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NAME  - Creates a raster map from LAS LiDAR points using univariate statistics.


       raster, import, LIDAR

SYNOPSIS --help    [-peosgi]    input=name    output=name     [method=string]     [type=string]
       [zrange=min,max]    [zscale=float]    [percent=integer]     [pth=integer]     [trim=float]
       [resolution=float]       [return_filter=string]       [class_filter=integer[,integer,...]]
       [--overwrite]  [--help]  [--verbose]  [--quiet]  [--ui]

           Print LAS file info and exit

           Extend region extents based on new dataset

           Override dataset projection (use location’s projection)

           Scan data file for extent then exit

           In scan mode, print using shell script style

           Import intensity values rather than z values

           Allow output files to overwrite existing files

           Print usage summary

           Verbose module output

           Quiet module output

           Force launching GUI dialog

       input=name [required]
           LAS input file
           LiDAR input files in LAS format (*.las or *.laz)

       output=name [required]
           Name for output raster map

           Statistic to use for raster values
           Options:  n,  min,  max,  range,  sum,  mean,  stddev,  variance,  coeff_var,  median,
           percentile, skewness, trimmean
           Default: mean

           Storage type for resultant raster map
           Options: CELL, FCELL, DCELL
           Default: FCELL

           Filter range for z data (min,max)

           Scale to apply to z data
           Default: 1.0

           Percent of map to keep in memory
           Options: 1-100
           Default: 100

           pth percentile of the values
           Options: 1-100

           Discard <trim> percent of the smallest and <trim> percent of the largest observations
           Options: 0-50

           Output raster resolution

           Only import points of selected return type
           If not specified, all points are imported
           Options: first, last, mid

           Only import points of selected class(es)
           Input is comma separated integers. If not specified, all points are imported.


       The  module  loads  and bins LAS LiDAR point clouds into a new raster map. The
       user may choose from a variety of statistical methods in creating the new raster.

       Since the creation of raster maps depends on the computational region settings (extent and
       resolution), as default the current region extents and resolution are used for the import.
       When using the -e flag along with the resolution=value parameter, the region extents  will
       be  based  on new dataset. It is therefore recommended to first use the -s flag to get the
       extents of the LiDAR point cloud to be imported, then adjust the current region extent and
       resolution  accordingly,  and only then proceed with the actual import.  Another option is
       to automatically set the region extents based on the LAS dataset  itself  along  with  the
       desired raster resolution. See below for details.  is designed for processing massive point cloud datasets, for example raw LiDAR
       or sidescan sonar swath data. It has been tested with large datasets (see below for memory
       management notes).

       Available statistics for populating the output raster map are:


               n                                                            number of points in cell

               min                                                          minimum value of points in cell

               max                                                          maximum value of points in cell

               range                                                        range of points in cell

               sum                                                          sum of points in cell

               mean                                                         average value of points in cell

               stddev                                                       standard deviation of points in cell

               variance                                                     variance of points in cell

               coeff_var                                                    coefficient of variance of points in cell

               median                                                       median value of points in cell

               percentile                                                   pth percentile of points in cell

               skewness                                                     skewness of points in cell

               trimmean                                                     trimmed mean of points in cell

           •   Variance and derivatives use the biased estimator (n). [subject to change]

           •   Coefficient of variance is given in percentage and defined as (stddev/mean)*100.


   LAS file import preparations
       Since  the  generates  a  raster  map  through binning from the original LiDAR
       points, the target computational region extent and resolution have  to  be  determined.  A
       typical  workflow would involve the examination of the LAS data’s associated documentation
       or the scan of the LAS data file with’s -s (or  -g)  flag  to  find  the  input
       data’s bounds.
       Another  option is to automatically set the region extents based on the LAS dataset extent
       (-e flag) along with the desired raster resolution using the resolution parameter.

   Memory use
       While the input file can be arbitrarily large,  will  use  a  large  amount  of
       system  memory  (RAM)  for  large  raster  regions  (> 10000x10000 pixels).  If the module
       refuses to start complaining that there isn’t enough memory, use the percent parameter  to
       run  the  module  in  several  passes.   In addition using a less precise map format (CELL
       [integer] or FCELL [floating point]) will use less memory than a DCELL  [double  precision
       floating  point]  output  map. Methods such as n, min, max, sum will also use less memory,
       while stddev, variance, and coeff_var will use  more.   The  aggregate  functions  median,
       percentile, skewness and trimmed mean will use even more memory and may not be appropriate
       for use with arbitrarily large input files.

       A LiDAR pulse can have multiple returns. The first return values can be used to  obtain  a
       digital surface model (DSM) where e.g. canopy cover is represented. The last return values
       can be used to obtain a digital terrain model (DTM) where e.g. the forest floor instead of
       canopy  cover is represented. The return_filter option allows selecting one of first, mid,
       or last returns.

       LiDAR points can be already classified  into  standardized  classes.  For  example,  class
       number 2 represents ground (for other classes see LAS format specification in references).
       The class_filter option allows selecting  one  or  more  classes,  as  numbers  (integers)
       separated by comma.

       The default map type=FCELL is intended as compromise between preserving data precision and
       limiting system resource consumption.

   Setting region bounds and resolution
       Using the -s scan flag, the extent of the input data (and thus point density) is  printed.
       To  check  this  is recommended before performing the full import. The -g shell style flag
       prints the extent suitable as command line parameters for g.region.
       A simpler option is to automatically set the region extents based on the LAS  dataset  (-e
       flag) along with the target raster resolution using the resolution parameter. Also here it
       is recommended to verify and optimize the resulting region settings with g.region prior to
       importing the dataset.

       For  the  output  raster map, a suitable resolution can be found by dividing the number of
       input points by the area covered (this requires an iterative approach as outlined here):
       # print LAS metadata (Number of Points) -p input=points.las
       #   Number of Point Records: 1287775
       # scan for LAS points cloud extent -sg input=points.las output=dummy -o
       # n=2193507.740000 s=2190053.450000 e=6070237.920000 w=6066629.860000 b=-3.600000 t=906.000000
       # set computation region to this extent
       g.region n=2193507.740000 s=2190053.450000 e=6070237.920000 w=6066629.860000 -p
       # print resulting extent
       g.region -p
       #  rows:       3454
       #  cols:       3608
       # points_per_cell = n_points / (rows * cols)
       # Here: 1287775 / (3454 * 3608) = 0.1033359 LiDAR points/raster cell
       # As this is too low, we need to select a lower raster resolution
       g.region res=5 -ap
       #  rows:       692
       #  cols:       723
       #  Now: 1287775 / (692 * 723) = 2.573923 LiDAR points/raster cell
       # import as mean input=points.las output=lidar_dem_mean method=mean -o
       # import as max input=points.las output=lidar_dem_max method=max -o
       # import as p’th percentile of the values input=points.las output=lidar_dem_percentile_95 \
                  method=percentile pth=95 -o
       Mean value DEM in perspective view, imported from LAS file

       Further hints: how to calculate number of LiDAR points/square meter:
       g.region -e
         # Metric location:
         # points_per_sq_m = n_points / (ns_extent * ew_extent)
         # Lat/Lon location:
         # points_per_sq_m = n_points / (ns_extent * ew_extent*cos(lat) * (1852*60)^2)

       Points falling outside the current region will be skipped. This  includes  points  falling
       exactly  on the southern region bound.  (to capture those adjust the region with "g.region
       s=s-0.000001"; see g.region)

       Blank lines and comment lines starting with the hash symbol (#) will be skipped.

       The zrange parameter may be used for filtering the input data by vertical extent.  Example
       uses  might  include  preparing  multiple  raster sections to be combined into a 3D raster
       array with, or for filtering outliers on relatively flat terrain.

       In varied terrain the user may find that min maps make for a good  noise  filter  as  most
       LIDAR  noise is from premature hits. The min map may also be useful to find the underlying
       topography in a forested or urban environment if the cells are oversampled.

       The user can use a combination of output maps to create  custom  filters.  e.g.
       use  r.mapcalc  to  create  a  mean-(2*stddev)  map. [In this example the user may want to
       include a lower bound filter in r.mapcalc to remove highly variable points  (small  n)  or
       run r.neighbors to smooth the stddev map before further use.]


       Import of a LAS file into an existing location/mapset (metric):
       # set the computational region automatically, resol. for binning is 5m -e -o input=points.las resolution=5 output=lidar_dem_mean
       g.region raster=lidar_dem_mean -p
       r.univar lidar_dem_mean

       Serpent  Mound  dataset:  This  example is analogous to the example used in the GRASS wiki
       page for importing LAS as raster DEM.

       The sample LAS data are in the file "Serpent  Mound  Model  LAS  Data.las",  available  at
       # print LAS file info -p input="Serpent Mound Model LAS Data.las"
       # using to create a new location
       # create location with projection information of the LAS data -i input="Serpent Mound Model LAS Data.las" location=Serpent_Mound
       # quit and restart GRASS in the newly created location "Serpent_Mound"
       # scan the extents of the LAS data -sg input="Serpent Mound Model LAS Data.las"
       # set the region to the extents of the LAS data, align to resolution
       g.region n=4323641.57 s=4320942.61 w=289020.90 e=290106.02 res=1 -ap
       # import as raster DEM input="Serpent Mound Model LAS Data.las" \
                  output=Serpent_Mound_Model_LAS_Data method=mean


       The  typical  file  extensions  for  the  LAS  format are .las and .laz (compressed).  The
       compressed LAS (.laz) format can be imported only if libLAS has been compiled with  laszip
       support.  It  is also recommended to compile libLAS with GDAL, needed to test for matching


           •   Support for multiple map output from a single run.
               method=string[,string,...] output=name[,name,...]


n map percent=100 and percent=xx maps differ slightly (point will fall above/below
               the segmentation line)
               Investigate with "r.mapcalc diff = bin_n.100 - bin_n.33" etc.
               Cause unknown.

           •   "nan" can leak into coeff_var maps.
               Cause unknown. Possible work-around: "r.null setnull=nan"
       If you encounter any problems (or solutions!) please contact the GRASS Development Team.


        g.region,, r.mapcalc, r.univar,
       v.lidar.correction, v.lidar.edgedetection, v.lidar.growing, v.outlier,


       ASPRS LAS format
       LAS library
       LAS library C API documentation


       Markus Metz
       based on by Hamish Bowman and Volker Wichmann

       Last changed: $Date: 2015-05-11 02:16:13 +0200 (Mon, 11 May 2015) $

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       © 2003-2016 GRASS Development Team, GRASS GIS 7.0.3 Reference Manual