xenial (1) multiruby_setup.1.gz

multiruby_setup - script to help you manage multiruby
multiruby_setup [-h|cmd|spec...] multiruby_setup mri:svn:current
Use multiruby_setup to manage your installed versions of ruby. This helps you use multiruby command to run anything you want on multiple versions of ruby. The various versions are installed in a subdirectory of .multiruby in your home directory.
cmds -h, --help, help show this help. build build and install everything. used internally. clean clean scm build dirs and remove non-scm build dirs. list print installed versions. rm:$version remove a particular version. rubygems:merge symlink all rubygem dirs to one dir. tags list all tags from svn. update update svn builds. update:rubygems update rubygems and nuke install dirs. specs the_usual alias for latest versions from tar + rubygems mri:svn:current alias for mri:svn:releases and mri:svn:branches. mri:svn:releases alias for supported releases of mri ruby. mri:svn:branches alias for active branches of mri ruby. mri:svn:branch:$branch install a specific $branch of mri from svn. mri:svn:tag:$tag install a specific $tag of mri from svn. mri:tar:$version install a specific $version of mri from tarball. environment variables GEM_URL url for rubygems tarballs MRI_SVN url for MRI SVN RUBY_URL url for MRI tarballs VERSIONS what versions to install RUBYOPT is cleared on installs.
• you can add a symlink to your rubinius build into ~/.multiruby/install • I need patches/maintainers for other implementations.
Ryan Davis, Eric Hodel, seattle.rb This manual page is written by Praveen Arimbrathodiyl <praveen@debian.org> for Debian GNU System (GNU/Linux, GNU/kFreeBSD, GNU/Hurd). "ZenTest" 2016-03-01 MULTIRUBY_SETUP.1(1)