xenial (1) asimagexml.1x.gz

Provided by: afterstep_2.2.12-6_amd64 bug


       asimagexml -  XML  schema  to  be  used  for  scripting  image  manipulation  by  AfterStep and ascompose


       is a tool to compose image(s) and display/save it based on supplied XML input file.


       ascompose reads supplied XML data, and manipulates image accordingly.  It  could  transform  images  from
       files  of  any  supported  file  format,  draw  gradients,  render  antialiased  texturized text, perform
       superimposition of arbitrary number of images, and save images into files of any of supported output file

       At  any  point,  the result of any operation could be assigned a name, and later on referenced under this

       At any point during the script processing, result of any operation could be saved  into  a  file  of  any
       supported file types.

       Internal image format is 32bit ARGB with 8bit per channel.

       Last  image  referenced,  will  be  displayed in X window, unless -n option is specified. If -r option is
       specified, then this image will be  displayed  in  root  window  of  X  display,  effectively  setting  a
       background  for  a  desktop.  If  -o  option is specified, this image will also be saved into the file or
       requested type.


       Here is the list and description of possible XML tags to use in the script :
           img       - load image from the file.
           recall    - recall previously loaded/generated image by its name.
           text      - render text string into new image.
           save      - save an image into the file.
           bevel     - draw solid bevel frame around the image.
           gradient  - render multipoint gradient.
           mirror    - create mirror copy of an image.
           blur      - perform gaussian blur on an image.
           rotate    - rotate/flip image in 90 degree increments.
           scale     - scale an image to arbitrary size.
           slice     - enlarge image to arbitrary size leaving corners unchanged.
           crop      - crop an image to arbitrary size.
           tile      - tile an image to arbitrary size.
           hsv       - adjust Hue, Saturation and Value of an image.
           pad       - pad image with solid color from either or all sides.
           solid     - generate new image of requested size, filled with solid
           composite - superimpose arbitrary number of images using one of 15
                    available methods.
        if        - conditional processing based on value of the variables
        set       - sets value of the variable
        printf    - formated printing of the value of the variable

       Each tag generates new image as the result of the transformation - existing images are never modified and
       could be reused as many times as needed. See below for description of each tag.

       Whenever  numerical  values  are  involved,  the  basic math ops (add, subtract, multiply, divide), unary
       minus, and parentheses are supported.

       Operator precedence is NOT supported.  Percentages are allowed, and apply to either width  or  height  of
       the appropriate image (usually the refid image).

       Also,  variables  of the form $image.width and $image.height are supported.  $image.width is the width of
       the image with refid  "image",  and  $image.height  is  the  height  of  the  same  image.   The  special
       $xroot.width and $xroot.height values are defined by the the X root window, if there is one.  This allows
       images to be scaled to the desktop size: <scale width="$xroot.width" height="$xroot.height">.

       Each tag is only allowed to return ONE image.


       - render text string into new image, using specific font, size and texture.


       <text id="new_id" font="font" point="size" fgcolor="color"
             bgcolor="color" fgimage="image_id" bgimage="image_id"
             spacing="points" type="3dtype">My Text Here</text>


       id     Optional. Image will be given this name for future reference.

       font   Optional. Default is "fixed". Font to use for text.

       point  Optional. Default is 12. Size of text in points.

              Optional. No default. The text will be drawn in this color.

              Optional. No default. The area behind the text will be drawn in this color.

              Optional. No default. The text will be textured by this image.

              Optional. No default. The area behind the text will be filled with this image.

              Optional. Default 0. Extra pixels to place between each glyph.

       type   Optional. Default 0. Valid values are from 0 to 7 and each represeend different 3d type.


       <text> without bgcolor, fgcolor, fgimage, or bgimage will NOT produce  visible  output  by  itself.   See
       EXAMPLES below.


       - superimpose arbitrary number of images on top of each other.


