xenial (7) amanda-devices.7.gz

Provided by: amanda-common_3.3.6-4.1ubuntu0.1+actuallyesm2_amd64 bug


       amanda-devices - Configuring and Using Amanda Devices


       The Device API specifies a generic interface between Amanda and storage devices such as tapes or disks.
       This manual page describes the device drivers included with Amanda.

       This is a user-level description of the API, and does not address details that are only of concern to
       developers. For that purpose, consult the Amanda source code and http://wiki.zmanda.com.

       The term "device driver" describes the software that can communicate with some kind of backend storage,
       e.g., a tape driver. A "device" is the storage element itself, usually a piece of hardware. When
       discussing a device and its driver as a unit, the term "device" is sometimes also used to refer to the
       combination of device and driver.


       Device names take the form TYPE:NODE, where TYPE selects a device driver, and NODE provides further
       information to that driver. The syntax for each device driver is given in the corresponding section

       Devices can be described in amanda.conf(5) with "device" sections, e.g.,

       define device top_drive {
           tapedev "tape:/dev/nst0"
           device-property "BLOCK_SIZE" "131072"
       Such a device defininition creates a device "alias", in this case named top_drive, which can then be
       named in the global tapedev or tpchanger parameter:

       tapedev "top_drive"

       The global tapedev parameter can also specify a literal device name. For example,

       tapedev "file:/amdisks"
       is equivalent to

       tapedev "default"
       define device default {
           tapedev "file:/amdisks"
       Note that, in both cases, the specified devices are actually accessed through the chg-single changer
       driver; see amanda-changers(7) for more information.

       Device properties specified outside of any device definition apply to all devices. This syntax is
       provided mainly for backward compatibility, and for simple Amanda configurations. Note that there is no
       way to provide properties specific to a device without defining a device alias.

       See amanda-changers(7) for details on how devices are configured, and in particular on how device
       properties are specified. See amanda.conf(5) for more information on Amanda configuration in general.

           There is no way to reset a device property to its default value.


       Device drivers use properties as a generic means to interact with other parts of Amanda. Some properties
       are set by the device driver and used by Amanda to determine how its devices should be used. Other
       properties can be set by Amanda or by the user to influence the driver's behavior. Properties are set for
       a particular device, so that if you have two tape devices, they will not share property values.

       Properties are specified in amanda.conf with the device-property parameter. The syntax looks like this:

       device-property "FROBNICATOR_PATH" "/var/frobd/state"
       device-property "BYTES_PER_FORTNIGHT" "128k"
       device-property "USE_QUBITS" "no"

       Both the property name and the property value are always quoted. Property names, like Amanda
       configuration parameters, are not case-sensitive, and - (dash) and _ (underscore) may be used
       interchangeably. String values are given as simple strings, like FROBNICATOR_PATH in the example above.
       Integer values can be specified with any of the suffixes given in the "VALUE SUFFIXES" section of
       amanda.conf(5), like BYTES_PER_FORTNIGHT, above. Boolean values can be specified using the same names as
       in amanda.conf(5), like USE_QUBITS, above. Some properties have special formats, as described below.

       Some properties are set based on other configuration values, such as tapetype parameters. These special
       cases are detailed under the appropriate property, below.

       The order in which device properties are set is as follows:

        1. Tapetype parameters (including length, blocksize, and readblocksize) are translated into device
           properties and set accordingly.

        2. Device properties from any device-property configuration parameters are set, in the order they appear
           in the configuration file.

       Properties described as read-only are not accessible to users. They are listed here for completeness.

       Note that some of these properties are currently unused, and present only for future expansion. Not all
       devices implement all of these properties.


            (read-only) This boolean property indicates whether this device supports appending data to volumes.


            (read-write) This property gives the block size, in bytes, that will be used to write to the device.
           The usual suffixes ("kbytes", etc.) are allowed.  The tapetype parameter blocksize sets this


            (read-only) This property contains the full canonical name for this device.  This name may not be
           the same as the user-supplied name, but is a valid name by which to access this device.


            (read-write) This string property is entirely for the user's convenience.  It is supported by all
           devices, but no device interprets its value in any way.


            (read-write) This boolean property represents the compression status of the device, and can be used
           to enable and disable such compression.  This applies mostly to tape devices, although many tape
           devices do not support setting compression from software.


