xenial (1) gmod_load_cvterms.pl.1p.gz

Provided by: chado-utils_1.23-5_all bug


       load_cvterms.pl - compares which terms are new in the file compared to the database and inserts them


       Usage: perl load_cvterms.pl -H dbhost -D dbname [-vdntuFo] file


       -g      GMOD database profile name (can provide host, DB name, password, username, and driver) Default:

       -s      database name for linking (must be in db table, e.g. GO )

       -n      controlled vocabulary name (e.g 'biological_process').  optional. If not given, terms of all
               namespaces related with database name will be handled.

       -F      File format. Can be obo or go_flat and others supported by Bio::OntologyIO. Default: obo

       -u      update all the terms. Without -u, the terms in the database won't be updated to the contents of
               the file, in terms of definitions, etc. New terms will still be added.

       -v      verbose output

       -o      outfile for writing errors and verbose messages (optional)

       -t      trial mode. Don't perform any store operations at all.  (trial mode cannot test inserting
               associated data for new terms)

       The following options are required if not using GMOD profile

       -H   hostname for database [required if -p isn't used]

       -D   database name [required if -p isn't used]

       -p   password (if you need to provide a password to connect to your db)

       -r   username (if you need to provide a username to connect to your database)

       -d   driver name (e.g. 'Pg' for postgres). Driver name can be provided in gmod_config

       The script parses the ontology in the file and the corresponding ontology in the database, if present. It
       compares which terms are new in the file compared to the database and inserts them, and compares all the
       relationships that are new and inserts them. It removes the relationships that were not specified in the
       file from the database. It never removes a term entry from the database.

       This script works with Chado schema (see gmod.org) and accesse the following tables:


       Terms that are in the database but not in the file are set to is_obsolete=1.  All the terms that are
       present in the database are updated (if using -u option) to reflect the term definitions that are in the
       file.  New terms that are in the file but not in the database are stored.  The following data are
       associated with each term insert/update:

       Term name
       Term definition
       Relationships with other terms
       Secondary ids
       Definition dbxrefs


       Lukas Mueller <lam87@cornell.edu>

       Naama Menda <nm249@cornell.edu>


       Version 0.15, September 2010.