xenial (1) psbasemap.1gmt.gz

Provided by: gmt-common_5.2.1+dfsg-3build1_all bug


       psbasemap - Plot PostScript base maps


       psbasemap parameters west/east/south/north[/zmin/zmax][r] [ [p|s]parameters ] [ [file] ] [ insert box ] [
       box ] [  ] [ z|Zparameters ] [ ruler ] [  ] [  ] [ [just/dx/dy/][c|label] ] [  rose  ]  [  mag_rose  ]  [
       [level] ] [ x_offset ] [ y_offset ] [ -ccopies ] [ -f<flags> ] [ -p<flags> ] [ -t<transp> ]

       Note: No space is allowed between the option flag and the associated arguments.


       psbasemap  creates  PostScript  code that will produce a basemap.  Several map projections are available,
       and the user may specify separate tick-mark intervals for boundary annotation, ticking, and  [optionally]
       gridlines.  A  simple map scale or directional rose may also be plotted.  At least one of the options -B,
       -L, or -T must be specified.


       -Jparameters (more ...)
              Select map projection.

       -R[unit]xmin/xmax/ymin/ymax[r] (more ...)
              Specify the region of interest.

       For perspective view p, optionally append /zmin/zmax. (more ...)


              No plotting is performed.  Instead, we determine  the  geographical  coordinates  of  the  polygon
              outline  for  the (possibly oblique) rectangular map domain.  The plot domain must be given via -R
              and -J, with no other options allowed.  The sampling  interval  is  controlled  via  MAP_LINE_STEP
              parameter.  The coordinates are written to file or to standard output if no file is specified.

       -B[p|s]parameters (more ...)
              Set map boundary intervals.

       -D[unit]xmin/xmax/ymin/ymax[r][+sfile]                                                                  |
              Draw a simple map insert box on the map.  Requires -F.  Specify the box in one of three ways:  (a)
              Give west/east/south/north of geographic rectangle bounded by parallels and meridians; append r if
              the coordinates instead are the lower left and upper right corners of the desired  rectangle.  (b)
              Give  uxmin/xmax/ymin/ymax  of  bounding  rectangle  in  projected  coordinates  (here,  u  is the
              coordinate unit).  (c) Give the reference point on the map  for  the  insert  using  one  of  four
              coordinate  systems:  (1)  Use  -Dg  for  map  (user)  coordinates, (2) use -Dj or -DJ for setting
              refpoint via a 2-char justification code that refers to the (invisible) map domain rectangle,  (3)
              use  -Dn for normalized (0-1) coordinates, or (4) use -Dx for plot coordinates (inches, cm, etc.).
              Append +wwidth[/height] of bounding rectangle or box in plot coordinates (inches, cm,  etc.).   By
              default,  the anchor point on the scale is assumed to be the bottom left corner (BL), but this can
              be changed by appending +j followed by a 2-char justification code justify (see pstext).  Note: If
              -Dj is used then justify defaults to the same as refpoint, if -DJ is used then justify defaults to
              the mirror opposite of refpoint.  Add +o to offset the color scale by dx/dy away from the refpoint
              point  in  the direction implied by justify (or the direction implied by -Dj or -DJ).  If you need
              access to the placement of the lower left corner of the map  insert  and  its  dimensions  in  the
              current  map unit, use sfile to write this information to file.  Specify insert box attributes via
              the -F option [outline only].

              Without further options, draws a rectangular border around any map insert (-D), map scale (-L)  or
              map  rose  (-T)  using  MAP_FRAME_PEN; specify a different pen with +ppen.  Add +gfill to fill the
              logo  box  [no  fill].   Append  +cclearance  where  clearance  is  either  gap,   xgap/ygap,   or
              lgap/rgap/bgap/tgap  where  these items are uniform, separate in x- and y-direction, or individual
              side spacings between logo and border.  Append +i to draw a secondary, inner border  as  well.  We
              use  a  uniform  gap  between  borders  of  2p  and  the  MAP_DEFAULTS_PEN unless other values are
              specified. Append +r to draw rounded rectangular borders instead, with a 6p corner radius. You can
              override  this  radius by appending another value. Finally, append +s to draw an offset background
              shaded region. Here, dx/dy indicates the shift relative to the foreground frame [4p/-4p] and shade
              sets  the  fill  style  to  use  for  shading [gray50].  Used in combination with -D, -L or -T. To
              specify separate parameters for the various map features, append  d|l|t to  -F  to  specify  panel
              parameters  for  just  that  panel  [Default  uses  the same panel parameters for all selected map

       -Jz|Zparameters (more ...)
              Set z-axis scaling; same syntax as -Jx.

