Provided by: ovn-common_2.5.9-0ubuntu0.16.04.3_amd64 bug


       ovn-sbctl - utility for querying and configuring OVN_Southbound database


       ovn-sbctl [options] -- [options] command [args] [-- [options] command [args]]...


       The  command  should  only  be  used  for  advanced  debugging  and troubleshooting of the OVN_Southbound
       database; and should never be used in normal operation.

       The ovn-sbctl program configures the OVN_Southbound database by providing a high-level interface  to  its
       configuration database.  See ovn-sb(5) for comprehensive documentation of the database schema.

       ovn-sbctl  connects  to  an ovsdb-server process that maintains an OVN_Southbound configuration database.
       Using this connection, it queries and possibly applies changes to the database, depending on the supplied

       ovn-sbctl  can perform any number of commands in a single run, implemented as a single atomic transaction
       against the database.

       The ovn-sbctl command line begins with global options  (see  OPTIONS  below  for  details).   The  global
       options  are followed by one or more commands.  Each command should begin with -- by itself as a command-
       line argument, to separate it from  the  following  commands.   (The  --  before  the  first  command  is
       optional.)  The command itself starts with command-specific options, if any, followed by the command name
       and any arguments.


       The following options affect the behavior of ovn-sbctl as a whole.  Some individual commands also  accept
       their  own  options,  which  are given just before the command name.  If the first command on the command
       line has options, then those options must be separated from the global options by --.

              The OVSDB database remote to contact.  If the OVN_SB_DB environment variable is set, its value  is
              used  as  the  default.   Otherwise,  the  default  is unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock, but this
              default is unlikely to be useful outside of single-machine OVN test environments.

              server must take one of the following forms:

                     The specified SSL port on the host at the given ip,  which  must  be  expressed  as  an  IP
                     address  (not  a  DNS name) in IPv4 or IPv6 address format.  If ip is an IPv6 address, then
                     wrap ip with square brackets, e.g.: ssl:[::1]:6640.  The --private-key, --certificate,  and
                     --ca-cert options are mandatory when this form is used.

                     Connect to the given TCP port on ip, where ip can be IPv4 or IPv6 address. If ip is an IPv6
                     address, then wrap ip with square brackets, e.g.: tcp:[::1]:6640.

                     On POSIX, connect to the Unix domain server socket named file.

                     On Windows, connect to a localhost TCP port whose value is written in file.

                     Listen on the given SSL port for a connection.  By default, connections are not bound to  a
                     particular  local  IP  address  and  it  listens only on IPv4 (but not IPv6) addresses, but
                     specifying ip limits connections to those from the given ip, either IPv4 or  IPv6  address.
                     If  ip  is  an IPv6 address, then wrap ip with square brackets, e.g.: pssl:6640:[::1].  The
                     --private-key, --certificate, and --ca-cert options are mandatory when this form is used.

                     Listen on the given TCP port for a connection.  By default, connections are not bound to  a
                     particular  local  IP  address and it listens only on IPv4 (but not IPv6) addresses, but ip
                     may be specified to listen only for connections to  the  given  ip,  either  IPv4  or  IPv6
                     address.    If   ip  is  an  IPv6  address,  then  wrap  ip  with  square  brackets,  e.g.:

                     On POSIX, listen on the Unix domain server socket named file for a connection.

                     On Windows, listen on a kernel chosen TCP port on the localhost. The kernel chosen TCP port
                     value is written in file.

              By  default,  ovn-sbctl  logs  its  arguments  and the details of any changes that it makes to the
              system log.  This option disables this logging.

              This option is equivalent to --verbose=sbctl:syslog:warn.

              Modifies the output format so that the output for each command is printed on a single line.   New-
              line characters that would otherwise separate lines are printed as \n, and any instances of \ that
              would otherwise appear in the output are doubled.  Prints a blank line for each command  that  has
              no  output.   This option does not affect the formatting of output from the list or find commands;
              see Table Formatting Options below.

              Prevents ovn-sbctl from actually modifying the database.

       -t secs
              By default, or with a secs of 0, ovn-sbctl waits forever for a response from the  database.   This
              option  limits runtime to approximately secs seconds.  If the timeout expires, ovn-sbctl will exit
              with a SIGALRM signal.  (A timeout would normally happen only if the database cannot be contacted,
              or if the system is overloaded.)

   Table Formatting Options
       These options control the format of output from the list and find commands.

