Provided by: moncli_1.0.12.1-1_all 

mon-get-stats - Get metric statistics
mon-get-stats MetricName --namespace value --statistics value[,value...] [--dimensions "key1=value1,key2=value2..." ] [--end-time value ] [--period value ] [--start-time value ] [--unit value ] [General Options]
This call will get time-series data for one or more statistics of a given MetricName.
MetricName The metric name that corresponds to one contained in the gathered Metric. You can also set this value using "--metric-name". Required.
-d, --dimensions "key1=value1,key2=value2..." Dimensions (one or more) along which the metric data was originally stored. If no dimensions are specified, then the statistics belonging to the specified non-dimensional metric will be returned. --end-time VALUE The timestamp of the last datapoint to return, inclusive. For example, 2009-11-25T19:00:00+00:00Z. Timestamp will be rounded down to the nearest minute.The dateTime type uses ISO 8601 (UTC). The default for this is now. -n, --namespace VALUE The namespace of the desired metric. This must match the namespace that was specified when the desired metric was initially reported. Required. -p, --period VALUE The granularity (in seconds) of the returned datapoints. Period must be at least 60 seconds and must be a multiple of 60. The default is 60 seconds. -s, --statistics VALUE1,VALUE2,VALUE3... The statistics to be returned for the desired metric. Valid values are: Average, Sum, SampleCount, Maximum, or Minimum. Required. --start-time VALUE The timestamp of the first datapoint to return, inclusive. For example, 2009-11-25T19:00:00+00:00Z. Timestamp will be rounded down to the nearest minute. The dateTime type uses ISO 8601 (UTC). The default for this is 1 hour in the past. -u, --unit VALUE The unit that the metric was reported in. Valid unit values are Seconds, Bytes, Bits, Percent, Count, Bytes/Second, Bits/Second, Count/Second, None.
--aws-credential-file VALUE Location of the file with your AWS credentials. This value can be set by using the environment variable 'AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE'. -C, --ec2-cert-file-path VALUE Location of your EC2 certificate file. This value can be set by using the environment variable 'EC2_CERT'. --connection-timeout VALUE Specify a connection timeout VALUE (in seconds). The default value is '30'. --delimiter VALUE What delimiter to use when displaying delimited (long) results. --headers If you are displaying tabular or delimited results, it includes the column headers. If you are showing xml results, it returns the HTTP headers from the service request, if applicable. This is off by default. -I, --access-key-id VALUE Specify VALUE as the AWS Access Id to use. -K, --ec2-private-key-file-path VALUE Location of your EC2 private key file. This value can be set by using the environment variable 'EC2_PRIVATE_KEY'. --region VALUE Specify region VALUE as the web service region to use. This value can be set by using the environment variable 'EC2_REGION'. -S, --secret-key VALUE Specify VALUE as the AWS Secret Key to use. --show-empty-fields Show empty fields and rows, using a "(nil)" value. The default is to not show empty fields or columns. --show-request Displays the URL the tools used to call the AWS Service. The default value is 'false'. --show-table, --show-long, --show-xml, --quiet Specify how the results are displayed: tabular, delimited (long), xml, or no output (quiet). Tabular shows a subset of the data in fixed column-width form, while long shows all of the returned values delimited by a character. The xml is the raw return from the service, while quiet suppresses all standard output. The default is tabular, or 'show-table'. -U, --url VALUE This option will override the URL for the service call with VALUE. This value can be set by using the environment variable 'AWS_CLOUDWATCH_URL'.
This returns the average, min, and max CPU utilization for EC2 instance i-c07704a9, at 1 hour resolution. $PROMPT>mon-get-stats CPUUtilization --start-time 2009-02-14T23:00:00.000Z --end-time 2009-03-14T23:00:00.000Z --period 3600 --statistics "Average,Minimum,Maximum" --namespace "AWS/EC2" --dimensions "InstanceId=i-c07704a9" This returns CPU utilization across your EC2 fleet. $PROMPT2>mon-get-stats CPUUtilization --start-time 2009-02-14T23:00:00.000Z --end-time 2009-03-14T23:00:00.000Z --period 3600 --statistics "Average,Minimum,Maximum" --namespace "AWS/EC2" This returns the average, min, and max Request count made to the test stack of "MyService" for a particular user, at 1 hour resolution. $PROMPT>mon-get-stats RequestCount --start-time 2009-11-24T23:00:00.000Z --end-time 2009-11-25T23:00:00.000Z --period 3600 --statistics "Average,Minimum,Maximum" --namespace "MyService" --dimensions "User=SomeUser,Stack=Test" This shows RequestCount statistics across all of "MyService". $PROMPT2>mon-get-stats RequestCount --start-time 2009-11-24T23:00:00.000Z --end-time 2009-11-25T23:00:00.000Z --period 3600 --statistics "Average,Minimum,Maximum,SampleCount" --namespace "MyService"
This command returns a table that contains the following: * Time - Time the metrics were taken. * SampleCount - No description available for this column. * Average - Average value. * Sum - Sum of values. * Minimum - Minimum observed value. * Maximum - Maximum observed value. * Unit - Unit of the metric.
This is an example of an output of the Samples and Average metrics at one minute resolution.