Provided by: tcllib_1.17-dfsg-1_all bug


       huddle - Create and manipulate huddle object


       package require Tcl  8.4

       package require huddle  ?0.1.5?

       huddle create key value ?key value ...?

       huddle list ?value value ...?

       huddle get object key ?key ...?

       huddle gets object key ?key ...?

       huddle set objectVar key ?key ...? value

       huddle remove object key ?key ...?

       huddle combine object1 object2 ?object3 ...?

       huddle equal object1 object2

       huddle append objectVar key value ?key value ...?

       huddle append objectVar value ?value ...?

       huddle keys object

       huddle llength object

       huddle type object ?key key...?

       huddle strip object

       huddle jsondump object ?offset? ?newline? ?begin_offset?

       huddle compile spec data

       huddle isHuddle object

       huddle checkHuddle object

       huddle to_node object ?tag?

       huddle wrap tag src

       huddle call tag command args

       huddle addType callback

       callback command ?args?


       get_sub src key

       strip src

       set src key value

       remove src key value



       Huddle  provides  a  generic Tcl-based serialization/intermediary format.  Currently, each
       node is wrapped in a tag with simple type information.

       When converting huddle-notation to other serialization formats like JSON or YAML this type
       information  is  used to select the proper notation.  And when going from JSON/YAML/... to
       huddle their notation can be used to select the proper huddle type.

       In that manner huddle can serve as a common intermediary format.

              huddle-format: >
                {HUDDLE {huddle-node}}
              huddle-node: >
                {tag content}
              each content of tag means:
                s: (content is a) string
                L: list, each sub node is a huddle-node
                D: dict, each sub node is a huddle-node
                - JSON
                - YAML(generally, but cannot discribe YAML-tags)
                - cannot discribe aliases from a node to other node.

       The huddle package returns data as a Tcl dict.  Either the dict  package  or  Tcl  8.5  is
       required for use.


       huddle create key value ?key value ...?
              Create a huddle object as a dict. It can contain other huddle objects.

       huddle list ?value value ...?
              Create a huddle object as a list. It can contain other huddle objects.

       huddle get object key ?key ...?
              Almost  the same as dict get.  Get a sub-object from the huddle object.  key can be
              used to huddle-list's index.

       huddle gets object key ?key ...?
              Get a sub-object from the huddle object, stripped.

       huddle set objectVar key ?key ...? value
              Almost the same as dict set.  Set a sub-object from the huddle object.  key can  be
              used to huddle-list's index.

       huddle remove object key ?key ...?
              Almost  the  same as dict remove.  Remove a sub-object from the huddle object.  key
              can be used to huddle-list's index.

       huddle combine object1 object2 ?object3 ...?
              Merging huddle objects given.

              % set aa [huddle create a b c d]
              HUDDLE {D {a {s b} c {s d}}}
              % set bb [huddle create a k l m]
              HUDDLE {D {a {s k} l {s m}}}
              % huddle combine $aa $bb
              HUDDLE {D {a {s k} c {s d} l {s m}}}

       huddle equal object1 object2
              Comparing two huddle objects recursively.  When to equal, returns 1, otherwise 0.

              % set aa [huddle create a b c d]
              HUDDLE {D {a {s b} c {s d}}}
              % set bb [huddle create c d a b]
              HUDDLE {D {c {s d} a {s b}}}
              % huddle equal $aa $bb

       huddle append objectVar key value ?key value ...?

       huddle append objectVar value ?value ...?
              Appending child elements. When for dicts, giving key/value. When for lists,  giving

              % set aa [huddle create a b c d]
              HUDDLE {D {a {s b} c {s d}}}
              % huddle append aa a k l m
              HUDDLE {D {a {s k} c {s d} l {s m}}}
              % set bb [huddle list i j k l]
              HUDDLE {L {{s i} {s j} {s k} {s l}}}
              % huddle append bb g h i
              HUDDLE {L {{s i} {s j} {s k} {s l} {s g} {s h} {s i}}}

       huddle keys object
              The same as dict keys.

       huddle llength object
              The same as llength.

       huddle type object ?key key...?
              Return  the  element type of specified by keys.  if ?key? is not given, returns the
              type of root node.

              string the node is a tcl's string.

              dict   the node is a dict.

              list   the node is a list.

              % huddle type {HUDDLE {s str}}
              % huddle type {HUDDLE {L {{s a} {s b} {s c}}}}
              % huddle type {HUDDLE {D {aa {s b} cc {s d}}}} cc

       huddle strip object
              Stripped all tags. Converted to normal Tcl's list/dict.

       huddle jsondump object ?offset? ?newline? ?begin_offset?
              dump a json-stream from the huddle-object.

              offset ""
                     begin offset as spaces "  ".

