Provided by: wordnet-dev_3.0-33_amd64 bug


       findtheinfo,  findtheinfo_ds,  is_defined,  in_wn,  index_lookup,  parse_index,  getindex,
       read_synset, parse_synset, free_syns, free_synset, free_index,  traceptrs_ds,  do_trace  -
       functions for searching the WordNet database


       #include "wn.h"

       char *findtheinfo(char *searchstr, int pos, int ptr_type, int sense_num);

       SynsetPtr findtheinfo_ds(char *searchstr, int pos, int ptr_type, int sense_num );

       unsigned int is_defined(char *searchstr, int pos);

       unsigned int in_wn(char *searchstr, int pos);

       IndexPtr index_lookup(char *searchstr, int pos);

       IndexPtr parse_index(long offset, int dabase, char *line);

       IndexPtr getindex(char *searchstr, int pos);

       SynsetPtr read_synset(int pos, long synset_offset, char *searchstr);

       SynsetPtr parse_synset(FILE *fp, int pos, char *searchstr);

       void free_syns(SynsetPtr synptr);

       void free_synset(SynsetPtr synptr);

       void free_index(IndexPtr idx);

       SynsetPtr traceptrs_ds(SynsetPtr synptr, int ptr_type, int pos, int depth);

       char *do_trace(SynsetPtr synptr, int ptr_type, int pos, int depth);


       These  functions  are  used  for searching the WordNet database.  They generally fall into
       several categories: functions for reading and parsing index file  entries;  functions  for
       reading and parsing synsets in data files; functions for tracing pointers and hierarchies;
       functions for freeing space occupied by data structures allocated with malloc(3).

       In the following function descriptions, pos is one of the following:

              1    NOUN
              2    VERB
              3    ADJECTIVE
              4    ADVERB

       findtheinfo()  is  the  primary  search  algorithm  for  use   with   database   interface
       applications.   Search  results  are  automatically  formatted,  and a pointer to the text
       buffer  is  returned.   All  searches  listed  in  WNHOME/include/wn.h  can  be  done   by
       findtheinfo().  findtheinfo_ds() can be used to perform most of the searches, with results
       returned in a linked list data structure.  This is for use with applications that need  to
       analyze the search results rather than just display them.

       Both  functions  are  passed  the  same arguments: searchstr is the word or collocation to
       search for; pos indicates the syntactic category to search in;  ptr_type  is  one  of  the
       valid  search  types for searchstr in pos.  (Available searches can be obtained by calling
       is_defined() described below.)  sense_num should be ALLSENSES if the search is to be  done
       on all senses of searchstr in pos, or a positive integer indicating which sense to search.

       findtheinfo_ds()  returns  a linked list data structures representing synsets.  Senses are
       linked through the nextss field of a Synset data structure.  For each sense, synsets  that
       match the search specified with ptr_type are linked through the ptrlist field.  See Synset
       Navigation , below, for detailed information on the linked lists returned.

       is_defined() sets a bit for each search type that is  valid  for  searchstr  in  pos,  and
       returns  the  resulting  unsigned  integer.  Each bit number corresponds to a pointer type
       constant defined in WNHOME/include/wn.h.  For example, if  bit  2  is  set,  the  HYPERPTR
       search is valid for searchstr.  There are 29 possible searches.

       in_wn()  is used to find the syntactic categories in the WordNet database that contain one
       or more senses of searchstr.  If pos is ALL_POS, all  syntactic  categories  are  checked.
       Otherwise,  only  the  part  of speech passed is checked.  An unsigned integer is returned
       with a bit set corresponding to each syntactic category  containing  searchstr.   The  bit
       number  matches  the  number  for  the  part of speech.  0 is returned if searchstr is not
       present in pos.

       index_lookup() finds searchstr in the index file for pos and  returns  a  pointer  to  the
       parsed  entry  in  an  Index data structure.  searchstr must exactly match the form of the
       word (lower case only, hyphens and underscores in the same  places)  in  the  index  file.
       NULL is returned if a match is not found.

       parse_index() parses an entry from an index file and returns a pointer to the parsed entry
       in an Index data structure.  Passed the byte offset and syntactic category, it  reads  the
       index  entry  at  the  desired  location  in the corresponding file.  If passed line, line
       contains an index file entry and the database  index  file  is  not  consulted.   However,
       offset  and  dbase  should  still  be passed so the information can be stored in the Index

       getindex() is a "smart" search for searchstr in the index file corresponding to  pos.   It
       applies  to  searchstr  an  algorithm that replaces underscores with hyphens, hyphens with
       underscores, removes hyphens and underscores, and removes periods in an attempt to find  a
       form  of the string that is an exact match for an entry in the index file corresponding to
       pos.  index_lookup() is called on each transformed string until a match is  found  or  all
       the  different  strings  have  been  tried.  It returns a pointer to the parsed Index data
       structure for searchstr, or NULL if a match is not found.

       read_synset() is used to read a synset from a byte offset in a data file.  It performs  an
       fseek(3)  to synset_offset in the data file corresponding to pos, and calls parse_synset()
       to read and parse the synset.  A pointer to  the  Synset  data  structure  containing  the
       parsed synset is returned.

       parse_synset() reads the synset at the current offset in the file indicated by fp.  pos is
       the syntactic category, and searchstr, if not NULL, indicates the word in the synset  that
       the caller is interested in.  An attempt is made to match searchstr to one of the words in
       the synset.  If an exact match is found, the whichword field in the  Synset  structure  is
       set to that word's number in the synset (beginning to count from 1).

       free_syns()   is   used   to  free  a  linked  list  of  Synset  structures  allocated  by
       findtheinfo_ds().  synptr is a pointer to the list to free.

       free_synset() frees the Synset structure pointed to by synptr.

       free_index() frees the Index structure pointed to by idx.

       traceptrs_ds() is a recursive search algorithm  that  traces  pointers  matching  ptr_type
       starting  with the synset pointed to by synptr.  Setting depth to 1 when traceptrs_ds() is
       called indicates a recursive search; 0 indicates a non-recursive call.  synptr  points  to
       the data structure representing the synset to search for a pointer of type ptr_type.  When
       a pointer type match is found, the synset pointed to is read is  linked  onto  the  nextss
       chain.   Levels  of  the  tree  generated by a recursive search are linked via the ptrlist
       field structure until NULL is found, indicating the top (or bottom)  of  the  tree.   This
       function  is  usually called from findtheinfo_ds() for each sense of the word.  See Synset
       Navigation , below, for detailed information on the linked lists returned.

       do_trace() performs the search  indicated  by  ptr_type  on  synset  synptr  in  syntactic
       category pos.  depth is defined as above.  do_trace() returns the search results formatted
       in a text buffer.

   Synset Navigation
       Since the Synset structure is used to represent the  synsets  for  both  word  senses  and
       pointers,  the  ptrlist and nextss fields have different meanings depending on whether the
       structure is a word sense or pointer.  This can make navigation through the lists returned
       by findtheinfo_ds() confusing.

       Navigation through the returned list involves the following:

       Following  the  nextss  chain from the synset returned moves through the various senses of
       searchstr.  NULL indicates that end of the chain of senses.

       Following the ptrlist chain from a  Synset  structure  representing  a  sense  traces  the
       hierarchy  of  the  search  results for that sense.  Subsequent links in the ptrlist chain
       indicate the next level (up or down, depending on the  search)  in  the  hierarchy.   NULL
       indicates the end of the chain of search result synsets.

       If  a  synset pointed to by ptrlist has a value in the nextss field, it represents another
       pointer of the same type at that level in the hierarchy.  For example, some  noun  synsets
       have  two  hypernyms.   Following this nextss pointer, and then the ptrlist chain from the
       Synset structure pointed to,  traces  another,  parallel,  hierarchy,  until  the  end  is
       indicated  by  NULL  on that ptrlist chain.  So, a synset representing a pointer (versus a
       sense of searchstr) having a non-NULL value in nextss has another chain of search  results
       linked through the ptrlist chain of the synset pointed to by nextss.

       If  searchstr  contains more than one base form in WordNet (as in the noun axes, which has
       base forms axe and axis), synsets representing the search results for each base  form  are
       linked through the nextform pointer of the Synset structure.

   WordNet Searches
       There  is  no  extensive  description of what each search type is or the results returned.
       Using the WordNet interface, examining the source code, and reading wndb(5WN) are the best
       ways to see what types of searches are available and the data returned for each.

       Listed  below  are  the  valid  searches  that can be passed as ptr_type to findtheinfo().
       Passing a negative value (when applicable) causes  a  recursive,  hierarchical  search  by
       setting depth to 1 when traceptrs() is called.

