Provided by: lizardfs-client_3.9.4+dfsg-4_amd64 

mfstools - perform LizardFS-specific operations
mfsgetgoal [-r] [-n|-h|-H] OBJECT... mfsrgetgoal [-n|-h|-H] OBJECT... mfssetgoal [-r] [-n|-h|-H] NAME OBJECT... mfsrsetgoal [-n|-h|-H] [+|-]N OBJECT... mfssetquota (-u UID | -g GID) SOFT-LIMIT-SIZE HARD-LIMIT-SIZE SOFT-LIMIT-INODES HARD-LIMIT-INODES MOUNTPOINT-ROOT-PATH mfsrepquota [-nhH] (-u UID | -g GID)+ MOUNTPOINT-ROOT-PATH mfsrepquota [-nhH] -a MOUNTPOINT-ROOT-PATH mfsgettrashtime [-r] [-n|-h|-H] OBJECT... mfsrgettrashtime [-n|-h|-H] OBJECT... mfssettrashtime [-r] [-n|-h|-H] [+|-]SECONDS OBJECT... mfsrsettrashtime [-n|-h|-H] [+|-]SECONDS OBJECT... mfsgeteattr [-r] [-n|-h|-H] OBJECT... mfsseteattr [-r] [-n|-h|-H] -f ATTRNAME [-f ATTRNAME ...] OBJECT... mfsdeleattr [-r] [-n|-h|-H] -f ATTRNAME [-f ATTRNAME ...] OBJECT... mfscheckfile FILE... mfsfileinfo FILE... mfsdirinfo [-n|-h|-H] OBJECT... mfsfilerepair [-n|-h|-H] FILE... mfsappendchunks SNAPSHOT_FILE OBJECT... mfsmakesnapshot [-o] SOURCE... DESTINATION
See respective documents.
Most of mfstools use following options to select format of printed numbers: -n Print exact numbers (e.g. 1024). -h Print numbers with binary prefixes (Ki, Mi, Gi as 2^10, 2^20 etc.). -H Print numbers with SI prefixes (k, M, G as 10^3, 10^6 etc.). The same can be achieved by setting MFSHRFORMAT environment variable to: 0 (exact numbers), 1 or h (binary prefixes), 2 or H (SI prefixes), 3 or h+ (exact numbers and binary prefixes), 4 or H+ (exact numbers and SI prefixes). The default is to print just exact numbers. Other options: -r This option enables recursive mode.
When new object is created in LizardFS, attributes such as goal, trashtime and extra attributes are inherited from parent directory. So if you set i.e. "noowner" attribute and goal to 3 in a directory then every new object created in this directory will have goal set to 3 and "noowner" flag set. A newly created object inherits always the current set of its parent’s attributes. Changing a directory attribute does not affect its already created children. To change an attribute for a directory and all of its children use '-r' option.
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Copyright 2008-2009 Gemius SA, 2013-2015 Skytechnology sp. z o.o. LizardFS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3. LizardFS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LizardFS. If not, see
mfsmount(1), mfsappendchunks(1), mfscheckfile(1), mfsdeleattr(1), mfsdirinfo(1), mfsfileinfo(1), mfsfilerepair(1), mfsgeteattr(1), mfsgetgoal(1), mfsgettrashtime(1), mfsmakesnapshot(1), mfsrgetgoal(1), mfsrgettrashtime(1), mfsrsetgoal(1), mfsrsettrashtime(1), mfsseteattr(1), mfssetgoal(1), mfssettrashtime(1), mfsrepquota(1), mfssetquota(1), moosefs(7) 02/16/2016 MFSTOOLS(1)