              # normal output has some indents. some strings are escaped.
              % huddle jsondump {HUDDLE {L {{L {{s i} {s baa} {s \\k} {L {{s 1.0} {s true} {s /g} {s h}}} {L {{s g}}}}} {s t}}}}
              # stripped output
              % huddle jsondump {HUDDLE {D {dd {D {bb {D {a {s baa} c {s {d
              a}}}} cc {D {g {s h}}}}} ee {D {i {s j} k {s 1} j {s { m\a}}}}}}} "" ""
              {"dd": {"bb": {"a": "baa","c": "d\na"},"cc": {"g": "h"}},"ee": {"i": "j","k": 1,"j": " m\\a"}}

       huddle compile spec data
              construct a huddle object from plain old tcl values.  spec is defined as follows:

              string data is simply a string

              list   data is a tcl list of strings

              dict   data is a tcl dict of strings

              list list
                     data is a tcl list of lists

              list dict
                     data is a tcl list of dicts

              dict xx list
                     data is a tcl dict where the value of key xx is a tcl list

              dict * list
                     data is a tcl dict of lists data is plain old tcl values

              % huddle compile {dict * list} {a {1 2 3} b {4 5}}
              HUDDLE {D {a {L {{s 1} {s 2} {s 3}}} b {L {{s 4} {s 5}}}}}
              % huddle compile {dict * {list {dict d list}}} {a {{c 1} {d {2 2 2} e 3}} b {{f 4 g 5}}}
              HUDDLE {D {a {L {{D {c {s 1}}} {D {d {L {{s 2} {s 2} {s 2}}} e {s 3}}}}} b {L {{D {f {s 4} g {s 5}}}}}}}

       huddle isHuddle object
              if object is a huddle, returns 1. the other, returns 0.

       huddle checkHuddle object
              if object is not a huddle, rises an error.

       huddle to_node object ?tag?
              for type-callbacks.

              if object is a huddle, returns root-node. the other, returns [list s $object].

              % huddle to_node str
              s str
              % huddle to_node str !!str
              !!str str
              % huddle to_node {HUDDLE {s str}}
              s str
              % huddle to_node {HUDDLE {l {a b c}}}
              l {a b c}

       huddle wrap tag src
              for type-callbacks.

              Create a huddle object from src with specified tag.

              % huddle wrap "" str
              HUDDLE str
              % huddle wrap s str
              HUDDLE {s str}

       huddle call tag command args
              for type-callbacks.

              devolving command to default tag-callback

       huddle addType callback
              add a user-specified-type/tag to the huddle library.  To see "Additional Type".

                     callback function name for additional type.


       The definition of callback for user-type.

       callback command ?args?

                     huddle subcomand which is needed to reply by the callback.

              args   arguments of subcommand. The number of list of arguments  is  different  for
                     each subcommand.

       The callback procedure shuould reply the following subcommands.

              only returns a fixed dict of the type infomation for setting the user-tag.

              type typename
                     typename of the type

              method {method1 method2 method3 ...}
                     method list as huddle subcommand. Then, you can call [huddle method1 ...]

              tag {tag1 child/parent tag2 child/parent ...}
                     tag  list  for  huddle-node  as  a  dict.  if  the type has child-nodes, use
                     "parent", otherwise use "child".

       get_sub src key
              returns a sub node specified by key.

              src    a node content in huddle object.

       strip src
              returns stripped node contents. if the type has child nodes,  every  node  must  be

       set src key value
              sets a sub-node from the tagged-content, and returns self.

       remove src key value
              removes a sub-node from the tagged-content, and returns self.

       strip  must  be  defined  at  all  types.   get_sub  must  be  defined at container types.
       set/remove shuould be defined, if you call them.

