xenial (7) fors_calib.7.gz

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       fors_calib - Determination of the extraction mask


       esorex fors_calib [OPTIONS] FILE.sof


       This  recipe  is  used  to identify reference lines on LSS, MOS and MXU arc lamp exposures, and trace the
       spectral edges on the corresponding flat field exposures. This  information  is  used  to  determine  the
       spectral  extraction  mask  to  be  applied  in  the scientific data reduction, performed with the recipe

       This recipe accepts both FORS1 and FORS2 frames. The input arc lamp and flat field exposures are  assumed
       to  be  obtained  quasi-simultaneously,  so  that  they would be described by exactly the same instrument

       A line catalog must be specified, containing the wavelengths of the reference arc lamp lines used for the
       wavelength  calibration.  A grism table (typically depending on the instrument mode, and in particular on
       the grism used) may also be specified: this table contains a default recipe parameter setting to  control
       the  way  spectra  are  extracted  for a specific instrument mode, as it is used for automatic run of the
       pipeline on Paranal and in Garching. If this table is  specified,  it  will  modify  the  default  recipe
       parameter  setting,  with  the  exception  of those parameters which have been explicitly modified on the
       command line.

       If a grism table is not specified, the input recipe parameters  values  will  always  be  read  from  the
       command line, or from an esorex configuration file if present, or from their generic default values (that
       are rarely meaningful). Finally a master bias frame must be input to this recipe.

       In the table below the MXU acronym can be read alternatively as  MOS  and  LSS,  with  the  exception  of
       never created. The products SPECTRA_DETECTION_MXU, SLIT_MAP_MXU, and DISP_RESIDUALS_MXU, are just created
       if the --check parameter is set to true. The product GLOBAL_DISTORTION_TABLE is just created if more than
       12 separate spectra are found in the CCD.

       Input files:

         DO category:             Type:       Explanation:         Required:
         SCREEN_FLAT_MXU          Raw         Flat field exposures    Y
         LAMP_MXU                 Raw         Arc lamp exposure       Y
         MASTER_BIAS              Calib       Master Bias frame       Y
         MASTER_LINECAT           Calib       Line catalog            Y
         GRISM_TABLE              Calib       Grism table             .

       Output files:

         DO category:             Data type:  Explanation:
         MASTER_SCREEN_FLAT_MXU   FITS image  Combined (sum) flat field
         MASTER_NORM_FLAT_MXU     FITS image  Normalised flat field
         MAPPED_SCREEN_FLAT_MXU   FITS image  Wavelength calibrated flat field
         MAPPED_NORM_FLAT_MXU     FITS image  Wavelength calibrated normalised flat
         REDUCED_LAMP_MXU         FITS image  Wavelength calibrated arc spectrum
         DISP_COEFF_MXU           FITS table  Inverse dispersion coefficients
         DISP_RESIDUALS_MXU       FITS image  Residuals in wavelength calibration
         DISP_RESIDUALS_TABLE_MXU FITS table  Residuals in wavelength calibration
         DELTA_IMAGE_MXU          FITS image  Offset vs linear wavelength calib
         WAVELENGTH_MAP_MXU       FITS image  Wavelength for each pixel on CCD
         SPECTRA_DETECTION_MXU    FITS image  Check for preliminary detection
         SLIT_MAP_MXU             FITS image  Map of central wavelength on CCD
         CURV_TRACES_MXU          FITS table  Spectral curvature traces
         CURV_COEFF_MXU           FITS table  Spectral curvature coefficients
         SPATIAL_MAP_MXU          FITS image  Spatial position along slit on CCD
         SPECTRAL_RESOLUTION_MXU  FITS table  Resolution at reference arc lines
         DETECTED_LINES_MXU       FITS table  All the lines detected in the arc
         ARC_RECTIFIED_MXU        FITS image  The spatial rectified arc
         SLIT_LOCATION_MXU        FITS table  Slits on product frames and CCD
         GLOBAL_DISTORTION_TABLE  FITS table  Global distortions table
         FLAT_SED_LSS             FITS image  Average SED for each of the slitsi


       --dispersion <float>
              Expected spectral dispersion (Angstrom/pixel) (float; default: 0.0). The full name of this  option
              for the EsoRex configuration file is fors.fors_calib.dispersion [default = 0.0].

       --peakdetection <float>
              Initial peak detection threshold (ADU) (float; default: 0.0). The full name of this option for the
              EsoRex configuration file is fors.fors_calib.peakdetection [default = 0.0].

       --wdegree <long>
              Degree of wavelength calibration polynomial (long; default: 0). The full name of this  option  for
              the EsoRex configuration file is fors.fors_calib.wdegree [default = 0].

       --wradius <long>
              Search  radius  if iterating pattern-matching with first-guess method (long; default: 4). The full
              name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is fors.fors_calib.wradius [default = 4].

       --wreject <float>
              Rejection threshold in dispersion relation fit (pixel) (float; default: 0.7).  The  full  name  of
              this option for the EsoRex configuration file is fors.fors_calib.wreject [default = 0.7].

       --wmode <long>
              Interpolation  mode  of wavelength solution applicable to LSS-like data (0 = no interpolation, 1 =
              fill gaps, 2 = global model) (long; default: 2). The full name  of  this  option  for  the  EsoRex
              configuration file is fors.fors_calib.wmode [default = 2].

       --wmosmode <long>
              Interpolation  mode  of  wavelength solution (0 = no interpolation, 1 = local (slit) solution, 2 =
              global model) (long; default: 0). The full name of this option for the EsoRex  configuration  file
              is fors.fors_calib.wmosmode [default = 0].

       --ignore_lines <str>
              Catalog lines nearest to wavelengths in this list will be ignored for wavelength calibration (str;
              default:  ´´).  The  full  name  of  this  option   for   the   EsoRex   configuration   file   is
              fors.fors_calib.ignore_lines [default = ].

       --used_linesets <str>
              Linesets  to  use.  Valid are ´standard´ and´extended´ (see column LINE_SET in the line catalogue)
              (str; default: ´standard´). The full name of this option for  the  EsoRex  configuration  file  is
              fors.fors_calib.used_linesets [default = standard].

       --cdegree <long>
              Degree  of spectral curvature polynomial (long; default: -1). The full name of this option for the
              EsoRex configuration file is fors.fors_calib.cdegree [default = -1].

       --cmode <long>
              Interpolation mode of curvature solution applicable to MOS-like data (0 = no  interpolation,  1  =
              fill  gaps,  2  =  global  model)  (long; default: 1). The full name of this option for the EsoRex
              configuration file is fors.fors_calib.cmode [default = 1].

       --startwavelength <float>
              Start wavelength in spectral extraction (float; default: 0.0). The full name of  this  option  for
              the EsoRex configuration file is fors.fors_calib.startwavelength [default = 0.0].

       --endwavelength <float>
              End  wavelength in spectral extraction (float; default: 0.0). The full name of this option for the
              EsoRex configuration file is fors.fors_calib.endwavelength [default = 0.0].

       --slit_ident <bool>
              Attempt slit identification for MOS or MXU (bool; default: True). The full name of this option for
              the EsoRex configuration file is fors.fors_calib.slit_ident [default = True].

       --stack_method <str>
              Frames  combination  method  (str;  default:  ´sum´).  The full name of this option for the EsoRex
              configuration file is fors.fors_calib.stack_method [default = sum].

       --ksigma <str>
              Low and high threshold in ksigma method (str; default: ´-3.0,3.0´). The full name of  this  option
              for the EsoRex configuration file is fors.fors_calib.ksigma [default = -3.0,3.0].

       --kiter <long>
              Max  number  of iterations in ksigma method (long; default: 999). The full name of this option for
              the EsoRex configuration file is fors.fors_calib.kiter [default = 999].

       --s_degree <long>
              Polynomial degree for the flat field fitting along spatial direction (long; default: -1). The full
              name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is fors.fors_calib.s_degree [default = -1].

       --sradius <long>
              Smooth  box  radius  for  flat field along spatial direction (used if s_knots < 0) (long; default:
              10). The full name of this option for the EsoRex  configuration  file  is  fors.fors_calib.sradius
              [default = 10].

       --d_nknots <long>
              Number  of knots in flat field fitting splines along dispersion direction (long; default: -1). The
              full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is fors.fors_calib.d_nknots [default  =

       --dradius <long>
              Smooth  box radius for flat field along dispersion direction (if d_knots < 0) (long; default: 10).
              The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is fors.fors_calib.dradius [default
              = 10].

       --fit_threshold <float>
              Threshold  percentage  for  flat spline fittingwith respect to the maximum (float; default: 0.01).
              The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration  file  is  fors.fors_calib.fit_threshold
              [default = 0.01].

       --nonlinear_level <float>
              Level  above  which  the  detector  is not linear (float; default: 60000.0). The full name of this
              option for the EsoRex configuration file is fors.fors_calib.nonlinear_level [default = 60000.0].

       --max_nonlinear_ratio <float>
              Maximum allowed ratio of non-linear pixels per slit (float; default: 0.2). The full name  of  this
              option for the EsoRex configuration file is fors.fors_calib.max_nonlinear_ratio [default = 0.2].

       Note  that  it  is  possible to create a configuration file containing these options, along with suitable
       default values. Please refer to the details provided by the 'esorex --help' command.


       The full documentation for the fors pipeline can be downloaded as a PDF file using the following URL:


       An   overview   over   the   existing   ESO   pipelines    can    be    found    on    the    web    page

       Basic documentation about the EsoRex program can be found at the esorex (1) man page.

       It   is   possible   to   call   the   pipelines   from   python   using  the  python-cpl  package.   See
       http://packages.python.org/python-cpl/index.html for further information.

       The other recipes of  the  fors  pipeline  are  fors_align_sky(7),  fors_align_sky_lss(7),  fors_bias(7),
       fors_config(7),    fors_dark(7),    fors_detect_objects(7),    fors_detect_spectra(7),   fors_extract(7),
       fors_extract_objects(7),       fors_extract_slits(7),       fors_flatfield(7),       fors_img_science(7),
       fors_img_screen_flat(7),      fors_img_sky_flat(7),      fors_normalise_flat(7),      fors_photometry(7),
       fors_pmos_calib(7), fors_pmos_extract(7),  fors_pmos_science(7),  fors_remove_bias(7),  fors_resample(7),
       fors_science(7),  fors_spec_mflat(7),  fors_subtract_sky(7),  fors_subtract_sky_lss(7),  fors_sumflux(7),
       fors_trace_flat(7),   fors_wave_calib(7),   fors_wave_calib_lss(7),   fors_zeropoint(7),   montecarlo(7),


       fors_calib 5.1.4


       Carlo Izzo <usd-help@eso.org>


       Please  report  any  problems  to  usd-help@eso.org. Alternatively, you may send a report to the ESO User
       Support Department <usd-help@eso.org>.


       This file is currently part of the FORS Instrument Pipeline Copyright  (C)  2002-2010  European  Southern

       This  program  is  free  software;  you  can  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
       General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,  or
       (at your option) any later version.

       This  program  is  distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
       the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU  General  Public
       License for more details.

       You  should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write
       to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA