xenial (1) kinput2-wnn.1x.gz

Provided by: kinput2-wnn_3.1-13_amd64 bug


       kinput2 - kanji input server for X11


       kinput2 [-options...]


       Kinput2 is an X window application to input Japanese text.  It acts as a front-end for other applications
       that want kana-kanji conversion.

       When invoked, after some initialization (which will take about a few to  30  seconds  depending  on  your
       machine)  kinput2  waits  quietly  for a Japanese text input request from another client (i.e. no windows
       appear).  When kinput2 receives a request, it pops up a window and starts conversion  process.  It  sends
       the converted text back to the client when the text is fixed.

       Kinput2 has some big improvements over its predecessor, kinput, which was contributed to X11R4.

       Over-the-spot/On-the-spot Input
               These  features  enable  conversion  process  to be done at cursor position, avoiding unnecessary
               movement of eyes between cursor position and  conversion  window.   Kinput2  also  supports  root
               window style input and off-the-spot style input.

       Multiple Protocol Support
               Kinput2  supports  several conversion protocols between front-end and client. Supported protocols
                    kinput protocol
                    kinput2 protocol
                    Matsushita jinput protocol
                    Sony xlc protocol
                    XIMP protocol
                    X Input Method Protocol (X Consortium standard)

       Multiple Conversion Engine Support
               Kinput2 can use 4 different conversion engines, Wnn, Canna, Sj3 and Atok.  You can choose one  at
               compilation time, or at run time.

       Kinput Compatibility
               Kinput2 is fully upward-compatible with kinput, so applications which use kinput as the front-end
               can also use kinput2.  In this case, the applications  cannot  take  advantage  of  over-the-spot
               conversion, though.


       kinput2  accepts  all of the standard X Toolkit command line options.  The following options are accepted
       as well.

       -wnn    This option specifies that Wnn jserver is used as the conversion engine.

               This option specifies the hostname of the jserver to be used for conversion.

       -ccdef  This option specifies the input character conversion rule file.

               This option specifies the Wnn convertion  environment  initialization  file  (wnnenvrc)  for  Wnn
               version 4.

               This option is similar to -wnenvrc4, but for Wnn version 6.

       -canna  This  option  specifies  that  Canna  conversion  server  (irohaserver) is used as the conversion

               This option specifies the hostname of Canna conversion server.

               This option specifies Canna conversion customization file.

       -sj3    This option specifies that Sj3 conversion server (sj3serv) is used as the conversion engine.

               This option specifies the hostname of the primary sj3 conversion server.

               This option specifies the hostname of the secondary sj3 server. The secondary server is used when
               kinput2 cannot connect to the primary server.

       -atok   This option specifies that Atok server is used as the conversion engine.

               This option specifies the hostname of the atok server to be used for conversion.

       -font ascii-font
               This option specifies the default font to be used for displaying ASCII text.

       -kanjifont kanji-font
               This option specifies the default font to be used for displaying Kanji text.

       -kanafont kana-font
               This option specifies the default font to be used for displaying Kana text.

               This  option  enables/disables  use  of  kinput  protocol  family (i.e.  kinput protocol, kinput2
               protocol, jinput protocol and xlc protocol).

       -/+ximp This option enables/disables use of XIMP protocol.

       -/+xim  This option enables/disables use of X Input Method Protocol.

       -bc     Kinput protocol, which is one of the communication protocols kinput2 supports,  uses  X  window's
               selection mechanism to notify other clients of front-end's existence.  This option forces kinput2
               to use selection ``JAPANESE_CONVERSION'' (which is not a standard  selection  name)  as  well  as
               ``_JAPANESE_CONVERSION''.   This  is  for  backward compatibility, since many of the applications
               that connect with kinput still use this non-standard selection.

       -tbheightP title-bar-height
               This option specifies the height (in pixels)  of the titlebar attached to popup  shells  such  as
               candidate  selection  window.   Kinput2  uses this value to compute the correct popup location of
               these windows.


       Below is the widget hierarchy of kinput2.
            Kinput2  kinput2
                 ConversionManager  convmanager
                      KinputProtocol  kinputprotocol
                      XimpProtocol  ximpprotocol
                      IMProtocol  improtocol
                      SeparateConversion  converter
                           CcWnn  inputObj
                           Canna  inputObj
                           Sj3  inputObj
                           JpWcharDisplay  displayObj
                           Form  form
                                ICLabel  mode
                                     JpWcharDisplay  display
                                Canvas  text
                           TransientShell  selectionShell
                                CandidatePanel  selection
                                     JpWcharDisplay  display
                           TransientShell  auxShell
                                AuxPanel  aux
                                     JpWcharDisplay  display
                      OffTheSpotConversion  converter
                           CcWnn  inputObj
                           Canna  inputObj
                           Sj3  inputObj
                           JpWcharDisplay  displayObj
                           AdoptedShell  modeShell
                                ICLabel  mode
                                     JpWcharDisplay display
                           CanvasShell  text
                           TransientShell  selectionShell
                                CandidatePanel  selection
                                     JpWcharDisplay  display
                           TransientShell  auxShell
                                AuxPanel  aux
                                     JpWcharDisplay  display
                      OverTheSpotConversion  converter
                           CcWnn  inputObj
                           Canna  inputObj
                           Sj3  inputObj
                           JpWcharDisplay  displayObj
                           TransientShell  selectionShell
                                CandidatePanel  selection
                                     JpWcharDisplay  display
                           TransientShell  auxShell
                                AuxPanel  aux
                                     JpWcharDisplay  display
                           AdoptedShell  modeShell
                                ICLabel  mode
                                     JpWcharDisplay  display
                           TransientShell  modeShell
                                ICLabel  mode
                                     JpWcharDisplay  display
                           CanvasShell  text