       -f format
              Sets the type of table formatting.  The following types of format are available:

              table (default)
                     2-D text tables with aligned columns.

              list   A list with one column per line and rows separated by a blank line.

              html   HTML tables.

              csv    Comma-separated values as defined in RFC 4180.

              json   JSON  format  as  defined  in  RFC 4627.  The output is a sequence of JSON objects, each of
                     which corresponds to one table.  Each JSON object has the following members with the  noted

                            The table's caption.  This member is omitted if the table has no caption.

                            An  array  with one element per table column.  Each array element is a string giving
                            the corresponding column's heading.

                     data   An array with one element per table row.  Each element is also  an  array  with  one
                            element  per  table  column.   The elements of this second-level array are the cells
                            that constitute the table.  Cells that  represent  OVSDB  data  or  data  types  are
                            expressed in the format described in the OVSDB specification; other cells are simply
                            expressed as text strings.

       -d format
              Sets the formatting for cells within output tables.  The following types of format are available:

              string (default)
                     The simple format described in the Database Values section of ovs-vsctl(8).

              bare   The simple format with punctuation stripped off: [] and {} are omitted around  sets,  maps,
                     and  empty  columns,  items within sets and maps are space-separated, and strings are never
                     quoted.  This format may be easier for scripts to parse.

              json   JSON.

              The json output format always outputs cells in JSON format, ignoring this option.

              This option suppresses the heading row that otherwise appears in the first row of table output.

              By default, JSON in output is printed as compactly as possible.  This option causes JSON in output
              to  be  printed in a more readable fashion.  Members of objects and elements of arrays are printed
              one per line, with indentation.

              This option does not affect JSON in tables, which is always printed compactly.

       --bare Equivalent to --format=list --data=bare --no-headings.


       The commands implemented by ovn-sbctl are described in the sections below.

   OVN_Southbound Commands
       These commands work with an OVN_Southbound database as a whole.

       show   Prints a brief overview of the database contents.

   Chassis Commands
       These commands manipulate OVN_Southbound chassis.

       [--may-exist] chassis-add chassis encap-type encap-ip
              Creates a new chassis named chassis.  encap-type is a comma-separated list of tunnel  types.   The
              chassis  will have one encap entry for each specified tunnel type with encap-ip as the destination
              IP for each.

              Without --may-exist, attempting to create a chassis that exists is an  error.   With  --may-exist,
              this command does nothing if chassis already exists.

       [--if-exists] chassis-del chassis
              Deletes chassis and its encaps and gateway_ports.

              Without  --if-exists,  attempting  to  delete  a  chassis  that  does not exist is an error.  With
              --if-exists, attempting to delete a chassis that does not exist has no effect.

   Port binding Commands
       These commands manipulate OVN_Southbound port bindings.

       [--may-exist] lport-bind logical-port chassis
              Binds the logical port named logical-port to chassis.

              Without --may-exist, attempting to bind a logical port that has already been bound  is  an  error.
              With --may-exist, this command does nothing if logical-port has already been bound to a chassis.

       [--if-exists] lport-unbind logical-port
              Resets the binding of logical-port to NULL.

              Without  --if-exists,  attempting  to  unbind  a logical port that is not bound is an error.  With
              --if-exists, attempting to unbind logical port that is not bound has no effect.

   Logical Flow Commands
       lflow-list [logical-datapath]
              List logical flows. If logical-datapath is specified, only list flows for that logical datapath.

       dump-flows [logical-datapath]
              Alias for lflow-list.

     Database Values

       Each column in the database accepts a fixed type of data.  The currently defined basic types,  and  their
       representations, are:

              A decimal integer in the range -2**63 to 2**63-1, inclusive.

       real   A floating-point number.

              True or false, written true or false, respectively.

       string An arbitrary Unicode string, except that null bytes are not allowed.  Quotes are optional for most
              strings that begin with an English letter or underscore and consist only of letters,  underscores,
              hyphens,  and  periods.   However,  true and false and strings that match the syntax of UUIDs (see
              below) must be enclosed in double quotes to distinguish them from other basic types.  When  double
              quotes  are  used,  the  syntax is that of strings in JSON, e.g. backslashes may be used to escape
              special characters.  The empty string must be represented as a pair of double quotes ("").

       UUID   Either   a   universally   unique   identifier    in    the    style    of    RFC    4122,    e.g.
              f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6,  or  an  @name defined by a get or create command within the
              same ovn-sbctl invocation.

       Multiple values in a single column may be separated by spaces or a single comma.   When  multiple  values
       are  present,  duplicates are not allowed, and order is not important.  Conversely, some database columns
       can have an empty set of values, represented as [], and square brackets may optionally enclose other non-
       empty sets or single values as well.

       A  few  database columns are ``maps'' of key-value pairs, where the key and the value are each some fixed
       database type.  These are specified in the form key=value, where key and value follow the syntax for  the
       column's  key type and value type, respectively.  When multiple pairs are present (separated by spaces or
       a comma), duplicate keys are not allowed, and again the order is not  important.   Duplicate  values  are
       allowed.   An empty map is represented as {}.  Curly braces may optionally enclose non-empty maps as well
       (but use quotes to prevent the shell from expanding other-config={0=x,1=y} into  other-config=0=x  other-
       config=1=y, which may not have the desired effect).

     Database Command Syntax

       [--if-exists] [--columns=column[,column]...] list table [record]...
              Lists  the  data  in each specified record.  If no records are specified, lists all the records in

              If --columns is specified, only  the  requested  columns  are  listed,  in  the  specified  order.
              Otherwise, all columns are listed, in alphabetical order by column name.

              Without --if-exists, it is an error if any specified record does not exist.  With --if-exists, the
              command ignores any record that does not exist, without producing any output.

       [--columns=column[,column]...] find table [column[:key]=value]...
              Lists the data in each record in table whose column equals value or, if key  is  specified,  whose
              column  contains  a  key with the specified value.  The following operators may be used where = is
              written in the syntax summary:

              = != < > <= >=
                     Selects records in which column[:key] equals, does not equal,  is  less  than,  is  greater
                     than, is less than or equal to, or is greater than or equal to value, respectively.

                     Consider  column[:key] and value as sets of elements.  Identical sets are considered equal.
                     Otherwise, if the sets have different numbers of elements, then the set with more  elements
                     is  considered  to  be  larger.   Otherwise,  consider a element from each set pairwise, in
                     increasing order within each set.  The first pair that differs determines the result.  (For
                     a  column  that  contains  key-value pairs, first all the keys are compared, and values are
                     considered only if the two sets contain identical keys.)

              {=} {!=}
                     Test for set equality or inequality, respectively.

              {<=}   Selects records  in  which  column[:key]  is  a  subset  of  value.   For  example,  flood-
                     vlans{<=}1,2 selects records in which the flood-vlans column is the empty set or contains 1
                     or 2 or both.

              {<}    Selects records in which column[:key] is a proper subset of  value.   For  example,  flood-
                     vlans{<}1,2  selects records in which the flood-vlans column is the empty set or contains 1
                     or 2 but not both.

              {>=} {>}
                     Same as {<=} and {<}, respectively, except that the relationship is reversed.  For example,
                     flood-vlans{>=}1,2 selects records in which the flood-vlans column contains both 1 and 2.

              For  arithmetic operators (= != < > <= >=), when key is specified but a particular record's column
              does not contain key, the record is always omitted from the results.  Thus, the  condition  other-
              config:mtu!=1500  matches  records that have a mtu key whose value is not 1500, but not those that
              lack an mtu key.

              For the set operators, when key is specified but a particular record's  column  does  not  contain
              key,  the  comparison  is done against an empty set.  Thus, the condition other-config:mtu{!=}1500
              matches records that have a mtu key whose value is not 1500 and those that lack an mtu key.

              Don't forget to escape < or > from interpretation by the shell.

              If --columns is specified, only  the  requested  columns  are  listed,  in  the  specified  order.
              Otherwise all columns are listed, in alphabetical order by column name.

              The UUIDs shown for rows created in the same ovn-sbctl invocation will be wrong.

       [--if-exists] [--id=@name] get table record [column[:key]]...
              Prints  the  value  of each specified column in the given record in table.  For map columns, a key
              may optionally be specified, in which case the value associated with key in the column is printed,
              instead of the entire map.

              Without  --if-exists, it is an error if record does not exist or key is specified, if key does not
              exist in record.  With --if-exists, a missing record yields no output and a missing key  prints  a
              blank line.

              If  @name is specified, then the UUID for record may be referred to by that name later in the same
              ovn-sbctl invocation in contexts where a UUID is expected.

              Both --id and the column arguments are optional, but usually at least one or the other  should  be
              specified.   If  both  are  omitted, then get has no effect except to verify that record exists in

              --id and --if-exists cannot be used together.

       [--if-exists] set table record column[:key]=value...
              Sets the value of each specified column in the given record in table to value.  For map columns, a
              key  may  optionally  be  specified, in which case the value associated with key in that column is
              changed (or added, if none exists), instead of the entire map.