       -K (more ...)
              Do not finalize the PostScript plot.

              Draws a simple map scale centered on the reference point specified using one  of  four  coordinate
              systems:  (1)  Use  -Dg  for map (user) coordinates, (2) use -Dj or -DJ for setting refpoint via a
              2-char justification code that refers to the (invisible) map domain rectangle,  (3)  use  -Dn  for
              normalized  (0-1)  coordinates,  or (4) use -Dx for plot coordinates (inches, cm, etc.).  Scale is
              calculated for latitude slat (optionally supply longitude slon for oblique projections [Default is
              central  meridian]), length is in km, or append unit from e|f|k|M|n|u.  Change the label alignment
              with +aalign (choose among l(eft), r(ight), t(op), and b(ottom)).  Append  +f  to  get  a  "fancy"
              scale  [Default  is plain].  Append +l to select the default label, which equals the distance unit
              (meter, foot, km, mile, nautical mile, US survey foot) and is justified on top of the  scale  [t].
              Change  this  by  giving  your  own  label  (append +llabel).  Select +u to append the unit to all
              distance annotations along the scale (for the plain scale, +u will instead select the unit  to  be
              appended   to   the  distance  length).  Note:  Use  FONT_LABEL  to  change  the  label  font  and
              FONT_ANNOT_PRIMARY to change the annotation font.  The height of the map scale  is  controlled  by
              MAP_SCALE_HEIGHT,  and the pen thickness is set by MAP_TICK_PEN_PRIMARY.  See -F on how to place a
              panel behind the scale.

       -O (more ...)
              Append to existing PostScript plot.

       -P (more ...)
              Select "Portrait" plot orientation.

              -Td draws a map directional rose on the map at the location defined by the  reference  and  anchor
              points: Give the reference point on the map for the rose using one of four coordinate systems: (1)
              Use g for map (user) coordinates, (2) use j for setting refpoint via a 2-char  justification  code
              that  refers  to the (invisible) map domain rectangle, (3) use n for normalized (0-1) coordinates,
              or (4) use x for plot coordinates (inches, cm, etc.) [Default].   You  can  offset  the  reference
              point  by dx/dy in the direction implied by justify.  By default, the anchor point on the scale is
              assumed to be the center of the rose (MC), but this can be changed by appending +j followed  by  a
              2-char justification code justify (see pstext).  Note: If -Dj is used then justify defaults to the
              same as refpoint, if -DJ is used then justify defaults to the mirror opposite of refpoint.  Add +o
              to  offset  the  color  scale  by  dx/dy  away from the refpoint point in the direction implied by
              justify (or the direction implied by -Dj or -DJ).  Append +wwidthto set the width of the  rose  in
              plot  coordinates (inches, cm, etc.).  Add +f to get a "fancy" rose, and specify in level what you
              want drawn. The default [1] draws the  two  principal  E-W,  N-S  orientations,  2  adds  the  two
              intermediate  NW-SE  and  NE-SW  orientations,  while 3 adds the eight minor orientations WNW-ESE,
              NNW-SSE, NNE-SSW, and ENE-WSW.  Label the cardinal points W,E,S,N by adding +l and append your own
              four  comma-separated  strings to override the default.  See -F on how to place a panel behind the

          -Tm draws a map magnetic rose on the map at the location defined by the reference and  anchor  points:
          Give  the  reference point on the map for the rose using one of four coordinate systems: (1) Use g for
          map (user) coordinates, (2) use j for setting refpoint via a 2-char justification code that refers  to
          the  (invisible)  map  domain  rectangle, (3) use n for normalized (0-1) coordinates, or (4) use x for
          plot coordinates (inches, cm, etc.) [Default].  You can offset the reference point  by  dx/dy  in  the
          direction  implied  by justify.  By default, the anchor point on the scale is assumed to be the center
          of the rose (MC), but this can be changed by appending +j followed  by  a  2-char  justification  code
          justify  (see  pstext).  Note: If -Dj is used then justify defaults to the same as refpoint, if -DJ is
          used then justify defaults to the mirror opposite of refpoint.  Add +o to offset the  color  scale  by
          dx/dy  away  from  the refpoint point in the direction implied by justify (or the direction implied by
          -Dj or -DJ).  Append +wwidthto set the width of the rose in plot coordinates (inches, cm, etc.).   Use
          +d to assign the magnetic declination and set dlabel, which is a label for the magnetic compass needle
          (Leave empty to format a label from dec, or give - to bypass labeling). With +d,  both  directions  to
          geographic and magnetic north are plotted [Default is geographic only]. If the north label is * then a
          north star is plotted instead of the north label. Annotation and two levels of tick intervals for both
          geographic  and  magnetic  directions are 30/5/1 degrees; override these settings by appending +tints,
          and append six intervals to set both the geographic  and  magnetic  intervals.    Number  GMT  default
          parameters  control pens, fonts, and color; see the Map Embellishment section in the Cookbook.  See -F
          on how to place a panel behind the scale.

