xenial (7) cmake-generators.7.gz

Provided by: cmake-data_3.5.1-1ubuntu3_all bug


       cmake-generators - CMake Generators Reference


       A  CMake  Generator is responsible for writing the input files for a native build system.  Exactly one of
       the CMake Generators must be selected for a build tree to determine what native build  system  is  to  be
       used.   Optionally  one  of the Extra Generators may be selected as a variant of some of the Command-Line
       Build Tool Generators to produce project files for an auxiliary IDE.

       CMake Generators are platform-specific so each may be available only on certain platforms.  The  cmake(1)
       command-line tool --help output lists available generators on the current platform.  Use its -G option to
       specify the generator for a new build tree.  The cmake-gui(1) offers interactive selection of a generator
       when creating a new build tree.


   Command-Line Build Tool Generators
       These  generators  support  command-line build tools.  In order to use them, one must launch CMake from a
       command-line prompt whose environment is already configured for the chosen compiler and build tool.

   Makefile Generators
   Borland Makefiles
       Generates Borland makefiles.

   MSYS Makefiles
       Generates makefiles for use with MSYS make under the MSYS shell.

       Use this generator in a MSYS shell prompt and using make as the build tool.  The generated makefiles  use
       /bin/sh as the shell to launch build rules.  They are not compatible with a Windows command prompt.

       To build under a Windows command prompt, use the MinGW Makefiles generator.

   MinGW Makefiles
       Generates makefiles for use with mingw32-make under a Windows command prompt.

       Use  this  generator  under a Windows command prompt with MinGW in the PATH and using mingw32-make as the
       build tool.  The generated makefiles use cmd.exe as the shell  to  launch  build  rules.   They  are  not
       compatible with MSYS or a unix shell.

       To build under the MSYS shell, use the MSYS Makefiles generator.

   NMake Makefiles
       Generates NMake makefiles.

   NMake Makefiles JOM
       Generates JOM makefiles.

   Unix Makefiles
       Generates standard UNIX makefiles.

       A hierarchy of UNIX makefiles is generated into the build tree.  Any standard UNIX-style make program can
       build the project through the default make target.  A "make install" target is also provided.

   Watcom WMake
       Generates Watcom WMake makefiles.

   Ninja Generator
       Generates build.ninja files.

       A build.ninja file is generated into the build tree.  Recent versions of the ninja program can build  the
       project through the "all" target.  An "install" target is also provided.

   IDE Build Tool Generators
       These  generators  support  Integrated  Development  Environment  (IDE)  project  files.   Since the IDEs
       configure their own environment one may launch CMake from any environment.

   Visual Studio Generators
   Visual Studio 6
       Deprected.  Generates Visual Studio 6 project files.

          This generator is deprecated and will be removed in a future version  of  CMake.   It  will  still  be
          possible to build with VS 6 tools using the NMake Makefiles generator.

   Visual Studio 7
       Deprected.  Generates Visual Studio .NET 2002 project files.

          This  generator  is  deprecated  and  will  be removed in a future version of CMake.  It will still be
          possible to build with VS 7.0 tools using the NMake Makefiles generator.

   Visual Studio 7 .NET 2003
       Generates Visual Studio .NET 2003 project files.

   Visual Studio 8 2005
       Generates Visual Studio 8 2005 project files.

       The CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM variable may be set to specify a target platform name.

       For compatibility with CMake versions prior to 3.1, one may specify a target platform name optionally  at
       the end of this generator name:

       Visual Studio 8 2005 Win64
              Specify target platform x64.

       Visual Studio 8 2005 <WinCE-SDK>
              Specify target platform matching a Windows CE SDK name.

   Visual Studio 9 2008
       Generates Visual Studio 9 2008 project files.

       The CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM variable may be set to specify a target platform name.

       For  compatibility with CMake versions prior to 3.1, one may specify a target platform name optionally at
       the end of this generator name:

       Visual Studio 9 2008 Win64
              Specify target platform x64.

       Visual Studio 9 2008 IA64
              Specify target platform Itanium.

       Visual Studio 9 2008 <WinCE-SDK>
              Specify target platform matching a Windows CE SDK name.

   Visual Studio 10 2010
       Generates Visual Studio 10 (VS 2010) project files.

       The CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM variable may be set to specify a target platform name.

       For compatibility with CMake versions prior to 3.1, one may specify a target platform name optionally  at
       the end of this generator name:

       Visual Studio 10 2010 Win64
              Specify target platform x64.

       Visual Studio 10 2010 IA64
              Specify target platform Itanium.

       For  compatibility with CMake versions prior to 3.0, one may specify this generator using the name Visual
       Studio 10 without the year component.

   Visual Studio 11 2012
       Generates Visual Studio 11 (VS 2012) project files.

       The CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM variable may be set to specify a target platform name.

       For compatibility with CMake versions prior to 3.1, one may specify a target platform name optionally  at
       the end of this generator name:

       Visual Studio 11 2012 Win64
              Specify target platform x64.

       Visual Studio 11 2012 ARM
              Specify target platform ARM.

       Visual Studio 11 2012 <WinCE-SDK>
              Specify target platform matching a Windows CE SDK name.

       For compatibility with CMake versions prior to 3.0, one may specify this generator using the name "Visual
       Studio 11" without the year component.

   Visual Studio 12 2013
       Generates Visual Studio 12 (VS 2013) project files.

       The CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM variable may be set to specify a target platform name.

       For compatibility with CMake versions prior to 3.1, one may specify a target platform name optionally  at
       the end of this generator name:

       Visual Studio 12 2013 Win64
              Specify target platform x64.

       Visual Studio 12 2013 ARM
              Specify target platform ARM.

       For compatibility with CMake versions prior to 3.0, one may specify this generator using the name "Visual
       Studio 12" without the year component.

   Visual Studio 14 2015
       Generates Visual Studio 14 (VS 2015) project files.

       The CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM variable may be set to specify a target platform name.

       For compatibility with CMake versions prior to 3.1, one may specify a target platform name optionally  at
       the end of this generator name:

       Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64
              Specify target platform x64.

       Visual Studio 14 2015 ARM
              Specify target platform ARM.

   Other Generators
   Green Hills MULTI
       Generates Green Hills MULTI project files (experimental, work-in-progress).

       Customizations are available through the following cache variables:


          This  generator  is  deemed  experimental  as  of CMake 3.5.1 and is still a work in progress.  Future
          versions of CMake may make breaking changes as the generator matures.

       Generate Xcode project files.


       Some of the CMake Generators listed in the cmake(1) command-line tool --help  output  may  have  variants
       that  specify  an  extra  generator  for  an  auxiliary  IDE  tool.   Such  generator names have the form
       <extra-generator> - <main-generator>.  The following extra generators are known to CMake.

       Generates CodeBlocks project files.

       Project files for CodeBlocks will be created in  the  top  directory  and  in  every  subdirectory  which
       features  a  CMakeLists.txt  file  containing a PROJECT() call.  Additionally a hierarchy of makefiles is
       generated into the build tree.  The appropriate make program can build the project  through  the  default
       make target.  A "make install" target is also provided.

       This "extra" generator may be specified as:

       CodeBlocks - MinGW Makefiles
              Generate with MinGW Makefiles.

       CodeBlocks - NMake Makefiles
              Generate with NMake Makefiles.

       CodeBlocks - Ninja
              Generate with Ninja.

       CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles
              Generate with Unix Makefiles.

       Generates CodeLite project files.

       Project  files for CodeLite will be created in the top directory and in every subdirectory which features
       a CMakeLists.txt file containing a PROJECT() call. The appropriate make program  can  build  the  project
       through the default make target.  A "make install" target is also provided.

       This "extra" generator may be specified as:

       CodeLite - MinGW Makefiles
              Generate with MinGW Makefiles.

       CodeLite - NMake Makefiles
              Generate with NMake Makefiles.

       CodeLite - Ninja
              Generate with Ninja.

       CodeLite - Unix Makefiles
              Generate with Unix Makefiles.

   Eclipse CDT4
       Generates Eclipse CDT 4.0 project files.

       Project  files  for  Eclipse  will  be  created  in the top directory.  In out of source builds, a linked
       resource to the top level source directory will be created.  Additionally a  hierarchy  of  makefiles  is
       generated  into  the  build tree.  The appropriate make program can build the project through the default
       make target.  A "make install" target is also provided.

       This "extra" generator may be specified as:

       Eclipse CDT4 - MinGW Makefiles
              Generate with MinGW Makefiles.

       Eclipse CDT4 - NMake Makefiles
              Generate with NMake Makefiles.

       Eclipse CDT4 - Ninja
              Generate with Ninja.

       Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles
              Generate with Unix Makefiles.

       Generates KDevelop 3 project files.

       Project files for KDevelop 3 will be created in  the  top  directory  and  in  every  subdirectory  which
       features  a  CMakeLists.txt  file containing a PROJECT() call.  If you change the settings using KDevelop
       cmake will try its best to keep your  changes  when  regenerating  the  project  files.   Additionally  a
       hierarchy  of  UNIX makefiles is generated into the build tree.  Any standard UNIX-style make program can
       build the project through the default make target.  A "make install" target is also provided.

       This "extra" generator may be specified as:

       KDevelop3 - Unix Makefiles
              Generate with Unix Makefiles.

              Generate with Unix Makefiles.

              For historical reasons this extra generator may be specified directly as the main generator and it
              will be used as the extra generator with Unix Makefiles automatically.

       Generates Kate project files.

       A project file for Kate will be created in the top directory in the top level build directory.  To use it
       in kate, the Project plugin must be enabled.  The project file is loaded in kate simply  by  opening  the
       ProjectName.kateproject  file  in the editor.  If the kate Build-plugin is enabled, all targets generated
       by CMake are available for building.

       This "extra" generator may be specified as:

       Kate - MinGW Makefiles
              Generate with MinGW Makefiles.

       Kate - NMake Makefiles
              Generate with NMake Makefiles.

       Kate - Ninja
              Generate with Ninja.

       Kate - Unix Makefiles
              Generate with Unix Makefiles.

   Sublime Text 2
       Generates Sublime Text 2 project files.

       Project files for Sublime Text 2 will be created in the top directory and  in  every  subdirectory  which
       features  a  CMakeLists.txt  file  containing  a  PROJECT() call.  Additionally Makefiles (or build.ninja
       files) are generated into the build tree.  The appropriate make program can build the project through the
       default make target.  A "make install" target is also provided.

       This "extra" generator may be specified as:

       Sublime Text 2 - MinGW Makefiles
              Generate with MinGW Makefiles.

       Sublime Text 2 - NMake Makefiles
              Generate with NMake Makefiles.

       Sublime Text 2 - Ninja
              Generate with Ninja.

       Sublime Text 2 - Unix Makefiles
              Generate with Unix Makefiles.

       2000-2016 Kitware, Inc.