xenial (1) elasticache-describe-cache-clusters.1.gz

Provided by: elasticache_1.6.00-1_all bug


       elasticache-describe-cache-clusters  -  Describes  Cache  Clusters  and


           [CacheClusterId] [--marker  value ] [--max-records  value ]
           [--show-cache-node-info  ]  [General Options]


           Returns  information  about  the  cache  clusters/nodes  for   this
       account. If you
        pass in a CacheClusterId, it will return information only about that
        cluster.  Otherwise it will return information for all of your caches,
       up to
        --max-records. Also, specifying --show-cache-node-info will return all
        node information.


           User-supplied cache cluster identifier, this is the unique key that
           identifies  a  cache  cluster.   The  identifier  must  be  1 to 20
           characters or  hyphens,  is  case  insensitive,  and  is  not  case
           You can also set this value using "--cache-cluster-id".


        -sn, --show-cache-node-info
           Whether  node  level  information  is requested or not. The default
       value is


        --aws-credential-file VALUE
           Location of the file with your AWS credentials. This value  can  be
       set by
           using the environment variable 'AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE'.

        --connection-timeout VALUE
           Specify a connection timeout VALUE (in seconds) for API calls. The
           default value is '30'.

           If  an  error  occurs  while  --debug  is  used,  it  will  display
           useful for debugging the problem. The default value is 'false'.

        --delimiter VALUE
           What delimiter to use when displaying delimited (long) results.

           If you are displaying tabular or delimited results, it includes the
           column headers. If you are showing xml results, it returns the HTTP
           headers from the service request, if applicable.  This  is  off  by

        -I, --access-key-id VALUE
           Specify the AWS Access ID to use.

        --marker VALUE
           The marker provided in the previous request. If this parameter is
           specified  the response includes only records beyond the marker, up

        --max-records VALUE
           Maximum number of records to return per page. Allowed  value  range
           this parameter is 20-100, default value is 100.

        --region VALUE
           Specify  region  VALUE as the web service region to use. This value
       can be
           set by using the environment variable 'EC2_REGION'.

        -S, --secret-key VALUE
           Specify the AWS Secret Key to use.

           Show empty fields and rows, using a "(nil)" value. The  default  is
       to not
           show empty fields or columns.

           Displays  the  URL  used  by the tools to call the AWS Service. The
           value is 'false'.

        --show-table, --show-long, --show-xml, --quiet
           Specify how the results are displayed: tabular,  delimited  (long),
       xml, or
           no output (quiet). Tabular shows a subset of the data in fixed
           column-width  form,  while  long  shows  all of the returned values
           by a character. The xml is the raw return from the  service,  while
           suppresses   all  standard  output.  The  default  is  tabular,  or

        -U, --url VALUE
           This option will override the URL for the service call with  VALUE.
           value    can   be   set   by   using   the   environment   variable


        Returns descriptions of all of your cache clusters.

        CACHECLUSTER   simcoprod01   2011-07-06T23:24:41.212Z   cache.m1.large
       memcached available  3  us-east-1a  1.4.5
        SECGROUP  default  active
        PARAMGRP  default.memcached1.4  in-sync

        Returns descriptions of all of your cache clusters with node info.

        $PROMPT>elasticache-describe-cache-clusters --show-cache-node-info
        CACHECLUSTER   simcoprod01   2011-07-06T23:24:41.212Z   cache.m1.large
       memcached  available  3  us-east-1a  1.4.5
        SECGROUP  default  active
        PARAMGRP  default.memcached1.4  in-sync
            CACHENODE      0001       2011-07-06T23:24:41.212Z       available
       simcoprod01.m2st2p.0001.use1.cache.amazonaws.com  11211  in-sync
            CACHENODE       0002       2011-07-06T23:24:41.212Z      available
       simcoprod01.m2st2p.0002.use1.cache.amazonaws.com  11211  in-sync
            CACHENODE      0003       2011-07-06T23:24:41.212Z       available
       simcoprod01.m2st2p.0003.use1.cache.amazonaws.com  11211  in-sync
        CACHECLUSTER   simcoprod02   cache.m1.large   memcached   creating   3
       us-east-1b  1.4.5
        SECGROUP  default  active
        PARAMGRP  default.memcached1.4  in-sync

        Returns a description of  a  specific  cache  cluster,  showing  table

        $PROMPT>elasticache-describe-cache-clusters cacheCluster1 --headers

        Returns a full description of a specific cache cluster, showing table

        $PROMPT>elasticache-describe-cache-clusters  cacheCluster1 --show-long


        This command returns a table that contains the following:
        * CacheClusterId - User-supplied cache identifier, this is the  unique
        that identifies a cache cluster for a customer.
        * Created - The creation date of this cache cluster.
        * Type - The compute and memory capacity of the cache cluster.
        * Engine - Name of the cache engine to be used for this cache cluster.
        * Status - The current status of the cluster.
        * NumberOfNodes - The number of cache nodes within this cluster.
        * PreferredAZ - The preferred availability zone of this cache cluster.
        * Version - The cache engine's version number.
        * Maintenance Window - The window during which patching and cluster
        modifications  will  be  performed.  This  column  appears only in the
        * PendingNumberCacheNodes - The number of nodes the cache cluster will
        once any pending Add/Remove node actions are complete.
        *  PendingVersion - Version of the cache engine which will be deployed
        the next maintenance window, or which is currently being  deployed  if
        --apply-immdiately option was specified..
        * Auto Minor Version Upgrade - Whether minor version upgrades will
        automatically  be  applied to the cache cluster during its maintenance
        This column appears only in the --show-long view.
        * Name - Security Group name.
        * Status - Status of authorization.
        * Group Name - Name of cache parameter group applied to.
        * Apply Status - Status of applying the parameter  group.  It  can  be
        in-sync or pending-reboot.
        * CacheNodeId - Cache node identifier, this is the unique key that
        identifies a cache cluster node.
        * Created - The creation date of this cache cluster node.
        * Status - The current status of the node.
        * Address - Address used to connect to the cache cluster node.
        * Port - Port used to connect to the cache cluster node.
        * ParameterGroupStatus - The parameter group status for this node.  If
        node needs to be rebooted to apply parameter group changes, it will be
        pending-reboot.  If this node is being rebooted, it will be applying.
        Otherwise it is in-sync.
        * Topic Arn - Arn for SNS topic used to publish notifications  related
        cache clusters.
        * Topic Status - Status of this SNS topic.
        * Node ID - Node ID pending to be removed.
        *  Node  ID  -  Node ID that needs to be rebooted to apply outstanding
        group changes.


        Output with column headers



Auto Scaling command line tools  1.6.000ELASTICACHE-DESCRIBE-CACHE-CLUSTERS(1)