       -U[just/dx/dy/][c|label] (more ...)
              Draw GMT time stamp logo on plot.

       -V[level] (more ...)
              Select verbosity level [c].


       -Y[a|c|f|r][y-shift[u]] (more ...)
              Shift plot origin.

       -ccopies (more ...)
              Specify number of plot copies [Default is 1].

       -f[i|o]colinfo (more ...)
              Specify data types of input and/or output columns. This applies only to the coordinates  specified
              in the -R option.

       -p[x|y|z]azim/elev[/zlevel][+wlon0/lat0[/z0]][+vx0/y0] (more ...)
              Select perspective view.

       -t[transp] (more ...)
              Set PDF transparency level in percent.

       -^ or just -
              Print a short message about the syntax of the command, then exits (NOTE: on Windows use just -).

       -+ or just +
              Print  an  extensive usage (help) message, including the explanation of any module-specific option
              (but not the GMT common options), then exits.

       -? or no arguments
              Print a complete usage (help) message, including the explanation of options, then exits.

              Print GMT version and exit.

              Print full path to GMT share directory and exit.


       The following section illustrates the use of the options by giving some examples for  the  available  map
       projections.  Note  how  scales  may be given in several different ways depending on the projection. Also
       note the use of upper case letters to specify map width instead of map scale.


   Linear x-y plot
       To make a linear x/y frame with all axes, but with only left and bottom axes annotated,  using  xscale  =
       yscale = 1.0, ticking every 1 unit and annotating every 2, and using xlabel = "Distance" and ylabel = "No
       of samples", use

              gmt psbasemap -R0/9/0/5 -Jx1 -Bf1a2 -Bx+lDistance -By+l"No of samples" -BWeSn > linear.ps

   Log-log plot
       To make a log-log frame with only the left and bottom axes, where the x-axis is 25 cm and annotated every
       1-2-5 and the y-axis is 15 cm and annotated every power of 10 but has tick-marks every 0.1, run

              gmt psbasemap -R1/10000/1e20/1e25 -JX25cl/15cl -Bx2+lWavelength -Bya1pf3+lPower -BWS > loglog.ps

   Power axes
       To  design  an  axis  system  to  be used for a depth-sqrt(age) plot with depth positive down, ticked and
       annotated every 500m, and ages annotated at 1 my, 4 my, 9 my etc, use

              gmt psbasemap -R0/100/0/5000 -Jx1p0.5/-0.001 -Bx1p+l"Crustal age" -By500+lDepth > power.ps

   Polar (theta,r) plot
       For a base map for use with polar coordinates, where the radius from 0 to 1000  should  correspond  to  3
       inch and with gridlines and ticks intervals automatically determined, use

              gmt psbasemap -R0/360/0/1000 -JP6i -Bafg > polar.ps


       A 10-cm-wide basemap using the Cassini projection may be obtained by

              gmt psbasemap -R20/50/20/35 -JC35/28/10c -P -Bafg -B+tCassini > cassini.ps

   Mercator [conformal]
       A  Mercator  map  with scale 0.025 inch/degree along equator, and showing the length of 5000 km along the
       equator (centered on 1/1 inch), may be plotted as

              gmt psbasemap -R90/180/-50/50 -Jm0.025i -Bafg -B+tMercator -Lx1i/1i+c0+w5000k > mercator.ps