              Without --if-exists, it is an error if record does not exist.  With --if-exists, this command does
              nothing if record does not exist.

       [--if-exists] add table record column [key=]value...
              Adds the specified value or key-value pair to column in record in table.  If column is a map, then
              key is required, otherwise it is prohibited.  If key already exists in  a  map  column,  then  the
              current value is not replaced (use the set command to replace an existing value).

              Without --if-exists, it is an error if record does not exist.  With --if-exists, this command does
              nothing if record does not exist.

       [--if-exists] remove table record column value...
       [--if-exists] remove table record column key...
       [--if-exists] remove table record column key=value...
              Removes the specified values or key-value pairs from column in record in table.   The  first  form
              applies to columns that are not maps: each specified value is removed from the column.  The second
              and third forms apply to map columns: if only a key is specified, then any key-value pair with the
              given  key is removed, regardless of its value; if a value is given then a pair is removed only if
              both key and value match.

              It is not an error if the column does not contain the specified key or value or pair.

              Without --if-exists, it is an error if record does not exist.  With --if-exists, this command does
              nothing if record does not exist.

       [--if-exists] clear table record column...
              Sets  each  column in record in table to the empty set or empty map, as appropriate.  This command
              applies only to columns that are allowed to be empty.

              Without --if-exists, it is an error if record does not exist.  With --if-exists, this command does
              nothing if record does not exist.

       [--id=@name] create table column[:key]=value...
              Creates  a new record in table and sets the initial values of each column.  Columns not explicitly
              set will receive their default values.  Outputs the UUID of the new row.

              If @name is specified, then the UUID for the new row may be referred to by that name elsewhere  in
              the  same  ovn-sbctl invocation in contexts where a UUID is expected.  Such references may precede
              or follow the create command.

              Caution (ovs-vsctl as exmaple)
                     Records in the Open vSwitch database are significant only when they can be reached directly
                     or  indirectly from the Open_vSwitch table.  Except for records in the QoS or Queue tables,
                     records that are not reachable from the Open_vSwitch table are automatically  deleted  from
                     the  database.  This deletion happens immediately, without waiting for additional ovs-vsctl
                     commands or other database activity.  Thus, a create command must generally be  accompanied
                     by additional commands within the same ovs-vsctl invocation to add a chain of references to
                     the newly created record from the top-level  Open_vSwitch  record.   The  EXAMPLES  section
                     gives some examples that show how to do this.

       [--if-exists] destroy table record...
              Deletes  each  specified  record  from  table.  Unless --if-exists is specified, each records must

       --all destroy table
              Deletes all records from the table.

              Caution (ovs-vsctl as exmaple)
                     The destroy command is only useful for records in the QoS  or  Queue  tables.   Records  in
                     other  tables are automatically deleted from the database when they become unreachable from
                     the Open_vSwitch table.  This means that  deleting  the  last  reference  to  a  record  is
                     sufficient  for  deleting  the  record  itself.   For  records  in these tables, destroy is
                     silently ignored.  See the EXAMPLES section below for more information.

       wait-until table record [column[:key]=value]...
              Waits until table contains a record  named  record  whose  column  equals  value  or,  if  key  is
              specified,  whose  column contains a key with the specified value.  Any of the operators !=, <, >,
              <=, or >= may be substituted for = to test for inequality, less than, greater than, less  than  or
              equal  to,  or  greater  than  or  equal  to,  respectively.   (Don't forget to escape < or > from
              interpretation by the shell.)

              If no column[:key]=value arguments are given, this command waits only  until  record  exists.   If
              more than one such argument is given, the command waits until all of them are satisfied.

              Caution (ovs-vsctl as exmaple)
                     Usually  wait-until  should be placed at the beginning of a set of ovs-vsctl commands.  For
                     example, wait-until bridge br0 -- get bridge br0 datapath_id waits until a bridge named br0
                     is  created,  then  prints  its  datapath_id  column, whereas get bridge br0 datapath_id --
                     wait-until bridge br0 will abort if no bridge named br0  exists  when  ovs-vsctl  initially
                     connects to the database.

              Consider  specifying  --timeout=0  along  with --wait-until, to prevent ovn-sbctl from terminating
              after waiting only at most 5 seconds.

       comment [arg]...
              This command has no effect on behavior, but any database log record created by  the  command  will
              include the command and its arguments.


       0      Successful program execution.

       1      Usage, syntax, or configuration file error.

