Provided by: globus-gram-client-tools_11.7-2_amd64 

globusrun - Execute and manage jobs via GRAM
globusrun [-help | -usage | -version -versions ] globusrun [-p | -parse] { -f FILENAME | -file FILENAME | RSL } globusrun [OPTIONS] {-r RESOURCE| -resource RESOURCE} { -a | -authenticate-only } globusrun [OPTIONS] {-r RESOURCE| -resource RESOURCE} { -j | -jobmanager-version } globusrun [OPTIONS] {-k | -kill } JOBID globusrun [OPTIONS] [ -full-proxy | -D ] { -y | -refresh-proxy } JOBID globusrun [OPTIONS] -status JOBID globusrun [OPTIONS] { -r RESOURCE | -resource RESOURCE } { -f FILENAME | -file FILENAME | RSL}
The globusrun program for submits and manages jobs run on a local or remote job host. The jobs are controlled by the globus-job-manager program which interfaces with a local resource manager that schedules and executes the job. The globusrun program can be run in a number of different modes chosen by command-line options. When -help, -usage, -version, or -versions command-line options are used, globusrun will print out diagnostic information and then exit. When the -p or -parse command-line option is present, globusrun will verify the syntax of the RSL specification and then terminate. If the syntax is valid, globusrun will print out the string RSL Parsed Successfully... and exit with a zero exit code; otherwise, it will print an error message and terminate with a non-zero exit code. When the -a or -authenticate-only command-line option is present, globusrun will verify that the service named by RESOURCE exists and the client’s credentials are granted permission to access that service. If authentication is successful, globusrun will display the string GRAM Authentication test successful and exit with a zero exit code; otherwise it will print an explanation of the problem and will with a non-zero exit code. When the -j or -jobmanager-version command-line option is present, globusrun will attempt to determine the software version that the service named by RESOURCE is running. If successful, it will display both the Toolkit version and the Job Manager package version and exit with a zero exit code; otherwise, it will print an explanation of the problem and exit with a non-zero exit code. When the -k or -kill command-line option is present, globusrun will attempt to terminate the job named by JOB_ID. If successful, globusrun will exit with zero; otherwise it will display an explanation of the problem and exit with a non-zero exit code. When the -y or -refresh-proxy command-line option is present, globusrun will attempt to delegate a new X.509 proxy to the job manager which is managing the job named by JOBID. If successful, globusrun will exit with zero; otherwise it will display an explanation of the problem and exit with a non-zero exit code. This behavior can be modified by the -full-proxy or -D command-line options to enable full proxy delegation. The default is limited proxy delegation. When the -status command-line option is present, globusrun will attempt to determine the current state of the job. If successful, the state will be printed to standard output and globusrun will exit with a zero exit code; otherwise, a description of the error will be displayed and it will exit with a non-zero exit code. Otherwise, globusrun will submit the job to a GRAM service. By default, globusrun waits until the job has terminated or failed before exiting, displaying information about job state changes and at exit time, the job exit code if it is provided by the GRAM service. The globusrun program can also function as a GASS file server to allow the globus-job-manager program to stage files to and from the machine on which globusrun is executed to the GRAM service node. This behavior is controlled by the -s, -o, and -w command-line options. Jobs submitted by globusrun can be monitored interactively or detached. To have globusrun detach from the GRAM service after submitting the job, use the -b or -F command-line options.
-help Display a help message to standard error and exit. -usage Display a one-line usage summary to standard error and exit. -version Display the software version of globusrun to standard error and exit. -versions Display the software version of all modules used by globusrun (including DiRT information) to standard error and then exit. -p, -parse Do a parse check on the job specification and print diagnostics. If a parse error occurs, globusrun exits with a non-zero exit code. -f FILENAME, -file FILENAME Read job specification from the file named by FILENAME -n, -no-interrupt Disable handling of the SIGINT signal, so that the interrupt character (typically Control-C causes globusrun to terminate without canceling the job. -r RESOURCE Submit the request to the resource specified by RESOURCE. A resource may be specified in the following ways: • HOST • HOST:PORT • HOST:PORT/SERVICE • HOST/SERVICE • HOST:/SERVICE • HOST::SUBJECT • HOST:PORT:SUBJECT • HOST/SERVICE:SUBJECT • HOST:/SERVICE:SUBJECT • HOST:PORT/SERVICE:SUBJECT If any of PORT, SERVICE, or SUBJECT is omitted, the defaults of 2811, jobmanager, and host@HOST are used respectively. -j, -jobmanager-version Print the software version being run by the service running at RESOURCE. -k JOBID, -kill JOBID Kill the job named by JOBID. -D, -full-proxy Delegate a full impersonation proxy to the service. By default, a limited proxy is delegated when needed. -y, -refresh-proxy: Delegate a new proxy to the service processing JOBID. -status Display the current status of the job named by JOBID. -q, -quiet Do not display job state change or exit code information. -o, -output-enable Start a GASS server within the globusrun application that allows access to its standard output and standard error streams only. Also, augment the RSL with a definition of the GLOBUSRUN_GASS_URL RSL substitution and add stdout and stderr clauses which redirect the output and error streams of the job to the output and error streams of the interactive globusrun command. If this is specified, then globusrun acts as though the -q were also specified. -s, -server Start a GASS server within the globusrun application that allows access to its standard output and standard error streams for writing and any file local the the globusrun invocation for reading. Also, augment the RSL with a definition of the GLOBUSRUN_GASS_URL RSL substitution and add stdout and stderr clauses which redirect the output and error streams of the job to the output and error streams of the interactive globusrun command. If this is specified, then globusrun acts as though the -q were also specified. -w, -write-allow Start a GASS server within the globusrun application that allows access to its standard output and standard error streams for writing and any file local the the globusrun invocation for reading or writing. Also, augment the RSL with a definition of the GLOBUSRUN_GASS_URL RSL substitution and add stdout and stderr clauses which redirect the output and error streams of the job to the output and error streams of the interactive globusrun command. If this is specified, then globusrun acts as though the -q were also specified. -b, -batch Terminate after submitting the job to the GRAM service. The GASS-related options can be used to stage input files, but standard output, standard error, and file staging after the job completes will not be processed. The globusrun program will exit after the job hits any of the following states: • PENDING • ACTIVE • FAILED • DONE -F, -fast-batch Terminate after submitting the job to the GRAM service. The globusrun program will exit after it receives a reply from the service. The JOBID will be displayed to standard output before terminating so that the job can be checked with the -status command-line option or modified by the -refresh-proxy or -kill command-line options. -d, -dryrun Submit the job with the dryrun attribute set to true. When this is done, the job manager will prepare to start the job but start short of submitting it to the service. This can be used to detect problems with the RSL.
The following variables affect the execution of globusrun X509_USER_PROXY Path to proxy credential. X509_CERT_DIR Path to trusted certificate directory.
The globusrun program assumes any failure to contact the job means the job has terminated. In fact, this may be due to the globus-job-manager program exiting after all jobs it is managing have reached the DONE or FAILED states. In order to reliably detect job termination, the two_phase RSL attribute should be used.
globus-job-submit(1), globus-job-run(1), globus-job-clean(1), globus-job-get-output(1), globus-job-cancel(1)
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