xenial (1) mcrl22lps.1.gz

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       mcrl22lps - translate an mCRL2 specification to an LPS


       mcrl22lps [OPTION]... [INFILE [OUTFILE]]


       Linearises  the  mCRL2 specification in INFILE and writes the resulting LPS to OUTFILE. If OUTFILE is not
       present, stdout is used. If INFILE is not present, stdin is used.


       OPTION can be any of the following:

       -b, --binary
              when clustering use binary case functions instead of n-ary;  in  the  presence  of  -w/--newstate,
              state variables are encoded by a vector of boolean variables

       -e, --check-only
              check syntax and static semantics; do not linearise

       -c, --cluster
              all  actions  in  the final LPS are clustered. Clustering means that summands with the same action
              labels are grouped together. For instance, a(f1) . P(g1) + a(f2) . P(g2) is  replaced  by  sum  b:
              Bool  .  a(if(b, f1, f2)) . P(if(b, f2, g2)).  The advantage is that the number of summands can be
              reduced subtantially in this way. The disadvantage is that sum operators are  introduced  and  new
              data  sorts with auxiliary functions are generated. In order to avoid the generation of new sorts,
              the option -b/--binary can be used.

       -D, --delta
              add a true->delta summands to each  state  in  each  process;  these  delta's  subsume  all  other
              conditional  timed  delta's,  effectively reducing the number of delta summands drastically in the
              resulting linear process; speeds up linearisation.  This is the default,  but  it  does  not  deal
              correctly with time.

       -lNAME, --lin-method=NAME
              use  linearisation  method  NAME:  'regular'  for generating an LPS in regular form (specification
              should be regular) (default) 'regular2' for a variant of 'regular' that uses more  data  variables
              (useful  when  'regular'  does not work) 'stack' for using stack data types (useful when 'regular'
              and 'regular2' do not work)

       -w, --newstate
              state variables are encoded using enumerated types instead of positive natural numbers  (Pos).  By
              using  this  option  new finite sorts named Enumk are generated where k is the size of the domain.
              Also, auxiliary case functions and equalities are defined. In combination with the option --binary
              the finite sorts are encoded by booleans. (requires linearisation method 'regular' or 'regular2').

       -z, --no-alpha
              alphabet  reductions  are  not applied. By default mcrl22lps attempts to distribute communication,
              hiding and allow operators over the parallel composition operator as  this  reduces  the  size  of
              intermediate  linear  processes.   By  using this option, this step can be avoided. The name stems
              from the alphabet axioms in process algebra.

       -n, --no-cluster
              the actions in intermediate LPSs are not clustered before they are put  in  parallel.  By  default
              these  processes  are clustered to avoid a blow-up in the number of summands when transforming two
              parallel linear processes into a single linear process. If a linear process with M summands is put
              in  parallel with a linear process with N summands the resulting process has M×N + M + N summands.
              Both M and N can be substantially reduced by clustering at the cost of introducing new  sorts  and
              functions. See -c/--cluster, esp. for a short explanation of the clustering process.

              do not try to apply constant elimination when generating a linear process.

       -g, --no-deltaelm
              avoid  removing  spurious  delta  summands. Due to the existence of time, delta summands cannot be
              omitted. Due to the presence of multi-actions the number of summands can be  huge.  The  algorithm
              for  removing  delta summands simply works by comparing each delta summand with each other summand
              to see whether the condition of the one implies the condition of  the  other.  Clearly,  this  has
              quadratic complexity, and can take a long time.

       -f, --no-globvars
              instantiate  don't  care  values  with  arbitrary  constants,  instead of modelling them by global
              variables. This has no effecton global variables that are declared in the specification.

       -o, --no-rewrite
              do not rewrite data terms while linearising; useful when the rewrite system  does  not  terminate.
              This option also switches off the application of constant elimination.

       -m, --no-sumelm
              avoid applying sum elimination in parallel composition

       -QNUM, --qlimit=NUM
              limit enumeration of quantifiers to NUM variables. (Default NUM=1000, NUM=0 for unlimited).

       -rNAME, --rewriter=NAME
              use  rewrite  strategy  NAME:  'jitty' jitty rewriting (default) 'jittyc' compiled jitty rewriting
              'jittyp' jitty rewriting with prover

       -a, --statenames
              the names of generated data parameters are extended with the name of the  process  in  which  they
              occur. This makes it easier to determine where the parameter comes from.

       -T, --timed
              Translate  the  process to linear form preserving all timed information. In parallel processes the
              number of possible time constraints can be large, slowing down linearisation. Confer  the  --delta
              option which yiels a much faster translation that does not preserve timing correctly

              append  timing  measurements  to  FILE.  Measurements  are written to standard error if no FILE is

       Standard options:

       -q, --quiet
              do not display warning messages

       -v, --verbose
              display short intermediate messages

       -d, --debug
              display detailed intermediate messages

              display intermediate messages up to and including level

       -h, --help
              display help information

              display version information


       Written by Jan Friso Groote.


       Report bugs at <http://www.mcrl2.org/issuetracker>.

       Copyright © 2014 Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.
       This is free software.  You may redistribute copies of it under the terms of the Boost  Software  License
       <http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt>.  There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.


       See also the manual at <http://www.mcrl2.org/release/user_manual/tools/mcrl22lps.html>.