       <composite id="new_id" op="op_desc"
                  keep-transparency="0|1" merge="0|1">


       id     Optional. Image will be given this name for future reference.

       op     Optional.  Default  is  "alphablend".  The compositing operation. Valid values are the standard AS
              blending ops: add, alphablend, allanon, colorize, darken, diff, dissipate, hue, lighten,  overlay,
              saturate, screen, sub, tint, value.

       merge  Optional.  Default  is  "expand".  Valid  values are "clip" and "expand". Determines whether final
              image will be expanded to the maximum size of the layers, or clipped to the bottom layer.

              Optional. Default is "0". Valid values are "0" and "1". If set to "1",  the  transparency  of  the
              bottom layer will be kept for the final image.


       All images surrounded by this tag will be composited with the given op.


        All tags surrounded by this tag may have some of the common attributes
        in addition to their normal ones.  Under no circumstances is there a
        conflict with the normal child attributes:

       crefid Optional.  An  image  ID defined with the "id" parameter for any previously created image. If set,
              percentages in "x" and "y" will be derived from the width and height of the crefid image.

       x      Optional. Default is 0. Pixel coordinate of left edge.

       y      Optional. Default is 0. Pixel coordinate of top edge.

       align  Optional. Alternative to x - allowed values are right, center and left.

       valign Optional. Alternative to y - allowed values are top, middle and bottom.

       clip_x Optional. Default is 0. X Offset on infinite surface tiled with this  image,  from  which  to  cut
              portion of an image to be used in composition.

       clip_y Optional.  Default  is  0.  Y  Offset on infinite surface tiled with this image, from which to cut
              portion of an image to be used in composition.

              Optional. Default is image width. Tile image to this width prior to superimposition.

              Optional. Default is image height. Tile image to this height prior to superimposition.

       tile   Optional. Default is 0. If set will cause image to be  tiled  across  entire  composition,  unless
              overridden by clip_width or clip_height.

       tint   Optional.  Additionally  tint  an image to specified color. Tinting can both lighten and darken an
              image. Tinting color 0 or #7f7f7f7f yields no tinting. Tinting can be performed  on  any  channel,
              including alpha channel.




       - load image from the file.


       <img id="new_img_id" src="filename"/>


       id     Optional. Image will be given this name for future reference.

       src    Required. The filename (NOT URL) of the image file to load.


       The special image src "xroot:" will import the background image of the root X window, if any.  No attempt
       will be made to offset this image to fit the location of the resulting window, if one is displayed.


       - recall previously generated and named image by its id.


       <recall id="new_id" srcid="image_id" default_src="filename"/>


       id     Optional. Image will be given this name for future reference.

       srcid  Required. An image  ID  defined  with  the  "id"  parameter  for  any  previously  created  image.


       - release (destroy if possible) previously generated and named image by its id.


       <release srcid="image_id"/>


       srcid  Required.  An  image  ID  defined  with  the  "id"  parameter  for  any  previously created image.


       - defines symbolic name for a color and set of variables.


       <color name="sym_name" domain="var_domain" argb="colorvalue"/>


       name   Symbolic name for the color value, to be used to refer to that color.

       argb   8 characters hex definition of the color or other symbolic color name.

       domain string to be used to prepend names of defined variables.


       In addition to defining  symbolic  name  for  the  color  this  tag  will  define  7  other  variables  :
       domain.sym_name.red, domain.sym_name.green,
                               domain.sym_name.blue, domain.sym_name.alpha,
                               domain.sym_name.hue, domain.sym_name.saturation,


       - set alpha channel based on color closeness to specified color


       <color2alpha id="new_id" ref_id="other_imag" width="pixels" height="pixels"
              clip_x="clip_x" clip_y="clip_y"


       id     Optional. Image will be given this name for future reference.

       refid  Optional.  An  image  ID defined with the "id" parameter for any previously created image. If set,
              percentages in "width" and "height" will be derived from the width and height of the refid image.

       width  Required. The image will be scaled to this width.

       height Required. The image will be scaled to this height.

       clip_x Optional. Offset into original image.

       clip_y Optional. Offset into original image.

       color  Required. Color to match against.


       This tag applies to the first image contained within the tag.  Any further images will be discarded.   If
       you  want  to  keep  image  proportions  while  resizing-use  "proportional" instead of specific size for
       particular dimention.