       A global Miller cylindrical map with scale 1:200,000,000 may be plotted as

              gmt psbasemap -Rg -Jj180/1:200000000 -Bafg -B+tMiller > miller.ps

   Oblique Mercator [conformal]
       To create a page-size global oblique Mercator basemap for a pole  at  (90,30)  with  gridlines  every  30
       degrees, run

              gmt psbasemap -R0/360/-70/70 -Joc0/0/90/30/0.064cd -B30g30 -B+t"Oblique Mercator" > oblmerc.ps

   Transverse Mercator [conformal]
       A regular Transverse Mercator basemap for some region may look like

              gmt psbasemap -R69:30/71:45/-17/-15:15 -Jt70/1:1000000 -Bafg -B+t"Survey area" -P > transmerc.ps

   Equidistant Cylindrical Projection
       This  projection  only  needs the central meridian and scale. A 25 cm wide global basemap centered on the
       130E meridian is made by

              gmt psbasemap -R-50/310/-90/90 -JQ130/25c -Bafg -B+t"Equidistant Cylindrical" > cyl_eqdist.ps

   Universal Transverse Mercator [conformal]
       To use this projection you must know the UTM zone number, which  defines  the  central  meridian.  A  UTM
       basemap for Indo-China can be plotted as

              gmt psbasemap -R95/5/108/20r -Ju46/1:10000000 -Bafg -B+tUTM > utm.ps

   Cylindrical Equal-Area
       First  select  which  of  the  cylindrical  equal-area  projections  you want by deciding on the standard
       parallel. Here we will use 45 degrees which gives the  Gall-Peters  projection.  A  9  inch  wide  global
       basemap centered on the Pacific is made by

              gmt psbasemap -Rg -JY180/45/9i -Bafg -B+tGall-Peters > gall-peters.ps


   Albers [equal-area]
       A basemap for middle Europe may be created by

              gmt psbasemap -R0/90/25/55 -Jb45/20/32/45/0.25c -Bafg -B+t"Albers Equal-area" > albers.ps

   Lambert [conformal]
       Another basemap for middle Europe may be created by

              gmt psbasemap -R0/90/25/55 -Jl45/20/32/45/0.1i -Bafg -B+t"Lambert Conformal Conic" > lambertc.ps

       Yet another basemap of width 6 inch for middle Europe may be created by

              gmt psbasemap -R0/90/25/55 -JD45/20/32/45/6i -Bafg -B+t"Equidistant conic" > econic.ps

       A basemap for north America may be created by

              gmt psbasemap -R-180/-20/0/90 -JPoly/4i -Bafg -B+tPolyconic > polyconic.ps


   Lambert [equal-area]
       A 15-cm-wide global view of the world from the vantage point -80/-30 will give the following basemap:

              gmt psbasemap -Rg -JA-80/-30/15c -Bafg -B+t"Lambert Azimuthal" > lamberta.ps

       Follow  the instructions for stereographic projection if you want to impose rectangular boundaries on the
       azimuthal equal-area map but substitute -Ja for -Js.

       A 15-cm-wide global map in which distances from the center (here 125/10) to any  point  is  true  can  be
       obtained by:

              gmt psbasemap -Rg -JE125/10/15c -Bafg -B+tEquidistant > equi.ps

       A  view of the world from the vantage point -100/40 out to a horizon of 60 degrees from the center can be
       made using the Gnomonic projection:

              gmt psbasemap -Rg -JF-100/40/60/6i -Bafg -B+tGnomonic > gnomonic.ps

       A global perspective (from infinite distance) view of the world from the vantage point 125/10  will  give
       the following 6-inch-wide basemap:

              gmt psbasemap -Rg -JG125/10/6i -Bafg -B+tOrthographic > ortho.ps

   General Perspective
       The  -JG  option can be used in a more generalized form, specifying altitude above the surface, width and
       height of the view point, and twist and tilt. A view from 160 km above -74/41.5 with a  tilt  of  55  and
       azimuth  of  210  degrees,  and  limiting  the  viewpoint  to  30 degrees width and height will product a
       6-inch-wide basemap:

              gmt psbasemap -Rg -JG-74/41.5/160/210/55/30/30/6i -Bafg -B+t"General Perspective" > genper.ps

   Stereographic [conformal]
       To make a polar stereographic projection basemap with radius = 12 cm to -60 degree  latitude,  with  plot
       title "Salinity measurements", using 5 degrees annotation/tick interval and 1 degree gridlines, run

              gmt psbasemap -R-45/45/-90/-60 -Js0/-90/12c/-60 -B5g1 -B+t"Salinity measurements" > stereo1.ps