       There are too many resources to describe here, but you don't have to know most of them.   So  here  is  a
       brief description of resources which you might want to set.

       Kinput2 application resource:

               This  resource  specifies  which  conversion  engine  to  use.   You  can specify one of ``wnn'',
               ``canna'', ``sj3'' or ``atok''.

       ConversionControl  widget  (which  is  a  superclass  of  SeparateConversion,  OffTheSpotConversion   and
       OverTheSpotConversion) resource:

               If this resource is ``true'', the KeyPress events intercepted but unused by kinput2 are sent back
               to the client when there is no conversion text.  Although this feature is  convenient,  it  might
               confuse  some  clients  since  none of corresponding KeyRelease events are sent.  Also, since the
               ``send_event'' flag of those events are true, some clients do not  accept  events  sent  back  by
               kinput2.  For example, kterm doesn't accept those events without specifying
                    KTerm*allowSendEvents: true
               in a resource file.
               The default of sendbackKeyPress resource is true.

               This  resource  specifies  the  height  of  a  title bar which is attached to various popup shell
               windows, such as candicate selection.  When computing the location of these windows, kinput2 uses
               this value to pop up them at correct position.
               The default is 0P.

       OverTheSpotConversion widget resources:

               If this resource is ``true'', the width of on-the-spot conversion window shrinks according to the
               length of the text on it. Otherwise, the window never shrinks.  If the performance of Xserver  on
               window resizing is poor, you may consider setting this resources to false.  The default is true.

               This  resource  specifies the location of status widget in case of over-the-spot type conversion.
               Unless client specifies the location explicitly, the location of the status widget is  determined
               by  this resource.  If the value of this resource is ``topleft'', the widget is placed at the top
               left of the client window. You can also specify ``topright'', ``bottomleft'' and ``bottomright''.
               If  the  value  is  ``tracktext'', the widget is placed just under the cursor position, and moves
               according to the cursor. However, if the region available for conversion is too small, status  is
               placed  at  the bottom left of the client area.  If the value is ``none'', the status widget will
               never appear.
               The default is ``tracktext''.

               If this resource is ``true'', the color of status widget is forced to be same as  the  foreground
               color of the widget.
               The default is false.

               If this resource is ``true'', the status widget becomes an instance of OverriddeShell, instead of
               the default TransientShell.  Turn this resource on if you encounter a strange phenomenon that the
               status  widget  keeps  flickering  and you cannnot enter any text.  This is caused by (incorrect)
               focus management of your  window  manager,  and  setting  this  resource  will  stop  any  window
               management  for  the widget.  The result is that the widget will be totally ignored by the window
               manager, meaning you cannot move, resize, raise nor lower the widget.
               The default is false.

       OnTheSpotConversion widget resources:

               This resource specifies the display attributes of preedit string when on-the-spot input style  is
               used.  In  on-the-spot style, it is a client's responsibility to draw preedit string, and kinput2
               sends some hints on how it should be drawn, which is controled by this resource.   The  value  of
               this  resource  should  be  a comma-separated list of 4 elements, and each element represents the
               drawing hint of specific type of string.  They represent the hints for not-yet-converted  string,
               for  converted  string,  for  converted string which belongs to the current clause, for converted
               string belonging to the current sub-clause, in that order.  Each element consists of zero or more
               drawing attributes, which are `R' (reverse), `U' (underline), `H' (highlight), `P' (primary), `S'
               (secondary) or `T' (tertiary).  You should consult the Xlib document for  the  meaning  of  these
               attributes  (see  the  section about preedit draw callback).  The default is ``U,,R,H'', which is
               close to the drawing attributes used by other input styles.

       CcWnn (conversion widget using Wnn) resources:

               This resource specifies the hostname of the (primary) jserver to be used for conversion.  If  not
               specified, value of environment variable ``JSERVER'' is used.

               This  resource  specifies  the  hostname  of  the secondary jserver, which is used if the primary
               server is down. If not specified, kinput2 doesn't use secondary server.

               This resource specifies the filename of the Wnn conversion environment initialization file.  This
               file  is  used when the Wnn server (jserver) is version 4. See documents of Wnn for the format of
               the file.  The default is /usr/local/lib/wnn/wnnenvrc.

               This resource also specifies the filename of the Wnn conversion environment initialization  file.
               This file is used when the Wnn server (jserver) is version 6. See documents of Wnn for the format
               of the file.

               This resource is provided for backward compatibility.  Use wnnEnvrc4 or wnnEnvrc6 instead.

               This  resource  specifies  the  input  character  conversion   rule   file.    The   default   is

       Canna (conversion widget using Canna) resources:

               This resource specifies the hostname of the canna server to be used.

               This resource specifies Canna conversion customization file.

       Sj3 (conversion widget using SJ3) resources:

               This  resource  specifies the hostname of the (primary) sj3serv to be used for conversion. If not
               specified, value of environment variable ``SJ3SERV'' is used.

               This resource specifies the hostname of the secondary sj3serv,  which  is  used  if  the  primary
               server is down.

               This  resource  specifies  the  filename of the Sj3 conversion customization file. The default is

               This   resource   specifies   the   Romaji-Kana   conversion   rule   file.    The   default   is

       Atok (conversion widget using Atok) resources:

               This resource specifies the hostname of the atok server to be used for conversion.

               This resource specifies the port number of the atok server.

               This resource specifies the name of atok configuration file.

               This resource specifies the name of atok style file.

       JpWcharDisplay (widget for drawing Japanese text) resources:

           font, kanjiFont, kanaFont
               These  resource  specifies  the  font  to  be  used  for  displaying  ASCII, Kanji and Kana text,
               respectively.  Since kinput2 changes fonts dynamically by client requests, the fonts specified by
               these resources might not be used.  If not specified, the following fonts are used.

       KinputProtocol  (widget  for  handling kinput protocol family - kinput, kinput2, jinput and xlc protocol)

               All of the protocols in kinput protocol family use X window's selection mechanism to notify other
               clients  of  front-end's  existence.   If  this  resource  is  ``true'',  kinput2  uses selection
               ``JAPANESE_CONVERSION''   (which   is   not   a   standard   selection   name)   as    well    as
               ``_JAPANESE_CONVERSION''.   This  is  for  backward compatibility, since many of the applications
               using these protocols still use this non-standard selection.
               The default is true.

               This resource specifies the key that starts the conversion.  The key is a hint  for  the  clients
               using  xlc  protocol  to determine when they should request conversion to kinput2.  The syntax of
               the specification is a subset of the translation table syntax:
               where modifier-names is a combination of Shift, Lock, Meta, Alt and Mod[1-5].
               The default is Shift<Key>space.

       XimpProtocol and IMProtocol (which handle XIMP protocol and X Input Method Protocol) resources:

               This resource specifies the keys that start the conversion.  The syntax of the specification is a
               subset of the translation table syntax:
               where  modifier-names  is  a  combination of Ctrl, Shift, Lock, Meta, Alt and Mod[1-5]. A '~' can
               precede each modifier name, meaning the modifier must not  be  asserted.   For  example,  if  the
               conversion  start  key is ``Kanji'' key with shift key pressed and control key not pressed (other
               modifier keys may be pressed or not), the specification is:
                    Shift ~Ctrl<Key>Kanji
               Multiple keys can be specified by separating them with newlines.
               The default is as follows:
                    Shift<Key>space \n\

               This resource specifies the default fonts to be used if the client does not specify fonts  to  be
               used.  The default is -*-fixed-medium-r-normal--14-*-*-*-c-*.


       When  using  X  Input  Method Protocol, you have to specify the name of the input server you want to use.
       This can be done by setting ``inputMethod'' resource or setting XMODIFIERS environment  variable.   Since
       some clients don't regard inputMethod resource while other clients ignore XMODIFIERS variable, so it is a
       good idea to set both of them.

       To use kinput2, you should add the  following  line  to  your  resource  file  (such  as  .Xresources  or
            *inputMethod: kinput2
       and, set XMODIFIERS to ``@im=kinput2''.
            setenv XMODIFIERS "@im=kinput2"   (for csh)
            XMODIFIERS="@im=kinput2"; export XMODIFIERS   (for sh)


       Wnn documents, Canna documents, Sj3 documents, XIMP protocol specification, The Input Method Protocol

       Copyright 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1994 Software Research Associates, Inc.
       Copyright 1991 NEC Corporation, Tokyo, Japan.
       Copyright 1991 Sony Corporation
       Copyright 1998 MORIBE, Hideyuki
       Copyright 1999 Kazuki YASUMATSU
       Copyright 1999 Justsystem Corporation, Japan.


       Makoto Ishisone, Software Research Associates, Inc.
       Akira Kon, NEC Corporation
       Naoshi Suzuki, Sony Corporation
       MORIBE, Hideyuki
       Kazuki YASUMATSU
       Atsushi Irisawa