xenial (3) ntheory.3pm.gz

Provided by: libmath-prime-util-perl_0.57-1_amd64 bug


       ntheory - Number theory utilities


       See Math::Prime::Util for complete documentation.


         is_prob_prime(n)                    primality test (BPSW)
         is_prime(n)                         primality test (BPSW + extra)
         is_provable_prime(n)                primality test with proof
         is_provable_prime_with_cert(n)      primality test: (isprime,cert)
         prime_certificate(n)                as above with just certificate
         verify_prime(cert)                  verify a primality certificate
         is_mersenne_prime(p)                is 2^p-1 prime or composite
         is_aks_prime(n)                     AKS deterministic test (slow)
         is_ramanujan_prime(n)               is n a Ramanujan prime

         is_pseudoprime(n,bases)                  Fermat probable prime tests
         is_strong_pseudoprime(n,bases)           Miller-Rabin tests to bases
         is_lucas_pseudoprime(n)                  Lucas test
         is_strong_lucas_pseudoprime(n)           strong Lucas test
         is_almost_extra_strong_lucas_pseudoprime(n, [incr])   AES Lucas test
         is_extra_strong_lucas_pseudoprime(n)     extra strong Lucas test
         is_frobenius_pseudoprime(n, [a,b])       Frobenius quadratic test
         is_frobenius_underwood_pseudoprime(n)    combined PSP and Lucas
         is_frobenius_khashin_pseudoprime(n)      Khashin's 2013 Frobenius test
         is_perrin_pseudoprime(n)                 Perrin test
         is_catalan_pseudoprime(n)                Catalan test
         is_bpsw_prime(n)                         combined SPSP-2 and ES Lucas
         miller_rabin_random(n, ntests)           perform random-base MR tests

         primes([start,] end)                array ref of primes
         twin_primes([start,] end)           array ref of twin primes
         ramanujan_primes([start,] end)      array ref of Ramanujan primes
         sieve_prime_cluster(start, end, @C) list of prime k-tuples
         next_prime(n)                       next prime > n
         prev_prime(n)                       previous prime < n
         prime_count(n)                      count of primes <= n
         prime_count(start, end)             count of primes in range
         prime_count_lower(n)                fast lower bound for prime count
         prime_count_upper(n)                fast upper bound for prime count
         prime_count_approx(n)               fast approximate count of primes
         nth_prime(n)                        the nth prime (n=1 returns 2)
         nth_prime_lower(n)                  fast lower bound for nth prime
         nth_prime_upper(n)                  fast upper bound for nth prime
         nth_prime_approx(n)                 fast approximate nth prime
         twin_prime_count(n)                 count of twin primes <= n
         twin_prime_count(start, end)        count of twin primes in range
         twin_prime_count_approx(n)          fast approx count of twin primes
         nth_twin_prime(n)                   the nth twin prime (n=1 returns 3)
         nth_twin_prime_approx(n)            fast approximate nth twin prime
         ramanujan_prime_count(n)            count of Ramanujan primes <= n
         ramanujan_prime_count(start, end)   count of Ramanujan primes in range
         nth_ramanujan_prime(n)              the nth Ramanujan prime (Rn)
         legendre_phi(n,a)                   # below n not div by first a primes
         prime_precalc(n)                    precalculate primes to n
         sum_primes([start,] end)            return summation of primes in range
         print_primes(start,end[,fd])        print primes to stdout or fd

         factor(n)                           array of prime factors of n
         factor_exp(n)                       array of [p,k] factors p^k
         divisors(n)                         array of divisors of n
         divisor_sum(n)                      sum of divisors
         divisor_sum(n,k)                    sum of k-th power of divisors
         divisor_sum(n,sub{...})             sum of code run for each divisor
         znlog(a, g, p)                      solve k in a = g^k mod p

         forprimes { ... } [start,] end      loop over primes in range
         forcomposites { ... } [start,] end  loop over composites in range
         foroddcomposites {...} [start,] end loop over odd composites in range
         fordivisors { ... } n               loop over the divisors of n
         forpart { ... } n [,{...}]          loop over integer partitions
         forcomp { ... } n [,{...}]          loop over integer compositions
         forcomb { ... } n, k                loop over combinations
         forperm { ... } n                   loop over permutations
         formultiperm { ... } \@n            loop over multiset permutations
         prime_iterator                      returns a simple prime iterator
         prime_iterator_object               returns a prime iterator object

