  nor  move  constructor  (as  std::streambuf  doesn’t
              support either).


       All  members  of  std::streambuf  are available, as FBB::DecryptBuf inherits from this class. Some of the
       std::streambuf’s member are overridden or are hidden by DecryptBuf. In normal situations these  inherited
       members will not be used by programs using DecryptBuf objects.

       o      void done():
              This  member  can be called to indicate that all information to be decrypted has been received. It
              throws an FBB::Exception exception if decryption fails (resulting from  providing  the  DecryptBuf
              object with incorrect (usually improperly padded) input). If not explicitly called it is called by
              DecryptBuf’s destructor, preventing its exception from leaving the destructor.

       o      void setIv(std::string const &iv):
              This member can be used to specify the initialization vector to use after  construction  time  but
              before any data has been decrypted. When called after decryption has started or when specifying an
              empty intialization vector an FBB::Exception exception will be thrown.  When using  ECB  modes  no
              initialization vector is used. In those cases any non-empty initialization vector may be provided.

       o      bool setRounds(size_t nRounds):
              This  member  can  only  be used with the RC5 decryption method to set the number of rounds of the
              algorithm to 8, 12 or 16. When the number of rounds were updated successfully the  member  returns
              true.  It  returns false in other cases (e.g., called for other decryption methods than RC5 or the
              requested number of rounds differ from 8, 12 or 16).


       o      bool lastOK():
              This member is a non thread-safe way to determine whether the decryption has  succeeded  when  the
              DecryptBuf  object’s  done  member  has not been called and the object has been destroyed. In that
              case the object’s destructor will call done to complete the decryption. The member lastOK  returns
              true  if  the  DecryptBuf  object   destroyed  last could complete its decryption successfully and
              returns false otherwise.


       o      EVP_CIPHER_CTX *cipherCtx():
              Classes derived from DecryptBuf may use this member to gain direct access  to  the  EVP_CIPHER_CTX
              pointer  used  by  the DecryptBuf object. This pointer is a pointer to an opaque structure used by
              many OpenSSL functions to set or query parameters of an decryption method.


       #include <iostream>
       #include <fstream>
       #include <bobcat/exception>
       #include <bobcat/decryptbuf>

       using namespace std;
       using namespace FBB;

       int main(int argc, char **argv)
           if (argc == 1)
               throw Exception(1) <<
                           "1st arg: method, 2nd arg: key, 3rd arg: file to "
                           "decrypt (to stdout), 4th arg: iv";

           cerr << "Key: `" << argv[2] << "’\n"
                   "IV:  `" << argv[4] << "’\n";

           DecryptBuf decryptbuf(cout, argv[1], argv[2], argv[4]);
           ostream out(&decryptbuf);
           ifstream in(argv[3]);

           out << in.rdbuf();
           // decryptbuf.done();       // optionally
       catch(exception const &err)
           cout << err.what() << endl;
           return 1;


       bobcat/decryptbuf - defines the class interface


       bobcat(7), encryptbuf(3bobcat), std::streambuf


       None reported


       o      bobcat_4.01.03-x.dsc: detached signature;

       o      bobcat_4.01.03-x.tar.gz: source archive;

       o      bobcat_4.01.03-x_i386.changes: change log;

       o      libbobcat1_4.01.03-x_*.deb: debian package holding the libraries;

       o      libbobcat1-dev_4.01.03-x_*.deb: debian package holding the libraries, headers and manual pages;

       o public archive location;


       Bobcat is an acronym of `Brokken’s Own Base Classes And Templates’.


       This is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).


       Frank B. Brokken (