xenial (1) herold.1.gz

Provided by: herold_6.1.0-1_all bug


       herold - HTML to DocBook converter


       herold [OPTIONS]


       The reuse of HTML content in presentation-neutral form is a frequent problem. One possible solution is to
       convert HTML to DocBook XML, because DocBook is a semantic markup language for documentation, which
       enables its users to create document content that captures the logical structure of the content. The
       command line tool herold can be used to convert HTML to DocBook. Because HTML elements are often used not
       as intended, the possibilities for such a transformation are somewhat limited. herold is part of the
       dbdoclet suite of tools. For more information visit http://www.dbdoclet.org.


       --docbook-add-index, -x
           Automatically add an index element at the end of the document.

       --docbook-decompose-tables, -T
           Decomposes the tables from the HTML code into single paragraphs. This can be useful, if a document
           contains a lot of tables for formatting reasons.

       --docbook-encoding, -d
           Specifies the encoding of the generated DocBook XML files.

       --docbook-root-element, -r
           The root element of the document. Possible values are: book, article, reference, part, chapter or
           section. The default value for this option is 'article'

       --docbook-title, -t
           The title for the resulting document.

       --in, -i
           Specifies the HTML input file.

       --help, -h
           Prints a help page on the console.

       --html-encoding, -s
           Specifies the encoding of the HTML source files, such as ISO-8859-1.

       --out, -o
           Specifies the DocBook XML destination file.

       --profile, -p
           A profile file with predefined settings.

       --verbose, v
           Enables the verbosity for the console output.

       --version, -V
           Displays the version of herold.


       The details of a transformation are controlled by a profile file. A profile file offers more
       possibilities to influence the transformation than the command line arguments. The following example
       shows a typical profile file.

           transformation html2docbook;

           section section-detection  {
               attribute-class = ["^MsoHeading(\d+)$"];
               section-numbering-pattern = "((\d+\.)+)?\d*\.?\p{Z}*";

           section list-detection {
               itemized-attribute-class = ["^MsoListBullet(\w*)$", "Aufzhlung(\w+)$];
               itemized-strip-prefix = [ "-", "o", "\u00b7" ];
               ordered-attribute-class = ["^MsoListNumbered(\w*)$"];
               ordered-strip-prefix = [ "\d+\.\s+" ];

           section HTML {
               encoding = "windows-1252";
               exclude = [ "//p[starts-with(@class, 'MsoToc')]", "" ];

           section DocBook {
               abstract = """<title>Lorem ipsum</title>
           <para>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed
           do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut
           enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris
           nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in
           reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla
           pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in
           culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.sed, dolor
               add-index = true;
               author-email = "me@somewhere.de";
               author-firstname = "Michael";
               author-surname = "Fuchs";
               collapse-protected-space = "true";
               copyright-holder = "Ingenieurbüro Michael Fuchs";
               copyright-year = "2012";
               corporation = "";
               create-condition-attribute = false;
               create-prolog = true;
               create-remap-attribute = false;
               create-xref-label = false;
               decompose-tables = false;
               detect-trapped-br = true;
               documentation-id = "doc01";
               document-element = "book";
               encoding = "UTF-8";
               hyphenation-char = "soft-hyphen";
               image-data-formats = [ "gif", "base64" ];
               image-path = "./figures";
               language = "de";
               release-info = "Version 3.1";
               table-style = "all";
               title = "Tutorial";
               title-normalize-space = true;
               use-absolute-image-path = false;

       A profile file consists mainly of sections. Sections are used to group parameters which share the same
       context. Every section must start with the keyword section followed by the name of the section. After the
       name comes the block of parameters, which is surrounded by curly braces. Parameters can be of type
       String, Number, Boolean or Array. Strings must be framed with double quotes. If the String contains
       newlines, use three double quotes instead of one. Arrays are framed with square brackets. Inside an
       array, the elements must be comma separated. Every assignment must be finished by a semicolon. Multi line
       comments have the form /* my comment */ , single line comments look like // my comment\n.

   Mandatory Elements
       A profile for herold must start with the line transformation html2docbook;.

   Section section-detection
       The section section-detection is used to detect section elements in HTML code and to strip off any
       numbering prefix from the titles.

       Many authoring tools allow deeply nested sections. While exporting HTML, it happens, that the nesting
       becomes deeper than six levels. HTML provides header elements for up to six levels, h1-h6, but no h7 or
       even more. At this point, the formatting is normally done with the help of CSS and div or p elements.
       herold is able to detect the header element of HTML, but it can not know about the export format of a
       specific tool. To solve this problem even for some cases, you can specify the parameter attribute-class.
       It consists of a list of regular expressions, which are matched against the class attribute of each HTML
       element. If a match is found, the element is considered as a section element. The regular expression can
       have group, which is interpreted as level indicator. The group must be the first group and it must match
       against a number, e.g.  ^heading(\d+)$. If the level can not be detected, a level of seven is assumed.

       Because DocBook XSL stylesheets take care of the section numbering while transforming the DocBook XML to
       a specific output, it is often necessary to strip the numbering already defined in the HTML page.
       Otherwise you end up with two numbering texts in front of your titles. To help herold with the detection
       of numbering patterns, use the parameter section-numbering-pattern.

           A regular expression, which is applied to every p and div element. If the expression matches, the
           current element is handled as a section element. If the regular expression has groups, the first
           group will be used as nesting level, otherwise level seven is assumed.

           Normally you want to get rid of the section numbering that comes with the HTML data, because it
           becomes part of the title text in DocBook. The section numbers will the appear twice in your target
           media. One from HTML and one from the DocBook XSL processing. The parameter section-numbering-pattern
           defines a regular expression, which is matched against the beginning of every section title. If it
           matches, the matching part is removed.

   Section list-detection
       Sometimes lists are not represented with ul, ol or dl tags, but they are represented as p tags with
       additional css formatting. If you use a tool, which creates or exports HTML with such a construct, the
       conversion will end up with para elements, instead of the corresponding list elements in DocBook. To
       recreate the lists in some cases, you can use the section list-detection. The parameters
       itemized-attribute-class and ordered-attribute-class let you define lists of regular expression, which
       match against listitems in the HTML. herold tries to rebuild the proper list structure from this
       information, even for nested lists.

   Section HTML
       The section HTML defines parameters, which control the loading and parsing of the HTML input data.

           The character set used to read the input stream.

           Defines an array of xpath expressions. All matches are removed from the HTML DOM tree before

   Section DocBook
           The text for the abstract element of the info section. If the text is structured with newlines, use
           three double quotes as delimiters. If the text starts with a "<" character, it is embedded into an
           abstract element, otherwise the text is embedded into an para element inside of an abstract element.
           The text will parsed and can contain DocBook elements.

           If set to true, an index element is inserted at the end of the DocBook XML.

           if set to false, anchor elements doesn't get a xreflabel attribute.

           If set to true, tables structures will be ignored. The content of the table cells will be inserted
           into the DocBook XML as a sequence of paragraphs. This parameter can be useful if your HTML contains
           tables for formatting purposes. Normally you want to get rid of them, because they tamper the logical

           The document element you want to use. Must be one of article, book, part or reference.

           The character set which will be used for writing the output file.

           An array of image formats. These formats will be inserted as imageobject elements, additionally to
           the format found in the src attribute of the corresponding img element. The original format is
           inserted twice with the roles "html" and "fo". The other formats are inserted as "html-<FORMAT>" and

           The title of the resulting document. If this parameter is undefined, herold tries to dected the title
           from the head section of the HTML data.

           If you want absolute image paths in the fileref attribute of the imagedata element, set this
           parameter to true.

       Copyright 2001-2013 Michael Fuchs. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
       http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html. This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
       There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.


       Michael Fuchs
           Software Engineer