xenial (1) cmtk-registration.1.gz

registration - Rigid and affine registration
registration ReferenceImage FloatingImage
This program performs rigid and affine image registration using multi-resolution optimization of voxel- based image similarity measures.
Global Toolkit Options (these are shared by all CMTK tools) --help Write list of basic command line options to standard output. --help-all Write complete list of basic and advanced command line options to standard output. --wiki Write list of command line options to standard output in MediaWiki markup. --man Write man page source in 'nroff' markup to standard output. --xml Write command line syntax specification in XML markup (for Slicer integration). --version Write toolkit version to standard output. --echo Write the current command line to standard output. --verbose-level <integer> Set verbosity level. --verbose, -v Increment verbosity level by 1 (deprecated; supported for backward compatibility). --threads <integer> Set maximum number of parallel threads (for POSIX threads and OpenMP). Automation Options --auto-multi-levels <integer> Automatic optimization and resolution parameter generation for <n> levels [Default: 0] Optimization settings --exploration <double>, -e <double> Exploration [initial optimizer step size] [Default: 8] --accuracy <double>, -a <double> Accuracy [final optimizer step size] [Default: 0.1] --stepfactor <double>, -f <double> Factor for search step size reduction. Must be > 0.0 and < 1.0 [Default: 0.5] --delta-f-threshold <double> Optional threshold to terminate optimization (level) if relative change of target function drops below this value. [Default: 0] Image resolution parameters --sampling <double>, -s <double> Image sampling (finest resampled image resolution) [Default: 1] --coarsest <double> Upper limit for image sampling in multiresolution hierarchy [Default: -1] --omit-original-data Do not use original data in full resolution, omit final stage in multiresolution hierarchy, thus reducing computation time. Transformation parameters --dofs <integer>[,<integer>,...] Add number of degrees of freedom [can be repeated] --dofs-final <integer>[,<integer>,...] Add number of degrees of freedom for final level only [can be repeated] --no-switch, -n Do not auto-switch reference and floating image for improved computational performance --initxlate, -i Initialized transformation by translating floating image FOV center onto reference image FOV center --initial <transformation-path> Initialize transformation from given path [Default: NONE] --initial-is-inverse Invert initial transformation before initializing registration Image data --registration-metric Registration metric for motion estimation by image-to-image registration. Supported values: "nmi", "mi", "cr", "msd", "ncc", where the default is "nmi", or use one of the following: --nmi Normalized Mutual Information metric [This is the default] --mi Standard Mutual Information metric --cr Correlation Ratio metric --msd Mean Squared Difference metric --ncc Normalized Cross Correlation metric --match-histograms Match floating image histogram to reference image histogram. Reference Image Preprocessing --class-ref <string> Data class: grey (default) or label [Default: NONE] --pad-ref <double> Padding value [Default: disabled] --thresh-min-ref <double> Minimum value truncation threshold [Default: disabled] --thresh-max-ref <double> Maximum value truncation threshold [Default: disabled] --prune-histogram-ref <integer> Number of bins for histogram-based pruning [Default: disabled] --histogram-equalization-ref Apply histogram equalization --sobel-filter-ref Apply Sobel edge detection filter --crop-index-ref <string> Cropping region in pixel index coordinates [parsed as %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d for i0,j0,k0,i1,j1,k1] [Default: NONE] --crop-world-ref <string> Cropping region in world coordinates [parsed as %f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f for x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1] [Default: NONE] Floating Image Preprocessing --class-flt <string> Data class: grey (default) or label [Default: NONE] --pad-flt <double> Padding value [Default: disabled] --thresh-min-flt <double> Minimum value truncation threshold [Default: disabled] --thresh-max-flt <double> Maximum value truncation threshold [Default: disabled] --prune-histogram-flt <integer> Number of bins for histogram-based pruning [Default: disabled] --histogram-equalization-flt Apply histogram equalization --sobel-filter-flt Apply Sobel edge detection filter --crop-index-flt <string> Cropping region in pixel index coordinates [parsed as %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d for i0,j0,k0,i1,j1,k1] [Default: NONE] --crop-world-flt <string> Cropping region in world coordinates [parsed as %f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f for x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1] [Default: NONE] Output parameters --outlist <string>, -o <string> Output path for final transformation [Default: NONE] --out-matrix <string> Output path for final transformation in matrix format [Default: NONE] --out-parameters <string> Output path for final transformation in plain parameter list format [Default: NONE] --protocol <string>, -p <string> Optimization protocol output file name [Default: NONE] --time <string>, -t <string> Computation time statistics output file name [Default: NONE] Import Results into Slicer --out-itk <transformation-path> Output path for final transformation in ITK format [Default: NONE] --write-reformatted <image-path> Write reformatted floating image. [Default: NONE] Image/Transformation Database --db <string> Path to image/transformation database that should be updated with the new registration and/or reformatted image. [Default: NONE]
Torsten Rohlfing, with contributions from Michael P. Hasak, Greg Jefferis, Calvin R. Maurer, Daniel B. Russakoff, and Yaroslav Halchenko
Report bugs at http://nitrc.org/projects/cmtk/
CMTK is developed with support from the NIAAA under Grant AA021697, National Consortium on Alcohol and Neurodevelopment in Adolescence (N-CANDA): Data Integration Component. From April 2009 through September 2011, CMTK development and maintenance was supported by the NIBIB under Grant EB008381.