xenial (7) muse_scibasic.7.gz

Provided by: cpl-plugin-muse-doc_1.2.1+dfsg-2_all bug


       muse_scibasic  -  Remove  the  instrumental  signature from the data of each CCD and convert them from an
       image into a pixel table.


       esorex muse_scibasic [OPTIONS] FILE.sof


       Processing handles each raw input image separately: it trims  the  raw  data  and  records  the  overscan
       statistics,  subtracts the bias (taking account of the overscan, if --overscan is not &none&), optionally
       detects cosmic rays (note that by default cosmic ray rejection is handled in the post processing  recipes
       while  the  data is reformatted into a datacube, so that the default setting is cr=&none& here), converts
       the images from adu to count, subtracts the dark, divides by the flat-field, and (optionally)  propagates
       the integrated flux value from the twilight-sky cube. [For special cases, users can choose to combine all
       input files at the image level, so that the pixel table is only created once, for the combined data. This
       is  not  recommended  for  science  data,  where  the  combination should take place after correcting for
       atmospheric effects, before the creation of the  final  cube.]  The  reduced  image  is  then  saved  (if
       --saveimage=true).  The  input calibrations geometry table, trace table, and wavelength calibration table
       are used to assign 3D coordinates to each CCD-based pixel,  thereby  creating  a  pixel  table  for  each
       exposure.  If  --skylines  contains one or more wavelengths for (bright and isolated) sky emission lines,
       these lines are used to correct the wavelength calibration using an offset. The data is  then  cut  to  a
       useful  wavelength  range  (if  --crop=true). If an ILLUM exposure was given as input, it is then used to
       correct the relative illumination between all slices of one IFU. For this, the  data  of  each  slice  is
       multiplied  by  the normalized median flux of that slice in the ILLUM exposure. As last step, the data is
       divided by the normalized twilight cube (if given), using the 3D coordinate of each pixel  in  the  pixel
       table  to  interpolate  the  twilight  correction  onto  the  data. This pre-reduced pixel table for each
       exposure is then saved to disk.


       --nifu <long>
              IFU to handle. If set to 0, all IFUs are processed serially. If set to -1, all IFUs are  processed
              in parallel. (long; default: 0). The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is
              muse.muse_scibasic.nifu [default = 0].

       --overscan <str>
              If this is "none", stop when detecting discrepant overscan levels (see ovscsigma), for "offset" it
              assumes  that  the  mean  overscan  level  represents  the  real  offset in the bias levels of the
              exposures involved, and adjusts the data accordingly; for "vpoly", a  polynomial  is  fit  to  the
              vertical  overscan  and subtracted from the whole quadrant. (str; default: ´vpoly´). The full name
              of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is muse.muse_scibasic.overscan [default = vpoly].

       --ovscreject <str>
              This influences how values are rejected when computing overscan statistics. Either no rejection at
              all  ("none"), rejection using the DCR algorithm ("dcr"), or rejection using an iterative constant
              fit ("fit"). (str; default: ´dcr´). The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file
              is muse.muse_scibasic.ovscreject [default = dcr].

       --ovscsigma <float>
              If  the  deviation  of  mean  overscan levels between a raw input image and the reference image is
              higher than |ovscsigma x stdev|, stop the processing. If overscan="vpoly", this is used  as  sigma
              rejection  level  for  the  iterative polynomial fit (the level comparison is then done afterwards
              with |100 x stdev| to guard against incompatible settings).  Has no effect for  overscan="offset".
              (float;  default:  30.0).  The  full  name  of  this  option  for the EsoRex configuration file is
              muse.muse_scibasic.ovscsigma [default = 30.0].

       --ovscignore <long>
              The number of pixels of the overscan adjacent to the data region of the CCD that are ignored  when
              computing  statistics  or  fits.  (long;  default: 3). The full name of this option for the EsoRex
              configuration file is muse.muse_scibasic.ovscignore [default = 3].

       --crop <bool>
              Automatically crop the output  pixel  tables  in  wavelength  depending  on  the  expected  useful
              wavelength  range  of  the  observation  mode used (4750-9350 Angstrom for nominal mode, 4600-9350
              Angstrom for extended mode). (bool; default: True). The full name of this option  for  the  EsoRex
              configuration file is muse.muse_scibasic.crop [default = True].

       --cr <str>
              Type  of cosmic ray cleaning to use (for quick-look data processing).  (str; default: ´none´). The
              full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file  is  muse.muse_scibasic.cr  [default  =

       --xbox <long>
              Search  box  size in x. Only used if cr=dcr. (long; default: 15). The full name of this option for
              the EsoRex configuration file is muse.muse_scibasic.xbox [default = 15].

       --ybox <long>
              Search box size in y. Only used if cr=dcr. (long; default: 40). The full name of this  option  for
              the EsoRex configuration file is muse.muse_scibasic.ybox [default = 40].

       --passes <long>
              Maximum  number of cleaning passes. Only used if cr=dcr. (long; default: 2). The full name of this
              option for the EsoRex configuration file is muse.muse_scibasic.passes [default = 2].

       --thres <float>
              Threshold for detection gap in factors  of  standard  deviation.  Only  used  if  cr=dcr.  (float;
              default:   5.8).   The   full   name   of  this  option  for  the  EsoRex  configuration  file  is
              muse.muse_scibasic.thres [default = 5.8].

       --combine <str>
              Type of combination to use. Note that in most cases, science exposures cannot easily  be  combined
              on  the CCD level, so this should usually be kept as "none"! This does not pay attention about the
              type of input data, and will combine all raw inputs! (str; default: ´none´). The full name of this
              option for the EsoRex configuration file is muse.muse_scibasic.combine [default = none].

       --nlow <long>
              Number  of  minimum  pixels to reject with minmax (long; default: 1). The full name of this option
              for the EsoRex configuration file is muse.muse_scibasic.nlow [default = 1].

       --nhigh <long>
              Number of maximum pixels to reject with minmax (long; default: 1). The full name  of  this  option
              for the EsoRex configuration file is muse.muse_scibasic.nhigh [default = 1].

       --nkeep <long>
              Number  of  pixels  to  keep  with minmax (long; default: 1). The full name of this option for the
              EsoRex configuration file is muse.muse_scibasic.nkeep [default = 1].

       --lsigma <float>
              Low sigma for pixel rejection with sigclip (float; default: 3.0). The full name of this option for
              the EsoRex configuration file is muse.muse_scibasic.lsigma [default = 3.0].

       --hsigma <float>
              High  sigma  for  pixel rejection with sigclip (float; default: 3.0). The full name of this option
              for the EsoRex configuration file is muse.muse_scibasic.hsigma [default = 3.0].

       --scale <bool>
              Scale the individual images to a common exposure  time  before  combining  them.  (bool;  default:
              True).  The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is muse.muse_scibasic.scale
              [default = True].

       --saveimage <bool>
              Save the pre-processed CCD-based image of each input exposure before  it  is  transformed  into  a
              pixel table. (bool; default: True). The full name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file
              is muse.muse_scibasic.saveimage [default = True].

       --skylines <str>
              List of wavelengths of sky emission lines (in Angstrom) to use as reference for wavelength  offset
              correction  using  a  Gaussian  fit.  It can contain multiple (isolated) lines, as comma-separated
              list, individual shifts are then combined into one weighted average  offset.   Set  to  "none"  to
              deactivate.  (str;  default:  ´5577.339,6300.304´).  The  full  name of this option for the EsoRex
              configuration file is muse.muse_scibasic.skylines [default = 5577.339,6300.304].

       --skyhalfwidth <float>
              Half-width of the extraction box (in Angstrom) around each sky  emission  line.  (float;  default:
              5.0).    The    full    name   of   this   option   for   the   EsoRex   configuration   file   is
              muse.muse_scibasic.skyhalfwidth [default = 5.0].

       --skybinsize <float>
              Size of the bins (in Angstrom per pixel) for the intermediate spectrum to do the Gaussian  fit  to
              each  sky  emission  line.  (float;  default:  0.1).  The  full name of this option for the EsoRex
              configuration file is muse.muse_scibasic.skybinsize [default = 0.1].

       --resample <bool>
              Resample the input science data into 2D spectral images using tracing and  wavelength  calibration
              solutions  for  a visual check. Note that the image produced will show small wiggles even when the
              input calibrations are good and were applied successfully! (bool; default: False). The  full  name
              of this option for the EsoRex configuration file is muse.muse_scibasic.resample [default = False].

       --dlambda <float>
              Wavelength  step  (in  Angstrom per pixel) to use for resampling. (float; default: 1.25). The full
              name of this option for the EsoRex configuration file  is  muse.muse_scibasic.dlambda  [default  =

       --merge <bool>
              Merge  output  products  from  different IFUs into a common file. (bool; default: False). The full
              name of this option for the EsoRex  configuration  file  is  muse.muse_scibasic.merge  [default  =

       Note  that  it  is  possible to create a configuration file containing these options, along with suitable
       default values. Please refer to the details provided by the 'esorex --help' command.


       The full documentation for the muse pipeline can be downloaded as a PDF file using the following URL:


       An   overview   over   the   existing   ESO   pipelines    can    be    found    on    the    web    page

       Basic documentation about the EsoRex program can be found at the esorex (1) man page.

       It   is   possible   to   call   the   pipelines   from   python   using  the  python-cpl  package.   See
       http://packages.python.org/python-cpl/index.html for further information.

       The  other  recipes  of  the  muse   pipeline   are   muse_ampl(7),   muse_astrometry(7),   muse_bias(7),
       muse_create_sky(7), muse_dark(7), muse_exp_align(7), muse_exp_combine(7), muse_flat(7), muse_geometry(7),
       muse_lsf(7),         muse_qi_mask(7),         muse_scipost(7),          muse_scipost_apply_astrometry(7),
       muse_scipost_calibrate_flux(7),      muse_scipost_combine_pixtables(7),      muse_scipost_correct_dar(7),
       muse_scipost_correct_rv(7),           muse_scipost_make_cube(7),            muse_scipost_subtract_sky(7),
       muse_scipost_subtract_sky_simple(7), muse_standard(7), muse_twilight(7), muse_wavecal(7)


       muse_scibasic 1.2.1


       Peter Weilbacher <usd-help@eso.org>


       Please  report  any  problems  to  usd-help@eso.org. Alternatively, you may send a report to the ESO User
       Support Department <usd-help@eso.org>.


       This file is part of the MUSE Instrument Pipeline Copyright (C) 2005, 2015 European Southern Observatory

       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  it  under  the  terms  of  the  GNU
       General  Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
       (at your option) any later version.

       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY  WARRANTY;  without  even
       the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
       License for more details.

       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,  write
       to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA