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Introduction - Introduction to the m17n library. Defines #define M17NLIB_MAJOR_VERSION #define M17NLIB_MINOR_VERSION #define M17NLIB_PATCH_LEVEL #define M17NLIB_VERSION_NAME #define M17N_INIT() Initialize the m17n library. #define M17N_FINI() Finalize the m17n library. Enumerations enum M17NStatus { M17N_NOT_INITIALIZED, M17N_CORE_INITIALIZED, M17N_SHELL_INITIALIZED, M17N_GUI_INITIALIZED } Enumeration for the status of the m17n library. Functions enum M17NStatus m17n_status (void) Report which part of the m17n library is initialized.
Detailed Description
Introduction to the m17n library. API LEVELS The API of the m17n library is divided into these five. 1. CORE API It provides basic modules to handle M-texts. To use this API, an application program must include <m17n-core.h> and be linked with -lm17n-core. 2. SHELL API It provides modules for character properties, character set handling, code conversion, etc. They load various kinds of data from the database on demand. To use this API, an application program must include <m17n.h> and be linked with -lm17n-core -lm17n. When you use this API, CORE API is also available. 3. FLT API It provides modules for text shaping using mdbFLT. To use this API, an application program must include <m17n.h> and be linked with -lm17n-core -lm17n-flt. When you use this API, CORE API is also available. 4. GUI API It provides GUI modules such as drawing and inputting M-texts on a graphic device. This API itself is independent of graphic devices, but most functions require an argument MFrame that is created for a specific type of graphic devices. The currently supported graphic devices are null device, the X Window System, and image data (gdImagePtr) of the GD library. On a frame of a null device, you cannot draw text nor use input methods. However, functions like mdraw_glyph_list(), etc. are available. On a frame of the X Window System, you can use the whole GUI API. On a frame of the GD library, you can use all drawing API but cannot use input methods. To use this API, an application program must include <m17n-gui.h> and be linked with -lm17n-core -lm17n -lm17n-gui. When you use this API, CORE, SHELL, and FLT APIs are also available. 5. MISC API It provides miscellaneous functions to support error handling and debugging. This API cannot be used standalone; it must be used with one or more APIs listed above. To use this API, an application program must include <m17n-misc.h> in addition to one of the header files described above. See also the section m17n-config(1). ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES The m17n library pays attention to the following environment variables. • M17NDIR The name of the directory that contains data of the m17n database. See Database for details. • MDEBUG_XXX Environment variables whose names start with 'MDEBUG_' control debug information output. See Debugging for details. API NAMING CONVENTION The m17n library exports functions, variables, macros, and types. All of them start with the letter 'm' or 'M', and are followed by an object name (e.g. 'symbol', 'plist') or a module name (e.g. draw, input). Note that the name of M-text objects start with 'mtext' and not with 'mmtext'. • functions -- mobject() or mobject_xxx() They start with 'm' and are followed by an object name in lower case. Words are separated by '_'. For example, msymbol(), mtext_ref_char(), mdraw_text(). • non-symbol variables -- mobject, or mobject_xxx The naming convention is the same as functions (e.g. mface_large). • symbol variables -- Mname Variables of the type MSymbol start with 'M' and are followed by their names. Words are separated by '_'. For example, Mlanguage (the name is 'language'), Miso_2022 (the name is 'iso-2022'). • macros -- MOBJECT_XXX They start with 'M' and are followed by an object name in upper case. Words are separated by '_'. • types -- MObject or MObjectXxx They start with 'M' and are followed by capitalized object names. Words are concatenated directly and no '_' are used. For example, MConverter, MInputDriver.
Define Documentation
#define M17NLIB_MAJOR_VERSION The M17NLIB_MAJOR_VERSION macro gives the major version number of the m17n library. #define M17NLIB_MINOR_VERSION The M17NLIB_MINOR_VERSION macro gives the minor version number of the m17n library. #define M17NLIB_PATCH_LEVEL The M17NLIB_PATCH_LEVEL macro gives the patch level number of the m17n library. #define M17NLIB_VERSION_NAME The M17NLIB_VERSION_NAME macro gives the version name of the m17n library as a string. #define M17N_INIT() Initialize the m17n library. The macro M17N_INIT() initializes the m17n library. This macro must be called before any m17n functions are used. It is safe to call this macro multiple times, but in that case, the macro M17N_FINI() must be called the same times to free the memory. If the initialization was successful, the external variable merror_code is set to 0. Otherwise it is set to -1. SEE ALSO M17N_FINI(), m17n_status() #define M17N_FINI() Finalize the m17n library. The macro M17N_FINI() finalizes the m17n library. It frees all the memory area used by the m17n library. Once this macro is called, no m17n functions should be used until the macro M17N_INIT() is called again. If the macro M17N_INIT() was called N times, the Nth call of this macro actually free the memory. SEE ALSO M17N_INIT(), m17n_status()
Enumeration Type Documentation
enum M17NStatus Enumeration for the status of the m17n library. The enum M17NStatus is used as a return value of the function m17n_status(). Enumerator: M17N_NOT_INITIALIZED No modules is initialized, and all modules are finalized. M17N_CORE_INITIALIZED Only the modules in CORE API are initialized. M17N_SHELL_INITIALIZED Only the modules in CORE and SHELL APIs are initialized. M17N_GUI_INITIALIZED All modules are initialized.
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