xenial (1) ansible-galaxy.1.gz

Provided by: ansible_2.0.0.2-2ubuntu1.3_all bug


       ansible-galaxy - manage roles using galaxy.ansible.com


       ansible-galaxy [delete|import|info|init|install|list|login|remove|search|setup] [--help] [options] ...


       Ansible Galaxy is a shared repository for Ansible roles. The ansible-galaxy command can be used to manage
       these roles, or for creating a skeleton framework for roles you’d like to upload to Galaxy.


       -h, --help
           Show a help message related to the given sub-command.


       The install sub-command is used to install roles.

       $ ansible-galaxy install [options] [-r FILE | role_name(s)[,version] | tar_file(s)]

       Roles can be installed in several different ways:

       •   A username.rolename[,version] - this will install a single role. The Galaxy API will be contacted to
           provide the information about the role, and the corresponding .tar.gz will be downloaded from
           github.com. If the version is omitted, the most recent version available will be installed.

       •   A file name, using -r - this will install multiple roles listed one per line. The format of each line
           is the same as above: username.rolename[,version]

       •   A .tar.gz of a valid role you’ve downloaded directly from github.com. This is mainly useful when the
           system running Ansible does not have access to the Galaxy API, for instance when behind a firewall or

       -f, --force
           Force overwriting an existing role.

       -i, --ignore-errors
           Ignore errors and continue with the next specified role.

       -n, --no-deps
           Don’t download roles listed as dependencies.

       -p ROLES_PATH, --roles-path=ROLES_PATH
           The path to the directory containing your roles. The default is the roles_path configured in your
           ansible.cfg file (/etc/ansible/roles if not configured)

       -r ROLE_FILE, --role-file=ROLE_FILE
           A file containing a list of roles to be imported, as specified above. This option cannot be used if a
           rolename or .tar.gz have been specified.


       The remove sub-command is used to remove one or more roles.

       $ ansible-galaxy remove role1 role2 ...

       -p ROLES_PATH, --roles-path=ROLES_PATH
           The path to the directory containing your roles. The default is the roles_path configured in your
           ansible.cfg file (/etc/ansible/roles if not configured)


       The init command is used to create an empty role suitable for uploading to https://galaxy.ansible.com (or
       for roles in general).

       $ ansible-galaxy init [options] role_name

       -f, --force
           Force overwriting an existing role.

       -p INIT_PATH, --init-path=INIT_PATH
           The path in which the skeleton role will be created.The default is the current working directory.

           Don’t query the galaxy API when creating roles


       The list sub-command is used to show what roles are currently instaled. You can specify a role name, and
       if installed only that role will be shown.

       $ ansible-galaxy list [role_name]

       -p ROLES_PATH, --roles-path=ROLES_PATH
           The path to the directory containing your roles. The default is the roles_path configured in your
           ansible.cfg file (/etc/ansible/roles if not configured)

       The search sub-command returns a filtered list of roles found on the remote server.

       $ ansible-galaxy search [options] [searchterm1 searchterm2]

           Provide a comma separated list of Galaxy Tags on which to filter.

           Provide a comma separated list of Platforms on which to filter.

           Specify the username of a Galaxy contributor on which to filter.

       -c, --ignore-certs
           Ignore TLS certificate errors.

       -s, --server
           Override the default server https://galaxy.ansible.com.


       The info sub-command shows detailed information for a specific role. Details returned about the role
       included information from the local copy as well as information from galaxy.ansible.com.

       $ ansible-galaxy info [options] role_name[, version]

       -p ROLES_PATH, --roles-path=ROLES_PATH
           The path to the directory containing your roles. The default is the roles_path configured in your
           ansible.cfg file (/etc/ansible/roles if not configured)

       -c, --ignore-certs
           Ignore TLS certificate errors.

       -s, --server
           Override the default server https://galaxy.ansible.com.


       The login sub-command is used to authenticate with galaxy.ansible.com. Authentication is required to use
       the import, delete and setup commands. It will authenticate the user, retrieve a token from Galaxy, and
       store it in the user’s home directory.

       $ ansible-galaxy login [options]

       The login sub-command prompts for a GitHub username and password. It does NOT send your password to
       Galaxy. It actually authenticates with GitHub and creates a personal access token. It then sends the
       personal access token to Galaxy, which in turn verifies that you are you and returns a Galaxy access
       token. After authentication completes the GitHub personal access token is destroyed.

       If you do not wish to use your GitHub password, or if you have two-factor authentication enabled with
       GitHub, use the --github-token option to pass a personal access token that you create. Log into GitHub,
       go to Settings and click on Personal Access Token to create a token.

       -c, --ignore-certs
           Ignore TLS certificate errors.

       -s, --server
           Override the default server https://galaxy.ansible.com.

           Authenticate using a GitHub personal access token rather than a password.


       Import a role from GitHub to galaxy.ansible.com. Requires the user first authenticate with
       galaxy.ansible.com using the login subcommand.

       $ ansible-galaxy import [options] github_user github_repo

       -c, --ignore-certs
           Ignore TLS certificate errors.

       -s, --server
           Override the default server https://galaxy.ansible.com.

           Provide a specific branch to import. When a branch is not specified the branch found in meta/main.yml
           is used. If no branch is specified in meta/main.yml, the repo’s default branch (usually master) is


       The delete sub-command will delete a role from galaxy.ansible.com. Requires the user first authenticate
       with galaxy.ansible.com using the login subcommand.

       $ ansible-galaxy delete [options] github_user github_repo

       -c, --ignore-certs
           Ignore TLS certificate errors.

       -s, --server
           Override the default server https://galaxy.ansible.com.


       The setup sub-command creates an integration point for Travis CI, enabling galaxy.ansible.com to receive
       notifications from Travis on build completion. Requires the user first authenticate with
       galaxy.ansible.com using the login subcommand.

       $ ansible-galaxy setup [options] source github_user github_repo secret

       •   Use travis as the source value. In the future additional source values may be added.

       •   Provide your Travis user token as the secret. The token is not stored by galaxy.ansible.com. A hash
           is created using github_user, github_repo and your token. The hash value is what actually gets

       -c, --ignore-certs
           Ignore TLS certificate errors.

       -s, --server
           Override the default server https://galaxy.ansible.com.

           Show your configured integrations. Provids the ID of each integration which can be used with the
           remove option.

           Remove a specific integration. Provide the ID of the integration to be removed.


       Ansible was originally written by Michael DeHaan. See the AUTHORS file for a complete list of

       Copyright © 2014, Michael DeHaan

       Ansible is released under the terms of the GPLv3 License.


       ansible(1), ansible-pull(1), ansible-doc(1), ansible-playbook(1), ansible-vault(1)

       Extensive documentation is available in the documentation site: http://docs.ansible.com. IRC and mailing
       list info can be found in file CONTRIBUTING.md, available in: https://github.com/ansible/ansible