            (read-only) This property gives the compression rate, as a decimal ratio.  It may be a measured
           value over some unspecified period or a simple estimate.


            (read-only) This property indicates the level of concurrent access that this device supports.


            (read-only) This property indicates whether the device supports erasing the entire volume.  Aside
           from S3 and VFS, most devices cannot support this feature.


           (read-write) If this property is true, then the device can detect an EOM condition before actually
           running out of space, allowing Amanda to forgo caching parts while writing.  For some devices, it is
           necessary to override the conservative default value of this property.


            (read-only) This property gives the maximum block size this device can support.  See BLOCK SIZES,


            (read-only) This property gives the type of the media in the device: read only, WORM (Write Once,
           Read Many), read/write, or write only.  Write-only devices do not support recovery, but the data are
           not necessarily thrown out.


            (read-write) This property gives the minimum block size this device can support.  See BLOCK SIZES,


            (read-write) On devices that support it, this property will limit the total amount of data written
           to a volume; attempts to write beyond this point will cause the device to simulate "out of space."
           Zero means no limit.  The tapetype parameter length sets this property.


            (read-write) If this property is false, limit set by MAX_VOLUME_USAGE property (and thus the
           tapetype LENGTH parameter) will not be verified while writing to device, allowing the volume to
           expand without limit. If this property is true, then MAX_VOLUME_USAGE willbe enforced, limiting the
           total size of the volume. This property is not available on all devices; see below.


            (read-only) This property indicates whether the device supports deletion of specific files.  Aside
           from linear tapes and S3, most devices can support this feature.  It is currently unused by Amanda.


           (read-only) This property gives the streaming requirement for this device.  For example, tape drives
           often require a steady supply of data to avoid shoe-shining, while disk devices have no such
           requirement.  Streaming is accomplished by buffering device-output-buffer-size bytes of data.  The
           allowed values are "none" (no streaming buffer necessary), "required" (fill the buffer before
           starting to write), or "desired" (fill the buffer before starting to write, and if the buffer becomes
           empty, stop writing until it is completely full again).


            (read-write) If this boolean property is set, then the device will produce verbose debugging output.
           This property is not recognized by most devices.

       Amanda writes device data in blocks. On most devices the block boundaries are embedded in the media along
       with the data itself, so subsequent reads must use the same block sizes. On tape devices, the block size
       is dictated by the capabilities of the hardware -- buffer sizes, physical format, and so on.

       Amanda has historically supported a single, fixed block size -- usually 32k. The Device API adds the
       ability to specify a block size at runtime, using the BLOCK_SIZE property. Devices provide MIN_BLOCK_SIZE
       and MAX_BLOCK_SIZE as a guide to the range of acceptable block sizes. Note that this does not imply that
       all sizes in the range MIN_BLOCK_SIZE - MAX_BLOCK_SIZE are available -- the device may require that block
       sizes are even multiples of some power of two, for example. Consult the documentation for your hardware
       and operating system for more information.

       Most devices are flexible enough to read a volume using a different block size than that with which it
       was written. This can be useful when handling old volumes written with a smaller blocksize, or volumes of
       unknown blocksize. Unfortunately, some tape devices do not detect oversized blocks correctly, and may
       lose data if the configured block size is smaller than the volume's block size. The tape device driver
       has a READ_BLOCK_SIZE property which specifies the minimum buffer size that will be allocated for reads
       from tape. If the hardware supports it, setting this property allows Amanda to correctly read from tapes
       written with any blocksize less than or equal to READ_BLOCK_SIZE.

           The RAIT device does not support flexible block sizes, as its parity algorithm requires that all
           child devices have the same, fixed block size.

       Some Amanda devices can detect end-of-medium (running out of space on the device) before it occurs. This
       early warning is referred to as logical EOM, and where it is supported Amanda can operate more
       efficiently, since the possibility for data loss is reduced.

       The boolean LEOM property indicates whether or not a particular device supports LEOM detection. The
       sections below also describe the degree of support.


       This section lists the device drivers included with Amanda, and basic instructions for using them. For
       complete How-To information, consult the Amanda wiki at http://wiki.zmanda.com.

   Null Device
       tapedev "null:"

       The null device driver only supports writing, and discards all data. It is generally only useful for
       testing purposes.

   RAIT Device
       tapedev "rait:tape:/dev/rmt/tps0d{4,5,6}n"

       The RAIT device driver mirrors or stripes data over multiple "child" devices. The child devices are
       specified using a shell-like syntax, where alternatives are enclosed in braces and separated by commas.
       Braces and commas can be escaped with a backslash. Note that the backslash itself must be escaped in most
       contexts. For example:

       tapedev "rait:{file:/var/amanda/vtapes,tape:/dev/nst0}"
       tapedev "rait:{comma-dev:foo\\,bar,brace-dev:foo\\}bar}" # quoting
       If the braces contain a numeric range separated with two dots, that range will be filled in sequentially.
       If the first number has a leading zero, then the results will be zero-padded to the maximum length. For

       tapedev "rait:file:/var/amanda/vtapes/drive{01..04}"

       With two child devices, the RAIT device driver mirrors data such that the two devices contain identical
       data and can be used singly for recovery. With more than two devices, the RAIT device "stripes" data
       across all but one device and writes a parity block to the final device, usable for data recovery in the
       event of a device or volume failure. The RAIT device scales its blocksize as necessary to match the
       number of children that will be used to store data.

       When a child device is known to have failed, the RAIT device should be reconfigured to replace that
       device with the text "ERROR", e.g.,

       tapedev "rait:{tape:/dev/st0,ERROR,tape:/dev/st2}"
       This will cause the RAIT device to start up in degraded mode, reconstructing the data from the missing

       Like ordinary RAID drivers, the RAIT device driver can automatically enter degraded mode when one of its
       child devices fails. However, the RAIT device cannot automatically recover from any write error nor write
       any data in degraded mode. When reading, certain errors may be fatal (rather than causing degraded mode).
       And in any case, labels on all volumes must initially match (labeled or otherwise). If you have lost one
       volume from a set, explicitly start the device in degraded mode as described above.

       This device can detect LEOM if and only if all of the child devices can detect LEOM.

   Child Device Block Sizes
       The RAIT device driver requires that all of its child devices use the same block size. If no block sizes
       are specified, the driver selects the block size closest to 32k that is within the MIN_BLOCK_SIZE -
       MAX_BLOCK_SIZE range of all child devices, and calculates its own blocksize according to the formula
       rait_blocksize = child_blocksize * (num_children - 1). If a block size is specified for the RAIT device,
       then it calculates its child block sizes according to the formula child_blocksize = rait_blocksize /
       (num_children - 1). Either way, it sets the BLOCK_SIZE property of each child device accordingly.

   S3 Device
       tapedev "s3:foocorp-backups/DailySet1-"
       device-property "S3_ACCESS_KEY" "MYACCESSKEY"
       device-property "S3_SECRET_KEY" "MYSECRETKEY"

       The S3 device driver uploads data to the Amazon S3 "storage cloud". Its device name is a slash-sparated
       combination of bucket name and prefix: "s3:BUCKET/PREFIX". Since buckets must be unique across all Amazon
       S3 users, and since the number of buckets allowed to each user is limited, the driver can store multiple
       Amanda volumes in a single S3 bucket, distinguished by prefix. The prefix and slash can be omitted if
       they are not needed: "s3:BUCKET".

       The access and secret keys used to authenticate to Amazon S3 are provided as properties.

       The S3 device driver stores each block in a distinct S3 object. Due to high HTTP overhead for each
       request, use of larger than normal block sizes (> 1 megabyte) is recommended with the S3 device.

       Amanda automatically creates a bucket when writing, if the bucket doesn't already exist. At that time, it
       specifies where Amazon should store the data based on the S3_BUCKET_LOCATION property. If this property
       is not set, Amazon's default value (equivalent to "*") is used. The bucket location has both billing and
       legal concerns, so you are encouraged to consult Amazon's documentation for details.

       Amazon does not permit changes to bucket locations, so this is a permanent specification. If the bucket
       already exists and the property is set, then Amanda checks the property against the location of the
       bucket, and produces an error if they do not match.

           If a location constraint is set, the bucket name must consist only of lower-case letters, numbers,
           dashes, and dots.

       This driver supports the VERBOSE property, but use it carefully -- it produces a great deal of output,
       and may cause spurious failures by filling your debug log partition. Its logging is generally only useful
       for developers chasing down a problem in communications with Amazon's servers.

       Since Amazon storage is unlimited, the device never encounteres EOM, so LEOM detection is trivially
       enabled for this device.

       This driver supports the ENFORCE_MAX_VOLUME_USAGE property. Default value is false. See
       COMMON_PROPERTIES, above.

   Device-Specific Properties
       In addition to the common properties, the S3 device supports the properties listed in this section.

       Most Amanda devices work just fine without any properties, but not the S3 device. A typical S3
       configuration will have an access key and secret key specified:

       device-property "S3_ACCESS_KEY" "27D3B8C6C4E7AA423C2B37C72A0D22C8"
       device-property "S3_SECRET_KEY" "agphc2Q7Zmxragphc2RmO2xragpzZGY7a2xqCgr"


           (read-write) The client_id for oauth2.


           (read-write) The client_secret for oauth2.


           (read-write) Default: yes. If amanda create/delete the bucket.


           (read-write) The refresh-token for oauth2.


           (read-write) Maximum speed, in bytes per second, that this device will receive data from S3.  If the
           average speed exceeds this value, the device will stop reading long enough to bring the average below
           this value.


           (read-write) Maximum speed, in bytes per second, that this device will send data to S3.  If the
           average speed exceeds this value, the device will stop writing long enough to bring the average below
           this value.


           (read-write) If the server support the multi delete protocol (only Amazon S3), default is "YES". If
           it fail, it revert to single delete.


           (read-write) The number of thread that send data to the s3 device, higher value can provide more


           (read-write) The number of thread that read data from the s3 device, higher value can provide more


            (read-write) Deprecated, set "STORAGE_API to "SWIFT-1.0".


            (read-write) The proxy hostname or IP in the format "host[:port]".


           (read-write) The password (for swift v2).


           (read-write) The projectid (for google).


           (read-write) Default: YES. Set it to "NO" if reusing a connection cause some bug, this is sometime
           the case with big block size.


            (read-write) This property gives the Amazon S3 access key used to access the service.


            (read-write) Location constraint for buckets on Amazon S3.  As of this writing, it can be set to "*"
           (US Standard, i.e. lowest-latency choice of US East or West), "us-west-1" (US West, Northern
           California), "EU" (European Union), or "ap-southeast-1" (Asia Pacific).  See :
           http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/general/latest/gr/index.html?rande.html for the most up-to-date


            (read-write) Path to CA certificate to use to verify the identity of the S3 server.  Only applicable
           when SSL/TLS is in use. The certificate should be in PEM format if OpenSSL or GnuTLS is being used
           with libcurl. Multiple certificates can be bundled together simply by concatenating them.  If NSS is
           being used, then it is the directory that the database resides in.  The value is passed to
           curl_easy_setopt(3) as CURLOPT_CAINFO.


           (read-write) The host name to connect, in the form "hostname:port" or "ip:port", default is


           (read-write) This property gives the Amazon S3 secret key used to access the service.


           (read-write) Set to the server side encryption algorithm to use.  There is actually only one
           algorithm, it is "AES256".  The encryption is done by Amazon on their server. See :
           http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/index.html?RESTObjectPUT.html for the most
           up-to-date list.


           (read-write) A path to add at the beginning of the URL.


           (read-write) Storage class for new objects, currently one of "STANDARD" (the default) or
           "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY" (cheaper, but less redundant).  See :
           http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/index.html?DataDurability.html for the most
           up-to-date list.  It can be "DURABLE_REDUCED_AVAILABILITY" for GOOGLE storage.


           (read-write) Whether or not to use SSL/TLS to secure communications with Amazon S3.


            (read-write) Whether or not to use subdomain hostname.


           (read-write) This property specifies the user token for Amanda Enterprise Edition customers.


            (read-write) Which API to use for the cloud:
             S3            Amanzon S3 api
             SWIFT-1.0     Openstack swift v1.0
             SWIFT-2.0     Openstack swift v2.0
             OAUTH2        Google
             CASTOR        Caringo CAStor


           (read-write) The tenant_id (for swift v2).


           (read-write) The tenant_name (for swift v2).


           (read-write) Add a timeout to all transfer to the cloud, default is 0, which is no timeout.


           (read-write) The username (for swift v2).


           (read-write) If true, verbose data about each HTTP transaction is sent to the debug log.

   S3 URL
            SSL &&  SUBDOMAIN:   https://bucket.host/service_path/file
            SSL && !SUBDOMAIN:   https://host/service_path/bucket/file
           !SSL &&  SUBDOMAIN:   http://bucket.host/service_path/file
           !SSL && !SUBDOMAIN:   http://host/service_path/bucket/file

   Tape Device
       tapedev "tape:/dev/nst0"

       The tape device driver interacts with a tape drive. The device uses the operating system's built-in tape
       support, which is generally similar to that available via the command-line utilities dd(1) and mt(1).

       The tape device name should specify a path to the operating system's device file.

       There is no simple way to determine whether a particular system (operating system and tape hardware)
       supports LEOM, so as a safe default the tape device has LEOM detection disabled. However, on modern
       hardware and common operating systems (Linux, *BSD, and Solaris, at least), LEOM support is functional.
       On these systems, enable LEOM by setting the LEOM property to "true" at the appropriate place in the
       Amanda configuration.

   Device-Specific Properties
       Most of these properties are automatically detected, but can be overridden in the configuration file if
       the autodetection fails. Note that tape drives are required to at least support the MTREW (rewind)
       operation; all other operations can be emulated with the MTREW and read data operations.


            (read-write) Set this boolean property if the system's GMT_ONLINE macro gives incorrect results.
           This is currently true for the Linux IDE-TAPE driver.


            (read-write) This boolean property specifies whether the device
            driver may execute the MTBSF operation (backward seek file).


            (read-write) This boolean property specifies whether the device
            driver should execute an MTBSF (backward seek file) operation after
            MTEOM (seek to end of recorded data) in order to append.


            (read-write) This boolean property specifies whether the device
            driver may use the MTBSR operation (backward seek record).


            (read-write) This boolean property specifies whether the device
            driver may use the MTEOM command (seek to end of recorded data).


            (read-write) This integer property gives the number of filemarks that should be written at EOD.  It
           is usually 1 or 2.


            (read-write) This boolean property specifies whether the device driver may use the MTFSF operation
           (forward seek file).


            (read-write) This boolean property specifies whether the device driver needs a FSF to go the next
           file after the filemark is read. Default to "TRUE" on Solaris and "FALSE" on all others machines.


            (read-write) This boolean property specifies whether the device driver may use the MTFSR operation
           (forward seek record).


            (read-write) Set this boolean property to "true" if O_NONBLOCK must be used on the open call.
           Default to "true" on Linux and "false" on all others machines. Without it, Linux wait for a few
           seconds if no tape are loaded. Solaris have strange error it is set to "yes".


            (read-write) This property (previously known as READ_BUFFER_SIZE) specifies the block size that will
           be used for reads; this should be large enough to contain any block that may be read from the device
           (for example, from a tape containing variable-sized blocks), and must be larger than BLOCK_SIZE.
           This property is most often used when overwriting tapes using a new, smaller block size.
            The tapetype parameter READBLOCKSIZE sets this property.  See BLOCK SIZES, above.

   NDMP Device
       tapedev "ndmp:my.filer.com:10000@st1"
       device-property "NDMP_USERNAME" "jimmy"
       device-property "NDMP_PASSWORD" "thelock"

       This device enables Amanda to communicate with a tape service on an NDMP server. The device name
       specifies the hostname and optionally the TCP port of the NDMP server, followed by the name of the tape
       device on the server (st1 in the example above).

       This device supports LEOM detection.

   Device-Specific Properties
       The properties NDMP_USERNAME and NDMP_PASSWORD set the username and password with which to access the
       NDMP server. The default for both is "ndmp".


           (read-write) The default in "yes". You can set it to "no" if the ndmp server allow to set a window
           length to 0.


           (read-write) Authentication method to use to connect to the NDMP server.  One of "md5" (default),
           "text", "none" (for an empty authentication attempt) or "void" (for no authentication attempt at


           (read-write) Password for md5 or text authentications.


           (read-write) Username for md5 or text authentications.


           (read-write) This property specifies the block size that will be used for reads; this should be large
           enough to contain any block that may be read from the device and must be larger than BLOCK_SIZE. See
           BLOCK_SIZES, above.

   VFS Device
       tapedev "file:/path/to/vtape"

       The VFS device driver stores data on a UNIX filesystem. Note that although one typically uses the VFS
       device driver to store data on hard disks, the driver does not interface with any hardware on a block

       The device name specifies a path to a directory which must exist and contain a "data/" subdirectory. Each
       tape file is stored as a distinct file in this directory, the name of which reflects the Amanda header in
       the tape file. Block boundaries are not maintained: the driver supports reads of arbitrary size,
       regardless of the blocksize used to write the data.

       This device supports LEOM detection. LEOM will be indicated when the MAX_VOLUME_USAGE is nearly met, or
       when the filesystem is nearly out of space. The latter circumstance is detected by monitoring the
       available space on the filesystem, and this monitoring can be disabled with the MONITOR_FREE_SPACE
       property. Note that the device cannot detect other circumstances that may cause a write to fail, such as
       a filesystem quota. LEOM detection can be disabled by setting the LEOM property to false.

       This device supports the ENFORCE_MAX_VOLUME_USAGE property. Default value is true. See COMMON PROPERTIES,

   Device-Specific Properties

                 (read-write) This property controls whether the device will monitor       the filesystem's free
           space to detect a full filesystem before an       error occurs, and defaults to true.  The monitoring
           operation works on       most filesystems, but if it causes problems, use this property to
           disable it.

   DVD-RW Device
       tapedev "dvdrw:/var/cache/amanda/dvd-cache:/dev/scd0"
       device-property "DVDRW_MOUNT_POINT" "/media/dvd"
       device-property "DVDRW_KEEP_CACHE" "false"
       device-property "DVDRW_UNLABELLED_WHEN_UNMOUNTABLE" "true"

       The DVD-RW device driver reads and writes optical media such as DVDs and CDs. The device name must
       specify a cache directory for data to be temporarily stored, followed by the operating system name for
       the optical drive. The cache directory must contain a "data/" subdirectory.

       The DVDRW_MOUNT_POINT property is required, and specifies a directory where the optical media can be
       mounted. This directory must be configured to enable non-root users to mount the optical media. On Linux,
       that means a line similar to the following in /etc/fstab:
       /dev/scd0 /media/dvd auto ro,user,noauto 0 0

       Note the "user" option.

       When writing data, the device acts as a VFS device using the given cache directory. On completion of
       writing the tape, the cache directory is written to optical media. The DVDRW_KEEP_CACHE property controls
       whether the cache contents are immediately deleted. When reading, the optical media is first mounted and
       read as a VFS device.

       Attempting to mount unformatted media or media that is formatted but contains no filesystem will usually
       result in an error. The boolean DVDRW_UNLABELLED_WHEN_UNMOUNTABLE property specifies whether media that
       cannot be mounted should be treated as an empty, unlabelled volume when attempting to read the volume
       label. It is necessary to set this property to "true" when labelling such media.

       This device does not support LEOM detection.

   Device-Specific Properties
       commands for writing, mounting and unmounting optical media. The default is to find the programs using
       the PATH environment variable.

       The CDRW device supports all of the properties of the VFS device, as well as the properties given below.
       The DVDRW_MOUNT_POINT property is required. Other properties are optional.


            (read-write) Set this boolean property to "true" if the disk cache directory should be kept after
           successfully writing tape data to optical media. The default is false, which causes the cache
           contents to be deleted immediately after a successful write operation.


            (read-write) This property specifies the filesystem mount point for the optical media. Non-root
           users must be able to mount optical media by invoking "mount" and specifying this mount point.


            (read-write) Treat unmountable media as empty, unlabelled media. This is necessary when attempting
           to label freshly formatted media.


            (read-write) The command to invoke to burn the DVD.


            (read-write) The command to invoke to mount the DVD.


            (read-write) The command to invoke to unmount the DVD.


       amanda(8), amanda.conf(5)

       The Amanda Wiki: : http://wiki.zmanda.com/


       Ian Turner <ian@zmanda.com>
           Zmanda, Inc. (http://www.zmanda.com)

       Dustin J. Mitchell <dustin@zmanda.com>
           Zmanda, Inc. (http://www.zmanda.com)