       - prints variable value to standard output.


       <printf format="format_string" var="variable_name" val="expression"/>


              Standard C format string with exactly 1 placeholder.

       var    Name of the variable, which value will be printed.

       val    math expression to be printed.



       - declares variable, assigning it a numeric value of expression.


       <set var="variable_name" domain="var_domain" val="expression"/>


       var    Name of the variable, which value will be set.

       val    math expression to be evaluated.

       domain (optional) variable's domain to be prepended to its  name  using  format  var_domain.variable_name


       -  evaluates  logical  expression and if result evaluates to not true(or false if <unless> tag is used ),
       handles tags within.


       <if val1="expression" [op="gt|lt|ge|le|eq|ne" val2="expression"]/>
           [<then>...</then><else>...</else>]   </if>    <unless    val1="expression"    [op="gt|lt|ge|le|eq|ne"


       val1   math expression to be evaluated.

       val2   math expression to be evaluated.

       op     (optional) comparison op to be applied to values


       <if val1="$ascs.Base.value" val2="50" op="gt"><then>...</then><else>...</else></if>


       - render multipoint gradient.


       <gradient id="new_id" angle="degrees"
                 refid="refid" width="pixels" height="pixels"
                 colors ="color1 color2 color3 [...]"
                 offsets="fraction1 fraction2 fraction3 [...]"/>


       id     Optional. Image will be given this name for future reference.

       refid  Optional.  An  image  ID defined with the "id" parameter for any previously created image. If set,
              percentages in "width" and "height" will be derived from the width and height of the refid image.

       width  Optional. The result will have this width.

       height Optional. The result will have this height.

       colors Required. Whitespace-separated list of colors. At least two colors are  required.  Each  color  in
              this list will be visited in turn, at the intervals given by the offsets attribute.

              Optional.  Whitespace-separated  list of floating point values ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. The colors
              from the colors attribute are given these offsets, and the final gradient  is  rendered  from  the
              combination  of the two. If both colors and offsets are given but the number of colors and offsets
              do not match, the minimum of the two will be used, and the other will be truncated  to  match.  If
              offsets are not given, a smooth stepping from 0.0 to 1.0 will be used.

       angle  Optional.  Given  in  degrees.  Default is 0. This is the direction of the gradient. Currently the
              only supported values are 0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 315. 0 means left to right, 90 means  top
              to bottom, etc.  libAfterImage/asimagexml/solid


       - generate image of specified size and fill it with solid color.


       <solid id="new_id" color="color" opacity="opacity"
           width="pixels" height="pixels"
           refid="refid" width="pixels" height="pixels"/>


       id     Optional. Image will be given this name for future reference.

       width  Optional. The result will have this width.

       height Optional. The result will have this height.

       refid  Optional.  An  image  ID defined with the "id" parameter for any previously created image. If set,
              percentages in "width" and "height" will be derived from the width and height of the refid image.

       color  Optional. Default is "#ffffffff". An image will be created and filled with this color.

       width  Required. The image will have this width.

       height Required. The image will have this height.

              Optional. Default is 100. Values from 0 to 100 represent the opacity of resulting image  with  100
              being   completely   opaque.   Effectively   overrides  alpha  component  of  the  color  setting.


       - write generated/loaded image into the file of one of the supported types


       <save id="new_id" dst="filename" format="format" compress="value"
             opacity="value" replace="0|1" delay="mlsecs">


       id     Optional. Image will be given this name for future reference.

       dst    Optional. Name of file image will be saved to. If omitted image  will  be  dumped  into  stdout  -
              useful for CGI apps.

       format Optional.  Output  format  of saved image. Defaults to the extension of the "dst" parameter. Valid
              values are the standard AS image file formats: xpm, jpg, png, gif, tiff.

              Optional. Compression level if supported by output file format. Valid values are in range of  0  -
              100  and any of "deflate", "jpeg", "ojpeg", "packbits" for TIFF files. Note that JPEG and GIF will
              produce images with deteriorated quality when compress is greater then 0. For JPEG default is  25,
              for PNG default is 6 and for GIF it is 0.

              Optional.  Level  below  which pixel is considered to be transparent, while saving image as XPM or
              GIF. Valid values are in range 0-255. Default is 127.

              Optional. Causes ascompose to delete file if the file with the same  name  already  exists.  Valid
              values  are  0  and  1.  Default  is 1 - files are deleted before being saved. Disable this to get
              multimage animated gifs.

       delay  Optional. Delay to be stored in GIF image. This could be used to create animated gifs.  Note  that
              you have to set replace="0" and then write several images into the GIF file with the same name.


       This tag applies to the first image contained within the tag.  Any further images will be discarded.


       - set image's background color.


        <background id="new_id" color="color">


       id     Optional. Image will be given this name for future reference.

       color  Required. Color to be used for background - fills all the spaces in image with missing pixels.


       This tag applies to the first image contained within the tag.  Any further images will be discarded.


       - perform a gaussian blurr on an image.


       <blur id="new_id" horz="radius" vert="radius" channels="argb">


       id     Optional. Image will be given this name for future reference.

       horz   Optional. Horizontal radius of the blur in pixels.

       vert   Optional. Vertical radius of the blur in pixels.

              Optional. Applys blur only on listed color channels: a - alpha, r - red, g - green, b - blue


       This tag applies to the first image contained within the tag.  Any further images will be discarded.


       - draws solid bevel frame around the image.


       <bevel id="new_id" colors="color1 color2"
                 width="pixels" height="pixels" refid="refid"
              border="left top right bottom" solid=0|1 outline=0|1>


       id     Optional. Image will be given this name for future reference.

       colors Optional.  Whitespace-separated  list  of  colors.  Exactly  two  colors  are required. Default is
              "#ffdddddd #ff555555". The first color is the color of the upper and left edges, and the second is
              the color of the lower and right edges.

              Optional.  Whitespace-separated  list  of  integer  values.  Default  is "10 10 10 10". The values
              represent the offsets toward the center of the image of each border: left, top, right, bottom.

       solid  Optional - default is 1. If set to 0 will draw bevel gradually fading into the image.

              Optional - default is 0. If set to 1 will draw bevel around the image vs. inside the image.

       width  Optional. The result will have this width.

       height Optional. The result will have this height.

       refid  Optional. An image ID defined with the "id" parameter for any previously created  image.  If  set,
              percentages in "width" and "height" will be derived from the width and height of the refid image.


       This tag applies to the first image contained within the tag.  Any further images will be discarded.


       - create new image as mirror copy of an old one.


        <mirror id="new_id" dir="direction"
                   width="pixels" height="pixels" refid="refid">


       id     Optional. Image will be given this name for future reference.

       dir    Required.  Possible  values  are  "vertical"  and "horizontal". The image will be flipped over the
              x-axis if dir is vertical, and flipped over the y-axis if dir is horizontal.

       width  Optional. The result will have this width.

       height Optional. The result will have this height.

       refid  Optional. An image ID defined with the "id" parameter for any previously created  image.  If  set,
              percentages in "width" and "height" will be derived from the width and height of the refid image.


       This tag applies to the first image contained within the tag.  Any further images will be discarded.


       - rotate an image in 90 degree increments (flip).


        <rotate id="new_id" angle="degrees"
                   width="pixels"  height="pixels"  refid="refid"> * ATTRIBUTES id       Optional. Image will be
       given this name for future reference.   angle     Required.   Given  in  degrees.   Possible  values  are
                "90", "180", and "270".  Rotates the image through the given
                angle.   width     Optional.   The  result will have this width.  height   Optional.  The result
       will have this height.  refid    Optional.  An image ID defined with the "id" parameter for
                any previously created image.  If set, percentages in "width"
                and "height" will be derived from the width and height of the
                refid image.


       This tag applies to the first image contained within the tag.  Any further images will be discarded.


