xenial (1) cvschangelogbuilder.1.gz

Provided by: cvschangelogbuilder_2.4-1_all bug


       cvschangelogbuilder — build cvs ChangeLogs and cvs html reports


       cvschangelogbuilder    -output=outputmode  [-m=module  -d=repository]   [-b=branch]   [-tagstart=tagname]
       [-tagend=tagname]        [-ssh]        [-rlogfile=rlogfile]        [-keeprlogfile]         [-dir=dirname]
       [-viewcvsurl=viewcvsurl]    [-ignore=file/dir]   [-only=file/dir]   [-includeheader=file]   [-allowindex]


       cvschangelogbuilder       generates advanced ChangeLog/Report files for CVS projects/modules.


                 Where outputmode is:

                    •  listdeltabydate  To get a changelog between 2 versions, sorted by date

                    •  listdeltabylog   To get a changelog between 2 versions, sorted by log

                    •  listdeltabyfile  To get a changelog between 2 versions, sorted by file

                    •  listdeltaforrpm  To get a changelog between 2 versions for rpm spec files

                    •  buildhtmlreport  To build an html report

                 Note that "between 2 versions" means (depends on tagstart/tagend options):

                    •  from start to a tagged version (version changes included)

                    •  from a tagged version (excluded) to another tagged version (included)

                    •  or from a tagged version until now (version changes excluded)

                 You can also add extra parameters when output=buildhtmlreport by adding them after a colon  and
                 separated by a comma, like this: -output=buildhtmlreport:param1,param2 This is extra paremeters
                 available for -output=buildhtmlreport mode:

                    •  nosummary         To remove summary part

                    •  nolinesofcode     To remove lines of code part

                    •  nodevelopers      To remove developers part

                    •  nodaysofweek      To remove days of week part

                    •  nohours           To remove hours part

                    •  notags            To remove tags part

                    •  nolastlogs        To remove last logs part

                    •  nolimit           To not limit last logs to last 200

                    •  sortbyrevision    To sort last logs by revision

                    •  includediff       To include diff inside report page (very slow)

                    •  loosecommits      To separate commits for same log by spaces

       -m=module -d=repository
                 The 'module' and 'repository' are the CVS module name  and  the  CVS  repository.   If  current
                 directory  is  the  root  of  a CVS project built from a cvs checkout, cvschangelogbuilder will
                 retreive module and repository value  automatically.   If  no  local  copy  of  repository  are
                 available or to force other value, use:

                    •  -m=module           To force value of module name

                    •  -d=repository       To force value of CVSROOT

                 To work on another branch than the default branch.

                 To specify start tag version.

                 To specify end tag version.

       -ssh      To run CVS through ssh (this set env var CVS_RSH="ssh").

                 If an up-to-date log file already exists localy, you can use this option to avoid log download,
                 for a faster result.

                 Once process is finished, you can ask to not remove the downloaded log file.

                 Output is built in directory dirname.

                 File's revisions in reports built by buildhtmlreport output  are  links  to  "viewcvs".  String
                 '__MODULE__' will be replaced by name of CVS module.

                 To exclude a file/dir off report.

                 To have reports only on file/dir that match.

                 To add content of a file after body tag.

                 To allow meta tag index (noindex by default).

       -debug=x  To output on stderr some debug info with level x.


       cvs (1).


       This  manual  page  was written by Adriaan Peeters apeeters@lashout.net for the Debian system (but may be
       used by others). It is based on the help output of cvschangelogbuilder. Permission is  granted  to  copy,
       distribute  and/or  modify  this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2 or
       any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections,  no  Front-Cover
       Texts and no Back-Cover Texts.