         random_prime([start,] end)          random prime in a range
         random_ndigit_prime(n)              random prime with n digits
         random_nbit_prime(n)                random prime with n bits
         random_strong_prime(n)              random strong prime with n bits
         random_proven_prime(n)              random n-bit prime with proof
         random_proven_prime_with_cert(n)    as above and include certificate
         random_maurer_prime(n)              random n-bit prime w/ Maurer's alg.
         random_maurer_prime_with_cert(n)    as above and include certificate
         random_shawe_taylor_prime(n)        random n-bit prime with S-T alg.
         random_shawe_taylor_prime_with_cert(n) as above including certificate

         vecsum(@list)                       integer sum of list
         vecprod(@list)                      integer product of list
         vecmin(@list)                       minimum of list of integers
         vecmax(@list)                       maximum of list of integers
         vecextract(\@list, mask)            select from list based on mask
         vecreduce { ... } @list             reduce / left fold applied to list
         vecall { ... } @list                return true if all are true
         vecany { ... } @list                return true if any are true
         vecnone { ... } @list               return true if none are true
         vecnotall { ... } @list             return true if not all are true
         vecfirst { ... } @list              return first value that evals true

         todigits(n[,base[,len]])            convert n to digit array in base
         todigitstring(n[,base[,len]])       convert n to string in base
         fromdigits(\@d,[,base])             convert base digit vector to number
         fromdigits(str,[,base])             convert base digit string to number
         sumdigits(n)                        sum of digits, with optional base
         is_power(n)                         return k if n = p^k for integer p, max k
         is_power(n,k)                       return 1 if n = p^k for integer p and k
         is_power(n,k,\$root)                as above but set root to p.
         is_square_free(n)                   return true if no repeated factors
         is_carmichael(n)                    is n a Carmichael number
         sqrtint(n)                          integer square root
         gcd(@list)                          greatest common divisor
         lcm(@list)                          least common multiple
         gcdext(x,y)                         return (u,v,d) where u*x+v*y=d
         chinese([a,mod1],[b,mod2],...)      Chinese Remainder Theorem
         primorial(n)                        product of primes below n
         pn_primorial(n)                     product of first n primes
         factorial(n)                        product of first n integers: n!
         binomial(n,k)                       binomial coefficient
         partitions(n)                       number of integer partitions
         valuation(n,k)                      number of times n is divisible by k
         binary(n)                           binary string or array of digits
         hammingweight(n)                    population count (# of binary 1s)
         kronecker(a,b)                      Kronecker (Jacobi) symbol
         invmod(a,n)                         inverse of a modulo n
         moebius(n)                          Moebius function of n
         moebius(beg, end)                   array of Moebius in range
         mertens(n)                          sum of Moebius for 1 to n
         euler_phi(n)                        Euler totient of n
         euler_phi(beg, end)                 Euler totient for a range
         jordan_totient(n,k)                 Jordan's totient
         carmichael_lambda(n)                Carmichael's Lambda function
         exp_mangoldt                        exponential of Mangoldt function
         liouville(n)                        Liouville function
         znorder(a,n)                        multiplicative order of a mod n
         znprimroot(n)                       smallest primitive root
         chebyshev_theta(n)                  first Chebyshev function
         chebyshev_psi(n)                    second Chebyshev function
         ramanujan_tau(n)                    Ramanujan's Tau function
         consecutive_integer_lcm(n)          lcm(1 .. n)
         lucasu(P, Q, k)                     U_k for Lucas(P,Q)
         lucasv(P, Q, k)                     V_k for Lucas(P,Q)
         lucas_sequence(n, P, Q, k)          (U_k,V_k,Q_k) for Lucas(P,Q) mod n
         bernfrac(n)                         Bernoulli number as (num,den)
         bernreal(n)                         Bernoulli number as BigFloat
         harmfrac(n)                         Harmonic number as (num,den)
         harmreal(n)                         Harmonic number as BigFloat
         stirling(n,m,[type])                Stirling numbers of 1st or 2nd type

         ExponentialIntegral(x)              Ei(x)
         LogarithmicIntegral(x)              li(x)
         RiemannZeta(x)                      ζ(s)-1, real-valued Riemann Zeta
         RiemannR(x)                         Riemann's R function
         LambertW(k)                         Lambert W: solve for W in k = W exp(W)
         Pi([n])                             The constant π (NV or n digits)

         prime_get_config                    gets hash ref of current settings
         prime_set_config(%hash)             sets parameters
         prime_memfree                       frees any cached memory

       Copyright 2011-2016 by Dana Jacobsen <dana@acm.org>

       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl