xenial (7) wicked.7.gz

Provided by: awesome-extra_2012061101_all bug


       wicked - a lua library for dynamic widgets in awesome




       wicked is a library, written in lua, for easy creation and management of dynamic awesome statusbar
       widgets, from the rc.lua configuration file.


       To use wicked, put require("wicked") at the top of your rc.lua, from then on, create your widgets as
       normal and call wicked.register() to register them to wicked.

       wicked.register(widget, widget_type, format, update_interval, data_field, padding)


       Use the widget created by widget for this argument.


       Enter one of the possible widget type functions or a customised one here, see the WIDGET TYPES section.


       Format can be either a string argument where $1,$2,$3,etc. will be replaced by their respective values,
       or a function called with the arguments (widget, arguments), arguments being a table of the values
       otherwise inserted into the string, if it is a function, its return value will be used to populate the
       widget. Note that some widget types might not need or use this parameter.


       The amount of seconds it waits between updating this widget, defaults to 1.


       If you want to feed the data into a graph or progressbar, put the bar or plot name you want to use in


       To prevent widgets jumping about your statusbar all the time, you can specify a padding value here, the
       number given here represents the minimum amount of digits that the widget’s output has to contain (ie
       specifying 2 padds values under 10 with one zero, specifying 3 padds values under 100 with one zero and
       values under 10 with two zeros, etc) If the widget type supports it, you can specify a table with
       different numbers, the first number being the padding for the first value the type would return, the
       second number for the second value, etc.


       The following functions are also provided by wicked.

       wicked.unregister(widget, keep)

       Unregister all updates associated with a widget. Keep is optional (defaults to false), and if true, the
       widget will only be suspended, ready to be reactivated by the activate function later.


       Suspend all widget updates, useful if you are running in low-power mode and want to save battery for a


       Restarts all widgets that were suspended either from wicked.suspend(), or by calling wicked.unregister()
       with keep=true. Widget is optional, if given, only that widget will be activated, defaults to all


       wicked.register() and wicked.unregister() both return a reg object, this contains information about the
       widget and the updates that should be sent to it, you can pass this reg object into regregister after
       unregistering it, and it will be reregistered (or activated if it was only suspended).


       Enable caching of the values returned by a custom widget_type. Note that all widget_type functions
       included in wicked already have caching enabled by default.


       Widget types consist of functions that take the "format" argument given to wicked.register as the first
       argument, the "padding" argument as the second, and return a table of values to insert in the format
       string, creators of custom widget types should note that the format argument may be a function as well as
       a string.

       For backwards compatibility purposes, if a string X is given as widget_type, it will use
       'wicked.widgets.X' as the widget type.


       The date widget type uses the output of the `os.date` command to populate the widget, if format is given,
       it will be passed as the FORMAT argument to `os.date`.


       The cpu widget type outputs the current cpu usage in percentages, calculated over the duration of it’s
       update_interval. Use $1 inside the format string to display the total usage percentage, $2 to show it for
       your first cpu core only, $3 for the second core, etc.


       The memory widget type outputs four things, $1 will be replaced with the current memory usage in
       percentages, $2 will be replaced with the total used memory in Mb, $3 with the total amount memory
       available to the system, and $4 with the amount of free memory.


       The swap widget type outputs the same values as the memory widget type, about the amount of swap in


       The mpd widget type outputs the song currently playing on the music player daemon, note that the `mpc`
       application needs to be installed and configured in order to use this.


       The mocp widget type outputs the song currently playing on the mocp server. Use $1 inside the format
       string to display the current song. A maxlength can be given to the wicked.register() function which will
       cut the songname in two when exeeded and displays the first and last part. A typical functioncall looks
       like this: wicked.register(mocpwidget, 'mocp', 'MOC: $1', 1, nil, 50). Here 50 is the max amount of
       characters displayed of $1.


       The fs widget type can display size and usage information about currently mounted filesystems, use
       ${mountpoint datatype} inside the format string to display that data, e.g. ${/ avail} displays the free
       space on the partition mounted on /. Available datatypes are 'used', 'size', 'usep' (Usage in %) and


       The net widget type displays usage information about your networks, in the format string, ${interface
       type} will be replaced with with that value, possible types are: rx, tx, up, down. You can suffix the
       type with _b, _kb, _mb or _gb, to display the information in those units.


       The uptime widget type displays information about how long your machine has been on (or "up"). Use $1 for
       the total number of seconds up, $2 for the number of days, $3 for the number of hours, $4 for the number
       of minutes and $5 for the number of seconds.


       You can create your own custom widgets easily, an example of a widget that returns the output of a
       specific command is:

           mywidget = widget({
               type = 'textbox',
               name = 'mywidget'

           function run_script()
              local filedescriptor = io.popen('my_nifty_script.py')
              local value = filedescriptor:read()

              return {value}

           -- Runs 'my_nifty_script.py' every 10 seconds and puts its output into the widget
           wicked.register(mywidget, run_script, "$1", 10)

       As you can see, the type function returns a table of values to insert into the format string, the first
       value in the table will be used in place of $1, the second in place of $2, etc.

       If you want to register the same function multiple times, it is a good idea to enable caching so that
       your function is only called once in each interval. To do this call the enable_caching function like so:



       You can use a function instead of a string as the format parameter, with this, you are able to check the
       value returned by wicked and change the output accordingly. The format function will get the widget as
       its first argument, and a table with the values otherwise inserted into the format string as its second
       argument, and should return the text to be used for the widget.

       An example that uses a format function in order to hide the mpd widget when there is no song playing:

           mpdwidget = widget({
               type = 'textbox',
               name = 'mpdwidget'

           wicked.register(mpdwidget, wicked.widgets.mpd,
               function (widget, args)
                   if args[1]:find("volume:") == nil then
                       return ' <span color="white">Now Playing:</span> '..args[1]
                       return ''


       Put these snippets into your rc.lua (usually located at ~/.config/awesome/rc.lua) to see what they do,
       don’t forget to add the widgets to your statusbar.

       A simple 'Now Playing' widget

           mpdwidget = widget({
               type = 'textbox',
               name = 'mpdwidget'

           wicked.register(mpdwidget, wicked.widgets.mpd,
               ' <span color="white">Now Playing:</span> $1')

       A memory usage monitor, with padding

           memwidget = widget({
               type = 'textbox',
               name = 'memwidget'

           wicked.register(memwidget, wicked.widgets.mem,
               ' <span color="white">Memory:</span> $1 ($2Mb/$3Mb)',
               {2, 4, 4})

       A filesystem usage indicator

           fswidget = widget({
               type = 'textbox',
               name = 'fswidget'

           wicked.register(fswidget, wicked.widgets.fs,
               ' <span color="white">FS:</span> ${/ used}/${/ size} (${/ usep} used)', 120)

       A network interface monitor (for eth0)

           netwidget = widget({
               type = 'textbox',
               name = 'netwidget'

           wicked.register(netwidget, wicked.widgets.net,
               ' <span color="white">NET</span>: ${eth0 down} / ${eth0 up} [ ${eth0 rx} // ${eth0 tx} ]')


       awesome(1) awesomerc(5)


       Lucas de Vries <lucas@glacicle.com[1]>


        1. lucas@glacicle.com

                                                   06/12/2012                                          WICKED(7)