Provided by: mipe_1.1-5_all 

NAME - Generates input file for submission to dbSTS included in output: STS section of dbSTS submission based on MIPE version v1.1 arguments: * mipe_file * config file * (optional) list of PCR IDs The config file consists of lines containing a key and a value, separated by an equal sign ('='). The key consists of the lowercase name of the NCBI submission file (see website dbSTS), followed by an underscore and the lowercase name of the field in that file. The following fields should be defined in the config file: pub_title= pub_authors= source_name= source_organism= cont_name= cont_fax= cont_tel= cont_email= cont_lab= cont_inst= cont_addr= protocol_name= protocol_protocol= buffer_name= buffer_buffer= sts_pcr_profile= For protocol_protocol, buffer_buffer and sts_pcr_profile, more lines are necessary (see example). An example of a config file look like this: pub_title=Genetic mapping of chicken SNPs pub_authors=Aerts,J.A.; Veenendaal,T.; Crooijmans,R.P.M.A; Groenen,M.A.M source_name=Chicken genomic DNA source_organism=Gallus gallus cont_name=Jan Aerts cont_fax=+31 317 483929 cont_tel=+31 317 483397 cont_lab=Animal Breeding and Genomics Group cont_inst=Wageningen University cont_addr=PO Box 338, 6700 AH Wageningen, The Netherlands protocol_name=Protocol_Aerts protocol_protocol=Template: 30-60 ng protocol_protocol=Primer: each 4 uM protocol_protocol=dNTPs: each 200 uM protocol_protocol=Taq: 0.3 units protocol_protocol=Volume: 12 ul buffer_name=Buffer_Aerts buffer_buffer=MgCl2: 1.5 mM buffer_buffer=(NH4)2SO4: 20 mM buffer_buffer=Tris-HCl: 75 mM buffer_buffer=Tween 20: 0.01% (w/v) buffer_buffer=pH: 8.8
Unknown. If you encounter one, please let me know (
SYNOPSIS your_file.mipe dbSTS.config <pcr_id1> <pcr_id2>
Jan Aerts (