       - scale image to arbitrary size


       <scale id="new_id" refid="other_imag" src_x="pixels"  src_y="pixels"
              src_width="pixels" src_height="pixels"
              width="pixels" height="pixels">


       id     Optional. Image will be given this name for future reference.

       refid  Optional. An image ID defined with the "id" parameter for any previously created  image.  If  set,
              percentages in "width" and "height" will be derived from the width and height of the refid image.

       width  Required. The image will be scaled to this width.

       height Required. The image will be scaled to this height.

       src_x  Optional.  Default  is  0.  X  Offset on infinite surface tiled with this image, from which to cut
              portion of an image to be used in scaling.

       src_y  Optional. Default is 0. Y Offset on infinite surface tiled with this  image,  from  which  to  cut
              portion of an image to be used in scaling.

              Optional. Default is image width. Tile image to this width prior to scaling.

              Optional. Default is image height. Tile image to this height prior to scaling.

       *      NOTES

       This   tag applies to the first image contained within the tag. Any

              images will be discarded.

       If     you want to keep image proportions while scaling - use "proportional"

              of specific size for particular dimension.  libAfterImage/asimagexml/slice


       - slice image to arbitrary size leaving corners unchanged


       <slice id="new_id" ref_id="other_imag" width="pixels" height="pixels"
              x_start="slice_x_start" x_end="slice_x_end"
                 y_start="slice_y_start" y_end="slice_y_end"


       id     Optional. Image will be given this name for future reference.

       refid  Optional.  An  image  ID defined with the "id" parameter for any previously created image. If set,
              percentages in "width" and "height" will be derived from the width and height of the refid image.

       width  Required. The image will be scaled to this width.

       height Required. The image will be scaled to this height.

              Optional. Position at which vertical image slicing begins. Corresponds to the right  side  of  the
              left corners.

       x_end  Optional.  Position at which vertical image slicing end. Corresponds to the left side of the right

              Optional. Position at which horisontal image slicing begins. Corresponds to the bottom side of the
              top corners.

       y_end  Optional.  Position  at  which  horisontal  image  slicing end. Corresponds to the top side of the
              bottom corners.

       scale  Optional. If set to 1 will cause middle portion of the image to be scaled instead of tiled.


       This tag applies to the first image contained within the tag.  Any  further  images  will  be  discarded.
       Contents of the image between x_start and x_end will be tiled horizontally. Contents of the image between
       y_start and y_end will be tiled vertically. This is useful to get background images to fit  the  size  of
       the  text  or  a  widget,  while preserving its borders undistorted, which is the usuall result of simple
       scaling.  If you want to keep image proportions while resizing-use  "proportional"  instead  of  specific
       size for particular dimention.


       - pixelize image using arbitrary pixel size


       <pixelize id="new_id" ref_id="other_imag" width="pixels" height="pixels"
              clip_x="clip_x" clip_y="clip_y"
              pixel_width="pixel_width" pixel_height="pixel_height">


       id     Optional. Image will be given this name for future reference.

       refid  Optional.  An  image  ID defined with the "id" parameter for any previously created image. If set,
              percentages in "width" and "height" will be derived from the width and height of the refid image.

       width  Required. The image will be scaled to this width.

       height Required. The image will be scaled to this height.

       clip_x Optional. Offset into original image.

       clip_y Optional. Offset into original image.

              Required. Horizontal pixelization step;

              Required. Vertical pixelization step;


       This tag applies to the first image contained within the tag.  Any further images will be discarded.   If
       you  want  to  keep  image  proportions  while  resizing-use  "proportional" instead of specific size for
       particular dimention.


       - crop image to arbitrary area within it.


        <crop id="new_id" refid="other_image" srcx="pixels" srcy="pixels"
              width="pixels" height="pixels" tint="color">


       id     Optional. Image will be given this name for future reference.

       refid  Optional. An image ID defined with the "id" parameter for any previously created  image.  If  set,
              percentages in "width" and "height" will be derived from the width and height of the refid image.

       srcx   Optional. Default is "0". Skip this many pixels from the left.

       srcy   Optional. Default is "0". Skip this many pixels from the top.

       width  Optional. Default is "100%". Keep this many pixels wide.

       height Optional. Default is "100%". Keep this many pixels tall.

       tint   Optional.  Additionally  tint  an image to specified color. Tinting can both lighten and darken an
              image. Tinting color 0 or #7f7f7f7f yeilds no tinting. Tinting can be performed  on  any  channel,
              including alpha channel.


