Provided by: python-gdal_1.11.3+dfsg-3build2_amd64 

gdal_calc - Command line raster calculator with numpy syntax
SYNOPSIS [-A <filename>] [--A_band] [-B...-Z filename] [other_options] Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --calc=CALC calculation in gdalnumeric syntax using +-/* or any numpy array functions (i.e. logical_and()) -A A input gdal raster file, note you can use any letter A-Z --A_band=A_BAND number of raster band for file A (default 0) --outfile=OUTF output file to generate or fill --NoDataValue=NODATAVALUE set output nodata value (Defaults to datatype specific value) --type=TYPE output datatype, must be one of ['Int32', 'Int16', 'Float64', 'UInt16', 'Byte', 'UInt32', 'Float32'] --format=FORMAT GDAL format for output file (default 'GTiff') --creation-option=CREATION_OPTIONS, --co=CREATION_OPTIONS Passes a creation option to the output format driver. Multiple options may be listed. See format specific documentation for legal creation options for each format. --allBands=ALLBANDS process all bands of given raster (A-Z) --overwrite overwrite output file if it already exists --debug print debugging information
Command line raster calculator with numpy syntax. Use any basic arithmetic supported by numpy arrays such as +-*\ along with logical operators such as >. Note that all files must have the same dimensions, but no projection checking is performed.
add two files together -A input1.tif -B input2.tif --outfile=result.tif --calc="A+B" average of two layers -A input.tif -B input2.tif --outfile=result.tif --calc="(A+B)/2" set values of zero and below to null -A input.tif --outfile=result.tif --calc="A*(A>0)" --NoDataValue=0
Chris Yesson <chris dot='' yesson='' at='' ioz='' dot='' ac='' dot='' uk>=''> Etienne Tourigny <etourigny dot='' dev='' at='' gmail='' dot='' com>=''>