              # callback sample for my-dict
              proc my_dict_setting {command args} {
                  switch -- $command {
                      setting { ; # type definition
                          return {
                              type dict
                              method {create keys}
                              tag {d child D parent}
                              constructor create
                              str s
                          # type:   the type-name
                          # method: add methods to huddle's subcommand.
                          #          "get_sub/strip/set/remove/equal/append" called by huddle module.
                          #          "strip" must be defined at all types.
                          #          "get_sub" must be defined at container types.
                          #          "set/remove/equal/append" shuould be defined, if you call them.
                          # tag:    tag definition("child/parent" word is maybe obsoleted)
                      get_sub { ; # get a sub-node specified by "key" from the tagged-content
                          foreach {src key} $args break
                          return [dict get $src $key]
                      strip { ; # strip from the tagged-content
                          foreach {src nop} $args break
                          foreach {key val} $src {
                              lappend result $key [huddle strip $val]
                          return $result
                      set { ; # set a sub-node from the tagged-content
                          foreach {src key value} $args break
                          dict set src $key $value
                          return $src
                      remove { ; # remove a sub-node from the tagged-content
                          foreach {src key value} $args break
                          return [dict remove $src $key]
                      equal { ; # check equal for each node
                          foreach {src1 src2} $args break
                          if {[llength $src1] != [llength $src2]} {return 0}
                          foreach {key1 val1} $src1 {
                              if {![dict exists $src2 $key1]} {return 0}
                              if {![huddle _equal_subs $val1 [dict get $src2 $key1]]} {return 0}
                          return 1
                      append { ; # append nodes
                          foreach {str src list} $args break
                          if {[llength $list] % 2} {error {wrong # args: should be "huddle append objvar ?key value ...?"}}
                          set resultL $src
                          foreach {key value} $list {
                              if {$str ne ""} {
                                  lappend resultL $key [huddle to_node $value $str]
                              } else {
                                  lappend resultL $key $value
                          return [eval dict create $resultL]
                      create { ; # $args: all arguments after "huddle create"
                          if {[llength $args] % 2} {error {wrong # args: should be "huddle create ?key value ...?"}}
                          set resultL {}
                          foreach {key value} $args {
                              lappend resultL $key [huddle to_node $value]
                          return [huddle wrap D $resultL]
                      keys {
                          foreach {src nop} $args break
                          return [dict keys [lindex [lindex $src 1] 1]]
                      default {
                          error "$command is not callback for dict"

              # inheritance sample from default dict-callback
              proc ::yaml::_huddle_mapping {command args} {
                  switch -- $command {
                      setting { ; # type definition
                          return {
                              type dict
                              method {mapping}
                              tag {!!map parent}
                              constructor mapping
                              str !!str
                      mapping { ; # $args: all arguments after "huddle mapping"
                          if {[llength $args] % 2} {error {wrong # args: should be "huddle mapping ?key value ...?"}}
                          set resultL {}
                          foreach {key value} $args {
                              lappend resultL $key [huddle to_node $value !!str]
                          return [huddle wrap !!map $resultL]
                      default { ; # devolving to default dict-callback
                          return [huddle call D $command $args]


       You can add huddle-node types e.g. ::struct::tree.  To do so, first,  define  a  callback-
       procedure for additional tagged-type.  The proc get argments as command and ?args?. It has
       some switch-sections.

       And, addType subcommand will called.

              huddle addType my_dict_setting


              # create as a dict
              % set bb [huddle create a b c d]
              HUDDLE {D {a {s b} c {s d}}}

              # create as a list
              % set cc [huddle list e f g h]
              HUDDLE {L {{s e} {s f} {s g} {s h}}}
              % set bbcc [huddle create bb $bb cc $cc]
              HUDDLE {D {bb {D {a {s b} c {s d}}} cc {L {{s e} {s f} {s g} {s h}}}}}
              % set folding [huddle list $bbcc p [huddle list q r] s]
              HUDDLE {L {{D {bb {D {a {s b} c {s d}}} cc {L {{s e} {s f} {s g} {s h}}}}} {s p} {L {{s q} {s r}}} {s s}}}

              # normal Tcl's notation
              % huddle strip $folding
              {bb {a b c d} cc {e f g h}} p {q r} s

              # get a sub node
              % huddle get $folding 0 bb
              HUDDLE {D {a {s b} c {s d}}}
              % huddle gets $folding 0 bb
              a b c d

              # overwrite a node
              % huddle set folding 0 bb c kkk
              HUDDLE {L {{D {bb {D {a {s b} c {s kkk}}} cc {L {{s e} {s f} {s g} {s h}}}}} {s p} {L {{s q} {s r}}} {s s}}}

              # remove a node
              % huddle remove $folding 2 1
              HUDDLE {L {{D {bb {D {a {s b} c {s kkk}}} cc {L {{s e} {s f} {s g} {s h}}}}} {s p} {L {{s q}}} {s s}}}
              % huddle strip $folding
              {bb {a b c kkk} cc {e f g h}} p {q r} s

              # dump as a JSON stream
              % huddle jsondump $folding
                  "bb": {
                    "a": "b",
                    "c": "kkk"
                  "cc": [


       now printing.


       This document, and the package it describes,  will  undoubtedly  contain  bugs  and  other
       problems.    Please   report   such   in  the  category  huddle  of  the  Tcllib  Trackers
       [].  Please also report any ideas for enhancements you
       may have for either package and/or documentation.




       data exchange, exchange format, huddle, json, parsing, text processing, yaml


       Copyright (c) 2008 KATO Kanryu <>