       This tag applies to the first image contained within the tag.  Any further images will be discarded.


       - tile an image to specified area.


        <tile id="new_id" refid="other_image" width="pixels" height="pixels"
              x_origin="pixels" y_origin="pixels" tint="color" complement=0|1>


       id     Optional. Image will be given this name for future reference.

       refid  Optional.  An  image  ID defined with the "id" parameter for any previously created image. If set,
              percentages in "width" and "height" will be derived from the width and height of the refid image.

       width  Optional. Default is "100%". The image will be tiled to this width.

       height Optional. Default is "100%". The image will be tiled to this height.

              Optional. Horizontal position on infinite surface, covered with tiles of the image, from which  to
              cut out resulting image.

              Optional.  Vertical  position  on infinite surface, covered with tiles of the image, from which to
              cut out resulting image.

       tint   Optional. Additionally tint an image to specified color. Tinting can both lighten  and  darken  an
              image.  Tinting  color  0 or #7f7f7f7f yields no tinting. Tinting can be performed on any channel,
              including alpha channel.

              Optional. Will use color that is the complement to tint color  for  the  tinting,  if  set  to  1.
              Default is 0.


       This tag applies to the first image contained within the tag.  Any further images will be discarded.


       - adjust Hue, Saturation and/or Value of an image and optionally tile an image to arbitrary area.


       <hsv id="new_id" refid="other_image"
            x_origin="pixels" y_origin="pixels" width="pixels" height="pixels"
            affected_hue="degrees|color" affected_radius="degrees"
            hue_offset="degrees" saturation_offset="value"


       id     Optional. Image will be given this name for future reference.

       refid  Optional.  An  image  ID defined with the "id" parameter for any previously created image. If set,
              percentages in "width" and "height" will be derived from the width and height of the refid image.

       width  Optional. Default is "100%". The image will be tiled to this width.

       height Optional. Default is "100%". The image will be tiled to this height.

              Optional. Horizontal position on infinite surface, covered with tiles of the image, from which  to
              cut out resulting image.

              Optional.  Vertical  position  on infinite surface, covered with tiles of the image, from which to
              cut out resulting image.

              Optional. Limits effects to the renage of hues around this hue. If numeric value is specified - it
              is  treated as degrees on 360 degree circle, with : red = 0, yellow = 60, green = 120, cyan = 180,
              blue = 240, magenta = 300. If colorname or value preceded with # is specified here -  it  will  be
              treated as RGB color and converted into hue automagically.

              Optional.  Value  in degrees to be used in order to calculate the range of affected hues. Range is
              determined by substracting and adding this value from/to affected_hue.

              Optional. Value by which to adjust the hue.

              Optional. Value by which to adjust the saturation.

              Optional. Value by which to adjust the value.


       One of the Offsets must be not 0, in order for operation to be performed.

       This tag applies to the first image contained within the tag.  Any further images will be discarded.


       - pad an image with solid color rectangles.


       <pad id="new_id" left="pixels" top="pixels"
            right="pixels" bottom="pixels" color="color"
               refid="refid" width="pixels" height="pixels">


       id     Optional. Image will be given this name for future reference.

       width  Optional. The result will have this width.

       height Optional. The result will have this height.

       refid  Optional. An image ID defined with the "id" parameter for any previously created  image.  If  set,
              percentages in "width" and "height" will be derived from the width and height of the refid image.

       left   Optional. Size to add to the left of the image.

       top    Optional. Size to add to the top of the image.

       right  Optional. Size to add to the right of the image.

       bottom Optional. Size to add to the bottom of the image.

       color  Optional.  Color  value  to  fill  added areas with. It could be transparent of course. Default is
              #FF000000 - totally black.


       This tag applies to the first image contained within the tag.  Any further images will be discarded.