           │ptr_typeValuePointerSearch                                     │
           │                 │       │ Symbol  │                                            │
           │ANTPTR           │   1   │    !    │ Antonyms                                   │
           │HYPERPTR         │   2   │    @    │ Hypernyms                                  │
           │HYPOPTR          │   3   │    ∼    │ Hyponyms                                   │
           │ENTAILPTR        │   4   │    *    │ Entailment                                 │
           │SIMPTR           │   5   │    &    │ Similar                                    │
           │ISMEMBERPTR      │   6   │   #m    │ Member meronym                             │
           │ISSTUFFPTR       │   7   │   #s    │ Substance meronym                          │
           │ISPARTPTR        │   8   │   #p    │ Part meronym                               │
           │HASMEMBERPTR     │   9   │   %m    │ Member holonym                             │
           │HASSTUFFPTR      │  10   │   %s    │ Substance holonym                          │
           │HASPARTPTR       │  11   │   %p    │ Part holonym                               │
           │MERONYM          │  12   │    %    │ All meronyms                               │
           │HOLONYM          │  13   │    #    │ All holonyms                               │
           │CAUSETO          │  14   │    >    │ Cause                                      │
           │PPLPTR           │  15   │    <    │ Participle of verb                         │
           │SEEALSOPTR       │  16   │    ^    │ Also see                                   │
           │PERTPTR          │  17   │    \    │ Pertains to noun or derived from adjective │
           │ATTRIBUTE        │  18   │   \=    │ Attribute                                  │
           │VERBGROUP        │  19   │    $    │ Verb group                                 │
           │DERIVATION       │  20   │    +    │ Derivationally related form                │
           │CLASSIFICATION   │  21   │    ;    │ Domain of synset                           │
           │CLASS            │  22   │    -    │ Member of this domain                      │
           │SYNS             │  23   │   n/a   │ Find synonyms                              │
           │FREQ             │  24   │   n/a   │ Polysemy                                   │
           │FRAMES           │  25   │   n/a   │ Verb example sentences and generic frames  │
           │COORDS           │  26   │   n/a   │ Noun coordinates                           │
           │RELATIVES        │  27   │   n/a   │ Group related senses                       │
           │HMERONYM         │  28   │   n/a   │ Hierarchical meronym search                │
           │HHOLONYM         │  29   │   n/a   │ Hierarchical holonym search                │
           │WNGREP           │  30   │   n/a   │ Find keywords by substring                 │
           │OVERVIEW         │  31   │   n/a   │ Show all synsets for word                  │
           │CLASSIF_CATEGORY │  32   │   ;c    │ Show domain topic                          │
           │CLASSIF_USAGE    │  33   │   ;u    │ Show domain usage                          │
           │CLASSIF_REGIONAL │  34   │   ;r    │ Show domain region                         │
           │CLASS_CATEGORY   │  35   │   -c    │ Show domain terms for topic                │
           │CLASS_USAGE      │  36   │   -u    │ Show domain terms for usage                │
           │CLASS_REGIONAL   │  37   │   -r    │ Show domain terms for region               │
           │INSTANCE         │  38   │   @i    │ Instance of                                │
           │INSTANCES        │  39   │   ∼i    │ Show instances                             │
       findtheinfo_ds() cannot perform the following searches:



       Applications that use WordNet and/or the morphological functions must call wninit() at the
       start of the program.  See wnutil(3WN) for more information.

       In all function calls, searchstr may be either a word or a collocation formed  by  joining
       individual words with underscore characters (_).

       The  SearchResults  structure defines fields in the wnresults global variable that are set
       by the various search functions.  This is a way to get additional information, such as the
       number  of  senses  the word has, from the search functions.  The searchds field is set by

       The pos passed to traceptrs_ds() is not used.


       wn(1WN),  wnb(1WN),  wnintro(3WN),  binsrch(3WN),  malloc(3),   morph(3WN),   wnutil(3WN),


       parse_synset()  must  find  an  exact match between the searchstr passed and a word in the
       synset to set whichword.  No attempt is made to translate hyphens and underscores,  as  is
       done in getindex().

       The  WordNet  database  and exception list files must be opened with wninit prior to using
       any of the searching functions.

       A large search may cause findtheinfo() to run out of buffer  space.   The  maximum  buffer
       size  is  determined  by  computer platform.  If the buffer size is exceeded the following
       message is printed in the output  buffer:  "Search  too  large.   Narrow  search  and  try

       Passing an invalid pos will probably result in a core dump.