       To  make  a  12-cm-wide stereographic basemap for Australia from an arbitrary view point (not the poles),
       and use a rectangular boundary, we must give the pole for the new projection and use  the  -R  option  to
       indicate  the lower left and upper right corners (in lon/lat) that will define our rectangle. We choose a
       pole at 130/-30 and use 100/-45 and 160/-5 as our corners. The command becomes

              gmt psbasemap -R100/-45/160/-5r -JS130/-30/12c -Bafg -B+t"General Stereographic View" > stereo2.ps


   Hammer [equal-area]
       The Hammer projection is mostly used for global maps and thus the spherical form is used. To get a  world
       map centered on Greenwich at a scale of 1:200000000, use

              gmt psbasemap -Rd -Jh0/1:200000000 -Bafg -B+tHammer > hammer.ps

   Sinusoidal [equal-area]
       To make a sinusoidal world map centered on Greenwich, with a scale along the equator of 0.02 inch/degree,

              gmt psbasemap -Rd -Ji0/0.02i -Bafg -B+tSinusoidal > sinus1.ps

       To make an interrupted sinusoidal world map with breaks at 160W, 20W, and 60E, with  a  scale  along  the
       equator of 0.02 inch/degree, run the following sequence of commands:

              gmt psbasemap -R-160/-20/-90/90 -Ji-90/0.02i -Bx30g30 -By15g15 -BWesn -K > sinus_i.ps
              gmt psbasemap -R-20/60/-90/90 -Ji20/0.02i -Bx30g30 -By15g15 -Bwesn -O -K -X2.8i >> sinus_i.ps
              gmt psbasemap -R60/200/-90/90 -Ji130/0.02i -Bx30g30 -By15g15 -BwEsn -O -X1.6i >> sinus_i.ps

   Eckert IV [equal-area]
       Pseudo-cylindrical  projection  typically used for global maps only. Set the central longitude and scale,

              gmt psbasemap -Rg -Jkf180/0.064c -Bafg -B+t"Eckert IV" > eckert4.ps

   Eckert VI [equal-area]
       Another pseudo-cylindrical projection typically used for global maps only. Set the central longitude  and
       scale, e.g.,

              gmt psbasemap -Rg -Jks180/0.064c -Bafg -B+t"Eckert VI" > eckert6.ps

       Projection designed to make global maps "look right". Set the central longitude and width, e.g.,

              gmt psbasemap -Rd -JN0/8i -Bafg -B+tRobinson > robinson.ps

   Winkel Tripel
       Yet another projection typically used for global maps only. You can set the central longitude, e.g.,

              gmt psbasemap -R90/450/-90/90 -JR270/25c -Bafg -B+t"Winkel Tripel" > winkel.ps

   Mollweide [equal-area]
       The  Mollweide projection is also mostly used for global maps and thus the spherical form is used. To get
       a 25-cm-wide world map centered on the Dateline:

              psbasemap -Rg -JW180/25c -Bafg -B+tMollweide > mollweide.ps

   Van der Grinten
       The Van der Grinten projection is also mostly used for global maps and thus the spherical form  is  used.
       To get a 18-cm-wide world map centered on the Dateline:

              gmt psbasemap -Rg -JV180/18c -Bafg -B+t"Van der Grinten" > grinten.ps


       The  -B option sets up a regular annotation interval and the annotations derive from the corresponding x,
       y, or z coordinates.  However, some applications requires special control on which  annotations  to  plot
       and  even  replace the annotation with other labels. This is achieved by using cintfile in the -B option,
       where intfile contains all the information about annotations, ticks, and even gridlines. Each  record  is
       of  the form coord type [label], where coord is the coordinate for this annotation (or tick or gridline),
       type is one or more letters from a (annotation), i interval annotation, f tickmark, and g gridline.  Note
       that a and i are mutually exclusive and cannot both appear in the same intfile. Both a and i requires you
       to supply a label which is used as the plot annotation. If not given then a regular formatted  annotation
       based on the coordinate will occur.


       For  some  projections,  a spherical earth is implicitly assumed. A warning will notify the user if -V is


       The -B option is somewhat complicated to explain and comprehend.  However, it is fairly simple  for  most
       applications (see examples).


       gmt, gmt.conf, gmtcolors

       2015, P. Wessel, W. H. F. Smith, R. Scharroo, J. Luis, and F. Wobbe